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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, JULY 23, PA.GS FOUR r Local and Social Items MAY T. KENT, Local Correspondent, Pbooe 4.0-- 2 ii .... Correspondent lo write recovering from Injuries she received in an auto accident. Tremonton locals for this paper. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor, Mr. Mrs. Reed Taylor and baby son, and James Mrs. and Mrs. Joe Burgess of Ogden, were guests Saturday of Tuesfuneral the attended Ransom Mr. and Mrs. Dan Taylor. day of Mrs. Martina Thim in Logan. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Trendell, of Mrs. of mother the is Thim Mrs. Boise, Idaho, were Sunday guests of Duane Lower, of Ogden. Mrs. Joe Burgess. Mr. and jjfim Dorothy Lucas, of New Haven, Mrs. Leon Kerr and family Mr. and Conn., arrived Tuesday to visit at the were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. home, of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Garfield. Kenneth Randall in Salt Lake City. Jack Johnson entertained the Treb- Lynn Randall returned with them and le Cleff club at a lawn party at his will spend this week here. home Saturday evening. Games were Norma Crozier, who is employed played, .followed by a program in in Salt Lake City, is spending this to doors. Refreshments were served week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. instructor and their 14 club, members Crozier. George Mjuui Mary E. Burns. Mrs. Rose Kerr the weekend Ur. and Mrs. R. G. Brough and their at the home of her spent Mrs. Bydaughter, t, family, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence ron WUlard. at Warren, Mrs. Ray Hill and Mrs. Jesse Mr. and Mrs. Horace S. Ensign, of Garfield, attended the funeral last Salt Lake City, visited last, week at Wednesday of Mrs. Brough's father, the homes of Mrs. Ensigns sisters, Edward F. Allred, at Spring City. Mrs. H. N. Stohl and Mrs. Robert Mrs. Olive Groves, of Weiser, Idaho, Allen. spent last week at the home of her Dan Taylor spent Sunday and Monin Idaho Falls, Idaho visiting his nephew, Harry Drew, and her day Mrs. Carrie Drew. On Mon- brother, John Taylor who is very ill. Mrs. Bessie Nelson, of Los Angeles day, Mrs. Harry Drew entertained in honor of Mis. Groves. Those pre- California, is here v'isiting her sister sent, besides the guest of honor, were Mrs. Katie Harris. They were week Mrs. Carrie Drew, and daughter Bes- end guests of relatives in Idaho Falls, sie, Mrs. L S. Mann, Mrs. Sarah Allen Idaho, and the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wyatt, of Magna, and Mrs. Harry Drew for the next arrived Monday to be guests of Mr. To two weeks. Sell Mrs. George Daley, of Nyssa, Ore. returned home Sunday after a weeks Utah Agricultural Extension Servisit with her sister, Mrs. Sam vice officials this week called, on the in Elwood. Utah housewives to save and sell fats Mrs. Chloe Curtis and children, of and greases as part of the national Pocatello epent last week at the home fat saving campaign. of her sister, Mrs. J. H. Hadfield. The campaign is part of the Exten Rev. and Mrs, Goff returned home sion Service cooperation in the nation Friday after a month's visit on the al drive to obtain fats and grease, coast. Donald Tall man returned with needed for the manufacture of glycerthem and is visiting his grandpar- ine glycerine that is needed for gun powder and other amunitions. ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Tallman. As part of the campaign, Miss Mr. and Mrs. E. C. McWhorter, of nutritionist for the Utah Agri Mrs. Topeka, Kansas, and Mr. and Extension Service outlines cultural Kanof Carl McWhorter, Wichita, on what to do, and what sas, were visitors last week of Mr. suggestions do in conection with the savto not C. and Mrs. N. E. Shaw. Mrs. E. drive. McWhorter is a sister of Mrs. Shaw. ing Save all waste fats and use (1) Mr. and Mrs. C. Tallman and grand them in preparing foods. That in eon, Donald, are visiting this week cludes pan drippings from roasts; at Denver with their son, Tallman, fats trimmed off meat before cooking Black Pine, Idaho. it and soup skimmings. Mr. and Mrs. John Landvatter and (2) Pour the surplus fat into clean, t, family, of Ogden, have moved to h cans such as used in pack a small place near Seattle, cooffee and tomato juice. Strain ing Washington, where they will have the fats as you pour to remove meat charge of a poultry and hatchery particles. farm. The Landvatters lived here be(3) Keep the fat in the refrigerator fore moving to Ogden, several years or some other dark, cool place until ago. have a pound or more. you Mrs. John O. Gaifield was a guest (4) Take the fats to your meat Monday of Mrs. Geneva Garfield in dealer or frozen-foo- d locker plant op Ogden, who will erator, pay you for your Mrs. Paul Marshall and small son savings. left last Thursday night for Seattle, The what not'to do items included: Washington to join her husband who (1) Don't take less than a pound Is employed there. Mrs. Marshall has at a time to your meat dealer. been visiting her parents, Mr. and Don't take the fat in a glass (2) Mrs. S. E. Bjorn for the past month. container, because it might break Mr. and Mrs. Guy W. Shelton, of when the dealer puts your fat into Portland, Oregon, announce, the birth the collection can with others. big of a son, bora July 14th. Mrs. Shelton Don't hold the fats until they (3) was formerly Rosella Carter, daughbecome rancid. If you do, the glycerter of George Carter. Mrs. Dent Rich ine content is reduced, and they are her sister, left Tuesday night for to handle or keep on hand. unpleasant Portland to visit her sister. Mrs. S. N. Cole returned home onj NOTICE iaonaay trom a 4 weeks visit with friends and relatives in Salt Lake The swimming pool at the Bear City,: Morgan and Ogden. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Oliver and fam- River High School is open to the pubily, of Price, Mrs. Ted Hancock, of lic each Tuesday, Wednesday and Ogden, and Mrs. Alice Buxton, of Thursday from 4 until 9 p. m., with Evans, were Sunday guests of Mr. Mrs. Edna Jones as supervisor. and Mrs. J. H. Hadfield. Mrs. Tarley Rose, of Morgan, was The final vote in the 1942 wheat a weekend visitors of her sister, Mrs. referedum was: United States, 82.4 Effie Giles. per cent yes; Utah, 83.2 per ceni yes; Mrs. PeiTy Neal left Saturday for Idaho, 90.1 per cent yes. Portland, Oregon, to join her husband who is employed there. Mrs. Neal has Jar rings are still in condition to been here for the past five weeks use if the rubber contains, plenty of with her mother, Mrs. Chris Beck, elasticity. 1.27 Regular Price was $5.95 Regular $1.79 NOW ONLY "OSALEO" Regular $2.49 NOW ONLY 1,47 LADIES' BAGS 1.97 Latest new clean stock White and Beiges. styles. Regular $1.00 ON SALE You can really relax in these. And don't worry about mus- sinS the creases they re stitched down. 50 1.69 OSALEQ WOMEN'S Gowns and Pajamas LADIES' GOWNS OSALEQ PASTEL SKIRTS Light Summer materials and colors. Newest style creations. Regular $2.79 TO CLEAR AT de- Re&ular 98c NOW ONLY NOW ONLY .77 1.27 OSALEO OSALEO CHILDREN'S WASH DRESSES WASH DRESSES Variety of styles: Cottons Spun Rayons Sheers Many crisp., cool styles you'll want Fast colors, higs count prints ana nice styles. We can't replace our stock for our sale 1.57 32 OSALEQ OSALEQ LADIES' SHOES WHITE BLOUSES nJ f: 0 SALE O Now off Regular Price OSALEQ MEN'S SHOES" SLACKS Washable, sanforized shrunk. Well tailored of cool materials. TO CLEAR NOW ONLY 1.87 54.95 '"104.95 Values to $2.98 and up NOW ONLY -- 1 50 BOYS' PANTS Tommyalls 2.67 OSALEQ BOYS' SHOES Keds for Boys. They are washable, cool, smart loking. NOW ONLY 6. San-fnrizp- rl Keeps the well NOW ONLY 77 if OSALEQ MEN'S WORK SHIRTS Rcraember Blue to size invert cloth. young fellows cool and dressed too. CHILDREN'S SHOES Chambray. there are so many grades of Chambray, but this is one of the best. Full cut and roomy. One group of Misses White Strap Slippers. Sizes 8 to 2. Values to $1.59 ON SALE AT NOW ONLY 89 1.25 OSALEQ OSALEQ Values to $1.98 SHOES , OSALEQ NOW ONLY OSALEQ 1.00 OSALEQ BOYS' 50 Knee high. Only sizes 7 and 8 left in stock. All this year's MEN'S and BOYS' Kedsman - the washable sport shoe for Men. One Group On Sale AT ONLY IRRIGATION BOOTS iwo-Tone- s. r that will arrive shortly. OSALEQ Summer novelties, San- - stock. We offer our entire stock of dais, Pumps, Sport Shoes, U Ladies' White Blouses at clear- Whites, Lisnt snaues, ance prices. These are all better made by Peters shoes quality ONLY Shoe Co. and all late styles. All 1.27 price, but we must make room for the new school dresses 1.29 1.37 White Oxfords. All leather made by Peters Shoe Company Sizes 3 to 7 boys' and men's sizes. :MM7& 1.37 ; for this hot weather. dresses contains This group Nicely tailored of crinkle crepe regularly priced to $1.98. Flattering styles. Extra fine So easy to launder need no printed Batiste. Some with NOW ONLY large sweeping skirts, some ironing. Yes, they're cool. with sleeves. ON SALE AT ONLY NOW ONLY The present WPB order under which we are permitted to sell heaters and ranges without priority is worded to apply "through July 31. 1942." Inasmuch as the production of Estate Heatrolas for civilian use must be discontinued on July 31, we suggest that you make arrangements for your Estate Heatrola before July 31 and arrange to have delivery made before that time. Our stock of Estate Heaters is now complete. Triced from your Estate NOW ONLY LADIES' OSALEQ 39 7 to 16 Sizes for the Young Miss. Some plaids, all colors that will please Mother. sheers just the ticket for this hot weather, The group is small, but the value is high. Only Sizes 2.17 This &roup contains mostly TO CLEAR AT ONLY - signs. Pastels, whites, reds and of course they are wash- WASH DRESSES 2.37 1.47 able. LADIES' Regular $2.98 NOW ONLY , NOW. Order AT ONCE. flattering styles nice wo- NOW ONLY FABRIC GLOVES All longer men. LADIES' OSALEO SLACKS at better fitting, wearing waist overall for OSALEO 77 OSALEO Others Priced The For girls All 1.57 wide-mout- Sanforized Blue Denim, for work and extra hard wear. 4.77 Regular $1.98 NOW ONLY Red-mon- Prepare for your winter.needs Heatrola and Monarch Range NOW! Serviceable Sport Denims with Pockets! Jackets Long Flap gay fancy jackets. Finely tailored of famous Long wearing Coverts, so Slack Materials. trim and neat. All tailored to fit! NOW ONLY Regujar $2.98 NOW ONLY , n, SLACKS SLACK SUITS SLACK SUITS Misses Sizes - 4 to 14. Some Sport Denims, so very serviceable. Some Coverts with gay print blouses, so neat and trim. Some Sailor style, that are so popular. Regular $1.49 NOW ONLY Ask Housewives Greases Save, OSALEQ OSALEQ OSALEQ i SLACK SUITS Utah Extensionists Estate Heatrolas . . OSALEO w IMPORTANT NOTICE! o SAVE . . SAVE . . SAVE TEN TO FIFTY PERCENT SAVE Bow-cut- Mor-tense- m -- a '' V ANTED sister-in-la- 1S42 LADIES' SHOES CHILDREN'S SHOES Keds for children. Sizes 6 to 3. They thrive on mud and The washable sport shoe for 'women. Some ijh heavy rubber soles, some leather soles. Values to $2.98 NOW ONLY 1.00 1.93 water they're washable. Regular Price to $1.29 NOW ONLY 1.47 COWL TREM0NTQN, UTAH Kedettes YB9 - |