Show OUR NEIGHBORS NEWS 4 1 ad ag sf 21 barry goen gos it e wan man of about 4 years w WM lea picked op up about 3 2 ie let wednesday morning on the railroad track in front of the depot by a brakeman brake mau he lie rae was horribly mangled an I 1 was ha lest last when found A coroner arv was imron panelled panel led and the rail wiro I 1 company ex one rattA the finding being that the man came to bia his death accidentally by ran over by the train tom dilley paid fisit tielt to green on bia his return from moab where be he wan was to stand trial but was exonerated elone rated by the court and isanc is bucs morea more a fre free CASTLE DLE NEWS DALI utah aug 28 29 republicans aus of emery conaty county met in to convention coo at lait last saturday to elect delegato to the tate state louisr ton at provo on the ath of Septon br r 1 hose named are J W seely an I 1 F I 1 E wood woods castle dle dile J C lemon and fl W curtis ferron oreon orson robbins Robb ln huntington robert hill lawrence 8 P snow sr orangeville Orange Orang Tille eville Alt ernatt ateo jonathan leauber Leau jonathan kill killpack pack olson andrew will lam tam fail U E K cartia cattle and C E P aalt oj the delegate delegates vo go d the spirit which pi vail d throughout throng hont the entire meeting showed that the re publican publicans w wire re all ia in line ready to work and support the present administration A number were who supported and voted for dryan bryan f nr or year years ago n the silver lint stion who are strongly etron gly opposed to him in the present campaign the attention of the road supervisor of carton carbon county Is i called to the act fact ilat there are several places between I 1 rice and cleveland that ue re almost ampula imp kua bev with a lor 1041 I 1 E awry knuty i mrs in khia tw ie la the county 11 and lionti la in torie ain them theto Is 1 A d bul bolt big eliou b hr Is 1111 ta fell fall I 1 na ell QUA elf au republican ni at vii mner inter Q jarr jt ir rr tw hel I 1 their primary Is I 1 I 1 wk W wr k hilrick Nyc Vy cherly berly won N Is i lanard fur ottus table bat but rim five fit v I 1 Jui slice of the pac not be filled client twing two joice that ilia relin bil 1 havo nt the r W 11 II don thomas 1311 ro an I 1 giuly wll wil wil W were wre re 11 dele gattis to attico I 1 the cl up allou at artl ute oto fit ilin 11 of ib tho photostat ll wat valley 11 14 c in to 1 lut last tu to settle tb ill cowlin of thi th tb i beir ot of those killed a the coal mine di tuster lix faiths ago it ie is sal alii sali I wilt them lOi in gold 1 A abor u uh liw ija ben b en urd need for all 11 II the ti bir tra awl 1 they thoy hare have agreed to nept VW we for e rh inan who perished peri x shet la to the 1 luino I a ht at he ties 1 tl I ile noot of the tb d toaster jo joe carroll wall ri oaly injured lo 10 the mines at winter itt nat week lie bud bull jat just airell mistrot hot aud it not KI 1 it strong to blow down tb coal hn lin wont in to e rtin dinine lne when the be gortat pit pile of coal 1 that bad acu dis lodgen ell tell alion him breaking lre lang loth both leg apel if fi flicking serf ni n scalp wounds dr agreen irad ir rD accompanied him to the bo bols pital olt na utah aug za last the leople people of till this elwe a fi to p ply sy their last rei acte to HIT fider samuel Je wiles who died the of the eab clr jewko was wax 7 bomm old and bad beu beau an energetic piotta and loading spirit as a banday sunday bool werk T car leader nh 01 bueller and rid operator etc A lly number of bin his ol 01 I 1 friend friends from a toa too au an I 1 calicle dil were at the foo ral severs of whom poke spoke brie fly ol 01 the faithful labor labors and sterling of the decea dece till the lulling smiling ronn i of 8 P shiow jr la Is again seen in ibe the COX below batal tal lieb ment ho ile bae has just re from a trip to salt lake city tue tito haia finite of the can be haard tn ard la in town fur the tb fint first time this bla Orang orangeville eville diw ti highly honored ili bulb both the ali ant 1 republican iso evened here lat last 8 lay day mr Pt P Urson the photographer ie is in town he ile bettu to be doing a rushing burtu M a mr and mrs beth alien allen of castle dale were doing u here hero this week au an enjoyable time was hal hall at the party had h ld in n tte co op hall last fri day daty evening lake ie is ap up to the times anil and know knows jat just how to please the people 1 happenings ang 29 s che rhe demo crata county convention at or list for the purpose of electing ten d l gates to attend the state convent lin to rob be held in n salt like on the h and of sep aber they elect elec edIra R drowning Brow Ding aud P C of castle Cut leDale dale hyrum cook of perron ferran A tattle tuttle an I 1 john K rei rat I 1 of lelii lareen larsen of cleveland A overla to of emery L vi N harmon E 11 II cox and M E johnson of ilant II 11 ant ington A motion wai was amsle ro I 1 by at M E juba john eoa pon that ibe the con convention in instruct Ine tract the delegates to vole for jamie II 11 moyle for golenor go Tenor bat afier after considerable talk instructions in to which those who took part ex favo favori raolo kol a to mr nir moyle the motion wae was voted down and the delag item go uninstructed A discussion la in regard to registration was bal hal and the convention resolved res olred itself into late a it to s that a fall giot ration of vota voton vot a wa was had and to retain I 1 the peo lie to tint that no one was wits registered for tha next general ot election action which in 1 an important oae one it wae was also deci led to bare have the democratic c county convention for the nomination of bounty officers on saturday the of september at huntington and that the I of delegate delegates from precinct ba M ore to each ten rant for the lion william 11 II king at tho special ii cial elect loj loa the I 1 ilea lea was to have a convention of the eople people p x ople and to hare have a good from u all over the county CASTLE G 0 kte TE CARTLE GATE ang aug 29 tale a miner was recently track struck on the eye by at piece of piat from rom the en an I 1 of at bid his pick while ao A work an aton from rom which be he is offering ruffe intense pain pallet joseph jones one of the outside laborers borers fell down in an condition last friday looming morning und and waa was taken to bis his home in a wagon ur dr caffey laffey waa was immediately called in ili to treat him and had a partial enoca in aia his breathing to normal it was eared at first fi ret that jonee jones hal bat succumbed tc to heart failure but the hearing heaving of hi cheat removed that alarm he lie ie 18 addicted to each such spells bat but each one ia in g getting ting more severe and should tt it tx be that be is attacked again an and no one with him the result may 6 fatal the are of CS 11 9 gate pre pro held a well Atte attended alef peury noting 1 1 last II evening v ei and five avis d legated l ftfe to the be county convention an aal aol precinct officers the delegates delegat wi I 1 rank campron chris davis robert william williams jr thomm T lamph and anti thomas W lw lewis for justice of the peace thomas T constable countable owr jobia ll 11 me martini I 1 atul precinct chairman paul hanlen tee the selection select lon of these five df delegates decides the tb tIn estion ahem to billic ij ia nomination for one of the coan conn ty at the county conven tion lion which convenes on the and it i le 1 ne rally coti conceded ceded that W D si mac 1 clean will tLe present dincol u arat u 4 11 A nisan N laan it Is alo alito generally i conceded that the delo delez atlon station la Is solid for S r C fley ff y for sheriff the ability of each of there gentlemen nominated dominated ta to inlall the detles required of the ode is i hod stud catle gate oate pre pro cint clot can be proud 0 such representation as a thi this to otter offer t the next munty con Tea leation Te atlon tion |