Show friend friende of lion ilon L M olson among a 1 I the democrats demo crata of the county say ay be uny iney bare have the nomination for the legislature it it if be he wll well accept it the total aweard valuation of carbon county for ito Is 1 39 for 1819 it waa was 14 the increase In creane over last year i is there ie Is not the lea eat it doubt bat but whit willit the country generally ie Is more prosper 7 ous than for AT year years but baa has mckinley brought brou glut it all about all democrats demo crata interested in the organ of a dryan and stevenson club 4 are invited 11 to be at the old meeting S house next monday evening duns review says of conditions at salt bolt like city trade la Is sells factory for the season and jobbing trade ia Is brightening Collect i ims are fair it ia Is a conceded fact that good goods ire are aoud old aa as cheap in price ae any wherein utah her iler railroad and anti the liberality of bei beg merchants mer cbanta la is the explanation there will be ba some good men for the several county by both part parties iea and from the looka looks of things at thia this ine juie neither aide side will hire have a walkaway tom nichole Is t known from the batiles of texa tex tn to the chicago stockyards as a fellow with a heart as a big ca as a utah steer they do aay any it waa purely ont out of a pity for the fellow follow that he nominated hoffmann As a delegate to the demor cratic state convention it now looks aa as if it the p ople would bare have the opportunity this fall of voting oa on the proposition of bonding the county in a sum sufficient to erect a suitable ani talle court bonse house and jal jail it should be kept in to mind that lameres on the bonda bonds would cot not exceed the eum sum at present paid oat out for rent every property owner orner business rain nan and citizen of price and vicinity standee in bit his own light in opposing substantial and modem modern public buildings chur church clies school houses ann ane 0 e 9 like who would cot not be bene fitted by the building of my any one or all sill of and anti whose boain bast new ew profession aalon occupation or property boil I 1 suffer thereby I 1 4 ic it iteen thousand and five hundred r Z bollara is sufficient to build a modem court honse at vernal over a hundred milea off the railroad with much of the material freighted in then the same building ought to be duplicated in car bon county countr for a much leea less figure oar ay about ten thousand dallar interest on T thie this latter sum ata per cent would come to four hundred dollan dol larit a year nearly a hundred dollan dollars less im than the county p V the present time paya pays aa as rent J 0 republican campaign managers have ordered that die wacht am xhelo be incorporated into the cm cam laign song book the object undoubtedly being to enthuse the german Ame american t voter to a point where he will forget hie hi prejudices it la 6 not euy easy to largine anything more thrilling or better calen to than to lad find henry flack lea line ling a r ebion ion an I 1 11 singing 11 fo F briliant cin oln gluf ale ie Donner bittl vie unil und nhan aum rhein zum ethein zum khela Kueter orlD I 1 deb akerland fairst ruhl feint bellel bleb I 1 irli at arlan I 1 mart root 1 und die wacht die sin Ithel til it ifil url die alo di V actie am rhein I 1 or something like it the quotation lot i frota roin a trea cheroni memory |