Show when on the llesh sens on the rail on a steamboat aboard a fishing smack or yachting on he coast stomach bittera will ha found a reliable means of averting nod relieving ailments to which travelers marinous mari nors and emigrants are peculiarly subject sea captains alip doctors yoya gera or af mourners in the tropics and all about to encounter an or climate should not neglect to avail thema elvea of abia safeguard of well ascertained and long tried merit constipation bili malarial fever rheumatism and affections affect iona of the bladder and kidneys are among the ailments which it eradicates and it may be re sorted to cot only with confidence in its remedial efficacy but also in its perfect freedom from every objectionable in gred bot if is derived from the purest and moat salutary sources it counteracts the effects or unwholesome lood and |