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Show H Willi us fl tha UM. DssbpuGcion- or E.g-- E.g-- ..gepeson s Dapn, Ail other Fire f -;at Scorns Shrouded in Mystery. Mys-tery. The West Co-op. Loses "Ona Thousand Dollars' yonh . cf iVachifiery. ? t- lcs.? F'. Thori'ipson'a . Heroic Efforts to the Morsso '. ProvQ of fio 'Ay alt r Tin; aianc.'. of fire" .reverberated I h rosi ',-! t.hi.',,si ,j .iTbttr; ttj ci t y early ves--terday liior.". ii.g. Ii w.is a !;!' fit' a'"du;:r-ter a'"du;:r-ter to 1 u'cio wluji F. 'TiioTr. i'.'- son was going lf.'n:.-a..;a."'liehel!r tile roof of ibc'hvfj!. b iv'J of. or.p. E-gert-fcou . Jr.. in 1. p :-;;' of ; im-'t .'"'T:;? alarm was g"4ve!rr;ii:J !- r-: ' I frtwu t'o: fk-t;.;v- ni - ' if'.rii.t-vraticr.. When Uv' Jj-;::. I ; -. iu '.: (' to i:l:'t5,- by ti-e wju- t i :. :,". u Vy.y-. -,Vr ;?-Al wrapt 1:1 Ibjiiif'S. 'Tiiii-tio ih'-ef!1iary must -nave- :;;-:l:'n;teo il-.'- -.: if! ,;i ' wit'i I coal oil.r-Tiire y ;''.1 iif.rs'e.s ;;::'! a cow in the i'f-irn. add '"ibc .s :iv :!;-' poor auiuuils cfii'iH v;t, 'i'-T:.;'--lrndiu'. livvfkti in .-:Vf; tlii-'ii')- M r. T i 1 o m psVfu isfiSd"'-to'- the where' .-the hordes wert":ird, cut tlru halters.'aul siK-er-eirl'd !r; tjirf. iiig :!' iiead ;of one f" tif? 'ania'ls towhids ih .oper, -tirt-r. J i, ? r ti.H- .Acr i s-r, rusied t ic-k into ,ti!e f' a;--; i-t.: down.- it was ;;r. awful sight. Jr. Thompson i:-reiy. had ri;n? to vi:U fruia tii..' bait ding VA.is. tlu Vo-i' i'-Ii iif wilU. a civ. Ux ..-'..' VV ' i Tiie-lire depaxtien't t':n;e l out nv;.;i-fully, nv;.;i-fully, and wi: bin fift"-n cunutes niir the alarm Imd lieen given ii.id .1 :;tr. a:;! of -water diic!ed-"on'th'e hiiiidi! T':v "ire engi:!? -va-j de-ited the hi;j. !;';'!: 011 the bo-iih-easi-. eovue.:- of tite" v t-d svfisare. U y:ta Ljl-D-r cda t.;!.. .vd tiie waUww.rs fi'ozeoiver io tiu-- !.,- ' :: of three inr.he'X A l:b:e"wa:; 50,;r mt.! in tha i-.-e, and :i y,:r stre-fm ''i:r:-.l-!: to the ii-v. The b-uitiing eM;:.,,ii.e,d v-vo carhwds oi baled hsy, iind it was i.-n-pi;s:.ai'I("-i'(.r'-!;)c bf.vg to tl-.- ;.uvi! i .indrelhau to keep t!:e il.aurs reacliiiig the JJeebee prop-rt-y w; ire-west. ire-west. To prevent Chh-f J.vhu A. Brown had a squad choir dnvn the diviiai iai:-i;. In t:.;-" b.-ni w- re two eat1.., r.e reaper, ;ii.: ticiivrv' v.'v:i. k:w :-:-;i . harness, ;ev.-.rii. h.ifiy.'t - 0 tatS.f"t!hl ot..'!;--r- V.'ti habit -ty.i ' ).;' longin.(tot!ie.V'Atst Co-op' w-Je' - i s.V- baled hay, six tons uf Ifw'NV- three-sets three-sets o2 douWe Jiarn'esf., eN i'heir loss w!l! be -about $12,000.00. ? The cause of the, tire' ia jidoubted!-the.work jidoubted!-the.work of an 'incendiary and" it s now the popular opinio: that the per-3:1 per-3:1 who citTiirnitted . tiy? act is tiie cu.P t-r:t .thai fired- the other' buildings. At first i.t:ws3 Hiou'ght the recent tiies wss the, spije work of tramps, llut, as $. -puuniirivt busih'ss man very truiy remRi'Vtr y.-tstf rd;ty. to a Dis-V Dis-V A TC)i r'e'bo it e r : ' V .f r'rj v. fr-Vo v.-. uol bm-n-ftfv?4; svn u,c's!?:' .Fo.ur our. of Iff! live fires hav?" occurred at aluinjtri-iiy-aui hour in ih? ' richt. viz. : ' be t.ween 1 ; a; f -j;Vst '12 a-i J 1 (clos!i and f .jjtseenrt o 'ii"ave had .oil oji ?oni.4U. i; K'vnibus; H.-le.appl ied . ''What. tiieo.vvv'i,iT'. vou' working on in connection wfiliMhe origin ..of i:;e fireVv Trtir' Dts-uxcti mau xsked Mr.-lrs 1' iif'wy eSJ ertia v morning. 'W'dl.re -;ay? that it is the vrk r.fr.ljnn,-:. others t list -. t.he jii'-iurance ities-ave wyy'jing tht!'. busino's. w!iile others g- 80. far as to attribute u to sume iiidi-vidual.:e'.':j.lye.-l to agitate the. b'JLihii':'; .of .r.-aterworks. 'B it I will lc-1! yoij.vbnt- f Uiii:k il i ;r. 1 that is th: Hi lion c f-r :zy ; ersou. som? kh'pi'inVrU! e. or otlifi luaniae: lfeeAiisw no. hiirtwi .and sane ieiu.? wonbf piit the firebrand to a b.ini in whicjj p(ior,(ba,iii'" bru'tes were im-prisone!, im-prisone!, Mjfd seKjh.'ui burn i.t death. We a're.woi".kh)slfa-l,' and'ws hope to get.iDM' the track of tie.' individual .that is. doing all", thi. ft won't l e through lack of tij'Mig if he is iv-.t Caught.". Th? brigade ho.y -."workei! like heavers ;v.j,Tfc'? (ir?. Aum: no; h.vith-, stand i.njjsie'tei-al had their feet frozen.' stuck 'to ttiftir -post; until half-past 4 in the nioriiinij,; wh-n Fire ('hief Brow n t(.)!j. InSm tha,4. nolliir.g more eo'ijt'l be "ione. and tfirv i(iigh )bt as"well-lionie. fTfifeirigine ha ta to be abandoned an hoinror so after it first commenced work, on account of the water freezing iu the has. Public, indignutip.il . run jiigh. over tliwV.rk o-f'-iPhricarfiMte be!,rjgwho is . apply i ng. til 6"t Ore h to 'the 'prorty. of th'e cltizcns.tMen have got to be.gN'ard-ed be.gN'ard-ed in what they say, as tho least;! hreat uttered against any individual is liable., in the present excitement, to bo used agaVnst them tdiul j any Using happen of a' serious Kttr.re, to their properly, |