Show "43 THE OGDEN STANDARD-EXAMINE- ¥ I El R ' Vil'V" BITIlfl II liflW The tonnage of cherries f in and grapes already harvested or194J of cent the 112 is per prospect production and 107 er cent of the average Another good crop this year is Utah's potato crop which is still forecast at 149 per cent of the of average and 89 per cent the tonnage produced in 1943 The 1944 drop in production is entirely due to decreased acreage and not to yield The very favorable July LOGAN Aug 26— Poultry proweather has largely offset the lae assurance that the war start obtained by potatoes andnor-at ducers have administration is will not food a generally present growth "dump" large volume of its stocks mal August forecast for 1944 crops is of shell eggs on the market at any as follows: all wheat 8052000 one time Orville L Lee chairman AAA committee bushels winter wheat 5643000 of the Utah state million cases of bushels spring wheat 2409000 reports The 14WFA has in storthe bushels shell eggs 1968000 oats bushels: 775-0sale for held is corn bushels 6435000 being age only at barley bushels rye 81000 bushels ceiling prices and will not be released in large volume Mr Lee potatoes 3062000 bushels dry " beans 63000 bags: su said he Simultaneously announced gar 'beets 467000 tons tame hay 1214000 tons wild hay 97000 that because WFA stocks no longtons alfalfa hay 1119000 tons er include the types of eggs used commercial apples 544000 bushels by driers and freezers sales to and peaches 750000 bushels pears driers are being discontinued 192000 bushels grapes 900 tons deliveries of eggs to breakers and all cherries 5700 tons sweet cher- freezers are being curtailed Stocks ries 3300 tons sour cherries of shell eggs purchased by WFA tons and apricots 5900 tons under its price support program Shell Eggs Will 10-ye- ar GUY OOIIDS — thsn Get During July ten-ye- ar LOGAN Aug 26 — Precipitation in Utah during July was practically negligible so far as its influence on crop growth and production was concerned the bureau of agricultural economics reports The August estimate of 1944 production is as high or higher than the July forecast for all but four of the major Utah crops the bureau stated- - Spring wheat winter wheat oats alfalfa all tame hay and grapes all promise better harvest this year compared with last year's harvest and the main reason for the drop in production of barley and corn this year is the smaller acreage This year's total production of fruit will be slightly less than last year's excellent crop The total bushels of apples peaches pears and apricots forecast from Aug 1 condition is approximately 86 per cent of last year's crop and 153 (1933-4per cent of the ' the variety so rich in natural iodine We ore supplying the ARMED FORCES first then our particular American housewives can also get "Star-Kist- " Stor-Ki- st is ten-ye- ar 2) lot Be Dumped Poultrymen Told have been reduced considerably dealers canceliauons ox saies to WFA Stocks of shell eggs owned by WFA are being held in storage for release at ceiling prices into normal commercial channels as they are needed while frozen egg supplies also are being held for future sale at ceiling prices either to driers to expert markets or for sale as frozen eggs into normal trade channels if they are required The move to curtail breaking and freezing operations affects 51 Plants in the east the midwest and on the Pacific coast Since y more than 1100000 cases of shell eggs have been broken and processed for WFA which accounts largely for the 375 nflllion pounds on hand as of Aug 4 and for greatly reduced holdings of shell eggs 2-4- A GD1LL ?223 Washington Phone 25 here drowned in the Schofield reservoir near here Thursday The accident occurred while Fassio was on a fishing trip with his wife and brother Joe Fassio - Solid Pack 2 cans a 33c Ground'' £Sc Crisco 3'abr- IC: lb 13c zc Roasting Ears doz 28c Llolon 0 Iw W ouiucu 3 lb No Point Meat List 10c Pol Roast Grade Uecl of Rounds Ground Beef 100 Sausage Liver Beef Point Free — Grade "C" Veal Roast nntM UUlil - 34c Leg or Ramp— --No Points Pork Boas! Veal Steak 33c Spare Ribs ' vj k 2C3 2co 28c Udneys I Co 35c Bav Corned Beef ZZo 20c Steaks 2Qc £M© 1 9SCS Telephone LOOSE BEETS GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 46 oz can PotEoasK24c At AH Market Basket Stores Distributed by John Scowcroft and Sons Co Free Parking In Rear noiradfe" 31c Unrationed Grade "C" - parison "Josephine" has been classifl for type being officially rat "very good" Sugar VbL::::::sfleH TURNIPS lb Tcmalocs LiifSLk n- - Tcmalocs 'uuh I Ga CJ 2 No 2y2 cans Pcanui S JM Cafsup3Lp1 Lean Tender No Points r- denartm: of agriculture statistics for m Stamps Muttin's a ru U" S 32o i'eacnas Tibs and Canning Economy Squares of butterfat using Boneless Grade "A Dacon made L2r3lo We also have Grade A Beef Any Cuts Clearfield 2Gtli and Monros ISOOl'Jashingtor Washington Terrace Sahara Uillage But I'd much rather have Shredded Ralston Huji-Fuji- — It's practically universal— the pref-- erence for Shredded Ralston! Crisp toasty bile size whole wheat biscuits with a flavor "fit for a king"— bo delicious so popular the flavor secret VESSON COOKIES KRAFTS-- OIL is patented Shredded Ralston is whole wheat the way you like it— Pint 29c crammed with nourishment and whole wheat energy Race around to your grocer's for a box soon Quart 56c o t t OUCCCC n Co 1IS®U1CE - KjfllLSC test - ' — Wfci I —- ) ) ' 1J 'TT l '- " ' ' " -:' -- 's''1) ' is nature s surest source of vitamin C the vitamin youngsters need for sound bones and teeth to help resist infection to make cuts and bruises heal faster It is served to infants diluted increasing to 3 or 4 ounces of straight juice by one year and 6 to 8 ounces by six years Grownup too need vitairIa C to fight fatigue and keep feeling young One 6 to 8 ounce glass of juice at breakfast meets the day's quota and helps with vitamins Small sizes best buy! RID STEflf 7-In- Grado ch DUL A ra Globe Pancake-Flou- r large plcg 23c IVORY SOAP large size 10c medium size 6c personal 5c lb 2Bc lb 32c A lb 32c lb 35c Alb30c LAVA SOAP large bar 9c b 9c lb 37c b 29c IVORY FLAKES large pkg 23c dozen Duckvhcai1 2 Ja -- pound packaje Mtmt 1 -- lb northern jar 68c jar 25c 4 rolls jjf c 1Mb clotfr bag 8c 23c 20o TOMATOES- -: sru- 2 lbs 15c CUCUMBERS Fresh lb 7c LEMONS Sunkist lb lie - PEACHES 7 o r otsto pk' KETCHUP" 2 for oz bottle ioc p Zoc i J r £Q 3dozen 25c pound 2C 4 1 1 Del Monte n C lUc Globe AI Noodles package rlanter Co dozen 35c CORN V r-- Tomato II JUIvfcNo-2ca- Chips Lunch Time lb lb 7c CANTALOUPES YAMS Louisiana 2 lbs 25c IO Packase lb IGs VATERMELOHS rN Dm I K D U Seed French's 2 lb 20c POTATOES" Was!iad""noVr Bliss To'lb! 30c CABBAGE lb 3s CARROTS 2bunch20 So COC O A 1O"0Z' Locai PEPPERS I5c m I b KELLOGG' SWepw CHEERIOATS KAROSaK PackaSe CAltFORNIA ORAtlCCS 6c mm LPS Kerr Quarts doz Mrr A1 DUZ Assorlodlb35c SIRL0H3 STEAK Grado n r and G SOAP 10 bars 45c CAMAY SOAP 3 bars 20c lb 37c lb 30c lb 26c SAUSAGE Grade A CHEDDAR GIJEESE Don't miss this big zr — Deviled Meat IDDVir No can I O LIDD ©Ell FT 3-l- I 30c TISSUEf P rr FRANKFURTERS snacks and health value! The smaller oranges are most plentiful Ideal for healthful juice Buy at least two dozen 7 SNOW- -' j y©AK 8c 24c — e WMll JAG!S " A Bj P (G) calcium and other minerals Also serve oranges in tempting salads and desserts for betweca-mea- l lunch-bo- x meals' - BOILING BEEF SLICED BACON- -': PORK ROASTS didn't he tell Mother I need orange juice every day Doctor knows that orange juice ""'I - STEWING HENS STANDING RIBE POT ROAST LUriCHEOn MEAT j ( S 14? MUNGH-B- Sc H OXYDOL large plcg 23c a--- 7 Soda Purity 10c ye 5 oc b°x z- -- leers mox package v — -- can Y aati!!T'Z-- :f Kraft Ameri- - el Honey Bee Red Can WHEAT FLAKES £5 Pk? f ""5T" ' G ra Lh a ms 31131 Brand Alber's CORN FLAKES package friend is Her Doctor!" oc 29c large package ' "A girls rJL crackers qKly—— Z- - Packae T average dairy cow in the nat 7 08 r Hills c Lean Fresh Ground Pointless (( (from 15851 pounds of milfc 2247 Washington We Deliver Tues Thurs Fri Sat lb 30c Pot Roast of 5205 pounds of butt on CENTRAL MARCET 89 PcricStyleeadyJtoEat er 00 Market Urns (AP)— James of the Highway service and tourist camp PRICE Aug owner-managFassio Agri-Educti- 2-- - nd Cow Hits Production Peak mid-Ma- 00 100-nou- cow owned by Utah State cultural college the Holstein-Fries- ien Association of America in- iuimeu George ±s uaine dairyman of the Utah extension service Carnation Josephine Inka is the new champion Beauty the taking for all of Utah's senior y LOGAN Aug 26 — A Utah state lead ear-ol- d Holsteins milked twice production record has been made in the daily a division adHolstein-Friesiaoy n registered vanced registryyearly test with the pro- - CS1C Peanuts Salted 4c BAKING&SZW 23c lbs s Z Macaroni package !7o j |