Show Till IIVAMIAI IIIUTIIllt lien een sit oltU loll 1Iblllll uttttttU liunAM June 10T1IO Jenew Oil witch limited have mado on aMlunmunt I The llabllllle ate 1000 Tho failure Ie I duo to the uablllty lo get note exteudid several Ieiiniylvanta bauU have preferred cIIII1 CllCIrto June 10 Flnkley Drtner V Cu itatlowr halo a lgunl File labimiMare 10010 I The alu sore about Ibo Mine lllnililoiiK lee line 01 IosuoN June IUThll cltcllon In LlimltliKOW ywlerday for a uccMor to IIII the Ul d loulau reunited lu a re Unction of the Koerntnent majority jy tlio election of a comervntlvii or n nf III lo Johninn < ouiilr siniti jOoyloO loft < him llurfAiu Wyo June 10 Thotlar route mall ervlo between llullalo and tile lllg Hoinbanln ogolliry has been Increrutd to twice a wtek rile route to Iowder liver creiilug will bo dU conllnued Tho aervlce will bo of Incalculable In-calculable boucflt to the rich agrl cultural sectIon of Johnion county which I elug I raplJIy tcttled by I > cOo rlofrom Utah I |