Show THE CITY COUNCIL The city council met at about D oclock last night all members except Greenwell being present President Wardlelgh was excused on account of illness and Conroy took the chair A communication from the mayor notified the council of the appointment of H M Bond as oil ipspector vice Elliott deceased Confirmed G W Jones voting no Many bills were referred to the claims committee Mrs Ann Martin was granted a deed to certain property The contract for the lease of the city hospital was reported signed and the petition of Drs Condon and Coulter to rent the hospital was referred back Attorney Henderson reported having i r > i fro ss court an ord ° jpetting aside the judgment taken by default in tile sac ci i > miord vs ugueu The electric light company asked permission per-mission to move poles from the curb to the center on Adams avenue between be-tween Twentyfirst and Twentysecond streets Referred The industrial school trustees asked for a loan of 1500 from the city sinking sink-ing fund offering a state warrant of 1U00 dated October 5 as security Referred Re-ferred The engineer was instructed to make necessary repairs on the Twentyfifth street paving as Contractor Wilker son was unable to do so The fire and police board sent in a communication referring to the enforcement en-forcement of the curfew ordinance and another regarding the employment of twentyfive special policemen on election elec-tion day Referred Collector Hurlburt submitted his official bond for approval It is in the sum of 40000 the sureties being J E Dooly W B Wedell and W F Adams Referred County Clerk Ledwldge submitted a list of taxpayers whose taxes had been remitted The public grounds committee reported re-ported that in order to complete some of the work of revising the cemetery records M J Stone a genealogist had been employed at 2 per day M L Jones offered a resolution providing pro-viding that the board of education pay an annual rental of 300 for the use of two school rooms in the city hall Referred An ordinance was introduced prohibiting pro-hibiting the obstruction of sidewalks It passed the first reading The matter of providnig ballot boxes was referred to the committee on public pub-lic buildings and grounds George W Jones complained of the street supervisors neglect in failing to enforce the ordinance requiring the streets to be kept clean The Officer was instructed to enforce the ordinance or-dinance Councilman Browning said the city was paying for light which it didnt get and suggested the employment of a light inspector Referred M L Jones called attention to needed repairs on the city hall roof Bills and payrolls amounting to 2500 were allowed Adjourned for one week |