Show F I h r rh h e ei i Jf 4 fI t SOUTHERN STATES Ares A Tho Tio ill nl fein u eu Of UI 0 I WIlli h Hoar r Them II t Wm Win A Adams writing from Inland lelund Co en N 0 C under lucent date say as H My Uon Wider Ekler II 8 14 Cording Cordingly f ly IV and I t arrived on this Island Dec Deo 1 I II aria Ii a voyage of at miles I the th Boyne Hoyne Bound In Iii a 1 akil kil We Wo paid our passage by 11 l f to Ih Hi crew while we glided l over th thu f wove which would hua huac c Cr ar t I UM on 11 tt II f A As wo 0 were t iu mill I I tn captain on till the price n we took teak wo 0 tola him hlo h m we car w tw wul old try tl mid f gut ut t tl the Iho amount nt It fitt th t Ii tn r lJ ILI of 01 our trip Not knowing from what source It would woul outs oom wo we were ware waret I II I arila a anI d to l n mint entirely on th the Ihl e lu to 10 l t p 01 nI D n the way vay before us UL 1 I hud hind already p r fl Its III during my lily In loin INn months menthe in the ho Bun SUII I ny II Knock mud 1111 It hall Khali be to opened you yuu titer After we wo found out cut that they Thoy want went any of our Moi Mor non mon religion which did not InKo Ie long longto to wo YO broke is 1 spell pell by hy the go to slim a 1 won aon to 10 Imp II ht iI Ip shorten our ride tide In cold bleak wind The petition was vas Krall Tin she 9 of ot the thu lint fret song Imd scarcely cco d alm tho lie vw wa tr when the second piece rPM flU cared called for tor ne med to a 1 more marl Impression until we nt at our destination can w lent departed reed by thanking them rV or r their us nl We wo left lett thom them reJo to know khow that they tile had Nad taken two Il I Mormons h on oil board boar We Wa found the Saints daunts faithful mind dm till SAbbath school In n 1 pro con COli condition Notwithstanding the Saint S mil friend felt fell disappointed dl to 10 learn that Hint the limo neighborhood had hail 1011 to lo don dan the ld Idea hIM i of ot arranging a n and amt Christmas ll on the ground that It wan Willi too tou late into to tl the pieces Soon Suon utter our arrival I ste vo to decided to have a n tree amt under tiMer the tho lu of ot th the school The rte academy mY a tarsi jj 1 blo f w wee hired fur for the 1 and on nn organ ww ht the Bound On ev eves ve the thu time appointed the limo was wan waI I filed to Hi Ida It utmost capacity Many MB MU Ing Ins what the Mormon Mori ran children had hUll attained to resolved to allow their children to attend Sabbath In me future Tho The Bonga of ot the aha Mormon that ho accompanied by IJ tho the organ or guitar drove throve away much day thirtyfour anti and frt went wont on bean of ut n a sharpie beat Clat and crowed the Cora Corll hound to Capo Lookout Wo We marched along the touch btuch h to the tho U 8 S Ute Life Saving eft We wore gladly welcomed by b whose It la III to lu rescue rc cU lout After of ot a II t dinner we were l to 10 toan an ern upper chamber 1 of ot the building we wo hold a After enjO hag Ing u n 1 hearty supper wo we back hack Alone along tho the bench beach gathering beautiful ng os Mi we 1 too tint Pun nun pawl paw bo bv nr wall ath the tho waves I Leaving be the surging wo we cruised over the candy wndy shore short to of ot the th Hound Bound whore whort our our II U u Ih noni bons was Will laying in in III welt win ter II q u 11 ju just t in n time to see tee the full moon from tho Unto silvery slivery wave We Ve were noon Bonn on board the venal vetel singing thu songs at of Ion as n we o gilded quietly cv ever r tho the team foam A grand of fireworks wen ware continually sent Mitt Into the tho theall theair nil all iw I those thole on tho the island who were waiting I in our Jur return We W arrived sate 1111 all 1111 rejoicing over the pl trip trl Th 11 writ stork of ot the Lord Loci I II pure Ing IngIn In this 1111 of ot the Lords Lord v vineyard h hWe V WI We o have hl orgin erI cr an lien Iced in 1 this conference which are ure re Nt renu renu nu 1 mi 1110 In much good They The are kept In lu ll with the I he schools In 1111 Inn Uy by l bythe y the mid iiii it of ot the thu Ju Jo one which li Im I tui II by b posit t of ot the till TIll Th value alue of ot tin 1111 1 1 New Newa can cannot cannot not i ii o d 1 U it IH la ft a 1 ii k r i n 11 tr lit lift instilled In tin limit of ot thi h r o at M ml s darters time the th abe a niH of f h Ehll I o I 1 run I I I 1 Tire II O 1 1 1 1 J H U W n l n U II 1 Ander Andehn n 0 fin ern in Im a n letter heir J 1 I Ml Mice UI J I 1 c RM exi es XI i n II i IA iIer c r t fu i nr of or o the tea P n l t w n s in ug II follow ni on I r I Mill h oilmen to tou u Ili II i Din unto op i a 0 wuk fuk t i i 1 mil nt t only holy by imp t u us UI tut out belt ii o 0 Iy l Ott ot t t H Ida until m ta n r tOli in r tt M I r line IM t to read rad rady rA y J t I ti 1 uti of ill r ti I t I k end nd the Ih J rII pint part A t I 1 e I II uI i I uS lIuI In In by b ut Ii the t f tI page J m II fi or f h It ii Southern Icon bom or nr err marl mad r I 1 t when they th the recd te the ti i M nn i I are alf tr trying ln to 10 i lOt gt It Into all I limp imes of ot the Saints uN ulo uko ii J a It to religion rell IuM li liot I mg 1 ot ol oar mil urit hI tell dell they might learn r u i h by y p icing It WI f Fibre cf er nt ht nt I dear d ar arPI PI I f Jt H s M un count Bounty and cn en n jc v d 1 t tv rp much mUl the Turkey dinner she SIM ntH and prepared 1 dinner mating was called and EMI ids d r ileum Moody Mood J JF P JI end nd J n II nr Hn n spoke to lothe the congregation aion ur ut n J t h he 11 apostasy and ami restoration of nt thi iMpel thc it epel The lUders are aN ell all well HA HAWAIIAN VI AllAN Uh CW P Is PHILLIPS s An l of n 11 I v RIP nIt Another Jn 70 n a letter Itt to th First of II tt beach Elder M M Hush Built writes r u I I le bahu Oahu Dec Df 4 leG leGI i iri in rag been with Rider EIer W T Phil III n t t 1 the thi time cf or his hll illness new and ud death duth j I it my ml duty dul to In give fIve lve you on the full rull r T r i l i In IlK is III of nt f the same ame amt t t the die h October Brother T i H wn nil appointed to 10 labor In Ruhr th N I h Hawaii ll neli conference with Older I Vao b o tn lve an M companion compAn n tar I 1 WM W special i lal Rea ry lor the Ih three on the I t of ot Itu HI Brother Phillip and October sc at to to their field of or labor labor is In October t I t 1 3 and I 1 went to visit the lie ilea Ullo conference I slatted through h the and amI joined love Phillip Phillips and Pashas at ai In III the Hit North Horth Hawaii conference e on 01 1 t L end and found theta In Ime v good od a drils mind meeting With morn success Jiro rom corn then lien of ot II a slight alight loin In la hi his buck hock but tilt said there ther wn Will was nothing not III tin seri seriously wrong We W visited ed and nd outsider every day d after atler that tu tl and Including December l 10 Hut nut wh when n we w to our hoarding pint place on TUCK Tle day ISo afternoon h ho hI said eald he was wu n not t feel lug In well wall and would He WI down dora and amid h 1 mid st lt Later hater I went to 10 call him for fur supper but Lut lie Ime declined to eat I fItta In th time tho evening he took look a II violent chill hlll which however only lasted anted n a short time He III had 1 some fever feint after but bul slept nearly all right Next morning the rover ever was war very r high but bur la lit refuted refused to 10 have n IS dor 1101 tor The fh fever C r was very lory high all lay day but was waa not to so had bad nt lit II hc tit and he hel lieN dept l pt very vel well morning the fever was light again end I 1 stave him quinine h seemed to 10 cheek the tha fe to fever tover ver and about liven the fever Jilted aerated II lie Ile II wee was much ranch butter better and In ute mile for far f lr the lint first II rat Urn time since shoe his hi Illness Ho III tested rested quit well Thursday night hut hilt com rom complained i of vt a pain pahi In his hll lungs und and hits his hi breaths became be lIme short and amid laborious Friday morning he himself rte au u Delay 11 much better lI The rhe rh lust last boat bolt for tor tile the he week tk was VAl leaving that do day dRI for tot Honolulu mi so J I reported tile this to 10 Prel breil dent dInt Woolly I 1 had bed no further alarm until toward noon when I 1 blood In n hilts hi spittle I r asked him where whore be belie b be bethought thought It came from and he said cold lie he to bought It came rune from his hili head hIlI n as he h had tad had u it severe headache hl during Burin Ills ids fever During Durin the he h day he h drank n It aquart quart luart of at milk and anti ate alf some coda aoda crack cracker er ere 1 wits was I much lIeh gratified nt at n t hili hi hll II lip He lie slept most of at Friday night nigh end and nd Saturday morning felt so 10 well wall that the 1110 asked to 10 sit gut It up II for or a n awhile awhile while I 1 wrapped him carefully In md quilts and lifted lifted him Into a rocker er he lie sat ot up for tor nearly un ern hour anti seemed strong and anti drank dank Home m milk hut hilt I 1 was wal somewhat alarmed l nt Itt time the In amount of at blond blood After r J had laid him dim down again R 1 t telephoned for tor forthe time the th doctor a as 1111 I 1 feared Brother Phillips hind hail i pneumonia rte Tho doctor lion lor shortly after noon mean and sold Mild ld pint Hint ho hll had pneumonia hut loll scud said tint thai them Ilium tho was sync no apparent danger flaher which gave us tic both great satisfaction Soon after the time doctor left leU Brother other Phillip begun beun to ramble In Ia his hi talk Tint Hut I T did In not think Unit that he Ime Ie was Va In Ip Imminent danger At about 80 p II in r he asked for tor hi his and mother and I noticed n a strange expression on hi his hll fact face which alarmed me InO end and t I felt relt hi fie hili hands ft ml feet and they were wire cold This told Ul me Ina lint he was wu dying I celled called c his hll Ion toil and at nt P 0 p 1 m In he expired He Its never knew kill that h lie hll was w dying or fir If It he hll did dill he kept It tt from me tee There being no an moms moans of lit with will head headquarters headquarters quarters I l Immediately after hit bite death telephoned to City for tvr or an III under undertaker taker to ke r who ho o ramp ems r out next day Ilay t at a t three and said mild that he only way stay to to 10 todo todo do was wan to line the tho recital with lead land and seal itA I It UP 1 and that It would be possible l to 10 ship it to In n that condition If It It II was sac desired On Monday I 1 discovered Bred ered that limit the Ihl casket was not nOI air sir tight and I 1 so w Informed the th undertaker by telephone He Ho como caRlo nut out spin again n A iH die tont ot or fifty mile miles and tried trier 7 remedy tho limo but hut utter after he hii hw pone gone buck back on Wednesday It was noa worse wor than over hut hilt nevertheless I t minter later mined to try tr to ship shut time the body boll W mad Imd to lo take It by II team Lenin to about that being the tie near neur nearest est cat port The first fine 11 11 t boat boal to leave Hawaii wee was to be bl on Thursday night nighton nightOn on reaching with time the body bolly we 0 traveled by hy night wo discovered that time tho casket wits wan In vory very bad bUll conn con mn condition and that It would be ho Impossible to ship the lie body so wo we chow a II nice little snot tuot In n the Iho lot of ot the president of or orthe the branch mad and burled buried hire him there where thu remain will be secure until tl ouch inch time line a I as they can be taken up and re m removed moved novO I then proceeded at nt once ono to total toLate Late Lale to report everything to President Sister Phillip t Is III landing the Iho ordeal as AI only a It faithful Stint Saint could She will rail Mil II In Iu Die h near futuro future for Min horn mother Phillip tiled the death of 01 a altero hero In the tile full tull performance of lit his hll duty I M i IS IN OLI Oil MEXICO The ho Sold nl tn to he lie III Iro Pro gross the thu Older KIder 1 Anmon ji I Tenney In tn a corn com communication dated City CIt of ot Dec 31 1901 reports r AS a follow I 1 Am urn pleased to 10 say eay IIA that the Lord has h attended 11 my In 11 feeble efforts effort lu to Die lase spread of 01 the ho lI the de dee ot of Pother Father l Uhl 1111 anti and t today luy the voice of or the thu Elders Elden of the Churns of ot Jesus JUI Christ of ot can oan UM bit heard In tn at least eight different places on Oil each ch Sabbath within the of ot ten mU of thle merit nuwt City elt of ot Mexico At tt our conference r uc held In 11 c Os ou nu Nov NUy and we culled thir thirteen thirteen teen native Elder Riden who have 1111 been do dl doing ing HUf some good lood work Tl They v ar arc N how howe IMP 1 e r 1 i tu labor l bor for their thull sup lUll support support port and In nf ot thin thus give al nil mill their 11 attention to the reaching of the Gospel I hl ha c been h very busy bUllY for this lust lunt lit lilt weeks ks tact of nt this city In tnt tee cities of ot Atlantis IV To calro unto Hunto Fomas ri el itt amt mind nd At on the or ot iee mb r 1 I prepared to 10 an en attentive andl audi audience ence of lit persons ut noun noon 1 bs fourteen ut lit t II held another meeting In an and l med them W WI We then walked five ave miles and convened cO tn in a widows holU holUIn In the th city of ot Atlantis and calling upon my m brethren in to speak p Mik uk a us I had hIli stood In Inthe Inthe the Ih cold mountain titter fur fir forty olly ales ut sail end I P felt the effects of it tot nic i en cum mo from nil mill over or the tun from my 11 missionary companions for tor m me to Io anti In iii view 11 u of ot there being the hUll con lU smith In III It u some lOIn du g nU m mey n and ladles ladle I t felt It u It a duty and Ind no ea tt ft oo S take spoke tike on the tho ol or nill 1111 At Al the Ihl I 1 a Invited Inv ted Is 10 p pw Poh m In n the use lain place rn on lit t r in IH u of or the tho look Hook of ot I did dill If on th wh n l t wea fa t with w eighty listener Many M if ut fa fathe the se t that hoy they felt It the tho Ih lie of ot the good lOci on Oa yu 1110 limy about 18 10 0 years yearl old cJ aha Knew I 1 wu Ill VII a I sent len I of r thud and she Mile ie called wn un her to um give at mid mad yield obedience to the Ih teaching Other Oilmen Lose ION cold bore Mil The same lam evening I held meet lag In with whim a n widow and her rive dye and ana at the Ih close clow of or this meet meeting ing time tho th mother end and eldest daughter tusked inked for tor The daughter Is II the president of 01 a Society lu Iu the Ihl Methodist ll t church and anft ml her conversion ban has r il In III mn lOn the tile first I 1 have hav met Since Mince my arrival On thi and id we t huld huhl meeting In lit I II 1 I and wd In Inthe Inthe inthe the afternoon wo we t to 10 a lar l hint r 1 In III and In ill the th evening In the city cUy of lit Atlantis The TH some ante day 1111 t Ehl f held meeli meeting In three lire other large towns town with good gawl genii results repots and so 0 It 11 linn has been Ibis his entire month At Atlantic we WI celebrated The program consisted of ot speeches recitation etc lite Mud and was wai very much I have hu Own been on many missions but hut none w with such Much bright ht uro pec A nl as are offered hr hero 11 1111 t mm am while the people an arc Iq I color It doe does not necessarily follow lollo lint they Ihy are ItI Ignorant for I f have convert that are now mission missionaries arles aries who take Ilke the or of 0 Mormon and select n chapter as all u II t text end and speak for lor one hour upon It com coin commenting on vase verce vr after verse NORTHERN STATES soon Ili I X r P 1 C Or t tea from i t f om Indianapolis lad Ind DM Dec 10 0 1001 The rho who have |