Show LOCAL NEWS ato perron WM in price bunday sunday s the first propof crop ot larrue how almost rudy ready ts j cut john F larmeu of molon was in ili 11 suo during the week r ally everybody in lown town it Is out i wheeling ahm days laj I 1 liver front train too tou this week on Lne lucu J EL screens or r came up from farou J 4 f sunday mid find spent a day or so tu in price J V lone long bu has gone to scofield nd ad lake city on an a brief bus trip A ago tbs 1 1 ivady rain 1 lut lot at 0 goo food d in tee As north end of cattle valley vii mell hipp and dd george 7 dran two prominent atlonie a of flold were in town thamis on way to aery doery county Z cozier ana company of baltimore hai has imen doing tru trustiness siness in the of carbon connly county this week W X artel 1 9 A ine S X king pea J W N came in to price sunday morning warning and nd left for or to often court 43 hath be a grand time bl bait nt at nut next solidity Son ilay md aad it 14 ii W a number hav all will tae of ibo cheap rate ana nd joto jie their fri frieble enle from utah county countr rf in ih u a same of at common set netlike like who on the right to make arruti if it th few had oo 00 rr too of patent can lo 10 a bibi llie ibe anxious mon W H xing kin Ite presed a tire tn giai imers by ike 4 butok hewl cri to kaw bruse of bf to UM the joul jubil r ho ile d wat many member members will corpt swept tah nuch so a W jafari Wa 0 skata Fari jav lug lu declined tn to fil the ib ite state jubilee oom com abeles r for mar 1 tb ili J 1 of eteter ihu Is a good ap md and will molt result in croper kind oc a madeam the graf grat Jf tta F till was but a tery emall attend ie ct eat the meeting ol 01 the black hawk wr war 4 held hold in ili last 8 abid ao to cillar INVA wAed to meet kg 1 WIN 4 iss agnalt aadi permanent or r gathe ejected ni soon aas pomilee tle it jr ts t 10 that when the tile next call to Is ma wa the ta veterans Tet erana will roond heartily bear tily jomaa josaa 1 show their interest I 1 lit I 1 tile tu purpose of taw A E ait seria came over flous clero clevo land tuesday 0 M anderson of vernal wits waln I 1 a town ibis I 1 hi week stock mr mm peter peterson hagon has gone to barring city to visit relative 11 U a st 81 fills baa has arau to salt lake like city ily on a business trip ebarle the tb bep lain irlin of lluc mile wa was la a town A II 11 collins provo and tid A 1 D duk oat on were at t the hotel clarke several claim claims have refrat ly II been taken up and recorded with the anly county clerk lerk all of helper line has rein red to ball salt lake city when where be he wilt will now reside 19 johnson of vernal was to 10 a day in adri on his ht erml 1 home froni from the 1 lj Y Acs 1 at born to tha wira ht hr mr 11 F hansen IIan seo a ion lon on ejde alty mother and child getting along lon all right alio infant child of on wednesday dlee that evening eren loj at nta 0 of whooping cough st V lo 10 L blear 1 arrived in adny ami and today be he and L U W olsen hire hare the castle puk gilsonite property they will be fur for several dy days it Is 1 cot 1101 exaggerating fe 0 o tI allis 4 aua art beating lue the waa kutlu ids I 1 fur sensation A medal should be gierer to A few of at our noall tand byll citizens L 0 lieutenant koehler and to price pilco today to day with mr mrs mother mr mrs 0 it anthony of leaven worth kana the ladas will RW go to where JL s koehler will witti with ber her parent parents for a short time ywca of P V junction and killorn Kill brn of helper ran a it foot toot race lit last banay bond ay iy al A the latter 11 they ran yu de ds for P W and kud bowen the wiline 1 odthe ell n ormaul stakes wont went off as IV it boy with a little red 1 waya wagon E 0 Ilow latA ana wife 4 0 helper will on be the firt first of janie mairl ta balm where mr rowland expects to take up 0 other I 1 her wirl w al he 11 juts been ceetle at the railroad hope I 1 ia helper for or two a rears and ad has aa won wait many file sid abu hot there it ie Is hoped ire b e will meet with the ho be the department of at tha iu utah has now Iv adylor the bra arah 4 the lb most magnificent flo fl ata ver wide in the west latr 1 here will le uty fifty float floats constructed by the department not Inc lailoR those the twenty seven counties conn tle of the state will and the coat cost will not bo be iff less than U COO the parades will be b the most elaborate sod ad ever witness wit need in bis ibis country the I 1 of at tha aroca avoca ual call herald recently budd 1 ak obber briber and recovered Jn dement for seven awa subscription with coat monn edff to fit tit the paper had been ordered ortle topped anil anti bd been returned from train the tb roat office oa as refused rafa iod bat the th ot awl up arrears arr eari and hia his name waa van continued on the books 40 na ili iba aana to bis his address add reea tb dec iain of f fhe court WAS that a R could be bau hou ica to rip tion tu all jl ww pai pill 1 johnl john L returned asime from roin bb trip to ashley W son 5 0 I 1 WA w oil 1 the county mat deal 0 m wj an monday altura attorney waif walf a bas banlue inest trip wark ulrica dayner who baa len n cudar city fur for our time bu has returned to price lira mrs D it mcdo mcdowal illi 1 haa home from a visit to at t spring ville PiO loen ha has returned from train bait salt lake city where tr bei was acting aa a grand juror mrs john juba L Down downard aril of lower crowing ia is la in price and will pond spend the here bere J II 11 poulton the will well known drumm mr r jox or Z C M at 1 11 Is biking a tour of emery county T I 1 E labog in 11 out in be the interest ct of the belt salt lake city hod water company and stopped om over la in price monday J 11 II scott county school ent eat for imme in this wc kind and went to bait batt lake to attend the book convention and returned from salt lake city monday bloodily with the tile buchne baseball nine and andi left for the furt the report a splendid outing A bort short time ago oar our ll patent von mn stated that thieves tu levea aal ant outlaws who were wen beroud bero here it appear appears that tho til I 1 pat sla vr mil att amov bow now ok seek to make rood good his hi word for the lee thieves 1 secured his 1 I vice and b lr and ibe and got him ont out of 1 IQ town a cupid donaldson Donal daun leaned issued a marday edwn ewt ard and emma juniah PU linth aged 1161 1 liuto tot Sw field a license to marry wae lantier to 1 04 9 willson a aed echo and 1001 lock 1 wl 0 1 ilia tl be latter afternoon at aldi ahter sister am majola johm 1 ama buum 1 1 10 0 son yer performing forming the bacq creek baa asseg its I 1 antic bics tics this year and az I 1 it tided to be L that the tb creak water gave u an dAnco of soft arul wul chis yar it is 1 tilling filling all ibe the ditolve with and grafl who know knows ini bus there may bo good placer min mining ingin in salina lith thi this baliem olk carrl 11 I 1 in so baltic oil til ajr lead alam isi 11 sall salia arco wy 1 BM ZM sm rep nten he soc ed prem from st t chicago is a till tor at price find a agnost hems this hotel mr mf stull isan ie an nh 4 j a juul mt ja Q ilee R vr lakil la w when h en abe I 1 buncom neo 14 hgrati so were a I 1 their it ia in colorado the ilia d iring the entire illge in the removal of tb lie 11 to utah there was a family faintly feis I 1 last list Satur saturday dAr to which a whole neighborhood tried lort the Rid rola aaa 4 banco faiuU iea got la ilk sow somo quarrel ayer bone horm and jeese johnston Johne too who choh is uro mrs brother flail ia Is staying at her homo took tip the dial sits with will eldredge dredge EI front of 0 be the el and sod two rounds were lonset malted resulted lu in some gore gorea 1 and a few ciack eye ap next day disgraceful family or fen benu Is should caie cease or elee elise a vi hole hoker sae er may anie wine day result richfield advocate two men jake jacoban and ii mr nielsen bad a close call for their lives the other day they were floating rafts of log logs down the swollen sevier abai abc e the joe town dam of location thy were bot tot arraje the findly stream wa was urging at a furioni rai gait and the two too dear the dam telore aby rd it tp ape a pe dol bolo Is went oyer kyrou nu ly IV broken from the he raft one way was badly about the baa and abdomen and the other llan glug to iba thal bottom wj b the sud 01 01 na loffi log WM was truck on the ilia bead head and sea tiered ilia ilis life was saved by A looker cn on who lim limp from the river missionary work worle 14 i needed in utah herg should bo be more cb C b I 1 mr u chilon d groping in the dark 1 antreas ing lug latry bwy day the etory story is I 1 told fu ru of tb natate people are growing up with no concepti y of at ight and wrong Immor aUty bt overy where virtue la Is no to longer a r priceless gem ga go to forell lanas and they leare uie derti devil at borne Is tb tate 40 nothing to be camplI shed ic in mat we th there Is 1 utah nod a shaking up and the church that strikes trika put iram uw the and earnestly ear neatly en deamara 1 to b brins about reform ia is the trot chorea church of carbt pre press mra mrs of silt salt lak lake city had a very narrow escape from death on friday ening the accident occurred when the utah central eat east directly in n front of he residence the lady who ia is 54 4 keiris of age ap wu was boue bone from town torn and aull had imbed aty b ivAl jaroad jj road cr when she notra several LO tic r L rw ich afif raced to beni warning them not ta coq high th the park lily irain train was wa drej do but this fact the lady forgot and irain irmis swung w around the curve it b bure bro ro cyp p aroa without br ler noticing it and 41 struck hr her upon LI the lie e hip throwing her 1 heavily to of the trall the aftin nan wae was topp rf aa je he hand bands ran qui cLr j the ladys g gh k wm severe ee vertly lr anjard In though it is U bel le y J jut sot daunor ly |