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Show v "We Stand For Fnrichfnent of Life Through Constructive " Leisure and Persona I Service To Felloic-Ma- Use Of n CHURCH CHURCH SECTION SECTION THE DESERET NEWS, SATURDAY, JUNE 11, 1932 Entire Trail of Mormon Pioneers To Be Marked Every Fifty Miles M. L A. SLOGAN URGES LEISURE BE WELL USED Society Obtains Aid of States In Meridian Marker New Cry Rallying To be Introduced On Sunday V . J iu Nt Big Undertaking Bronze Potty Carrying Buffalo Skull to Be Erected tvMiir fUWB I oa? isituSnSj) o fifty mile interval Ue Mormon Pioneer Trail will lie marked with appropriate permanent marker, under proa-e- nt plans of the Utah Pioneer Trails and Landmarks association, it was announced Saturday by ciporae Albert Smith, president of the society. The trail extends from Winter Ouarters. now Omaha. Nea braska, to Salt Lake City, distance of approximately 1.000 miles. The present plana include marking the entire portion of live trail between Ihosa points, although it is expected that eventually the markers will extend from Winter Quarters east across Iowa to Montthe actual rose and Nauvoo, starting point of the westward m.irvli uf the pioneers Muirs to Loo penile ii! marker, consisting o' an mutation cedar nst made of hrone iiion wins'll will be AT . M , ear ad 'iii'ii 'i i . , i,. ,v j ,ii d I M of U ulije, -- n Ill1. c ! x - )r h" 'M huC. h. ' III-- kan. p ""i1 r adv f . c !" ith spin ua. iu ,1 i I Hn- ! i - ' si !.!( M A UP I' t I I lllir i? O of ' ' ' "i o.g i" - ; ig I tlM .ii'' n ! j( l.l xji if k ' l ' I Hu-- III" .III !' ""I' 'll, il 'I'lT' ls a slogan III '.Ins ll" li i'l i Mi' appro," " f - -it. did il y I, j,,, Im o an'oi I .ei-M ... and xoeia' 'eaurrx t i - of III" I llUr"h fl OH' I' .... ,f vi i"- - mi .i aii-- l , ..I ng llii .idull.s It" w I, JiMIS of Ik"" f 'I ill" f" Hi" bo.. m. I li tsars o' toil" guidinoe us m .1 i of ill" I1' .... , 'I oi '). i , hilili'l Ilia! will In- plurrtl on near hr south rtuitrr. :nl Im' mi Jhim onfrrrnr part of thr M I. sportal I hr iiNirkrr tells tlie liirfl r of thr Salt l.ake llasr and profirain wtiirh Is hHaalrl on the ftootlioast rornrr or (hr IVinpte hlHk, yrrid iin, vhrrs it u.is hwated in 1Si7 by Orn Pro It hr a" ' -- n i.i - 'i ;i m- :i .j uf .4 r luv jiaana M Giv en for Unveiling Of S. L. Meridian Monument Program M iv U r i Ir' ,1 - ' i p C p'i k:Mi.iit, hi a ; r v pi s j i.i ti -- j !' 'la n a .i a M III" - t f n nr r-- I I - w It i i v H t llo- - X !i li nne will maik III spot where the pimieers tunied from Weber i!'on tn mine toward Hie in ea1 Nil! l.ake vallev Ih" Utah asxocialion axsi-t'i- 'i i IH .Ilk". rs. ot- arli - t,- ml of on" ,1 nl"r (I." sloif.in ailot- a"t ,,,. M mi" ln'li .. ,f W i'.l oin "xlnliit il) Salt I of til" mali'i'ia. .i" r 'in- - "hilul W""" )ii'".irivl and "I wliii'li in turn h sot 'i I",ia, siniil)lt". s u o u iiii" ( SI .1 ' I ss i3'-ii)- .1 in c lli"ii' ori to turn for iii'l.n Mt"'i . now slogan, ax lliost in oaHi will ti" r""at"ii ii" o.iM assomlily rvt rv Tuoxilay. w.iril BiM"t'i! an, tiv (lip h" 1 -l rnem-boi'kli- niabi pa"i mmllilv ip ronjomt Youiib i ident es) n the upei ib i.v.iig .sop of Pi evYoung will offer prayer, while l':;i ti 1. of oldest living son Sn.n ras'.us sii.hv who accompanied . di-sn ml.) the valley Hires' dal- - pri r In the coining of the will offer the benehand pioneer IluUi May ox diction I I M A ill read an of h" oi uuia! wom. l addition to ttio table!, the M I will erect an ornanieiiUi! fnre ih uit the meridian stone as H t -- tin a -- ip in i a too feel ir uf tins corner k' hv (ieorite S A'(i Survey, .'id, tMdP to determine the wxv; Usisl to ohtai'i eorrerl time it u.le an true mt it ude unlit Il.'i'Cnuier .10 tspT '1 e,'e .lure .' t'.' : a w is Iiii ft ililished l I I Pep-tenih- i hv Pro-ple- nt i r "i shine li.",' N Natrona county historical v " will place a (lermaneut marker at the Mormon Ferrv es- -I d hy President Hrighaid Tins Young in June 1S17. marker will lie placed on Pioneer hv lull ,i- -i I ".i ' X , -put w id Is that at llei.efer, 'I Ins ." du.lieated next month u in fl" u'.ii. nii'iiH i ii Ml au t r M' l Sill 111 hi il li",ul , k ato t '1" - M lor il . - In o ox t pu - final'' ll.'l.l i ImiT ( UVN.i P .1 uiK'1 o' ra ,.v ' - (h p a i.i II, . .. n ' huh l -- i I'll IM'II Ip ml- - m .a a noun- rii w a in ' a ip n IT ' of tn i"1 pi ii i an u ''Mix no- - it- mu'ess. Special Tablet Nii! tie .linin' will the Iran - numuer. but immy marked m special and permanent marker and tablets as well us menu-me- n s will le and are being for many historic planned putalong (he way. lreadv maikers liavx' heed on lfidi'iendenee Riirk. ill ploi e,l y Hums also m F.rho Tanvou, mark's trk of the Hear Itiver tifltl and l.liureh llulliss niarkei on a lus- -i pei in men! il- up mmu rnu-- yr pi ill in- ati'i'i' u' , a i ion through which the trail will extend Tills cooperation with that of the Church and the net iv e part taken by ttia I't'ih association, ix held to be sufficient for the undertaking, p u nki'ii wards Oivm g Prea. Anthony W. Ivina t o be Principal Speaker at Temple Ceremony on South-Eas- t Block Corner I va- -' ,miMh' fill' i.lil t i placed an mill al ion lironye buffalo kiill. will be placed along (he lead at every fifty mile Engraving on the skull pom! will designate the trail being marked and will probably tell the distance in one direction from Salt Lake (.it v and thd oilier diced ion to Winter Quar- fees In ai complisb this siaanUo iimlei taking, the ITah trails will Mr. Smith said, have the cooperation and assistance of every state landmarks thr min' hit I' " M a it icv 'I H l I !u 'in f Ini- - I r- v hronr a.ss,H - u- aim ol tin1 m nn.s In' Tl ' tisr ru -' I I , lei-u- re of mm' is a pholtirapli Work rat wall if lie I'nnplr srrvics as irilri SnHhi at I "Mu't a I'iiiuuve;i (Ill hi. of the i'.iiiii'i rtiri't Vtat x of falter-da- v Pinneer Tra'1-axxur in ti " r u f Ji'siis Sams ar t and , . i dill-lie- Jlllv 'J i The preset I Mi u m in" trail that the work will lii'inn early the fifty mile d V plans for the marking assure on that protect in 11MA. Whcxi 'si project is ii is the aim of t.he t tali historical society to lay further plans for marking tha trail at even shorter stances, preferrnhly every ten mW . rum-plct- |