Show Rankin Fruit Produce WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Phone Wasatch E. E Second South St. St St Salt Lake City Utah NOTICE THESE PRICES FOR SATURDAY The only place In town where you where yoU can buy from one apple to a thousand boxes Jonathans Jonathan or 4 Ibs lbs or I per box Banana apples 6 lbs Ibs or per box Extra fancy Canoes per bu bo basket 25 I f per box in Roman nO Beauties and ge extra fancy Banana apples PI Pears the f finest I In the city of several varieties lOc 3 Ibs lbs for or 3 00 per pr bu box Sweet California Cali Cali- I fornia oranges per doz 2 doz I thin skinned Juicy lemons 2 doz I for 25 Grapefruit large and Juicy 60 I 1 or 6 for Eo Extra fancy Malaya Malaga r F grapes c 2 lbs Ibs or SOc per b basket Beets Deets carrots parsnips and turnips 10 Ibs lbs Cabbage the finest In the woi world Id Celery 4 bunches for lOc lac and 3 for lOc lac and 2 for Lettuce cauliflower cauliflower cauli caulI- flower potatoes onions hubbard squash citron in to fact we carry a full line of I fruits and vegetables and make prices in I wholesale It lot lots We Ve make free frel deliveries 1 |