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Show SPREAD FREEDOM'S LIGHT TOO 4 ., I J ajiWjfc IfVk i TT LET YOUR DOLLARS FIGHT - vTG A V P?'V TI BUY BONDS - m t f i j a I A i i ; yoUJME XVII I TKEMONTON CITY, UTAH, THURSDAY, JULY 23, 1942 " WASHINGTON cm fj T NEWS Y Isrlir MJ 1847 fOM n y ill - K. GRANGER VALLEY PEOPLE DURING WEEK Pioneers Still ANDREW CROMER The Box Elder County Fair and Ro deo has definitely been cancelled for BRIGHAM HOSPITAL The fair board rati Friday night and carefully considered all angles. Several local people have suffered accidents during the past week; Some of them narrowly escaping serious injury. Ronald Germer, the old child of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ger mer, of DeweyviUe, narrowly escaped death Saturday afternoon when he was knocked off the railroad tracks FORTY-FIV- E Box Elder County Fair, Rodeo Definitely Cancelled for 1942 this year, Alma Theurer, president, announced Monday night Germer Boy Narrowly Escapes Death; Other Injuries Reported 1942 OUR CONGRESSMAN W. NUMBER Recently the Office of Transportation In Washington requested that all fairs and celebrations be cancelled for the duration. This, together with the fact that no concessions were available and the shortage of labor, which would necessarily lessen the displays, led the fair board and county commissioners to reach the agreement to cancel this year's event. Similar actions have been taken by many other fair and celebration boards. Recently the Garland Lions Club announced there would be no Wheat-BeDays this year. DIES MONDAY AT Lightning Strikes Vic tim Friday; Funeral to be Thursday Andrew Christian Romer died Mon day night at 11:45, following light- rang stroke, Friday evening about 8:30 p. m, Mr. Romer, in company with his wife and grandson Jimmy July 21 marks the 95th anniversary of the comiru? of Creager, were driving past the farm of M. W. Hansen where he saw them the Pioneers to Salt Lake Valley. Cities and cojmmunities harvesting peas. They stopped and Mr. Romer walked into , the field to have grown from this humble beginning. Schools, churches, d talk to the Hansens. lie had been a by freight train. there agriculture, industries, businesses, recreational facilities all only a minute when lightning The small boy was playing with struck. Mac Hansen was knocked other children. When the left they have been established by these pioneers and those with the from the truck where he was loading lawn, he strolled to the train tracks, peas and Mr. Romer was knocked to was outside the fence. He family just pioneer spirit who have followed them. the ground. He, in his characteristic paster. noticed by Conductor Roskelly, but manner, joked about the affair and too late to stop the train. So he got Out of the sacrifices of the past and our own efforts, said he'd get up in a minute and go out on the Army Health War Secretary Stim and knocked evehome where he belonged. conference that his told press On joa the child off the tracks before the has been built a great commonwealth, loved alike by every He was carried to the car and Jimtrain struck him. He was thrown into ry American soldier going into a theater of operations will be provided A disastrous fire was averted only my drove to the Romr home. A docthe air and rolled over several times, Utahn. . . But our work is not finished. . . Men and women, yitli a package of five grams of crysby the narrowest margin Tuesday tor was called and as there were no landing under the train. imbued with the Pioneer spirit of those who faced the talline sulfanilamide to sprinkle on on the farm of James Walton burns or other evidences of serious Rosevening heroic act of Conductor This (founds in addititon to 12 sulfanilamin East Trtmonton by the alertness hurt, it was thought not to be serious. of life this saved the kelly baby. and broke the desert soil in Salt Lake Valley in ide tabletts for internal use. He said and quick action of a group of fire- Saturday he was taken to the Cooley He wa3 rushed to the Valley hosthe Army is increasing the numoer or men who happened to be passing the Hospital in Brigham City. His sister, was w'here a it he learned had pital 1847, will be needed so long as Utah is Utah. tfedical Department Officers' Recruit skull and cuts and bruises. farm and saw the fire breaking out Mrs. Annie Tingey and his daughter, fractured Ed Fronk, Lynn Thomas, Harold Ardella Creager, both trained nurses jig Boards, to supply the need for He was able to return to his home Like the Pioneers of the past, let us all be Pioneers of almost 20,000 additional doctors. Mervin Holt and Jack Shura-wa- y were his constant attendants. It waa Sandall, Tuesday. were returning from Brigham not known the nature or extent at our day and build a better Utah, with greater opportunities the Birth Certificates From Census Mrs. Clifford Stark, of BothwelL City where they had been playing tenseInjury, but his suffering was inThe House passed and sent Bureau on approaching the farm and death came as a rUeaae ball and is of and children. our for That ourselves for progress was town path driving into Friday evening saw a blaze the to the Senate a bill authorizing from pain. from one of the shooting with her children, when Reed Anderthe Census Bureau to issue bit th, cer Mac Hansen received alight burns and by sure-foote-d outbuildings, only a few feet from a steps, cooperation, industriousness, open, side collided from a son, road, coming tificates based on its vital statistics large stack of hay. Four of the oc- on the neck and the others were uncar. with the Stark and determination we can keep it thus. to persons unable to obtain them thru cupants of the car rushed to fire hurt. She was taken to the hospital while Mr. Fronk came in and the in wrmal channels. The bill would pergave Andrew Christian Romer was bom where her injuries were treated. She the fire alarm and mit a person to make a sworn applicgot the fire truck 4, 1884, in Bomholm, Denmark. cuts bruises and suffered May about her his to to his with the balance of the crew into ation postmaster (or STILL! BE He to Utah with his parHer head and was al emmigrated body. daughter for a certificate that action. Only the heroic and wise ef- ents subordinate) in childhood so returned but the and lived in home early injured, Census to would be forwarded the forts of the men left at the farm in same night. Mrs. Stark was removed Brigham City. Bureau to be checked against vital the pushing building away from the to her home Tuesday. He married Margaret A. Petersen statistics. After verification of the appstack, and fighting the fire with in the Salt Lake Temple, October 4, would certificate a birth buckets and sacks until the engine lication, Elaine Nelson, daughter of My. and arrived a few minutes after, saved the 1904, and they made their home in be issued. Representative Guy I where he spent the remainMrs. Chester Nelson, received a brok hay and the entire Jloser, sponsor of the bill, said there outbuildings of the Elwood, der of his life, except five years Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Homer announ en leg Tuesday morning when riding farm. are 54,000,000 persons in the country The pea run at the local canning a bicycle near her home. She turned The fire was quickly extinguished when he lived in Holbrook, Idaho. He whose births are not recorded. "They factory is nearing the end. All will be ces the engagement of their daughter, has engaged in farming and been very son K. or to out for a passing car and struck loose upon the arrival of the fire engine. Richard of this Gorton, are unable to obtain oid age benefits Laurene, voek, finished by the last Mr. Walton had left the farm only successful. His genial nature and fhen they reach the age of 65, or if the first of next, Basil Adams, plant of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph S. Gorton, of gravel throwing her from the bicycle Soda Springs, Idaho. The marriage and breaking her leg below the knee. an hour or so before the fire and hearty laugh have been appreciated they are seeking work on war contmanager announced today. jaa-so- n will be Thursday, July 23rd at the unusual most knew nothing of it until he went to by all who have known him. the racts they are in an inferior position been This has He is the father of nine children, to naturalized citizens who can prove Jana Lee Kerr, small daughter of the farm early Wednesday morning for. this section, as well as all home of the bride's parents, with Bis their citizenship by their papers," he the western states, Mr. Adams aid. hop D. B. Green performing the cere Mr. and Mrs. Lee Kerr, narrowly es- and found out how fortunate he was five of whom survive him, They are: said. The entire crop from all over the val- mony. The bride will be attended by caped being drowned in the large ca and how much he owed to the fire Mrs. Ardella Creager of Morgan, Mrs. Venia Romer, Mrs. Lydia Hill, Dwain her sister, Louise, and Lional Meek, nal that passes their farm Tuesday. department. ley ripened at once, instead of spreadalman. be best of will and Soda On other a she over occasions been had Springs, out this period Maritime many longer paper and Merlin Romer, all of Elwood. Ship Building Progress Apparently attempting ing Following the wedding a buffet lun to save her small kitten and fell into has taken occasion to praise the in- There are eleven grandchildren. Commission Vice Chairman Vickery lowing the factory better opportunity He also has six brothers and sisters: said American merchant shipbuilding the canal, but through her own ef telligent and rapid action of this lo of handling them. This has resulted cheon will be served. is a graduate of the forts was able to fight her way out cal volunteer fire association, but not Mrs. Margaret Packer, of Salt Lake The Homer Miss of loss plant peas. meet considerable to now in the is capacity ample twenty-fou- r River high school and for the to the bank where her folks noticed until Tuesday evening did we really City; Carl Romer, of Elwood; Axel goal of 23,000,000 dead- has been operating on a to save as Bear four years has been in training her. . an past appreciate to the fullest extent what Romer, of Ogden; Mrs. Annie Tingey, in basis attempt weight tons approximately 2,300 hour, this splendid organization moans to Victor Romer and Mrs. Minnie Rich and employed at the St. Elizabeth ships set by President Roosevelt many as possible. this valley. In the first place, these ardson of In spite of this loss, a normal run hospital in Washington, D. C. early this year. He said shipyards Brigham City. of the Un USDA is a men are fire conscious and are Gorton Mr. will be able to young realized. graduate been has Funeral service will be held Thurs produce at least to about the Idaho. of alert fire start or hazard blaze. day at 2 p. m. in the Elwood any iversity The tomato run will deadweight tons in 1943. "We chapeL Other people saw the blaze from near of August, Mr, can build all of the Following their marriage, they will ships for which middle or latter part he where it,1 leave for Philadelphia, Pa., by fields and thought nothing of we can get materials. In fact, I have Adams said. but these trained young men sensed will enter the Temple University to no assurance we can steel enough get continue his studies for a doctor's detot year to keep all of the yards Box Elder County will soon be or the danger instantly and rushed to the scene and heroically saved the gree in medicine. operating at peak production levels," ganized according to the United On Tuesday afternoon, Mrs. Melvin States be said. Department of Aexicutural destruction qf thousands of dollars Carlos Hunsaker, son of R. W. Hun worth of property, while the owner Homer gave a shower at her home in plan for Schedules call for Liberty ships deldispensing reliable war in ret. una of well known Jersey breeder of the honor wa3 saker, Dainty enjoying good night'3 rest, ivery into service in 105 days and formation, according to the office of 20 guests, to Uie danger' to his farm build this valley, is competing with Future were served of aware freshments me builders are H. Robert Stewart, county agricultur settings records as Farmers and Miss Homer received many beautiful al low as Club members of and Nettie B. Lund, home ings and stacks. g 46 days from to agent, Bait for grasshoppers will be mix Tuesthe to here entire fail She left nation Words useful the and for the nationally express gifts.. apprecia demonstration agent. delivery he said. "Every shipyard in ed Monday, Wednesday and Friday tion the Waltons feel to this group famous Jersey bull, "Elsie's Victory the to to nation is cutting down Production mornings at the office of the county day evening for Soda Springs, where rural Designed bring people , who are the guardians, hi Son." Carlos is the onlv Futura J firm toe, so that we now are oonriuent we agent Those desiring bait are asked another shower was given Wednesday accurate and necessary war informa of of life and property of this er entering this contest from this valMr. Gorton's of home deed, the at iU very as evening to tion ii farm problems the get at least two ships from the to call one of these mornings, pertaining and Lowe. Sarah Mrs. same surrounding communities. The ley. All he has to do is to secure sigfacilities which we had expected is necessary to ue when freshly mix aunt, organization was made necessary by thank them most sincerely natures of farmers and businessmen. Waltons to j of amounts the vast produce but one. I believe we will ed and will not be available on other propaganda and for The winner of the contest will be derendered them. the service to even false information being spread at the better than that," he said. mornings. termined by the number of signatures present. The grasshopper menace is increassecured. War Manpower are to the According department pian, War Manpower ing in this section and all fanners If the general public would like to Chairman McNutt the Extension Service, through the reported approxim- urged to cooperate and place this are one of its local boys become Funds for help expenses harvesting County Planning Board, was given To ately 12,500,000 persons were work-R- g poison bait out before the situation the now available Emergency famous, us well as bring nationally in direct war of through the responsibility organizing every employment on July becomes more seiious. a word famous Jersey siie into the Crop and Feed Loan section of the ural community so that there are compared with 9,000,000 on April Lieutenant Zane L. Abbott, son of community, please sign the tod 6,900,000 on Dcpaitment of Agriculture, J. Stew- block or neighborhood leaders to Mr. and Mrs. Lewis 1. "Under January Abbott, of this sponsoring Carlos Hunsaker as apaper announced field canwhich information from Washington art, Jr., supervisor, Resent schedules, five million more in Og- didate for the city, but who are now iU be offered by the prize today. The government is utsnous land the State Office can be relayed den, has been promotedresiding added to the war industry f or--a to the rank American Jersey Cattle Club. that no crops be left unharvested tnvs and they in turn can contact ten fam- of during the last six months of at GootLcilow Field, Texas. captain as of funds lack of the because in ilies their district. year 2," he said. LeRoy Bunnel, , Since leaving for the service about Teacher of Vocational AgriculAt a recent meeting of the Box El- three TraiisiHMiation Robert L. Shelby, manager of the all available foods must be conserved. Zane Because trains are has ris years ago, rapidly This derailment is now making der County Planning Board, it was ture at B. R. H. S. of the U. S. Embecoming en in rank. He served for some time increasingly crowded, ODT Brigham City office fallow summer for to farmers loans that into to many decided the put organization Rector Eastman asked passengers ployment, stated Monday as at flying instructor Randolph limit their luggage to one bag permanent jobs for men and women ing and planting of fall grain. Loans effect as soon as possible. Already the Field, Ttxas before he was assigned ANNOUNCEMENT to those time this made at be will also of communities Clear Creek, Stanrod, to Goodfellow rever possible. "It is well to alike are now open for applicants. is now He Field, flying to their wish who farmers purchase kitchen Grouse been and Creek have helpers Yost, maids, he said, "that the extra Nuises quarter instructor and assistant flight com Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pederscn anwinter feed for their livestock. completed and each has a community mander at the Army Air force ba,sic nounce gage carried into a oar may well cook helpers, dietician helpers, janithe engagement of their Room will be at 8, Mr. station service chairman hood Campbell and leaders. ude some soldier from a scat." tors, common laborers, neighboi school at this field. He receiv daughter, Nelda, to Nolan Tuck, son flying on Mon The rest of the county will be com- ed fcis commission as a second lieu Eastman stated the efforts of attendants, firemen, truck drivers, Court House, Brigham City, of Mr. and Mrs. Eidridge Tuck, of laun day of each week. me pleted in the near future. railroads to induce passengers ambulance drivers, seamstresses, tenant in 1940, after graduation from Ogden, Utah. This Is part of a program which check their extra and other jobs will be opThe marriage will take place in the luggage so that dry women covers the whole nation and when Kelly Fild, Texas. are could be handled soon. en Second extended to near future. Coriiaalulatioris in the proper cars emeran is in that it permanent expected completed "e been unsuccessful. Abbott by his many friends Appicants interested basis are urged School gency or urgent message can be Captain this in jobs on a civil service community. transferred from the government to to contact the U. S. Employment Serthe of teachers The and on officers the states and counties and into every wages, details for vice at Brigham interested Second Ward Sunday School were en rural home within a very short time. if and ,etc. duties houis, the pro- tertained Tuesday evening at the they will be referred through L. ward chapel by Assistant Superintenconsideration Mrs. direct for per channels the jobs open, dent Ferris Allen, Irene Schumann, 1942 but not essential for all Gloria Bu Funeral services were held Tuesday on each job. Experience is preferred Mary Ellen Christensen, Cancelled Lois Giles, Jen Ora and in Logan over the remains Fuller, afternoon chanan, service civil be will The jobs Mrs. and nie annou Taylor. of was Mar tine Larsen Thim, Larsine Mrs. Harry Eldrtdge, it not "war service" jobs, The 1942 Utah State Fair was canwhich be the In of meeting, Mrs. Duane Lower, mother 08, faculty nced. celled Monday of this week at the former resident of this gan the evenings program, talks city. Mrs. were given by Ferris Allen, Superin- board of directors meeting. Mrs. Pearl Thim spent considerable time here tendent Earl Buchanan, and Board Hunsaker was also elected vice presi with her daughter and is loved and ANNOUNCEMENT 7111$ dent by the board. Member Merle Crowther, and demonby those who knew her. Sheldon R. Brewster, secretary- - respected an- stration of lesson objectives and meth BANK'S UNSA&! Hunsaker Lewis a year she has made her about For Mr. and Mrs. manager, emphasized that the board s home with Mrs. Lower in Ogden. Irene were their of of ods by given CAN teaching engagement the nounce Delmer Schumann, Mary Ellen Christensen, action of calling off the fair for Several friends from here attended jjwst qour wicHeq in Med States daughter, Marjorie to Mr. this year would in no way affect the the services. t SUV son of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Ora Fuller and Sophia Taylor. each future and United for that re delicious War plans years, State The the WftBONDSIIIlD STAMPS! Keller, Idaho. meeting Stvinqs Bo4i iStixp Following Keller, of Mink Creek, will be conducted as the fair Bunco year and were served freshments Monday, marriage will take place V. S. Ttttrmty Vft'lmnt was played. Prize were won by La- - public sentiment Justifies. V. S. Tnatwry Vtfrhn- -t July 27th In th Loga Temple. nny Progress The Army Postal Service said letters sent to soldiers at overseas stations should be address as follows: (1) the grade, first and last name, jame, middle Initial, followed by the Army serial number, if known; (2) the letter or number of the company or organization to which the addressee belongs; (3) the designation of the regiment or separate battalion, if any, to which the company belongs; and (4) the APO number in care of the appropriate post th south-boun- ) et cow-catch- er wil-derne- LET US Pea Run at Local Factory Nears End Firemen Praised for Saving Buildings, Hay Walton Farm sjs PIONEERS Laurene Homer Weds Idaho Man Today two-ye- Community Organization Plan Being Worked Out 00 Poison Grasshopper Bait Available at County Office Carlos Hunsaker Enters National Dairy Contest bride-elec- 4-- H keel-layin- nu-n- Harvesting Expense Loans Available Zane Abbott Promoted Rank of Captain 1 Permanent Jobs at Brigham Hospital Ward Sunday Holds Meeting Utah Stale Funeral Rites Held for Martinc Thim Fair Y0U,Tx, M SUHi V'DOMS Subscribe for the Leader |