Show editorials I 1 ta R I 1 al S IS DANCING proper OR on HEALTHFUL HEALTH FITl THE question acing anding proper or health exercise hns has been lately abject act of discussion in iid lie literary as well as social circles cir clr cles clea it is claimed by many public teachers in the and more especially by religious preachers that it is an amusement baneful alike to body and soul others maintain that it is harmless in itself and productive of good results we think that both are right and both are wrong to some borne extent there is nothing nt ally aily evil in moving gracefully to tle the sound of sweet music neither is it i c to injure the body on the contrary a moderate amount of auh suh exercise is good recreation and has a benen cial clai effect upon both body ant and ani mind but there are evils attending public dances which tend to make tile them m detrimental spiritually and cally these ought to be pointed out to and avoided by the latter fatter day saints whose hose privilege it T 8 sto to enjoy every eveny everything thing that is good and whose duty it is to avoid that la it evil one evil of public dances that they are frequently gatherings of people of 0 various moral character the modest and prudent with the immodest and unwise the innocent and confiding with the immor al aland and intriguing and opportunities are afforded to the vile and unchaste to exercise an influence which is always to be deplored the mingling together in the dance of a pure woman and a vicious debauchee doba ba uchee is an incongruity that shocks the sense of fitness and a wrong that ought not to be permitted another evil Is the lateness of the hours to which dancing is usually exten extended sled it is customary to begin the aniu amusement about the proper time for it to be concluded young people are thus led to contract the bad habit of keeping late hours and whether old or young it is Q ut oua ous to health to indulge in exercise in a heated atmosphere beyond midnight and then e merge emerge into the tie tle chilly air of early morn and go home to get half a nights rest this leads to the consideration of another evil attending such parties that is the unwholesome air which frequently pervades the hall where the dancers whirl around thein sensible sen een sible sibie and sometimes very perceptible perspiration and exhalation from fronz the moving bodies poisoning the air in buildings not sufficiently ventilated young people are apt to indulge immoderately in iii the dance many girls aso so delicate as to be unable to engage in domestic labor too fragile to twirl a broom to make a loaf or cools cook a mea men meal and who would faint at the idea of walking a couple of milea will figure in every dance during an entire evening and far into the night travelling velling tra an immense distance in inthe abe the aggregate and exhibiting an amount of vigor astonishing to those who know their habit habits sand und ind disabilities at home this violent and prolonged exertion must bavery bevery harmful to such auch delicate organizations another and serious evil of public dancing is the hugging fasli fashion ion laten later times which has taken the place of ta the e courteous touch and perhaps excessively dign ined deportment e r e t of amr former er days tho the close lose Q e embrace race of the waltz itz and 0 other th so called 91 mound round dances is recognized re co g I 1 d by all thoughtful and pru prudent don peo people pleas as a change for the wo worse arse the r rhe rho postures which some couples assume are positively dIsgust ingA lady who would be grossly insulted if a male friend were to put his arm around her waist while sitting by her side will vill permit a comparative stranger to embrace her in the waltz and will whirl around in his hig arms as though it was the correct thing to do we consider this practice much to be deprecated and altogether out of place ina inn in a ballroom ball bail room where respectable people congregate no young lady who has a proper sense of self respect and any aby regard for the good opinion of the wise and honorable will go to the indelicate extreme or allow that close contact which is seen in the most popular dances the period but nil all these evils and others that might be enumerated can edana ed and dances can be so conducted as to promote social intercourse without harm haim grace of deportment without lascivious suggestion healthful exercise cison exer wawa f without and pleas arte agte and therefore that bration ati 0 n which which many religious people consider wicked and pernicious is permitted by the religion of the latter day paints it ift forms no essential part of that rell neli religion lon ion but Is recognized by it as and taken under I 1 its ts regulation if dancing is wrong it ought not to be sustained by religion if it is right it ought to bo be under the purview of religious influence by this means the evils which often attend it may inay be guard ed against and prevented to a very great ege erK extent tent if not entirely it is for this reason that instructions are given by the authorities of this church for the regulation of public dancing requiring that it be conducted under the management of the bishops in the various wards that moderation govern it that round dancing bo be that late hours be avoided that decorum and good order be maintained that no one under the li h fluence of inton mcants be permitted toi toj participate etc and it is on this thia account that mormon dancing parties are opened and closed with prayer the divine ble bie blessing S sing being invoked so that all who engage in the entertainment may be reminded that they are under the eye ol 01 0 omniscience and that mighty de do bights in the pleasure of hi aw children he cannot look upon sin lin with the least degree of allowance this imposes no undue restraint upon young or old it detracts noth ing from true trae enjoyment it spoils no strains of harmony it prevents no proper indulgence I 1 but it imparts a calm and pleasant and genial spirit promotes sociability fraternity and a desire for forbie the happiness of all and helps to bring a bout about the object of the amusement recreation for the stimulation and benefit of the whole being As the season for dancing parties has now set in it is to be hoped that the latter day saints will take no tice of the advice given to them on this subject and so conduct themselves as to gain rational enjoyment without excess and without impropriety by this means they will promote instead of injuring their nodily bodily health and when their fun is ov over erwill will have nothing to repent of and nothing to regret those who conduct these parties should pay due attention to the proper ventilation of the halls used for the purpose have them alfrea as possible from dast st which inhaled into the I 1 lungs is see very injurious t that h at proper order is malna mnina maina maintained maintained Ined that late hours are avoided and that all things are done with propriety and that the rights of all are sustained and protected and it would be quite as well for the people in the various fettle fettie ments that instead of continual dancing parties more lectures readings con corts curts dramatic performances and other intellectual entertainments be encouraged and patronize dby which information is blended with amase amusement and fun ia is mingled with instruction st we conclude howe however verj verl th that at indulged in v pith rith ith moderation tin under proper control in suitable place places 9 and at reasonable hours dancing can be made a healthful recreation harmonious with religion and beneficial to the individual and the community SECTARIAN ettry A crusade is being worked up the church of jesus Christof christ of latter day saints by blinded sectarian bigots the howl ot of fanaticism being sounded through ugh the churches of the nation seems to have its principal seat in salt lake city the 1 I mormon haters baters desperate who wh 0 according to the ogden n baptist preachers statement have not enough power to raise a prayer meeting are filled with the green eyed monster at the success sand and influence of the mormon church they would like to see it destroyed root and branch and thus exhibit the kind of spirit that inspires them tho the christian spirit is to manifest long suffering ring and love iove and a desire to reclaim and redeem those who ma may be esteemed to be in error the tho satanic spirit is vengeful a and nd malignant seeking to crush and condemn those who differ from the parties with it itis it is asim a simple simpie simpie matter to understand the source of the inspiration of those who moved with unseemly hate bate are a up and destroy by beekin fio oat extreme measures the tho social structure of this community these cruel miscreants seem to care nothing for the severance of ties tha that have been formed under the sincerest convictions of right they appear to lose eight of the tho fact that the furtherance of their schemes might produce an incalculable amount of human misery all they care for is the attainment of their own selfishness and the tho punishment of the objects of their hatred d 9 the he putting forward of the plea of the interests of common morality is a delusion and a snare the lat lil litter day saints being the most moral i ure and upright community in the country without exception huch such a plea from the class professing eng ing belief in the bible comes with a sorry grace the ostensible not real object of the crusade being the demolition of a similar system of pi marriage arriage to that taught by the good book on the subject of the local religious crusaders in the present hounding on movement the following from the omaha isee bee will be read with interest A circular signed by the episcopal bishop the roman catholic acar general clergymen of dimm dIff merent different denominations nominations le teachers and others of f salt lake city utah has been lent sent to ministers and others brough hr ough out the land asking atten lon ion tion to the spread and growing power of mormonism in the western territories and the insufficiency cy of the united states law against polygamy to put an end to its evils they therefore ask all aho rho receive the circular to bring to the notice of heir their members ot of congress thee the facts acts to the end that they may be interested in securing for us at the approaching session of congress such legis legislation lati iati 0 n as will at once and forever put a stop to moe toe further spread of polygamy they ask to have the anti polygamy law of congress so amended that the living together of parties or cohabitation to use a legal term shall be the proof ot of bigamy or polygamy in stead of the ceremony of marriage because the latter is performed in secret within the walls of the endowment house in the presence of faithful mormons cormons on only iss lys and no one of these will bear testimony to the fact that polygamy shall be a continuous crime instead of being allowed as now to expire within three years hy a statute of limitation that the woman shall be equally punishable with the men for this rense offense of that the accessories to the polygamous marriage shall be equally punishable with the principals that the jury list may be in creased to and that adultery seduction lewd and lascivious cohabitation and kindred of lenses may be punishable as in the states and other territories of the union they claim that the law as it now stands is practically a dead ietter letter because of its detects only two persons having been convicted under it in the eighteen years yeara it has been en the statute book mormonism is no longer confined to utah but already alread Y holds the balance of power in idaho idah P and has gained a strong foothold in in wyoming arizona aud and southern colorado it is not likely that the question will receive much atten tion from C congress angress on gress politics and polygamy have been too much mixed up in times past to afford much hope for any more rapid solution the question than than that time education and the natural increase of the gentile population bring to its accomplishment 11 we are slow to believe that a majority of members of the national legislature will sumer suffer themselves be threatened cajoled or intimidated edento in to the adoption of cruel unjustifiable ti measures that the country would be sure in course time to deeply regret the question takes the decided form of a religious crusade to which no statesman could ever lend himself him seit THE RIGHTS 0 OF F chue CHUR Ir COURTS THE right of churches to their discipline has recently sustained by the supreme court pennsylvania in im a lengthy and well digested opinion the case out of a dispute between father stack a Cath catholic olid priest who had charge of a pastorate at williams port pa and bishop OJ hara Sara lri iii in whose diocese he labored the bishop removed him from the charge of the church and assigned him to no other position father r wis ass t stack sued his bishop for dama damn damages gosy gesy charging that the removal was illegal in that it injured him in his profession and and was wl without thou t sufficient melen lelen t cause in the course of the case it was shown n u evidence that according g to the rules of the catholic church the bishop held this authority that when a specific charge was made the priest was entitled to a trial but that the bishop could summarily remove r priest in his hib diocese and that the latter had the right of appeal to higher ecclesiastical ty the court ruled that where action is taken according to ane established rules of a church the civil must not interfere when it is not a violation of the laws of the land the court argued that in accepting the office the priest made a compact to abide by the laws of the church he virtually agreed to abide by them and be governed according to them therefore if he is removed from office in accordance with those rules and regulations he has no proper ground of complaint compla nt and no remedy in a court of law 1 the court held that every church whether catholic or protestant is free to deal with its members boffl cers m ministers dignitaries etc in conformity to its iown own rules and eo long as these are regularly enforced no civil court has any authority whatever to interfere with the au thorl tho rity ty discipline edicts and acts of a church court this is good common sense and according to the espirit th of the constitution ution of the united 8 a ates atea t es W which aich forbids interference on the part of the state alth ith the affairs of the church the point sustained should be clear elear to every reasonable mind but the formal enunciation ofil by a competent court of law aw is worthy of being placed on record and of publication for general benefit THE NUISANCE OF SMOKE SEVERAL eastern cities I 1 are tak taking ng into serious consideration consideration the smoke nuisance the use of coal in manufactures fac tures as well as for house fuel causes great inconvenience and damage the clouds of smoke that v the sunlight and drop flakes of smut upon the public while buildings are defaced de faced and their appearance is spoiled any an one who has been in paris and then taken a trip to london could not but be struck by the great contrast in the appearance of the two cities in the french capital where charcoal ia is used for firing the white sto stone no buildings preserve their purity and greet the eye pleasantly in the bright sunshine in the british metropolis where whore the coal smoke thickens the air every building is smutted and looks dark and forbidding in comparison one city shows like a bright fair maiden decked in her gayest robes the other like a a huge negro clad in garments sombre and gloomy there are several places in america where the smoke from coal fires and furnaces hag haa |