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Show .... .j, PROVO EVENING HER ALDWEDNESD AYrAUGUSr29Tl928r PAGE TWO, HERALD THE t tf FUti M iit.vV. fel It THI? OBSERVER 1'L ... TywB 1 J. fit jwli ' ' 13y Jirri I ' Stjihi 4tl3tjjqtaf Aft ' two-spee- 'and ";;.-T- t Mr.'! D. E. turidfordv-gav- e the only kind of-- So cialism he even knew Is the kind that' would grant to every lhari the social vaue 01 nia worn and Mr! Lunsford goes oh:' in rejily-lh- her dragged Intolheearest;blacksmithrshiprbut-aI walked from Lil to the shack, mi tile moonlight, a hot, dusty August night, I decided that I should" say fliv axels, and may- something about these "be "save for the bosom of his family Some other work' " ' V ing stiff. ''.:";Vv'j The county has graded the road from tha last gate; after negotiating the mile and a half of ruts, bumps, rocks and washes, I turn Lll loose when we pass the last gate; Slid, Lll bounds down that incline," t; with a ' HIIX BILLY ' that smooth rocked stretch, like a coyote on his brush; I did that last evening; and Lil got so enthusiastic about it thai she kept right on going; there was the road; it was full of Mike's cows; there was a large and stolid fir stump by the side of .the :' roadiiiook the stumpi gollywhat jjjang Ihatafaa- -, go I am ffoing to pry Lil off the stump and, between the black smith and me, plus a few hanks of baling .wire, .Lil, ..will get .to' going-gai- n; d but I just wanted to tell you about these fliv nuisances; if you ever meet up with the crisis.! describe, reach down and yank v back hard on the emergency brake. ' " didn't I do thatTn-srr'- 4U- - .. of Bever thought I rolly, at U i Vai W ,'. Is the Tl I. ": Reward .... okr '"t1! ,1 "in bers of the Mccracken-Htoi- i expeai- -j tldn, Which has been engaged in j exploring the Aleutian region. tt . has been .suggested that the j ; o crdssinjrJt six times and carry ing with hip a newspaper and . a handkerchief. When he landed both news paper, and handkerchiei were drv. 'This made a "atbry'! for j v theP.papers.' . S. He got the job. ia said tha in prosperous i -- ' America, vigorous men of 62 liitiHt t?erfornTstants to prove-tindustry that they are capable workmeni. ..' i j ' - way we j and- - eair then I looked . about : bodiesnpaye3hbseof Tmmigral-- j bur-j mg -- Mongol fane and that-thetr ial vault, far .above sea leva, was raised so high by volcanic action. Further examination of the bodies ! and of the region may bring much Interesting data to light the full- of parkaJid.-sa-ihe-.bench- e rather poorly dressed Idlers and again I thought of the millions like them In our own beautiful and bountiful country , i who-rev- en this year-cou- ld not obtain employment at useful labor r 'i x jiriinririn "' .'. n ' SCIENCE d I looked at the men fcrSitting there with tired, hopeless faces and I thought of the million - continual discovery promises aging ,men and women will-knIfiaVventuallyr-w- e far counu-ymore about our forbears than at iacmg poverty and miserable deaths In this present ' connection, scien-is .... because we must at all hazards .(Copyright. 1928). a ,rai!k in the hamper, haa tubbed to tists consider the recent discovery hum- - preserve the. right of one man to i If Mr::il0e had done-of an butter. unusual burial ground .in the folks! Nothing makes bhe he never exploit all other men to the best of atJIowdy, . ieunan islands or great importman feel sillier than to jump ' his ability : ; ' ance. , attenwuold have Attracted the Today's Definition: ''Home Sweet up at th eonclufilon of a radio -- fo as the power of money gives - song and Home" is when a married man -- A partly-ope- n attempt to change the tion Mb --water circus: hrought him the opportunity built tomb, of drift doesn't knock the bridge lamp over logs, contained four bodieg,care- record. I thought too of the tides of , m when he comes .In at 3 a. m. in sea otter kin. luny wrapped In our own political life Many of us are too eager to corruption and admirably preserved by the far Fablei Once upon a time a man and the mad scramble for nlace heroes of daring per- and acclaim normern cold. The tomb was found with a black eye didn't claim that of power Hf at the top of high cliffs, scaled he got it by Jumping into a door In formances and. ignore the quiet, crime and misery 1 the dark JJ'L GEE GEE, TH' OFFICE l0nly after ard"0"s effort by mem- Unassuming workmen who do VASUP then Jim my eyes wander : their jobs faithfully and. well edAnd Li'J Gee Gee is so knock-knee- d . LI'l Gee Gee says her , swim j back to those five pigeons sit for years; when she dances the Charles I visi-; mlng Is ' Kke paralysis three of Sac- that ting up tnere on the - oil lltmliMi anil ton it sounds like a pneumatic hamiT '''. , .,W ,cheer for. an ocean flier, rifice to war and strifefigure : 1 : .t. '' i. ' . ,t and I Just could not help think-Irir- f mer. but pay no tribute to the pa- he was a symbol of the time ftanf wnrlriara itv laVknriifrtrioa i OREM FASHION NOTE of peace and plenty that is vet to ? aftd machin ah6pSi who:, made M3. spectacular, feat possible. come ' to A a whole as small town Is man dne where a humanity o Wa Md'a a "beauty queen," and for- - , But, Hstenrim: It can't come Amelia Earwig, fanhion editor for takes great pride in beating his ; ie as fast as kindto business and others you the postoffice Provocations, has just designed this long vry rival, t.'iheJoig;.,aVvil' eat8of..6tl.common8en8e' and in 4 you misrepresent he truth for the every raornina. ness thather mother pui in to make her a wholesome, attrac- - like me fetching little bathing-sui- t saxe 01 a Joke ior ?r! outdoor girl, The ExcursionZRatea tcv either young, wohian; and, listen again: It can't come suit Is of manv- o .tiye We men mustn't let the women Saltair or Lagoon-Resor- ts ' ferciiibeiuJe. ftoe to DerforA circui-stuhts-t- o V taffeta, tastily tea. sdyery fast as long as it is more it grab all the glory. After all. Samprofitable to keep people In Ignor ori . Wednesday srand Suntooned with strips son ' was the first human to get his , obtdihl Iivli8 Altho such .stums are useless to the world. ance man to tell them the truth The of spaghetti days during July and.Au-gs- t .cuder bobbed. hair as young people, especiallyto ydd grow .jLearn scales are for the in i: vahia via '.'Orem Lane." Fare tha yrorjt 0 hveh and "women not as a spectacle, but as i purpose of weigh-- ) i Art Shannon. for . round trip (including ;. . V ..... ing the bathing om&&Ji$ Fun! suit, which, to be admission) $1.35, on trains fashionable should leaving Provo 9:18 a. m., JI There was dnce a small boy who never weigh leas K " : began a diary. His first entry be 12:55, 3:55, and 5:55 pr rn. ?encft ? ; A Cossack than a' two-ceTONGUE gan: stamp nor more c and carry "Got up this morning at 7 o'clock; Al of Amerlcava Xssack's cWt wear jr Returning on trains leaving than an under0 went to school all day till 4:30 ' Salt Lake City 8:15 and Good&cre:' "We are a Hugh nourished meatde. 'A-wdm4s, the sport of Bolle D. P- fn," 11:45 p. m. same day. No people; sword The is for appeared in the courtroom . Hit showed this to his mother. cranks and faddists and apRuanell in New London, Cohn.. the other day.. She was a and half protection fares. Free dancing. against horrified. ''Got up. In the ferocious min- parently are content to remain so." " deed!"sheshewascrlednv"hat wftie&i linl ifie wore hiking breeche? a dreadful nows of the Pro-v-o expression.-Do- es the sun aret ud Mrs. Elsa Choquette,. nurse Debutr brderW the jodge. . AldonJAnderson Bay waters. It It rises. You No, must do same the ' ' Said the womarr. "I'm a witness." can also be used troit Board of Health:-"Weat- her, And, the - grammatical woman for buttoring sandwiches, and for conditions tn summer make it nec!a!" ' I can't. Traffic Mgr.. . . Wirtrftii,irG6 home and put on some other clothes. Scratched ,out the word-T-Sticking Into beach sheiks who strut essary for wives to give special On the next on the bov small ine Dencn. day iou nm i tesuiy ui inai ng, saiajne person up and down on the sands, but attention to the cooking for their Salt Lake & Utah R. R. Co. TdH; ftB brobably treasonable to ask, but' who ever again showed the diary with his never go in the water. husbands, as fatty foods cause irrifinal . . entry before going to bed. tation." "Hii 'tight" to decide what women may or may t.et at 8 o'clock," his mother I.jJoe gaVe', new brand a has Bungstarter to" who And the court? the wear in not gave right judges ;lf Lnf modnBhlne that he calls "Hen" Rev. f. B. Bartretfc, New York: "o bar witnesses because of thtir clothes? And who Rave 4 he "We heed higher thinking, nobler liquor. Why He Ring ( Two drinks or It and you don't sacrificing, more citizens in courtrooms, judgft the ngntf-t 16 ""bawl out women shepherds of the r "Daddy, wha makes a man :, y-r ;r-care where you lay. ' lost who will brave storm and wild.j-ways Kive the ladv h I. WE "ARE I'1 anywy . erness and pestilence as did David ' Vino-': 4":Nbfedy. power most merefy some more extra-leg"ftfercury headwomen Wore a Drops,' Livingstone. like says Jane "T lodjrLsonny. Answers. line over a weather Item, Addama who will endure everything AUTHORIZED of. them , have assumed and that-- , some of them; fight "Well, I'm glad I didn't buy. any In their, enthusiasm for world fco rt contempt-of-cttoof of 'cnto means threats hang by desperate" 1 of that stock," says LI'l Gee Gee brotherhood.". Ro9m brightly. proceedings if fehyone challenges them. i " Cossackism' is "Two .1 Oar.tbntBmpt of fudge beean a coh&&rttbitv iSW fttsh't the sfightest idea of Americanism ; smoker ofnewspapermen.'" the Fourth Estate, "were COURTHOUSE NEWS yjj i hi ehe is irhbned with the same idea'bf government as the talking about their respective pa e . junkers and the late czar. .She may pot know it, but she is pers. " I see your best gag writer has Hector H. Hello-tropbu&Iiy: femgageo! in te'ariibg down respect for good, wholesome lerf :tne sheet,' said one. local club-- AUTO American iaw that. teya 'ohi citizen is as good .aa: Another said the other. ""Vye're man, obtained a "eh, ' l' divorce . have a gonna do Tuesday about and hat aria, you g6irig o tough time without him.. He's the sixth caption writer from his ' wife, America great iob these days isn't the tariff, or a we've" lost this Hilda Heliotrope. year.' fefc trthef minor. items; ft Js the restoration of Simdn-Pur- e famous artist. Mr. I "That editor of yours, concluded PROVO AmMckniBin-ah- ti the American' bench is as good a place the1 first speaker, 'can't seem to Heliotrope, who Is t' " r ' r a constant surieir-eas ftny to fctari. . ' " keep his wits about him'." ; from hay fevef, (aKeep your car looking- new. charged that his Our workmen are all ex. Wife painted pic' fbr-Fatme1 I i,'; tures of goldenrod I perts. YOUR YouM and Scotch broom a: : . : Wfijafyi read, carefuriy tije "solutions'' of the. farmers' that were so realistic he broke out t DON'Ti SAY "Whsa I was a boy sneeatng every time We repair and refinish" at Was a problems igge$ted by Mr Hoover and Mr. Smiths Neither I "used to detest grammar," "I but It . them. cure-' fprniture of tbera aeamsio have anything more than sortie vague detested Mttimr." t all neither New as " If advances any concrete, definite idea. V . PRONOUNCE "gloomy ( h Is the (Irsf law - II ' la hot "gloo-me- ." ' f Of nature, but It is not wise to stay V - Rn)cly We don't "see why, the government should work spelled "gloomy." City MOW i3 a good time to - out pickled all the timet, says Ralph more ihan.it should work DONT USE "have tMarraers'i probteras-inweht",wheh & Jonee.let ns xlean that heav-te- r or the. problems , of water works vou mean' "have gone." - .. - ' b'out the: iera-rQbiem- s -haye-foo- d, 3 woolettr-au- it must we that orten out useq auauc argued for. fall. popaiai'iy ancrppTerijanm7jft-iv That expert who says a working FHONE848 was "He Is a tight-wad- " I can live on $10 a, week hasn't You'll be delighted with its then it is equally true that we. must have.f uel and. Water and misquoted: girl 32 Close"He la the Qf Jack West of Center St, Provo family - power.- - Lumbermen, who produce fuel in' the Northwest, have priced a permanent wave recently.. look of newness and the fist r rather for having thato'xbr " The trouble with going picnicing cost is so little. Call tftjolvi. .their.;OW tiefdabfesv"' giving," as 1t appearr fn 475. ' ' the farmer Jieeps relying oh poJitkianB' to Dutch rhyme.. ' In your flivver is that when you Asjoocai Stop for lunch, you find that the 'Prompt, efficient service. help fiirn.hell rely in vain. ; He must organize, as other ttonfeifid wcH tiiA his whsAlvation. 'He knows, ilt J v.- T. two-spee- - d oia ' Jack-rabbi- -- a-j- ... T two-spe- . - Sil&ts-vs.br- k "-- uii'"' ...n r- - 1 stretched out on the gras. near a monument erected by great western state tp the dead of the home' regiment In. the PhlBtf- U r- pine war . and as looked, up at the bronze ' statue of a soldier with his bayon " . t. ' , vV .y etted rifle in fighting posture I " . ',,. '1 saw a rather peculiar sight "" there were five pigeon! perched World More Anxious to Wijy bnnand arouHdthe figure two "oh the f. lflon on the boy's shouldr4f anu iwo at nis leet glanced at the names of the I EdMr. is we here " .The. gfttlenian, whose picture print on the Jride of the fdeadgngraved in XincinnatL 62 Jives and fr' ye&ra-olward Uoe.i"JIeis tons amt i thought of the millions like them who have fallen in deadot )ut of Prospective employers-t- o J?efcefitliLhlB sacred ly ':8trlfe-- t tierpetuate-t- he aiiDUerrfdr work, told him he Was ''too old'1' whbin or property rights Koe So Mr. and to preserve the proper In Darning, put centive for each of ns-tget whst suit, stepped into the Ohid nver T8e"otner telrow may have in any arid swam it forA ten miles, I j Marshall r wrfivrfetieolumn T,ther!4i about a Socfallst ball tfeam and mJsbbbbbbbsW 5- In his dally stories, are his own.They, do not, ' witn those oi hub coincide necessarily, ' ' . By HIIX BILLY ; . ' deed.'-a do I This good day h.nnon that this day I save half a dozen necks. A of you folks possess a fliyjwith a.twospeed axle to ; eertain percenUge ' . . you I am writing. d In gear with the is a fllv always that will tell you they to be done Is nothlflg rear end; it la NOT. And when it Is JOT there about it unless you head for. the nearest stump; no brakes, no kicking off the, ignition, doesn t neip a on; pumi uwu nuoig thru the floor boards and she keeps ramblingjright along; a weird sensation. In four years Lll has pultedi Wa.Btnnt,on me, is wrapped twice; the last time was last evenidgw'ttl Ji --" around a atumpf X am going to pry het-Xi- f s Billy's-view- - ...... T 4, Head for the Stump (Hill memberwho played bet ter than the others wai given a watch ae a reward - and we wondered whether that was UVlng tirt to the doctrine of equal rewards , tor - eywyonenc ':' , matter what his job If. Gunner Raimuson, eeltbr and manager; R. W, Goedell, managing etitfY.rJ. . Jlkk,eounty editor; J. A. Owens advertising manager. I ByWilliams Row one' 107; Editorial off lea, W;' Society-report- er, room poa X fwi.do Aot roalv your paper before p. m. telephone S .oepy iWUl tt aaiwttsp to you rssmenoa, r. i, j " ii,, feutorlllo tetoeBJf carrier la teottBty,08 cents the month; lioct ibl yliarm a4mnoef tjf inail la the county, (U0 outside county, ss .'V' ... ...... - second-class-matt- ar , mmmm - C Rodger, president, at BeflTd CbhprtUBIl. E. H4vbJ Wl Entered as Bo, United Pre i ttK jwtato in Prov, ytb. Membr of oiaUan, ff&K vftert ib .iPaiaa JBditorlal Bervioa, and the James 10. Telephones-EBusine- , OUT OUR WAY gray-haire- - -- We are trying; to keep on good terms with the public by treating: them lght. ow Starting today we will call for uid deliver wash and grease jobs at right prices. y ,'": jobv.-faithfull- z : SERVICE Opposite Roberts Hotel Phone 825 . j . - I SUPER" ROBERTS :A,A( t 1928 CopjnslHtd, I "':" 111 .EXCURSIONS . 4 m -- iltMr. TA; hitl'f. u. t: . Family Fireside on TIP OF nt 1 o j . with llie Genuine Estate Heatrola . law-ridd- en - busy-bodie- e -vet -- NO NEED XI..: rOf THIS.. BXKKICNCCi HAS TAUGHT OS NOW TO) PfOTfCT you J0? funnnoa read.-Scotsm- an.. - it8 ktt--- In Smoking ''' .Belle-Russell'- T; TIIE ' al - Q" . ti fr 1 e, 3S; I i . 1 tf REFINISIIERS FOR - - '. ?7t'XNo$Mlht8- ENGLISH rs "Really, Think It Suit" ked '. ; ; . - rzc..- Auto Top Painting Cor ' THERE must rr - ing sales of Budweiser Malt. You can't fool millions bn quality and results. lvl - preciaelyiwaiyC?vhat does. No whatican't be done. politician . God tfll heJp IhOBeyVwho help themselves. . ii. ..,i ,;1y ;t- - I r. - ' ' ) ?;'Tte Seigtii of Optimism - " . FThe Bobbef Shop 4 d Even a man in the shop, this morning,' smiled when an old record on the phonograph played "A Little Bft Off the Top." bald-heade- Peter the' lly MADS EN $150.00 IN BEAUAIFUL . PRIZES Will Be In The "Dr6pplng Conner: . words often gets Ther11' more than likelv'teU the missus about it in.a a person Into trouble." said Blondy, Isfler artemard,"'8ayl the mahicurist. ' Ten on hef foot Trrrr ' J NEXT I'-Oh; lady; ladyj ; ... , ." . .- 119 MYSTEHY TRUNK Come and Try Vour Key -- . sun a in r'ttjl L. II - S?h!t? mrmma JO 3 r ; . t. SHOES! North Unfa Ave. - 6'HICHESHRSJIL Glengarry ii sai A LOOK AT YOUR Cleaning: Co. " thru seven small towns' while 'A 6eattte rrUim'rtirigt,.teUing about Jier customers, refers passed out Hd Ing; ok Sunday, bec&us he 4 Wednesday, Aug. 29 in t ihe jpen whc'lovft'thdr wives, but are lonely a great forgot how' to std(k his new motor city a,ndvwantvto take", the. little ladyv of ,the buff er out to cycle.'. a few ! .. I -- riu m Mm "OIUc bant. KM Everyone Else Does u QUALITY Shoe uj 4,u hhm Rebuilders -- ' 208 West Center wMk Service" BOl swt. WMtlm. H.f N f n r Budweiser Malt Syrup Improves the flavor and Increases rtia nutriment of bread, cakes, cookies and It U sold by grocers snd dealers everywhere. Jouthauts. ... i. f - ' -- i ANHEUSER-BUSC- ST. .... LpU;?,,.. Budweiser Malt kb MOP trAVnnrn wholesale cr6cer rumi 2I0NS WHOLESALE GROCER m aixt CO. )oden7ltah7 W. H. BINTZ CO. VKobsaa Ditirituimrt' Salt Lak Gty, Utah. |