Show NOTICE OF SALE BY TRUSTEE A R of city utah county aad territory by her cortada deed of trust bated april conveyed to the trustee aba premises hereinafter described which said trust deed deed was recorded in the office ol 01 the of county utah territory on the day of april 1893 in fumk no 15 of at page 90 in trust to acure tue l adment of a certain pro art ef the fame date an said trust deed or the sum of ona thousand dollars wi thereon at the of one ta cent er month payable quarter veny ve ny froza date of said promissory lote until paid both before and afier payable to the order of Willia caW american FoK Utah iff eaid territory fiva years arr awta and vvhs aaa ad ewt aard provided that if default le made in the pay ment of s iid not or any part tl ereon or ot any interest that may ss the pame became due aad oa ablo or in case of the breach of any of abu c decao s contained in said fruat deed the taid might proceed to sell aid remisia rem isea or ant part thereof adis lne to the highest bidder for cah fit ae county court hauae ia provo 20 das public cotick of the time terms and condit on ot said aae and the pro pert to be eald bv in some in the egah lan and publia d in said provo city and whereas there a balance of 50 dollars due as interest for th quader yearly period jannard la no fart of which has been paid and whereas there was due as interest noon the eaid note for the quarter yearly ending aaril lat 1895 the bum of thirty dol no part of which baa been paid and there ia esven 50 dollars interest annon said aro note now past due and payment thereof has been demanded and said barah A hailings haw lings al lowed the premises herein after dp to be bold for the taxes of 1891 end wan compelled to and did pay the sum ot 37 05 for their redemption demp tion and whereas the baid owner and boecler of said note william W has requested the eaid to sall said prenn BBS conveyed by aada trust doad as aforesaid for the purposes and in accordance with the provisions of said trust deed vow therefore erblic notice ia hereby given that by virtue of the power of sale contained in eaid trust deed as recorded as aforesaid and in accordance with tha terms of said treat the fidia in said trust deed and hereinafter described will be sold at public auction bv the ander bignel trustee aforesaid or so much of the eaid prem iaea as loav be necea iary to the highest der for cash at the front door of the county court house in city plan county utah territory on day of may 1895 at aleyen the forenoon of that dav for the pur posca 0 paying the ex jot this trust including reasonable atto rheva fees and compensation to theonder the under banned binned trustee aforesaid the amount paid to redeem from gether with interest and ao apay the said note together with the interest act cumulated cum thereon abe day oe eard sale 1 the following a aj of said premie ep as d in and convened by said truet demid nd 0 o be sold aa above to wit those certain pieced and barcela parcela of land situate lying and beatria in the city of pro TO utah county utah territory bounded and described as 1 follows to wu djs ane east half of lot 5 in olat 4 P ovo city lots area 36 dated may D trustee williams fancutt sutherland attorneys for trustee fc OF SALE BY TRUSTEE whereas benjamin F milner and ella K milner hia wife and john B milner an unmarried man of prevo cita utah county and ryby their certain deed ot trust dated may 12 1893 conveyed to the undersigner undersigned under signed as the premises hereinafter described which said trust deed was recorded in the office ol 01 the ke corder of utah conaty utah on the day of may 1893 in book no 15 of mortgages at page 94 in trust to secure the payment of a certain promissory note of the same aate as said trust deed for the bum of twenty five hundred dollars with interest thereon at the rate of one per cent per month payable quarter yearly from the date of said promissory note until paid both before and after the amounts of interest unpaid when dna to bear interest ai the rate of per month from date anen due until paid payable to the order of william W mathews of american fork utah county in said territory three years after date and Whee as said trust deed provided that if default be made in the pay meet of said note or any part thereof or of any interest that may accrue thereon as the same became due and oa vable or in case of the breach of any of the covenants contained in said trust deed that the eaid trustee might proceed to sell said premises or any part thereof at public to the highest bidder for cah at the county court house in provo city atao first giving 20 days public notice of the time terms and condi toa 0 said eale and the property to le sold bv advertising in some newspaper printed in the english lan aid published in said provo cita and whereas there was the sum of five dollars due aa interest for th quarter neaily derild ending part of which has been paid except the sum of forty eight dollers dolln rs and whereas there was adno as interest upon the said note for the quarter yearly ending NOT the sum ot five dollars and for quarter yearly period ending feb 12 1895 the sum of seventy anve dollare no part of which has bien paid and there is one hundred and seventy haven dollars in terest noon said promissory note now dab and payment thereof has been demanded and whereas the eaid owner and holder of said note william W mathews has requested ahe undersigner undersigned under signed said trustee to sell said premises conveyed by said trust deed as aforesaid for the purposes and in accordance with the provisions of said truest deed now given that by virtue of the power of sale contained conla ined in said trust deed as re corded as aforesaid and in accordance with the of said the said premises io paid trust deed and herein alter described will be sold at public auction by th undersigner undersigned under signed trustee aforesaid or ao much of the said premises as may bo ane highest bidder for cash at the front door of the county court house in city utah county utah territory on the day of may at eleven in the forenoon of that day for the purposes of paying the expenses of this trust including reasonable fees and compensation to the under signed trustee aforesaid and to pay the aard note together with the interest accumulated thereon up to tha day of said eale ine following is description of said orem isea sg described in and conveyed by eaid arnet deed and to be old as above to wit those certain pieces and parcels of land situate alyine and being in the city of provo utah county icah territory bounded and as fol lows to wit lots 4 and 5 in block 17 plat B provo city survey 0 building lota area of an acre also commencing com five rods east of tha northeast corner of block 12 plat 0 provo city survey of lots thence east 12 rods thence south 11 rods thence west 12 rods thence nonh rods to place of area of an acre together with a right of way over a astrio of land one rod wide adjoining said land on the south also commencing 17 roda baat from the northeast corner of block 12 plat 0 provo city of burldine buil dine lota thelca east 12 rohe thence south 24 rods thelca west 18 roda thence north 12 rods thelca east 6 rods thence north 12 rods to the place of beem area ak achaa dated may SorBE BLAND trustee williams sutherland ati for truie |