Show t 9A THE OS DEN STANDARD-EXAMINEFRIDAY EVENING AUGUST R 25 1944 L©E!1 05 the record set by Isaac Murphy who rode the winners in the first three American aeroies 1BS4 xie also won Jockey Woolf Seeks Derby Win CHICAGO Aug 25 (AP)— Jockey Georgie Woolf will b shooting at a record By rides the Jimmmy in tomorrow's 550000 added American derby :bf seeking his third f ?f Ck victoiy in the historic with Alsab in andvl"g Askmenow last year A win would give him a tie with Th lLm Kg Patricia O'Neills" Queen CITY Aug 24 SALT named (AP)— Patricia O'Neill was an en"Miss Salt Lake City" by LAKE wlth their aces Trout and New- iu twvii defeats icBiivnsiutc Trout has dropped three games while winning only once against the Browns who have accounted for a third Of his ' nine defeats His only victory was acquired in g a relief chore Newhouser has won two and lost two and hasn't been particularly impressive against them in any start Trout has been knocked out of the box three times and Newhouser twice in stints against the league leaders In favor of the Tigers Is the fact that the pressure will be on the Browns who dropped six of their last eight games to the last place Washington Senators and the sixth place Philadelphia A s Although still maintaining a four- game margin they probably will have to win to hold it since the second place Boston Red Sox will be playing at Philadelphia and the third place New York Yankees will be meeting the usually listless Senators at Wash ington Manager Steve O'Neill of th Tigers indicated he would start Trout while Luke Sewell the Brownie pilot probably will go with his top flinger Bob Mun-criwho holds two victories and no defeats against the Tigers Sewell also is almost certain to use Sigmund Jakucki his r o eries W i By Glen Perkins United Press Staff NEW YORK Aug 25 (UP)-P- aul thusiastic audience at the Centre (Dizzy) Trout and theatre Thursday Hal Newhouser top winning pitchers irf" the major Miss O'Neill will represent this Lefty contest to ce leagues led a revenge-ben- t a state-wia- e Detroit city in Tige team into the Utah towns as soon as other held oial MMtVl Vl O Clf T Alii i uis crowns today seeking xu vuai have chosen entries T- " jaMMMJ— ahJa - L- -£ TODAY & TOMORROW 1 J square accounts with the club that has treated them like e bumpkms I The Tigers might at this mo ment be leading the league instead of languishing in fourth place six games off the pace had they not encountered the equivalent Come Early! and-a-ha- a minor disaster every time they wet the Browns Reasonably successful against every other club Detroit won J i&T V St 11 Bargain Hour to 2 p m :' -- ESK 25$ The-onl- ! y Pas-sea- four-innin- bush-leagu- fe-- on relentlessly defeated the Chimin front as the league s and Walker Cooper and an leadingMusial vuo on piicner i error last bv Outfielder Phil Cavaretta mgni three-hithe t of rookie Wilks didn't allow a hit after provided the runs pitching Ted Wilks who gained his 10th the third inning and 'only one major - league game straight triumph Wilks who be- man reached base om a walk The scheduled yesterday Boston at came a regular starter in July wuua mauc men run in ine in the National was Philadelphia imra when George Munger left for the when Roy Hughes scored a rained out has pitched 10 complete The Cajrds then got to Claude flyu army games out of 11 since that time an old for them for Last night's victory was his 13th both runs in nemesis A walk their half against one defeat putting him far to Augie Bergamo singles by Stan TP pnnnriQumr STARTS SUNDAY HARRY'S DUTCH OVEN In Farmlngton Been I Fishin' wwww — h I I i 14 i U I Been I Hayin' I J lf d Brought the Home fop Steaks! ' - ' j ' i 1 ' j j V- " 7 "U - ef POWELL j if Make Reservations NOW for Saturday August 26 HARRY I M - I v 2-vear- wuu lias i wo SUC- viiu juuivjc cessive shutouts over tne Tigers and three victories without a loss LAMARR m a 300 All Prices Matinees Evenings Include state 350 and Federal against them The St Louis Cardinals rolling Kiddies 100- Taxes TODAY & SATURDAY!! CD-III- v wv hr -- L vt Chester Morris Nancy Kelly Russell Ilayden Lee Patrick T TO YOrm "GAMBLER'S CHOICE" — u0 d 1 M Tk 24th Street 321 Dial 9708 ' I I U V VII7 iir 5 " 1-- Jj 4 SHr" f y 1 f 1 ' JI Youth Running: Unheeded Unchecked DELINQUENT DAUGHTERS ' J -- 0::4 !W i TEALA JUNE ! CARLSON O LORING DOORS OPEN 11:45 rf-iH'- say M AM UATPIEST MUSICS I ? I 1 mit£ June Allyson Gloria DeHaven c m im Van Johnson lose Hurt" 6 h Wild! TODAY! - j JSjd ' ''"s 1 l&fe ' A I lillllijl STARTS S Joy-Aho- y! i V m am mm v : C girls glamorous Hrcworks colorful exhibits Enjoy jS itni7i 111 DERTHANA 1 BANTER rt SATURDAY 2 to 4 p m Air Conditioned for Your Comfort V' this great 1944 exposition! 1 STARTS SUNDAY £ A r - of beautiful Hollywood tf MlA J 1I) SKATING r- retlevilstuntschorus f V fj arinus- - sionyouseeitallanimal '"'A'T ecutive manager Utah 'war finance committee said today iiBo --- --- W SALT LAKE CITY Aug 26 (AP) — Utah's purchases of series E F and G war bonds are lagging $2- 122766 behind the month's quota of $3000000 D Howe Moffat ex Grand Program for the Entire Family! A ror one small gate ! War Bond Sales Lajr' I Heaps of fvnf And AV 1 1 of laughs! And a he artful of romance f 7 v V -- y ! rJKs ni I f il i KS li k V with A Parcmownf Pkfwr Butane MARY MARTIN rVerres Tcssd:!3 Dais and ROCHESTER Ths Msrry f Macs-Virgin- ia Kiiitti & c?ttt4 b MARK SAflOniCH Co-H- it —Extra Added — Color Cartoon "Package for Jasper" "Secrets of Scotland Yard" And This Thrilling LAST TIMES TONIGHT HEY KIDS! LOOK! Saturday afternoon is your day FREE a candy bar to the first 300 boys or girls attending this and you'll theatre Saturday see a big program with three color cartoons Dynamic Western Thrills! Riotous Rangeland Comedy! a "Rhythm of the Islands" " "Silver Queen" Q ©'B'E fS- — Starring Eddie Dew Smiley Burnette KIDDIES MATINEE SATURDAY AT Cartoons N A PROGRAM FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY! THETKIiBT ia With Harry Woods Lorraine Miller Bob Mitchum Shows Continuous From Noon Saturday SATURDAY tr5 Kr$ r4y 11 4TlitJV —PLUS— 8-u- nit Outdoor Action Hit! First-ru- n "Somewhere in the Pacific' "He Dood - It Again" V 1 -- P M CHAPTER SIX Cartoons "DAREDEVILS OF THE WEST" "Bravo Mr Strauss" "3 Bears in a Boat" 13 Chapter "G-Me- P- vs the Black Dragon" n Could Tiisy Fight! I U'f ifi "i ! I tTs VhlnsIccIl b Iff this t i Rcfraf i 'A "MUGTOWN" ' AND Chapter No 1 - - - w " M 1 Mian rs —a si' m f 4 V ''I fV 1 F I ft f f tlJ' ( Screen Ploy by S M Herxtg vy KflrfrW "" k :1 i i im t£A i:m I ':HKVl!M tatrIiM GIL8EKT KOLANO mnd MONA MAUS Also Novelty News and Three Cartoons nnrkrtwDN4fri(Mu Added! r lino if -- tt tr'-"- ' March of Time and News : MUU (Gripping cs a dream front uhicfi you can'l otcafce fi EIPLEY inn crjt iMri FOSTER ' produetiu SCHEDULE OF SHOWS SATURDAY "Voice in the Wind" "Meet the reople" 7:CS 10:33 1:45 5:03 8:30 11:57 1 - ) j """ HOLLYWOOD WHISPERED: FRANGISlEDERER - Fred Soidy f I'M1: A oni I Directed by CHARLES RIESNER V S H SPIKE JONES A - ( AND HIS ORCHESTRA "(sV I etrtLAHR VAUHIM H30MR0F i WVUSMMl2 PICTURE -- 1" ' of the New Serial "J'MTrNJS' 111 --AM v :' PuuloLlL 1 PLUS- - sj ' ' ! 'Razs RAGLAUD iuns ALLYSOI W '"2 § i r ' V DICK U ' vtgidaO'BRIEll AJ rft rpfrsr- ttudde::rir I Here's a Million Laughs! The Dead End Kids and Little Tough Guys in 'Mftn t£TI )) 1 I PJLUS- - P Clrertl : - I I 'YPYflAN:NOOTowiNG ' 4 U - l-V- Tfct Prrrtf est Tfcfob CsYpsa i vy v I Doors Open at 11:45 a m Daily lAnd Brother VV LUCLLE 12:31 3:39 ill's I |