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Show PROVIDENCE POINTERS Providence, Deo. 20. Nearly ov-cry ov-cry family In our town has been affected af-fected with tho lagrlppo but tho epidemic epi-demic doesn't seem ns fatal as In 1891 when a great many of tho older people died. Wo bellovo tho dlsenso Is now on -tho wano and that every ono will bo ready to enjoy tho Yule-tldo Yule-tldo festivities. Dr. T. n., Ileatty of tho State Health Board, spoko to tho people of tho town somo tlmo ago on tho necessity of a pUro water supply as the cornerstone or health and urged thnt a united effort be mado to Install In-stall an up to dato system, whero thoro Is no possibility of contamination. contamina-tion. A mass meeting of tho town was called Tuesday night Doc. 14, to consider tho ndvlsabllity of Installing In-stalling and bonding for a system. An a'ttompt was mado to qunsh tho proceedings by n motion not to consider con-sider tho above question. Tho motion mo-tion was killed by every man In the houso oxcopt tho fathor of tho motion mo-tion and his second so thnt tho town board wero authorized to act as a committee to investigate tho posslb'o cost etc. Public sentiment Is vory much in favor of tho move mid It is qtiito suro somo favorablo action will bo tnken In tho near future Our citizens nro saying all kinds of nlco things of tho splendid car servlco given its by tho O. L. & I. Itnllway Company. Tho writer would suggest that If somo of tho olllclnls would hang tholr stockings In Provl-donco Provl-donco Christmas ovo they would 11ml thorn filled oven If thoy wero tho out slzo. Tho mnrrlago market seems a lit-tlo lit-tlo slow at present and tho stork has not been as nctlvo as Is his custom but cupId Is busy aB over. From twenty to thirty modorn Homoos visit vis-it our Httlo town every Sunday evening eve-ning for tho purppose of going to church? But moro particularly to cat peanuts with their best Elrl. Somo of theso nomcos ubo very profnno lnnguago whllo waiting for tho car Sunday evenings and unless thoy desist In this habit tho strong arm of tho law muat suhduo this nuisance nui-sance Wo now got first class coal at tho Providence coal yard for $5. GO per ton, a c'onvonlenco tho.t Is appreciated. appreciat-ed. Mr. F. H. Reddish who bought tho old Providence Co-op property Is getting ready to open for tho holiday holi-day trade, which will give us two up to dato mcrcantllo Btoros. W0 also havo two good blacksmith Bhops, ono operated by Georgo M Picket nnd Son, who havo given employment em-ployment to four and flvo men in general repair work and horseshoe'-ing. horseshoe'-ing. Of John Bartschor, who nlso docs general blacksmlthlng, wagon repairing re-pairing plpo fitting, etc., It can bo truthfulfy said that ho has tiiomost up to dato tools and equipment nnd one of tho most orderly shops In tho county. About 23 students attend tho B. Y. C. and about 5 attend tho A. C. this number Bhould bo doubled. Too many do not appreciate tho benefits of education even with tho colleges at our door. Tho First ward Mutuals are rehearsing re-hearsing n play entitled A Prnlrlo Hoso. In tho cast nro the following who havo had somo stago oxpcrlcnco nnd possess considerable dramatic nblllty: Joseph Theurer, Erlcso Hanson, Han-son, Ezra Campboll and A. J. Full-rlman. Full-rlman. Miss Maudo Klrkham plays tho leading rolo, It is safo to predict a Jnmmed house. Tho date will ibo somo time during tho holidays,' |