Show LOCAL AND OTHER MATTERS FROM FRIDAYS DAILY DEC 16 escaped convict last night john bolding an escaped convict from idaho was arrested in one of saloons in this city if he e was placed in the city jail for temporary safe keeping and will shortly be returned to the place from whence he came badly hurt on wednesday last a boy named valter walter bunn nine years of age son of brother george bunn of tooele thoele was thrown from flom a horse at that place the side of his and his ear were cut open A surgeon was called who sewed up be ugly gashes and the patient was apparently doing favorably S some me tears fears were entertained however by the attending physician that concussion of the brain rain might ensue united in another part of the paper will be found a notice of the uniting in the bonds of matrimony of francis C CT tea Ten easdale teasdale sdale and delphia B hague the fc ride groom is the son of our old friend president george teasdale he has opened business for himself in nephi and is pursuing a very exemplary course the bride is the daughter of brother john hague and ia Is an intelligent and amiable young lady the young couple have our hearty congratulations and best wishes shooting sora Scra scrape peThe rethe the ogden herald of yesterday contains the following abut ab ut 7 last night mr wm win studer left his place of business in the Y to return to his home on franklin street he went up fifth street aa as far as the shamrock saloon when he jie turned south a short distance F H thompson sprang up from beneath a fence and with an objectionable expletive presented a pistol at Stu denla derla breast studer struck the weapon causin causing 9 it to point upward when it was discharged studer then jumped several feet and agid fel ell I 1 on the ground when thompson fired a second shot which passed over the body of studer without hitting him thompson afterwards afler wards gave himself up to the sheriff the artesian well yesterday mo of the emi cm loyes of this office paid a visit to the artesia artesian n well on the bench northeast of t he the city he says it has reached a detthof depth of feet and is progressing at the rate rato of about two feet ier er rilay ilay itis it is now below the level levei of the great salt sait lake and penetrating through a stratum of brown cement coment and gravel the work I 1 is S being conducted for the city hy y mr E bench progress has been considerably sider ably delayed for some time past in consequence of the loose for formations mai and the large boulders met with which have havo prevented the iron piping from following down as the depth increased this difficulty is is now removed as the piping rests upon a body of hard cement and tle tiie tie boring is progressing without the aid of the pipe A hanging hanm jury the pinyon climax manig mining ng suit has been one of the lon lou longest west on the legal record of utah tho the the trial lal ial occupied nearly a month months aud the jury appear to be unable to arrive at a verdict the case was given to the jury at 3 pm on wednesday wednesdays december Ke cember yesterday they appeared in court and asked fota statement of portions of the evidence the judge informed them that they were supposed to remember the testimony and the instructions already given by the court were sufficient they then returned to their room this morning the jury put in another appearance in courland cour tand stated they believed it was not possible for alem them to agree upon a verdict the court however refused to dismiss 8 them and sent them back to their room for further deliberation later at 2 this afternoon the jury awain again again appeared in court and having failed to agree upon a verdict were dismissed the jury stood on the first ballot eight for the pinyon company and four for the climax C company kompany the evidence was gone over repeatedly but the situation stood from the beginning to the close of the forty seven beven hours deliberation the same fame they were aa as immovable aa as the notable 8 to 7 of the historic high commission on the til 1 den hayes presidential difficulty FROM SATURDAYS DAILY DE DEC 17 lost letters A package of letters evidently belonging to a party by the name of radford end Ead ford was found this morning the owner can get it on calling at this office the exponent we have the comans womans exponent for december it is an excellent number containing the usual quantity of attractive and instructive reading matter the exponent should be in every domestic circle provo factory the tho territorial enquirer intimates that the provo factory will shut down about theist the of january and resume about the of march in the interim tho the superintendent superintendents brother james dunn dann will visit the east in the interest of the institution J interesting incident today to day we were informed of an interesting inte incident fil ill m the ii life ife of bister sister martha I 1 coray corny who died at provo the other othen day she appeared at one time to be at the point of death from P pneumonia u eumon 11 dr roberts having g given ian herup her up and all about her having lost hope of her surviving when all expectation of recovery had llad been abandoned by those around her she turned her face to the wall and sald said in effect even as Hezekiah Heze klah kiah turned his face to the wall and asked thee 0 lord for an extension of fifteen years to his life so do I 1 now for the sake of these my children she bhe recovered and that incident occurred fifteen years ago this winter the ladies and primary conferences feren oes ces the belief society conference of salt lake stake was held yesterday in the council house counselor E 8 taylor tayler presiding verbal reports were made by the presidents of the various branches which were most satisfactory show that the different societies were doing much benevolent work and were enterprising in all home industries A great degree of improvement is manifested in the rendering of reports durin during the day the meeting mooting was addressed briefly by president E B R S smith counselor E 8 taylor mrs B R M carrington mrs 11 N hyde and mrs B R B R grant at the close of the afternoon meeting elder joseph E taylor addressed the audience upon the subject of plural marriage altogether it was one of the most moat interesting te and instructive conferences ever held in this stake the primary conference was held hold this morning ellen C clawson presiding verbal reports were made by the several presidents and brief speeches by prest E B R S smith lou louie loule 9 felt and camilla cobb the singing by the children was excellent and constituted an attractive feature the A is in session this afternoon mrs M MA A B E freeze presiding FROM MONDAYS DAILY dally DEC 19 art exhibition the utah art association will open its first exhibition of pictured pie pic eurea turea in the lter Iter beform orm duh dub booms kooms first boutu street we have before noted the pis progress of the preliminary arrangements A good exhibit an artistico ct treat may be confidently anticipated the admission will be 25 cents children half price young ladies conference the conference of M I 1 associations at the council house on saturday afternoon was well attended the hall being crowded the officer officers S of the local associations gave encouraging reports the meeting was addressed by sister E B R 8 Sm ithon the necessity SIty of application and perseverance on the part of the young people peoples that they may improve pr in in every direction that is got remarks were also made by ister sister E S taylor and sister M A B freeze the president of the stake state As associations so cl atlon 8 delayed at chicago A few days nettie nettle sharp was taken east by her father bishop john sharp and an d her mother the objective point of the trip being be eng ing florida where the young lady lads was to remain for some time for the benefit of her health on reaching chicago however miss nettie nettle had become so feeble probably from the effects of the journey that it was wa s considered coni dered imprudent and find even dangerous to proceed beyond that point for at least ten days her brother brothers W 0 sharp esq went east yesterday morning to stop at chicago with his hii sister and mother while bishop sharp proceed ed to new on requiring hi lal presence there we hope miss attio attie will soon recover theoney i manner michael mooney sentence of death for fior the r ader of joel Hinckley Hinck hinek leybas hah has change rom his mood of apparent sullen as to his fate arid and shoes shi vs signs of weakening A person who lately visited him in fal fax jail jall eil ell says that his appearance is very much changed from what it was in the court room the sullen look he be wore there was gone he seemed eo glad to have some one to speak to although he spoke pleasantly and cheerfully of places he had traveled through and differences of people drops drops of perspiration broke out upon h his hia a forehead while he pull ed his bis coat around him and said he was chilly chill Y nearly a faial fatal mistake last week sister Y williams Wllliam ss who resides at provo made a mistake that came near proving fatal she had been suffering from an affection of the throat and used a garg leand a liquid for outward application aswell she inadvertently substituted the one for the other and swallowed a quantity of arnica aranica and chloroform dr W pike was immediately summoned and after the application of various means animation which had partially suspended was restored the doctor said eald it was a close call and a few minutes delay delays would have decided the tho matter on the wrong side we learn thi this morning that mrs williams had recta recia recovered vered from the effects of hee her mistake |