Show lllttNIIAM IIAN MirillMI TO NAY Humor tmoeeIoiIttopeeneoref nluliler Illouul WAHII CITUN Juno 16Tbe name of Thomi T Urlttenden ooiuu ueneral at the City of Mexico and I JudgoHneed both of Kentucky aro xilil to Iw under oonilJoralloii In con uectlon with the appointment of a plolllmool iicc ortolllount UH ralntiler 10 I Hawaii loilp 1110 1 that olio 01 Ilium will bo chogen but there li y1 no agreement ui betty one uf Hum Becnlary Ureiham wie atked I 1 I uaitruplhat lie poet h1I bun olTerei Coniiil General Orlttvnden and that ho had refused II Ho replied tlm Ueneral Jrllttiideii hud not lefuted tile appointment but would lay nothIng noth-Ing more Later he wai asked 1 1 I wan true that Illouut had nilgned and Hint tho poit ot minuter 1 I Imd beet lt S 3 Eoh I ollcred r to Judge Hooch To thli lo haIry ho responded eli have uotliln to give out on the lulject rreililrnlUI Aiiiliilniful WAtniNOTON Juno 16Tho 1rei dell hut wade the following appoint nixnli Ueorge W BauJerllu Notth Cora Una ileUly third auditor of llio 1Irl JI llobblnr rwelvor cf < ublla money los tlriIiJa Ojn Richard Hagirpoiliiiitlir Iltvfllnr Wyo Tte 011117 0ilIluC CIIIOAUII June ISTIo argument were continued today before the United MlatMiouttor ntipeal In the World Fair Buudny cloilni our The elective ooraiultleo of llm National Na-tional Itrpubllcan tauntlie went Into xtvret teuton agnlti to < ly uonildcrlng tin lIon of orAnlitlioii |