Show THE RE REPORTERS PonTERS STORY nw editor iter Xe Cullagh V id d 1114 write t ip it of a harder arder 31 when 1 I ap applied to joceph ligh for a a As reporter nr ou on the globe democrat in 1885 I 1 baa ba ben ix en posted ani about his of dudacs ami and wore an old nit chon chan threadbare I 1 had letter lotters cf recoil men emendation menda dation tiou from colonel burlo of ane time timer democrat and froin from colonel po do benium of the dallas willell I 1 held la in toy my awl reiddy for hie ilia 1 I 44 4 ruy speech rather by br the cw coo calculating latiner in which ho he imported Imper ted luo inc while dolog to M aud and then lim my ile glanced yd at I 1 be elp without reading mo content conten tx of either of the itt ten picked up R alip of aud told to the of joo joe A I 1 rench min who h bid kd been a few rillus a before in the french quarter anil and then es cure irefully folly placed my belovec ix be loveI lovi di papers io in ilia its without a ord tf 41 lion three boars latr I 1 lidded bluitt him a very cry carefully writ report of the Ipp riler giving all ol 01 ct ef the he details hh would have filled two bolum preceded by my pw ov n 4 aro he be ids in tit SIX rations giving all cf ef the on I 1 rincie d facts la in short next momma I 1 bat that ny my had leaeu I 1 pt at tho the ru acting sann 1 et 1 for tio 00 report iu in au all armijo about two lo 10 ig a s friall head lead foully Murd murdered tred 11 with all tho the nat of say leads print printed cd word for word exactly ai as I 1 had written them as t the b u b body 0 tl 1 if f tl the 1 e imeln of the rt aport p 0 t a appeared p p e a n t 1 it was a beautiful christina christmas acra tup fug but I 1 will never forget tny my feelings ei as I 1 rend read that little item I 1 tilt utterly nud and i it I 1 had hail had bad my mr McCull agli would litre i I 1 tho hotel corridors con idore until time to ahu v u I 1 prevented myself locore little mack an and d asked for the frettim t tu the let letter to my able surprise a and integ ie delight he lie gave luo sue au all immediate mediate Ini as a lament acir cr irim ial cuvrk handed me 8 huge burdio wrapped in wrapping ps p per and while holding till tji pd eLage tho eon tents of dav which aich were to me ho he to give die sue ti tigue and ad detail all cf of my failings I 1 iu if plant blunt but very lucid wl wind E id log up like the crack of whip with I 1 put those 0 clothen abes ou oil aud and report for duty lu one hour bly head uail actu jilly when I 1 left the arv UP ft 1 0 ouan outfit luc U lading adin g shoeb hirt ahir t and r wear collir tio tie and find cue one of the beet altiva I 1 elwore ev wore the act of which could bot wye been im than GO I 1 never sair aw luy iny letter letteri again but when I 1 att two laar ho be wrote roto roe the beet best I 1 ever received and w wie wis is always ready to say a gom gwi word by wire it it mai a requests d old reporter in chicago record |