Show - ----- ---- V ' - 40-- I I f: S 18 -- Monday Morning CALL AN EXPERT FUNERALS OlarOMOMIPtrefft1P010110PWNIOta000Waf0A0 MAtES–eftervices for Myron 2 Sates of South street 104 Last Twenty-firba bald Monday St 11 a m tri the Sobs room 34 Loot Seventh South street Irriends may coil at the motSouth Ernst tuary toastheLast assault' Eunaral tiro itirr:Z Deseret services Mortuary WMICIL—Itervices for Emilio Louis f1rock will be hind Monday at 1 p m in ths Granger L L S ward chapel Bishop Starrill Peterson officiating triends ma y call at the Larkin mortuary 2e0 Lain South Tempt stroat Sub from 4 to S p tn and at the ' day Thirty-Wiresidence 34ell NVast South street Monday from 10 a tn to 12 boon littormeaL Wasatch Lobo - Burial park st tt Jame ILkr4 Ginnie will bit conductad Monday at 12 aeon in Itive mortuary 1445 South at treat Friends may call Plato he resident 1140 Ramona avenue blooday onday from 2 to 7 to m and from 19 a in until tiara of servicos Imam:tont Cit at the mortuary 'amatory under direetion fit the mortuary T7-H- Zbe 5att FOR RENT WANTED-WO-MEN ELP - With BOARD M-RO- OMS 1941 December 22 gakt Zribunt 27-HO- 4SS011 FOR SALE FOR RENT USES ammomaM4b t and Feet :raw AND SPICCIALI :j1INPHED) SUILSIBAN) BEST suet tertittser weed1 est tor aura" home Lovely lady in pri GIRL—Light hawk Bo Bd rm and wages and setrutebery not wt? warm rm bath adjoin 9th E 1611 value 1 33200 Outstanding PAINTING—PAPERING—CLEANING WhOlOSOMO RENTAL SERVICE BADGER home food privad hrs VitTLI tat mead gneiss's Iparauji 1st Ave Hilicrest Apts-- 155 germ- - Talented with oak floors salesladies 6 or more large ralER'S o require street 30 113250 lota grad ILI& aandfraetee- ileges NO Triti-lel4 e Salt beet ettliktitti show awl tmks drain (leash tile bath Beautiful 1 large rms Sus parlor on export vainting and bra daily oonam Box Irmo atnotes for 2 gentlemen good meals sott terL agos: full basement lot 50x163- - sear 27th re—ND Eta vaceinderaTtnt Charge- - I W 2nd IL breakfast re l'botris Corner 'Pt- - All VACANCY papering- - Terms al desired- WAITRESS—Nest appear refined Wageei W teL tn be& Terms So 643 close Oar Temple and 7th Oen bauling Date &mita l outside windows Incomparable servtot swine se apt to Testi Judd's Drive Inn 3320 Highland dr 4 roorna furnace DUPLXX 3 and 1119 1INGLESIDE In Ice out of Close DISCRIMINATthe smoke YOR sod THE PATENT ATTORNEYS Call Union Trust Co- for doctors office Wages TABLE girl Tritx-Telflouts of Liberty park stoker to the city 2 location SOUTH ING L district 943 lest IST just e SWAP Box In one me and collect s block $30 per from Hoist theta mA ProPert7 lab per Specialised ag604efl isolonoroou tUOU All le THOMAS U IL Mkt Trade XXPX1 BLST food twin beds ciose In reasonable from tenant Only $3750 term& girl over 20 Xousework No cook1 57 So eth East marts drayHsu &mimes bidit go2373 MOVE YOURSELF NORTI1 TIEMPLZ BLVD- - mar 3ln CLEANED brick light ft:alums someI tur ing Good wages 1101 261 & A St Tem for men anon" trad West Buckingham—So gas mod Welt °Wag ItralciNa to good meta typoorttar preferred Only Rent a true L rates Uit COMPETENT steno Led beekeeper for PRINTERS-100101INmotor coal farm produce Catiotrnaa eat 1047 Last 17th So $19043: $300 down per me Lovely plenty DRIVE IT youftegur co 35 W 4TH it Dr's office Good salary Box or of No trro voithe 811 anything QADDIa iNvEsTmryr co rms meals optional stoke Tribdrele 11 33402 norm binding V Kensington Apts 176 No Main DESIRABLE ma private and punnet Indiana Ptta P RENT A TRUCK -- Apt So 2nd 924 ICALTOR ht 0 sp pk TrETAf-42Beautiful rtne b 331 go )4In Q Duet Co 221 t bot rui a taawl galloon' lowly decorated 40 waist WANI WORK In HOUR WEER OR MONTI' All outside windows frost perms and MVELirlit rm MEN sun email port mato Twin beds System glassed-1msleeping porch No charge RENT A TRUCK PLAsTkaIN(4 eft &wilt or arbrA work tea for making gas or 'Mettle refrigera- 1TR) roo- for men Reasonable 451 South Mainincorporated Remise MARRIED roan 32 $ years' experience in guns of value Weeks from Rotel Utah 115340 rates 307 kl btn South tion'2 senors I of floe work Bookkeeping Mows yourself and Near SAVE—haat a TRUCL University tait High moo Adults only government reports etc 3 BEDROOMS accounting Tlso near trade school—this 471—COAL rhool bow ram' (Boot oa turnI000d and WOOD Wighel permanent pee with reliable Cell Covey Investment east bench hem has 7 spacious room MAKit taLICA RILNTA-- 1 Lovety rms Exc meals 657 E lit $o Tile bath Stove New kitchen Cah furnish beet of reference SMO so Woo Utopia ho yard with Hen bowie has a X CLLLEN T HOME COOKED 239 IL lo Temple Owner Heat turntahed 655 1245 Last and 81—lilMEAL& ReIrig me to start Write Box ApproxTrib-Te-6135 flowers of shrubs and RM mad SO T E prolusion 276 cabanti of 380 apts and cottages 17th Bo l operators It Lasts trees The home Itself has two bed1 to SURGICAL and 200 garages rin COMFORTABLE rm for one ientlematt IHADLET TRANSINER è 1114)RAGE room TOUNCI KEN attending Business sod bath Upstairs and two 00 I Li) Dial Dial DeliciousIneals aod S moving bedrooms and bath on In main floor PEA COAL city $S SU FICLI A LL Immo 11Cbeita Amami employment college need tUrrtrilTli--Pisod Charm and comfort ar integral parts excellent meal Dial cheerful rm FITTZD 81 xxioluvrt se more toes All lectric equip- - CLAN 01 every room ave sleeping porch 587 1st Reasonable Lit Lake C87 101 South Mato SALE FOR perking k14PERIENCED meat cutter with knives ment heat hot water and refrigera- SLACK $4135 SO 5Tii EAST bas vac for men Lis wishes work any' hrs tofl furnished 137 The Arkington 2171 meals (C:TY AND SUBURBAN) Cony to small arms ----WINDOW SHADES 415 331s1 avow& DIsI DOMESTIC B CARPENTER wants work day or contract SPECIAL E $595 KKISTCLASS board find room 731 Cast good finisher Armstrong HIGHICST W IN UV QUALITY COAL own tee Winds Is tuidet atoll 151 AVE South Tempts Rail Lake' Oldest Realtor Money-Baca as Gaaraatee $old wood of else' by iiinea CHRISTMAS YOUR 77 go State 4 or b rm Item bdmea BOARD and room in beauttfui Iwo home CO rive ould st 'Mattel UNFURNISHED) YOUNG V MEI (CM( 9 01 9 - DIN6 I t m re-4-1 1 I -- 9-- 0 $5950 t -- Co' : While A-- 3 out-ot-s- tt n e 0art-ttm- glarrj t ES D for beniamin Wilcox Poona& arise aid December 19 will be hold Monday In Ins Tenth L D WICKS CO -- Do-R-IUS5- t ward chapet 420 Eighth Kast straot beginning at 1 p in Friends may : sample call at the fatally residence 927 Laid 750 So idTth Last SA bi LAM iztAntialL 64 Boulb Amt 1fta'Igft00IN00100iaol0'WPial Fourth Ponta street Sunday tn-evoning room for young melt GOOD boarr-iWieder movers Tine - until siert elpert Bo 1220 Dial also Monday from 10 a Six in Make litlo Weeks Good Pay Dial 169 Wirth State for tree Animal" !fa-- LETS 12 30 p m intortnenk city cornatery GO PLACES FRAME HOME rm elec rge re- HOME fir CREDIT under Olfaction of the Whit Chapel ONfttaoftimguyfta1OwowaftootWfteoSftwowoo1‘ftWimOilyob Through Frye Training M $4000—Just finished for Christmas a li234 E 573 fir Oak Doors auto gas furnace steel frig maple Vacancy mart uary ett V hi —414041 tritalittatm You can quality for one of rh Al LONG Al YOU WHIM this neat colonial southeast with in kitchen rabineta beautiful mirror blind of MAN anv Wir:ILIC wishes 21k u le rn masa tot it arg are t MARYIJk-NAl MUCH Al YOU W1A19 trii00 16—Iteg itatell Dem 1611)0) Dotter Dealt stoker furnace forage bit lot thousands or big pay lobs stow open APARTMENTS In bedroom vitrolite around tub Lo swim Dial You with oak fira throuehout bandy Classes day or night No tests or sad Mane Gibbons will Oa held Moabuy better rated in new restricted district Can 4 rms soft bot water all- - TekNESS men or studeifts to share coml levstor two docnoatle kitchen bedrooms Small roomy starts good St 14: nut $41I UM14: 4 °Arrow payment day morning MailTho tumoral cartel's previous sip be kt A terms one at into moved SALES lectr1c E lo Temple 7 139 3 8 fixturea O'Donnell inortuarY linoleum exc and Slate tie No Mayo tint 163 p rm: light molls plumbing tuuit you Open evenings and Sundays FOR 111JRTHER DrTA1111 TirdiCtOW---22- 5 corner of Fourth Last and First AdO1ufte laid fun Straight wall baaement with Dial etit L mod Lots 2 GIRLS Top filiiRE LOLVELY or LARGI Frye Aircraft Co of Utah Soot it 'treats at 9 30 a in and TULA LES IL UtILRICIL suctionew iliith All lee 6305 Where can bedroom extra for Aduita apace space a Light '483 tem L la apt Made-Wotsas Arr e mice 243611 alettioe HIGH CARBON COAL '0ctied to the Cathedral of the 158 Motor siva FEDERAL Phone 54479 Only HOMES INC you get so issuch for $4000? Priv retria- - tee WN-Clri- d Homo WI's and rm for whore mass will be celebrated 1400 down Lonvisattec youth IHP111 mu aailL 293 Bo !tat STOP stammiring lit w satandry liminess wail bed oesub disormors aut 39 So 10th E 343 lexes at 10 A im itecttatioa at the holy LOST coat 85 95: toms I lump AND FOUND Ploys ave Public matt foci 2nd 121100--BA124 rotted TO-irbroadcasting speaking os acres LAND k 25 $4950--Plmod bri 89 95: pea $4 96 rosary will be held at tho mortuary 1061) L SPEELM NEW dramatta art Its bL heat with cow chickens hot Rath 500 for ave tarts nice pas on coops with 2nd I soli YARD BLUE COAL DIA910SD 44392-- 4 South 621 3rd iL chapel BUMS" -at I p im interment COOKER opantettArtit bruten tentage SCHOOL 763 2nd goat& 64173 timed and four-roowtr priv eat ear 1624 bib Zest frame bowie Ideal pleasant roomy He eacpinsd floors wilt be la toe- family pilot la Mount tound on So IRA W Lha for chickens turkeys and fur HARKER COAL and dining rooms bandy bulitin feaplace Ca i vary cemetery ROOMS kTuran114-1- 60 animals or fruit and berries diamond lost across from I MALE HELP WANTED tures full cemented boisernent with lei ave WICSI apt all 422 NU tor Marvin& tharnRTHtL—$rvles new stoker and furnace Dee 12 Steward Dial Tering ROHL snoutearrings elec $20 All electricity hest hot wt: Dom ip ISIS: poi- - II trooty4 cA rt hut will be hold Monberiale erarsnes orts or two orentlemes TICLICORAM oNr TrUMUNall pre TAM AND Included 2 from Hotel bike Utah 13 Larkin mor- 1WOI—toun4 stook untreated Stack-- 1$4 SOL K 7 itolce day at 12 noon In the South room brick shower 760 go $6800—Dandy strive to protect their readers against yeaca — watts and Diackt 4 ruts tile ta erect opt Tampa ciewly dec chapel 260 Last tuary !Mal 1710 Herbert ova One bedroom tortioprt000 fraud deception Of injustice Roadora name en eouar int& sue rms 23 50 wk up parkins w gee eoniting turn NEWLY b spotted ht in rest with Bishop John Fetzer otbettsino CORPORATION In rm amusement and titeement: aro cautioned to lataii0 NO payment West 2nd ilotith W So 255 loc stoker Ave let heat call the Friends at CREEK may COAL idenutybes CO trig gar So Tempt — twisting RLALTOR — to get a position advertised in Ws help large well arranred- - rooms: includes 18 raTIT—:Nurstve—proi—Rect—Croaa—tiritel Good bed mortuary Sunday from 4 to b p clean plod rm Rest hot wt77-le117: Stove rum a elec range Dom L floe anted column& Ada In other tolumna and Truly Lp refrig and Monday (tom I a tri until time watch Powder room Z C M 1 ThursTT et Nice home 1 or 2 T Nut 1625: Ou Loot 11 refills Adults 4250 borne In a choice location gar trhict reqUire inVelitMnt in elOcks 1175' COME Intermen PROPERTY of services t Mid Rewatd cemetery 182 city a a day evening 714 Corn silt — — — COliiir7room tor I—twin bids Riai: samples equipyrient or a cash bond 111171C-An- d it-- srobils runeral services tor Mr Mary WATCH-1-8-le- we1 watch— baepitake 421 Blair at snook' be thoroughly invoinigatild modern liPta ArriW COAL-4-8- 509 BACKUS VIELE Miller late Charles of Illikir widow thoIR Return to Mint cafe Liberal reward tore paying out any money Ali bolo conveniences of the city and sit the LARGE wail turn room tor 1 or 3 bus 2 5 Arra irtIRNISHEL) tory Manderfield will mother of Mrs J trots Doet Croft forum Co o ye fantod Aida MUST the nature the country home hur19 C at Rants $125 me brk women Ph Rath on floor ball in bag lost near Freeman advantages owLmo Steward Wig Rot ito Only COW Dom or Ina Ora Bahl" specify be held Monday at 3'30 p in at 344 acres et it wanted ads 13 00 rountled lumo 68 30 Poo 1970 lawn belp by a F 440 84800 20 cent 4th cash 3 Whs I apts apt EXCHANGZ pet ' $o 1S ' Dgrkini treet interment OH 63 Nast Pinot nowth must 4 73 1515 or mention Article Iota Nut service the Mr 9tit Richarde Call Last from capitol Wed eve Money personal 4457 e to be sold and elate it the pay la in space Phone family plot in Mt Olivet cemetery BROWN wallet rn call 215112ntass After p 830 IttICALTT RIDLOUT CO iticketts-AlicoOW 33935 ave cards Reward 32J SUPPLY FUEL ele71n CO by the form Of ealary tiOnlinionitia weak: ly room et NICE 2350 sleeping retr1g7rgo"-NewLILLLES---tuberdde otters of Cm iui maii gto—eonir tram B49 both 117 Only boo Christim ile6TcH eftriftee S1 t 248 Canyon road Salt: ot 444 lida ard ave 0421 Cate et 34012 reward thil Ina K out IS Uttar ItO pioyment with pay beloos 30—Proporty for Solo or Trade Past well furnished room (initial McAllister Miller of 251 TuesGOOD comfortable I Waritto re eoluntna SaK-8iii- nce "Help Kindly and Health Reward tail ftErt—NOVT-tRave Fight's South strait will be held No 6 101 THE lat ItM mod gannet beet business sit la port any exception to Intl rule 1 the 17—Apartmints FURNISHED D 274 North 2nd W apt T-Turner ' nits day at 12 noon In the Third L for BEST THE Call room ' BLAUTIAIL view classified parking BMWMidvale ideal tor "Imre eta Trade advertising manager ward chapel Euaboa Sheldon Rio °tond Cooi Co 1242 M We Tt4 soars Inquire 661 10th ave for bldg kite Murray Midvale gall t er officiating Friends may call at TH la — won't EMBASSY ARMS HELP WANTED last Montgomery Ward Reef Temple At ettlekle home Lake R bed& aew Mar the French room 36 Last Seventh VIZASZ Gras& tireolace fee single Irs the rountre outdandy brirk return express collect ankles O 3RD EAST CHOICE aorta Conyoo PART TIME OR PULL TIME booth street until time of services 120 metresNI private bath where there is a stardom Dowers ood contained ill Wattage initialed V L U ELEVEN MEN in halt bake tiverated Deaeret mortuary 14 60 sotGaga 600 oI Mack Funeral director "Salt Lake Citre Smartest Apt" 3I-L- OTS 'front no bts eloaet Plenty of FOR SALE on extra o Selame lawns and Dornthis shrubs P J tb Gibbons Millbrook 1581 rm Extra lump 11150 3 mo and Tasts We October per large So erene for Thomas piwitrpo-puner- al apts during 1st hot wtr emit heat lot 0661E Has gar thins lenampmaftftgoeta 65-PRT laTA txt-fdrive No questions asked Reward can Um two men oe women who art toil reheat L15-- a HOME Everything turn 112150-w- k: fully furnishad mad draped risM for BA PICSA 14 for etatt Sit Douglas park Call 1:51V omit William lehood 820 West Third North trees and the home Is fuel'On Sr toms Qubott 81v011 713314 tooklne for a good job arrangement cooking saa Hates 1 b keys Return Kati Brick constructum smell fmUV Street husband of WOW'mina Prima p m" or Otto tenants 742 N 2nd W perm 1170 to T1 J R CO WATKINS 43750 So corner Steward 000 200 ea tom State and nook try—slit711V3 bo bold Monday at 12 ICsery newly Keeley ly balloon will 424 West 3rd aouth Darvi nantd even view linoleum ward chapel 15 bituordt tha Twority-iehtl- e acii BADGER for RENTAL WANTED---ISERVICE appointmeot and 3—FARMS ACREAGE It A auto mechanics class 1w and Don't It tine miss home limbo" Robert bride offlciating a email arms chocks Liberal reward Worn nvoa uo8 tooting Ci $t b417 and Pereeh laga WU show Salt jAittell belt remits M body men Guarani rated on Highland drive excellent Fraside Mee tail at the French room Me ATTRACTIVIL rm suitable for 2 to mod a- 95 R Johnson oil AL lo 73 Larayette Apia dom Sp a 14i0 restor-SmitiHansen St III tits roortuary 11 snares 34 East Soventh ave So No RUN W Rhoda I 8125816 8 Apply 2nd and atotaidra No 101 See landlady frocation Lmory -4 apt 105 lat St -W Inc Chevrolet Dealer 465tho Main TirtiTBRICK-HC-iT71 serve Amain 'treat mita Sunday iteethit and tr RadaQ4 rd Brown 13d L P tC1 A $jDoe APTS 720- - 1 6041 154 OW (NO gilt MEN—Nicely turn private bath Private Salt take CSY Mon at 820 West Third North Broadway So 2nd tUrnlatted 535 E home: space & parking : out- - 65 —Dom g—ritest 1310 irouNTZIN manager Experienced as day front 10 a in until time of BIOLLOW-2- 25 1 4th E Meant rm rood Lots ILOVELY ideal toe Isms ft‘wma‘owm1wW0ft0aftonoWwb0001b Funeral directors Deseret serviets second man on fountain would pea 1430: oil elit- - 1450 FOR- - SALE Rialto space Light Ali leo 63750 Adults beat 164 tug So Temple Olt Lig VI DICI-feet specialism corea Inert oar do Steady work Salary $90 mo and 8 pee Lor 40 ideln Dial Routh Knight tont 'toys out to turcalluses hot club smile water lights gas Simone apt ingrown percentage IttirlrERS—ServIces for Sella Magni' Drug Co 2115 dornostor- - rie pea opal 11 25: Soyoa BADDLIC horses and work borers tor sale Itimbeti Fraser Med niabed ave 2I-RHertwrt flat 67 eorrected weak arta feet modint Call East in 7 bgHOTELS llth only IN morning I treat P11th wife of 2730 1ast stack k Ind ling wood 6-3 nv or trade $25 and up 1P1A Vino et Streitt 48929 est — co 304 reit bidil Opposite blikk-APL-1twee° 9 and 11 a m rm rms turn7-of Jame Petters will be held Mon40000W10101mgaftOMO10ftdonbMl0111 Tan Stab Iso Stove (STO 4— 05 iZE-Hot P O R Liberty park To get some bedrm kit bath Adults 454 5th E PICICRT HOTICL day at 11:30 a in to the Chapel of Lacs 1411- out 1124 owner min ti Ms business Ok win cash for HEAD SHEEP to lamb March Is': 100 Quick SPECIAL381 FUR 11104 IN DRUG STORE Chime 36 Last Seventh South street EXPERIENCE 1131CCIAL WICICKLY RATZI WILLA illOverstu f- -furn NEW Gas ewes wso 50 this old sacrifice and 50 106tts apartDe young profitable flo Bo Ort NOT Ifitti 234 NECESSARY Bt Friirodo may rail at lb Continental BOX WAGES 110 West 3rd Siam Ph 20 up 11312 Restont its raft's ment Bag fine heating plant With south 23rd Last Naterals--Mise- — TRIB-TELing room in the Mortuary until time of --a -- -r d 11 DAT T 1150 MILNER HOVEL stoker and autometie gas water PONIES ter sale---- 1 -E-frt rm kit Clean well turn Sheila-ritblochrT-eteeree rittierai diractors Daserot Thai W treENSED—radio operator using So 2nd 33 Prot Teorotim Wes Sprints inIncome rental beater Its In Splendid close kit 1 100 rafrig Palomino 14: saddles Ondles SS gas 50 LATH per pinto eheetting Si per mortuary node 25 wds per minute for this splendid opportunity at furnished 14 wk uP OAKLAND—Newt SzatAlkimo colt customers wooted vestigate 7882 $A 50 per 100 tt CHOICE loc Singli or rton rricitne local government WEATted—Servims for Hannah lisalseth CASWELL 000111 station 56 W e Broadway or call 171 3rd East rtSalary 3407? 4 lidoothlyrates 05 100 Adults 37 per road trailor Canyon —Pale W S1620 Brewton will be held Monday at 12:30 55 ibt Broadway idAST3C---22BUTPtaterb-sp7150e775LIN PT and XMAS PLAPS Sr ?SR22111 O 12th Wow- has moved kis office IrTRONG—able-bodie-per d yr APPIIboy In the First I D I ward chapol 758 Dn Jto V415JARRETT J27:50:6 a I e67to S0 StADS NATIvm Ltiell-1- 1 CO yrs 1441 up spec tato air weak month Pint olds bUlerth Eightit I:aat troat with Elation turn Rest well Lodsa 1444 So state Marti Waal& retionma F offietatina SOIitTRING— N tW Amain so Bromley West TemPla Wantscl HOUSES Dan or mall 111 sow ACCOUNITarrli—Experienced with your WM irrionda May twit at the Larkin mor2 rooms modern In metal 47D—Machiney—Flp—Toott for 100 KysCo 437 Seco ave East South Temple street Kitchenette and bath Lights beat tuary 260 etoill WILL iurgicai and metai reduction and so east tot load pay gait p in m and Mon- - RtriSONt dress and—sursicil Sunday from 4 to 66 hot turn nowt 1342 114 Ind watai 15th 3RM East — excottage men it Only NLW nod wood ais eempressort PetalP4t accounting a to and thoroughly at from 11:30 borook day and comfort horns servire Mrs titan line" and 'es& Korth 2nd West ot elk ort actitrwry perleneott snouid apply Wages Box 2 AND) turn ' itt Seat gas motor TRUST COMPANY th ward thapal 30 minutes prior to or C11 eolioct G 341 So 4th East 34267 7e2D iron a o41 tw sale oe TribAst Intorment servines Lawn U MoI7 R3116 Waaatth S bedrrus bet ratio and ht Close inel Co 660T -6 at Mato W — Realtor 31911 Proaderar CoWitillA - MO south 3rd opt b WilaTat8S 011c$601501—r4 ICItro—Trk-wt r ht" toker 449 So Bunal park arkrODIAN and Janitor le tolls full and roi—rarro pays woitATcH rms 1st flr frt Strictly In 40 1t W and So lath E bisbeet easel prices tor desk anti MEP mod Adults 125 Z 7th $o In full condition 6 rooms boy' room perfect charge of apartment Wages Pleas Carl Lylo Skin-tie- r ttse Pbono sOn livestock Nur S2b-acollect 245 furnished light' state milt and experience Trib-TelMan and 3 -Imestod Auto heat — bassmont on of — — of 1054 Harrison &vertu a wife preferred Box tear Call at 2103 Bo 23rd AND BATH 10th East Mar 21s1 South Quick TT)F—prkto pakt tot Ho aoroot come tot Cart lifeltay and Mahal Ruth Christen- -nous $35-3-- 106 Gas turn lox See Illielleher and grandson of Mr and Call mechanic for commercial toot trokoon dental 240 711atit eACALL posoesston ilium" Gas It Mrs IL A Cortatessmo and Mr and ILASSZU8Z-- 25 Z 2n4 So 220-2waxes Bog 4 Inn that Trib Tele Vapor Walking laboratory 1'01 e ' 2411 Forma W heat best No km rens pay 4tb 33401 Mrs It A Skinner held will weans UM massage powder WitIENCKT) delivery boy to drive motor nimist diklad Of live Nur one' - tab 125- -3 149 retrig range hot water Monday StII 2 S M In the Trememton rub Hrs 114 Sun 10-- 6 Nurse ED garage Rear 155 -r- Z Oth So 1117Erii—ea toreyeie Wages Vetter's Ilarket 232 Fired 1D No WitsL ward with Bishop James 720 2nd rrarsoskisme—rican Data ut et East So turaTar Realtor Walton officiallng Friends may rail 905 ConKtn 31b 23 Z let S Marie Storrs 4' rms and bistiu dlnetto lot 50x150 117 Bast Broadway Phone well Apply IntrirtR7Waies at the Paradise room in the ntortuhry cord (12 W Sth So) For SAI141 17 East Broadway lily 34 Last Soventh South street Satan - VERTUmbest 0massage ell aad alcohol sub: who wishes to produce his TURKEYS itve or drssood tor sale thus to GIRL share apt with busks 226427 Atlas§ Sid& SO Edison and at ties family realvia mod Rusastt 40 Tclik dee own fruit and apor evening t: Idurray 671-newly eggs day vegetables Z 3rd South 7 226 apt atenee 1054 Harrison avenus Sunday 004013 triaesaya-7—ir3 Main-So batis and yet enjoy the conveninc USED TIRES AND RECAPS of a 250 Walt Cashorn pullets lesion rms new paperyriv $63-6-- -RM(betty from 1130 a tn until 4 p in and OPLP4 Inn kir& 35 Atlas 1117:SLstteLrien Will 6rm mod newly decorated home 72od Bo or Union ass corset 3rd sit mu coml tur n In? passerof rare &ail tracks Goad bath heat St the horn of It A Christoneen le scLENTliric APPIY 42 16 low the ail and taxes of EL Johnson 11A (Min A E Z mos county 73101 3 E SHOWER less 1216 for SIAG llth miler t opit of Moos Tretoordon Sunday vetting and Mon we have Oust what you want with a 100 W Temple nurse otitis Graduate Main 1594 75o Adults Oar hens mos BUT WHILE YOU CAN LAY RMS I ARE hr YOU 200 mod itenkor to A CLOSER? Funeral the soryttes day prior full acre productive land and pienty $20---- 2 RMS kit Comfort able clean suite 209 Dial t ion aftIt In 9Se 3333 Edison at blur 760-In 962 )alisabeth t -govalaawbaL directoria Deseret mortuary of irrigation water Location good are a ement with a good It turn wtr hot you 1121 svc 3rd Lights LW Ursa and totted Ir cannot HIS ticaNTITI0 Weed–Jordaii Owedlarldassage Reducing TURKEYS 2 blocks north and it la timed right—only 65250 on g wales ecord hay had experience 119--2 RMS and bath furnished for Goorgs Ed —"tumoral cervices turn Privat boat bath: Until Atiaa 212 bids apt turtbor Body guile building thook terma Redwood road Raz CO convenient 630 64232 REALTY or GRANITE books insurance eon of George and Lila Smith Jr intangibles agr gas furnace 30 J it - bOLORED—roaitters-2- 8e Daily TSunday Nuns and are seeuatomed to earning 1175 Arrnitw-rIvic-ItTriBowes Smith will ba bold In lb MASSAGE7-atGOODRICH SILVERTOWN lb drossed and 337—ATTRACTIVE cottalts bath 313 Templeton Bldg or mote lee tan U$e you Park ward chasei Tuesday vs deliverod 20e lb alive at coop Lim" hot heat and In highland all elec alp porch 30 Open 44624 Bra 11:30 to lights gas heat 653 3rd ave Adults STORES at 1 p tot Bishop Clarence Tingey Nationally known organization: well W 1672 No It'd 2nd 239 incl Adults supply Clayborne — Sun Friends may cad It the Warmed gales program and training to $25-3-- RM Ita gas includC officiating 2350 TITRKEYS 131 East lot Math rabbits lie or HOUSING CORP pheasants men who quality Our business wee East Thirteenth South 405 $o 13th E Me massage 219-mortuary I'm droosed 1370Wast 4th No RENT 27—HOUSES-FOlast year than any yeat ta 130-- -2 wrest Steadily and 'Monday and at 121 E Brdwy Dial larger 1940 O ft prrPtin Realtor 220 Atlas Bldg Hour 12-- 7 47340 I ea ft at aqg AWL kit bath auto stoker the past 10 years Live 25e lb the rosidenco 1160 Parkway avenue 4984 South tumacys d isaou at K Mit NEM' L SMITH Cla heat aiee 2nd flour 1024 lot ave (UNFURNISHED) 538-R- I CONDI:II to the Inter aortic's road Rodwood Nur W Apply—MYRON Tumiday prior BO 57 1ST four-ron114500 fireBrand hew 134- -3 1GL sunny rum alp pen priv Errinct merit will be odor direction of AO 6—TRAVEL OPPORTUNITIES rileistiongi Manager song distance moo' ONLYbrick colonial Roe lt pullets at 1032 –11141 $4-- 141 near Richland drive 14 WRITE bath 1001 Continental Bank doll cupboard : 114 bly and 1110: bt garage 151 ito tomtit mortuary Modern vans and iert apen Redwood rood big ki A Corner kitchen full basement-Mat Sa and Mott 9 a tn to 5 to ma tor movers bay Palk $3150 peso now 63157 free estimate Dial WAGSTArr—MetnevisTr—irirvito Sarah 1101 1314 TRAILWAYS NATIONAL Cat term YR004 Widow of Attractivety—deo—Waiktni Aso Itrytatay CHILD'S white fur coat cap waft ama Vagina ft ri tor stash A CONDITION ZD 13th East Dents tn alsko lease Wagstaff will be sondueted 111: slitttd (Or will furn1 TO CLOSE AN ESTATE 111000 44 goodOrlicond 8 URLINGTOM at 2 p m to the Meteeetel ateam turn 114447 In heat 12—BUSINESS Monday $S 0016 will apt mod frame praettcs SANTA Raffia Irffi buy this fivoqbcrom Opportunities (intim in American It Ili ward chapel Alto 12110 apt batn Pt 10 0 Trig Leicated 21e1 at 1110 Main Cousord 11257 private and 019 Oat South how's' Pork Thai casket will be open at aniki mahnilany boAa ease 41 It at I SECTIONAL D rYVIcii-lai- t caw W it th Sof hour prior 14004 as aco CO 150 etiot edit ths ward them proposition Intl 7157 W 2nd In YEW PACIFIC IrtAtik)ffi T II ROOMS bath Inlaid lino gas fit gar 4 couc h tat(' now $2450 servicea Intormant in the Amer' dio -- — Snoring II est INGHAM W4NTICT) Licensed uxua Long Itud Latat Departmnt partner I roam s epis Readr 'ryas 144 let ave &duns Refs req Key at 79 41 st po tenons at mist Ian Pork and minatory Friends may call ' M art SU75-re- n beauty shop and 1eent Smell invest SCHEDULES 343 lko 7:167 runt Hoydon roma sae brick mod furs Sunday until 8:30 at Paturday A meat Box ' BIRDS TribTele M RABBITS 4I—DOGS orn tots resew light allalsetric6 goad Ina Joseph William Tayior Memorial vaat piano gar 11216 Harvard Main et Exchange And Itoulas Zan Dane - IMAYTAG Sormoostrator New libonLI Ca omotirToTr wit parolee (ehildren 'relearns) Nal mortuary Snodules (Salle to Southern et So 420 40 1 roz 4th count Homo' Hanase Co 42$ Mai Loot laest solo incation TERRIER Dull eollia rahl Seaton Wildini-WfiSraneinco ave San California and 133 Adults Willisma Ions?will he held Key to Tete Hoe very husinpoo good Must—Sell thriving tor 11COOTtRA Chu& SPor further- informattos inoutro ompauton your Coe rittric and —wavm& rdeely turn Gas ht at Pullman Auto Courl941— So tat Moan Will alien taco Monday at 1 p m W 2121 -iItiverdato L D I ward chapel $o Rood tpi gar Tempi SALT LAKE BUS DEPOT BAILEY & SONS CO Knotray akar 81 L Poway Mod Whits frame Hardwood fire 116--ROOlnri-irairt NTA ft tie blings w newly decorated Pasha Arthur Bingham officiating In l'horterto s"1414c-or elec Vsnetian blinds gas sit ha SO M 1nd Nottth 03 East Mho ao XMAS PALM moo"' LAMPS Mall block from shoot Dial store sale or trails tor real Wale Nit 4025 torment Dodos city cemetery under cookia1 wtt gait turn bticaly turn Ideal tor maker fruit bomt 6600 indirect Lamps suillut Bolt tN011814 PRINGIM-11PANILLS' 1411 TribTo to the direction Of Unilquast-Carinutlisting auto gas turn lat $57 terms 1239 Emerson v woe 170 23i $it tit tont shades Last townie I some regular 1110 95 shads VIMAIL151501 maie tour to N11-Redondo and trnaio pupa water heater 1750 'NITTA If ?Hands may t a il at t ha It a &IX Borealis snit 115 95 PM:H11 11 551 mortuary 95 la only Turn psrehromit wired by inin eight months old BARGAIN IL a: Stators LOA ANGEL $35-- 0t4 17 75: SAN DIEGG SA 50 Solo terms 435 W und so Mane° 701 44 Cap faintly bonm 464 Tenth Mats ternational out and of ROOMS champions Hooded Insured Portinine Choir bum ht ft base tile bath gar tdry fee evening and Sunday until soon New day mod furnace blower 6c—P14nty in loodis opringa712 champions damns Mats spleadid mis and at Lindquist & Sono mortuary it) from or tonne boit Key 594 De Soto PONY EXPRESS BUS Trihtoi 2024 bo 17th E 13a titian and toady to train for next Bsoement 11111113-m-SW turn houseksaping or 12750-3-timidity rivaaing and 'hats' tountil ogdoi two RM inwit rgo dun Prima reaannaber May be Western Furniture Co 135 116 &tate brick bath 1077 Indiana PH2NE POE PTIEltifik710241 Adults 73 Q It hunting time t4 services BEAUTY SHOP-- end CLIENTELE holiday slaapingrm mt Deck DIAL SOUTH on 40 2ND EAST kennel 2601 Wein at titan ave Center or street Phone coal—and TONLIE11--41ertic- ea — -1375 for Lewis TaTniter of gab range Porn Miss ata: itibta Prov o on bonito et Provo river Dial 50 toot 5tb South Ideal Los 13500:--rOU-R Vow &RM mod duplex newly dec 11k nee $44 PO T frill brick In litibialla wator 320 - So Sista Hunter Utah humband of Bertha H R IC Mien LI 3193 142 West WANTED-WO-MEN 151 HELP Intrmuuntain Pato Perk mull sell Easy terms Cali nd tilitieh Twitter lout be Staid Monday at I LA1 tM Sas RAGISTERED Anglian-aKnowlton 448449 or Antencae socit3 bedrooms and bath 14—Stores—Offices for Rent niattrni D p m is tho Rom room 34 Leal Pay No Adults 158 Main $A REALTOR REALTY CO GRANITE IPanioi and It coal stock and grown elec range Puppies De refrig nth South attest Bishop Emma Nod discount upstairs Big range Age peodsbee $30-2-- 1311 Ressionabisoy prices 1852 E 27tbSo gala bath trfToreirturn--IrFriends may call at stoker garage 910 Z 2nd So tm officiatiag Innen 111 E ard Po NOW being completed by building owner pi 352ng: W 2nd NA 113750-4-4 gas ph Lcmarkod-lretrig the atat room ta the mortuary until territiii tea 4 room to RM h homes weeks IHETr-'S4000 and 5 66200 ht auto wit gar 341 66' nals: dup eat rena Only unr4 ?ND TNrsuND AND TitttonAw Right of Way to Rear ItiLaikr-147-patk1time of services Funeral directors old Also Pointer 3445 So 2nd Woo 556 Elizabeth at 11342 119 only 1149 93 Timis But131endSantWater Included arly to protect their reader" assinat Dmieret mortuary Adults 503 10th M 35452 riRA w & lc a ppliancs srngerMast litrnodoir 113 50 fraud deceptiott Or tntustice Readers MOONCdup Broadway gas ' — $550 Down By Owner tamales are cauttoned to make PO Da Vaient vorithing turn Parking space I baths Van ht gar 477 Oth ave fR750 Adjoining Centre Theater trincelon $10-4-119 RUCi po41 1136 Tani awe 330 W 3rd N Stoker "Tb!()Rz FLORISTS NEW )AOOKIthl HOME' to alit a position adverttled la the hobo Adults mos old: $20: oIUs inafe THE DALY COMPANY 71 Lot East 501'265 249911th wanted columne Ade in other column' mod-t 3200 3rd East) ave Mao 255 and kit ItM 1 rm Mei redecoitOOMS umlauttie cotneOl 12750monel—hi uptea a cabinet tielw pus -3 maw 88 MAST FOURTH SOUTH Ishwh require Investment Pi stocks or furnishid or unturnishr–d Plower Al lrffoRounn BRED-roc- ker hardwood 1—Itk11 rated individual furnace Paraink308 IC 0 So 'Attie buttons tsey terms Call hit lint 'uprose Otir pooh'sM svarythingturn &emotes bond DEARABLE JC elnee-i- n as tothoughts So 10th IL other raw Terms kteavieet 1683 sorrows beautifully in equipment or a ram store south sacrifice 1U-710Adults floors 316 Ins ith beauties! b Reim rritTolco 1749 Lake front rill street 0 should he thoroughly inveattaated too atom is caption' of Tatty ars I bet Newly populated diet Reconditioned E to 52350--4-rbent 77 auto TITHICED—t rum $24-514001C4---Se- t 14Le Sore Pay Init out any spongy All pip of Neer WondererorVd a tinierreal Exprsealon of tbs beau painted popered 1610 3rd Kast mod frame So Last Terme beat water beater gar—$85 ENGLISWTSETTER SNAP—On rm nicaly harm Bt Its" Xmas gift 1696 On- - Main 64601 omitted ads KURT specify the nature tenoc ample wet natural 1111bOth0118 new 95250-- 14 mod erre almost So Kant ot Incl Adults wanted Sth 250 ? ads col $3750-5-50- 016 the work 'nos bench obi brick gales gas east help trained ir kettuitt 1 of OWN partially PAM Milicrest Zion's Arnoertom FOR RENT MUM MOnticrit lb article or smite I near least high grade arhool and untre-- " If today you base orraalos to pti PO Pomeranians-- Persia a batons motor oneness 445 to to be sold and stat It the pay le In or heat Call eichwan Pi sot 4 ill No Ali models 201 BR 541 West 2nd asprees yourself tall IC tvareityfurnacs stalled $o WTampla LUNFURNISHED) os Of the form of slaty aommisetom Inc Wailace or Aidar and order flowara of your tames The evtra-TPo In clue mato haat lights pas terrier anosp both Alt immAtflooixt 'toilet Vitra MIMI Only bona tide ortore of no rm771Gri111 rm boar-Pinta sampan will Ite Mott Pingo 201 le lki - Tampa 1161 Ramona ave HICRE'll TWO XhiAll—lhittlA111 the 1795 S 17th— East— an sloe kitchoo bath and 2 loodrvno pioymect with pay beione and lovely I roots rbritil oat Darlene Pica shape 4 rooms one bedroom 751r-TH- itrooms avilnus—s-rDriert le and-gitAM P7 VCR rn7 l'hiele Wanted" euiutens iatest no twos mtwitt POLICY l:4a: Gas tu Kindly ro N or Mtok Tom Z 608 torSeit both O bineowns I ronvV your wieitaaps prop 124 upotairs stove furntahed sod range to to tito this rule wine tot 14()T and tiv Mo essentials canine Incl port 152441 243 West 7th South Slats y double garage 519 Ith ays 31159: aria rind with White Cloud court Dial TAIL— Drastns slonsi Latest advartmliste amsaaar taus oianitiod ' rooms 2 move 2 in 'January RZADY to CHEAP near homes Without ht 42e IL tith Z owTlierNt9164 dot-timight INCTIII te bee sist 19-R- OOMS 233 Staniey Placa (455 2nd East) ItICE& POIFULAlt hest and hot water furnished 837 k With BOARD AP41) vigmrtv comp'A No dn paymt It credit finish RMS kit 859 Groot' at It Ft llama re CA rro6 125 574 South bits Vast Dial mo H loci ere0e00POPwo60018006 950 umnAt prItVicx rm: app 2 — MALE ru se paymts 34 tate bull RE Z 844 autos torriar 45011 eth duplex Dial taxes 441967 09 p in or Bun rm toot ehildran's pets t53 L 2It 5 an IOWA twin beds tan rims scaliest 151TPLIC3- C-3 1111± rupPi CR DUX KUL Hot wit goo range and ATTRACTIVE hut Mite Oili wits 444 bux)id O7iitt lady I dill's 120- -2 IL LADY to food le Po 40 Adults over turnaeo W: NICW–modorn-4-rCoil-toeel Hot stay let ( 92000 220 boom IMEPtIONAL ttaga 4—rioOme eotor rosin Gnarls tined only firer - — heater 250 W lith TA miPqA'sALT1 week 1:30 a fn to 11:30 p ra Rots 123-3--— 3750 Bo et Phone Murray 403 rm twin beds eemloriesto faith BITOLEX—Unfurn rti pry110 gituised-Imonths :-Chaap fge casts - 136 IL fiat Buy now tortin Xmas 3552 13th Ea-a-t RM7 trent apt Gatos& Inquiro DOUBLE 15 pe r week th South Phors GTO L go modern itoetirts soft waCr 'rood masts Porch silk koas: Ivy- rm COdHlt opt Very-TPDect Bu maio7 27 et Wall 131 OPEN ZTIEL— for general housework Go home at nreferred Adults 704 Roberta Tempie 470 )(mit? court r 130- -3 champ! in pod 1305 haat lot south neve ready to move tn nights Wages ey $30-5-- RM ESTBER room double laparklIng Nowiy EXPERT Alf Dupisit:ltarait MIT Inc fealso Cori Coo nitric garage Mon yard 633 home auto CUTEST Dalmatian Puoptea males No wast7 tot 973 W 2144 no Complete ly charming for alit 347 ho 4in Ir yr bsk w4w will welt ter 140e biAtir wo Do Soto ot 42440 male Silo Beautifully marked tine tisdi for extra tile drain heat apace children Stay nights 1072 L ample 144 ir7Oard—for a bth ROOM E refilied—geatiemi—frg L 463 sad sr It Classy aristocrats Lots pelvic rooms to basement A location Call RH& and nook L R Ground 3rd do Coil Sunday or 'IlVeningil t Last IT-Etpriv home n4 Imo et bow anti lunti equionsont 4 72538 Door h a Itrpas—wanted--iel-1OUTTONS-SUCKYurnaos A R IL 11Youni-- al nwori"--We'ROOM —or reom--aLIS (I Wrote) corn Bargain ICI-mtN iwwThom Farmington 154 Ito A toe t) Ooor ve 8 oats Wage la X 34 pri 1ru tumwhiid 2110 S 9th test Dial In private home 171111 Bo Stoic pors Llight color Huta 902 Luelld ave 17- -3 oun ViCUUM CLTILÁNL4— tui section near 1th Last and lith 2447 ith rant- gamy ft VAR& fie Minn 111RJTIowstvt-iv- is TWO--iNARIES--Mpch71 LEA rooms utomatle AND bedrooma 2 FEMALES new T1 65 SoulA 5 4407 11 gm WOMAN —Gen hawk loome It I linoo 4 & go home cites: LoyLLy 44m E racp writ gm ht' rm 723 3 E 4th Bo htr gas stove gar 316 9th East beautiful tile 1665 Redondo ave t air conditioned heat ki14101TAL tor rent 2641 Nunn &taus- - AptAdults 23 B at wages $4 50 per wk plus rat tare A real buy at MTh W Tempi Mod lot watsi: K7-ft work 60 RMS hot Po 52 130Christmas-7110oCHOICE tor thorn NO et canaries -4 173 11 I-713 Now rms WORK laundry bath let fir — – 4 P H A terms Call Schwan 4371110 or Isaacson aloes In brick Close in 123 Westlii7 eth South St 1$t M treat deo Not air: waist Sr Pas nitric rayvtLyThoikt—L—D-111-licet-3-16Tisat WOMAN tact way for general 'housework Wages Inc Chic Wiiitace Alder equipment Adults WERMAN no I triads' or no "tort nittr btr Pamt W11' a tinutiLe wear to Meet brie oar 6 2571 PLAIrtiC11111Q pollee puppioa Sale iron i ga$ fling0 gas "AtAL- TAITATICtialAtIMEN ova 74 1st 348511 rrne dist E So Da Leh Iwort Guar -1408 70415 Walking Fin 4 olive emollyitat gth wiDownr--corny? Toaatmaatri a rim mr OLD M AID OR We need three good men With rare 'MEXICAN CITTITISAHLIA Clean Close In 204 - Last 7th Sn R wit& inWos rut iumtannt ist heavy tt IIM 11 2 siPuPPIlik IttlE- Z1444 4 ritti-- alp Alert office woman about 40 to our sale' dept Preferably with ha? and other flonts PTLY frtlftN lb Nil grown up S —lit 14outh oormsoont poottion With tine DOOR CHECKS REPAIRED Ms bath tied seh real estate Maur lnerienee 3323 110 2ND MAIM - 01w0Moonghlomis0041mafteft010sdPenowoWat will turn—laiiirifor 1 or 2C 1322 MUST hast Xmas money Will sacrifice t Iota firm toposto liana and Macaws 25 and-ICacelient or automobiles &ne op mod no attl &Lion) Must be KM A mania sails bindings flD btigs ire? Ph Or:0d bd 212 Canyon rd Murphy lane (36ln So) dup Oar fireplace gas turn aftw allf10111 all demo Adults 634 Bo W Temple pnrtunity for MiPti interested in a grind LLYTtAt) Caul and Itncient Salary discussed at In -lbanin hot water 1120 Windsor o'cost tennis rat Isl roonber 133 L 3rd IA future Liberal commissions paid nes "EWL turn room for enone gentleman-er- n 930 E 3rd go puppies for sal rnolia ITT Atli A13100R terviow Write giving age training 21t4 West South liar 43 S burnt eve 3 323 Rani' nook Chapman Si E Robert tn brakfast after ThM&VSMali SI Par Lots spars p light et Co CAtinstruetion Tilitl'11 bike I ruol S Utah Realty amuse auto ht 1563 Laird 0e4 s011 FLOOlt FINISHING iChildron walcoms) good service I b1 4 Po 12th 11411St OTHERS 915 EAST 4500 so M BUS Fair ILLZCT It 111 oduilltil mach ono ter 140111 kityvis bora CANARIES beautiful and young sinters gEmmmily Fair cond Cl'irap tor cash scoisber 350 bo Slats ai: ronitioa 74924 1461 So Ilth -‘ isnsiL-P1 11oL1RANIA1C-1pea: 714-Ewks:toutatinding se t FURNACES 1BI tho L 951 tact cond LET'S BUT WHAT WHAT'S 10 NOW 4 rey baut eta - d - ---N ' 10 L -o ' DICEROWN AND 4:' — WHEN WS FINALLY DEFINITELY ti PREVENT US irstuure velum' no e0-- rEzAtrrnitn PUPS shepherds and others 1711)10--Cona- oie fd moclipi 644 tt54 bt a makes 4442 11250 WALKING pouts lot 4156 So Mato LEAVE :: up FROM WANT TO DECIDED 'TO CHECK EUGOISTED A new $39 50 up Pereaam taiga Lik 7: S2p 1111 Dial 25 : PUPPIEbowers Moms Pair 9th South MDNEY FOR RIGHT OUT rangs bargain KEEP US THEY VACATION PATHS HOUSE MOVERS 44786 nianinta 6311 ba Stitt THEY HAVEN'T I THEM ON THE ' NEAR FOR REFUSED 11000WY moutemm3 ''''N M rifling canaries i7 gUitrantood ' CO HA VigNik I DRESSING SOME X US e A B C G M Good cond $30 95 70 CURS MiCPtarr tokirian ail kinds tropical NIA G talk -11111 OPULLED A raised SuIldinas ID owed II ' 'sIii e '11 ' 1121114 1139 95 Arnarttan L REASON 1 & SONS CO TABLE US L BAILEY CROMEN MART 1 :ii !I -il ICAST TERMS Rea it f T 2013 f4 !t'll 1320 $& MaIfl ‘ -1 —otz-I' 63 east 2nel 14 Outi 44424 IL 'Warr CUT— GOLLY-- we —1 RADIO STUDIO INC 134 11' r I ' ! t4( v J PIO a I LI gatari"7-oaditkal4 LACER S2X) c MON WORK—ORNAMENTAL MONT EXPECT bicyca & -- 70 )'' 1 43—FARM GARDEN Produco Gartmld ava tbi vosir— ' 10 TO 11 INN ): ES 0 i 1 We tett Dave aims 1075A-A rostett ravings Wifesolomes r is COM i"'i l' II :' SUCH A REMOTE tree Wks i CUOICIII Jonathan brod locked SOtt-tmaw Crave spo rd and irocribinalbun strip eamt sad ' f ( 71 7— Ili Tr7' 4O ororms $I Ati 1011 IL 27 il r tl Woo nom Wait Kan 4 I and mond Sofa priaaaot 'I -Q'''L'MACE WITH NO 119' Box 229 ass '''' ' melt Chat 4' 1 i C' ' tAiNTINfip—PAPIRING—CLIANING 4 tt :' ( 4 ft MEANS OP 1 i $ POULTRY-EG- GSf' atatio71-gralitrO-HrttoDRESSED KAISITS dui servbro ' ' t 711 b COMMIMICATION! Krolooinius bb A LtaCti ootreettea and—yquipmant 111111 W clot Sa Tempt to CALL oolorod ter Sub lb valet peorrir MO cormto 41274 14 "KIND now 'Mot waartind macaw ' taay 'i dill10 : Lo ' rosotors or trIrs 28o per lb ' II:SW ' r ft piZil Barre d terms Phone 14 : I 11111 idi at 40 tet ' ': tr : TUUNG roast at and trier —chicitanJa II P 1-- 0Sd : i c -1 Zft 4 rots for 1110 44640 i — i turnateaboater floor gas i t 11' ft r 4dhu' Browning av w ettle 436 Oaaary aluminum sigma r: t"" 1 PAPER 3 ROOmS FOR $I0 4C0a 1 T fiN XNee 01144 Okfiri ::i:?' " 4 ai mat -kl'f" e MOM "MSS t aLi A-S-EEDS of wallpaper la ape ap 10000 rolls 4 TRAXU II Ntimoolglit S Nee tweie he the time e pottal Istakla V""e ' 4 Mt fr n Vain tAPOOT sinCNIY116 I t"t' Large Otaa America W ' mot for -- t leo Pt 0441 ' -Ls wit Ontos 'pod - tgore I reignt ram est ' tvill Wit i net' N torttlmii" Petal& e4)11 — :: laboaeo's -6t SILAWOhl AN SINCL 1485 ViaVIANAO ma 4 Thom nnti IL W lc v LEterr h rd writ Ind tspild I ye liteNiesed timitookk Oft ' ": '0 A ee—nin or XI Peen Prawrit Pt BAILEY & SONS CO mirrti dmeming tante dg ' Apopoo 11C414 Ito uw41 es toikm ins p4Lat 1 Dl4 S b4124L papartwa palatial" Si 53 14 la Ctot-O1142041 k suAtio---ata- de American Coal Co nee BRAND NEW HOME tone-disia- -- trio-'sh- MILLS I — 3-- m tail eoao---Speet- 1 4 CK m Witt NISHED WOODBURY -- — e : -D- EER 11-7- — 29-IN- Ikta) MILLER AND r rrti g3-7- — n al — SPECIAL it $2400 — — A 10Sobe n: NICICLY-TurnTroo-i- ' st - 0—dri 4tlitSou- in't HOME th-Comnietely for-m- ar m 11111 CO GARDEN ITT-AT- STOCK M pri3-29t1- — OOMS uNi? 1 $5500---NEA- $6-4- 7 Z-- 47C--Buil4- E $35-LO- into-nation- -- UNION 111-2- 0 NISHED - - 4-m Z-- 7Tront 1 -- Rut tille I-- ni-1- Omit - - C or W-1111aMa- 01 r as Irtillt-Trent-fortit-- le ---- 11-63- - Aist!t!y(1 27-2- F WijHyisi CO LEWIS lit:tut arlst HoLIDAstml oft011 I- poi-lo- ts coo-por- A-- 1 sell-tri- AMERICAN ng per-wee- eN ta-R---a- iIa -- 0 035-6-5- pm t GIYE - First Security Trust Co ini ' r la mho-ha- lf t -- 5-tt $4450-TrallSferte- - di it -M- 0 it 50-5-- -- 2 ass 0 - -- 7-- —37xi00 112500-L-5-R1- dorthII - -- - — - 77-image- If beitlit m 197 11 i-n7 and-elai- VA 4-- hts 6 irrOVZLY-roomiCrederal-Reig- - - 1 415-3- liriuTtruC m I6-7--- 2 iG Hie-sly- SALE-Cana- m nowly—rom-odolod—tottis—- 04014 t !ley PP6 — 0 rooms-Frigid- m n CALL AN - HALL-Vaesis- t oonoral-houoowori- — f le - tr ranea cor-eloo—i- — ad -- 03 ! 10411) ' i) I J ? - 414" kf fr- 0165 -0 - - '' '1 -- '' '''''''- ' '''' - j T'' '' - rs : '' - ' '7- ' OW 0 146' Irral -- t It J-1- i 71000 4 7 '''s 4 4V k SS i " t II 't: u : IAN t :- ' Z I ft y- 17 t e- -- mr:- sit ' et - : 1 41 14677-41141- 3t in r 1 ft oe- - csr:z 111 rt WIC-TERRI- a-- le I : 1 ?— otrr t 1130-3-- TribuneTeerrem 'I - t itc rk-A-O- -Tir ag 111PLCIAL-Turnate- i b4ii "NEW-Ilia-sl- -- -- :1 I - 6- ad Ttiz tit-rot- boiaqr-Tig—r—o- 1 I so 0-- aire ISi o 1 — 1 W Ill — 21 XI° 4 reuenuc - est - It 3l1 1 1 |