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Show Page in HILL TOP TIMES 6 Is ideology still a factor' CURRENT POLICY relations among There's been nations? much discussion lately of detente - the lessening of tension between nations -since the beginning of the DSSSD (KH1 IT (Air Force, Department of Delense Talks) and conclusion of the positive changes international situation, our party naturally does not forget that these changes have been achieved as a result of the sharp struggle with the forces of imperialism. At the present time, the resistance to the in the Summit Agreements between the U.S. and the Soviet Union. You can get a different perspective on this when you read the views of some Soviet officials. Examples: In a speech at the Bolshevik Party An- Meeting easing of international tension still has not been in Moscow on July 13, Communist Party of the Soviet Union Central Committee member completely overcome. The hotbeds of tension that constitute a danger for the cause of peace still exist. And it goes without saying that the sharp class struggle in the in- Politiburo and Committee Central Secretary Mikhail Suslov said: "Comrades, and national policies and nd ternational noting the arena and (acts 190-1- .) the capitalist within countries continues. The ideological struggle, in which there is no peaceful coexistence between socialism and capitalism, and cannot be, is particularly actue." Excerpts from Philosophical Inheritance V.l. of "Problems Lenin" and of , ConWar, Moscow, temporary 1972" written by a group of leading Soviet military theorists, one of five books announced by "Red Star" as nominated for a prize in - the correlation between war and politics at the present time is the fact that socialism concepts-a- 1973: home. If energy conservation is only practiced at our place of work during an day, drastic measures may have to be imposed by shortages or rationing. However, if energy conservation is practiced 24 hours a day, beginning in the home, continuing on to our work area and through individual self discipline, then energy demands can be reduced by a considerable percentage. Following are a few tips from P. Civil Rietman, Engineering. AFLC. to begin a worthwhile energy conservation program, at the most important point, the home: Water Heaters (the second Harry largest household energy user): Do not use hot water if warm or cool will do the job. Use cold water and detergents to operate washers whenever possible. Operate washers and dishwashers with full loads. Do not run hot water when washing dishes. Have dripping faucets repaired promptly. Do not make steam rooms out of showers. Refrigerators and Freezers. Do not open doors more than necessary. Maintain refrigerator temperature between 34 and 40 degrees, check with a ther- mometer if you are not sure. Do not put warm items in your refrigerator or freezer. Keep freezer temperature at zero degrees, and always try to remember tha t a full freezer will pacifist, What can you learn about yourself from the stubs of your checkbook? If it's filled out properly, you would learn of course how you spent your money during the recent past. And your old checkbook stubs for the past vcar or two would fell you land o:hetsi quite a bit about yourself! of the Duke of The biograph-,who defeated Wellington, Napoleon at Waterloo, stumbled across the Duke's old checkbook stubs on' day. They proved to ! an im portant key to the character of England's "Iron Duke." How we spend our money, then, is one clue to what makes us tick and the kind of person we are. "Where your treasure is spent, there is youir heart also." Another indication of character is the pleasures we seek. Some of them we all have in common: a hot shower after a hard day. a good night's rest, and a favorite dinner. Others are peculiar to us depending upon our talents: a big job for those who are built for responsibility, a dangerous job for those who like adventure, etc. God is in the business of giving What are you doing Nov. 6? Are yoi j voting Nov. fj Many of the romrnunities and counties up1 and clown the Wasatch Iron are holding elections. Primary elections were held laM Tued;i m some areas. Generally, the voter turn out was very light Those of you a ho did take the time to vote in the primary elections made dec isions for tho of you who did not vote. The candidates and Issues in the general election are many. The results of the elections will determine courses of action in your daily lives Let your decisions be known by voting Nov. 6. pacifist, movements perialist countries development. The Soviet Union is compelled to take this into consideration and on the part of sincere advocates of peace, Marxists should see and explain the harmfulness of their theoretical (and in many cases political as well) positions, the and vulnerability of their understanding of undertake the requisite measures to respond to force with overwhelming force in case the Quote Small countertop appliances ( another big user ) . Use and pans the same size as the burner unit to avoid wasting heat and reducing heating time. Use pots and pans with flat bottoms and proper size lids. When boiling water, use only the amount needed, then reduce flame or lower setting once it starts to boil. Use small quantities of water to cook vegetables. Avoid overcooking all food. On electric stoves, turn off heat a few minutes before food is completely cooked, the stored heat will complete the process. Prepare double or triple amounts of food requiring long cooking time - it takes less energy to store and Cooking Oven-peepin- 100-wa- tt ching. pleasures to His people. Did you know that one Psalmist says that God makes us "drink from the river of his delights"? And who needs a whole river of water when he is thirsty! A few glasses will do just fine. The point is God has more pleasures for his people to "drink" than we can possibly absorb. There has to be a heaven to give us time to take it all in. We all know the pleasures this world offers, decent ones like hot showers and some not so decent. Do we also know the pleasures God gives those who know Him person to person? I spent an hour and a half one day at lunch while a friend told me about the pleasures he had experienced since he met God. Of course he didn't use the word "pleasure." but it boiled down to that. Iater an airman went on and on regarding the he had tasted since he s met the same God. Both men are very happy. The adventure for them now is wondering what new pleasure, what new satisfaction God will give today and tomorrow. Can anyone really know either pleasure or adventure or excitement till he meets this God of holy surprises and pleasures and satisfactions? im- perialists unleash a war against the nations of the socialist commonwealth." one-sidedne- ss such as skillets, are more efficient and use less energy than stoves. For foods requiring long cooking time, use the oven, it takes less energy than stove top burners. g causes large heat losses, it is unnecessary and wastes several minutes of heat. Lights, radio and television. Turn off unnecessary lights! A bulb left burning for a month costs about two dollars. Use a lower watt bulb of the proper voltage wherever practical. Bulbs cost less too. Turn off radios and televisions when no one is listening or wat- pots who process of progressive anti-wa- r reheat than to start from scratch. door. its have not given up hopes of turning back or halting by means of armed force the f horn retain cold longer and allow less air to escape when opening the im- aggressive policies. There exist elements in im- attempting to make capital of this, utilizing a formula to the effect that nuclear war has allegedly ceased to of be an instrument politics. While supporting "This is a subjective judgment. It expresses merely protest against new-pleasure- of antagonisms perialism engender "The imperialists are bourgeois world. Checkbooks and thrills Chaplain (Lt. Col.) William F. Fulton. Jr. -- n' peoples. the in 'self-negatio- of nuclear war, and dulls the vigilance of anti-wa- r movements 'automatic the destruction,' the above-mentione- Chaplain's corner By about peaceloving forces, as well as the fact that the U.S.S.R. wields a mighty 'nuclear sword,' make it possible to check the forces of aggression: world war has to an be ceased inevitability. But this does not mean that nuclear war, due to change in the effect d of the and ceased has patterns, given to be an instrument of politics, as is claimed by the overwhelming majority of representatives of nrgy coiisirvt ion bcpiiis Energy conservation begins at other and the essence of nuclear war.... "Soviet military doctrine proceeds from the fact that a savage struggle is being waged in the international arena between two social systems - socialism and imperialism. The internal nuclear war. It objectively, however, even against the volition of its authors, understates the danger of a nuclear war and in many cases gives rise to illusions "A cardinal change in the growth in the might of affecting them. For details see AF Policy Letter for Commanders, AFRP Arms Strategic Limitations Talks (SALT niversary October 26, 1973 Heating and Cooling Equipment (the largest household energy users). During cold weather, draw shades, blinds and drapes after daylight. This helps keep cold air out. Do not block radiators or air registers with furniture or drapes, it restricts air circulation and requires extra energy. Set thermostat at about 70 degrees, this is a comfortable temperature and will save energy. At night, lower the thermostat about five degrees. If opening a bedroom window at night, keep the door closed to prevent cold air from hitting the thermostat. Furnace filters should be kept clean or changed as necessary. A monthly check is a good idea If the basement, garage and attic are not heated, the doors leading to them should be kept closed to avoid wasted heat. In unused rooms, keep air registers and doors "You have some of the oldtimers who say that the Air Force is going to pot 1 really don't believe so. I see a great opportunity for the Air Force now. The people I see, the --- first-terme- I've met, they really rs impress me. And I find that I really have to push myself to keep up with them, if anything ... going to school at nights trying to broaden my own education ... and the other NCOs will have to take this type approach. They'll have to get out at night ... and study and keep ahead. I find that if you do prepare yourself this w ay and rap with the guys on an equal level that they give you the respect because you've earned it then. It's not something that comes with your stripes. It's something that you've earned and that's the only real kind of respect that you can really have. That's the key to the future - effective leadership in our NCO grades because they are there every day with these guys." - SMSgt. James A. Swoopes. Minot A Fit. N.I)., one of the 12 Outstanding Airmen of the Air Force for 15)73 "It, . closed. During hot weather, draw shades or blinds to keep direct sunlight out. Set thermostat between degrees. The room temperature will remain comfortable and the energy requirements will Ik? less. 7G-7- 8 - w tress 3' V o ..only you tan prnt i?jre i SfK'TW (Ob Keep air conditioning filters lean with a check at least every 30 days. Keep windows and doors closed when the air conditioner is on Keep fireplace dampers closed If leaving the house unoccupied for over a day, raise the thermostat setting. c L UMUU4i4 1,111 ' I i J u f ft ftrct. V ndilorial Office Office Information. Fildg. 103, Ext. 11"2. of Room 7321 'PHOTO cnnDtTS-Allpfjoto- s. in trie Hill Top Times are from the Base Audiovisual .Vrv(re Branch or other Air Force sources unless noted. A- - Top Times id Thursday is ihc deadline for copy Advertising Office-- MorMedia Sales, Inc.. 34 N. Main. Iaton. or 277-3Salt Lake City 37V-51- !YFHTISG 8 POI.H V - Kvervthina advertised in this publication must he made available for purc hase. ue or patronage without regard to tie race, creed color, national origin or sex of the purchaser, user, or patron. A confirmed violation or 'rejection of this lohcy of equal opportunities by an advertiser will result in the refusaj to print advertising from that source. |