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Show , ,;i W'!oV,x, , ' ,W 4 1 SUMMER DROP IN PRIESTHOOD WORK STOPS Reports of 39 Sta es Re veal Advance During May the lummer plump la attendance Frivathood throughout lha Church la being urreufully combatted la seen la a study of the reporta aent Into the Presiding Bishops office of tho activities la flee coveting makes for May Although the number of reports sent in i not complete a total of 99 atakM have shown Increases la the percentage of attendance foe M.y of thl. tar compared with eight of the M.t) of 193 for the reports reo. . , ibvia far future to Increase, month show some of these showing the earns figures for tho two periods. and The stakes making gains the percentage for last year and fot this year in May are. lU'ur Klwr stake 13 to 28 Hot Kbler stake. 13 to 73. Hurley stake ; to 71, Ouch cine stake, 13 to 14. 26 to 39. (iutiniiion Make Ir.nkhn, to 14 Iljruxn stake I to 11. M.iho stake 16 to 97. ktnrvb to to 11. Kolob stake. 16 st.ik to 22 logan stake. 20 to 29; Doe Malad Angles20 stake24 SO to 96; to Montpelier stake. alike, 16 to 20. Morgan stake 9 to S3, Nebo tuke 70 to 23, North Davie, stike 717 to 28. North Hanpete to l": North Kevier, 11 Klak' to IS North Weber stake, 19 te 77 onetdt stake. 34 to 36. loca-l- e n stake. 19 to Itoosevelt 3o. stake 8 to 12. St Juaeph stake. 27 to 33. Sharon stake. 19 to 25, South Sanpete stake 11 to 17; stake. 17 to 21; TooSouth Si ele Ntike 7 to 11 Hear lake stake 2 24 tu Hendon stake 17 to 24. Kniiin make It Dto 20 lloltwood hi stake, 23 to slake 36 to 37 2 1arow.m stake, 6 to 11, South. 29 to 30; Star Val-lIuvi stake 24 to 30, Utah slake, 21 to 23 and tmtah stake. 16 to 19 the Set oral factors enter Into I ii rMel attend. the incc, among mot Important being the cam puign to increase summer attend ame the correlation program of the Aaronir Priesthood and the su- n ,t m of Airomr Priesthood r' pi ' !i it expected that when. the report ri complete May will show h percentage of imitate re iou In iiienilitire than any has i( month and heretofore shown a dec reive In attendance other every vear as have the su n m moot ha That Aaronic ! 1 ir r t Conference Dates To Be Arranged stak' By 2 Societies lh ItHicf Ki.'fN lltd f( awtori.iMon Improvement conferences rrmged soon for 193? will be is announced by It lln respective general boards Approximately 40 of the sink.' the burch will hold Joint Ite. I A conferences lief eocletv-and duringof August. September The other stake October part will be held sepirve ronfi from o her meetings 1 tie M I. A and Belief society Conferences are held yearly in the f til. while those of the Sundnv school and Pritnirj association arc held in the spring of the year and are soon drifting to a close lor this year 8pecal programs are out1 tied lv the general boards of the mitlnn firm mrat tons fo sessiuna th Of ' A rnO'i valuable reference work on rel Kioru is Do Men H.'ltove What Thcif Church Preser.be. written by Huion 8 Howells of end published by the hall Dsk Deseret Hook Company On the cover flap of the book the printers give the tttle and map. The question can be answered only when one knows what any particular Church does prescribe. MiHsionariea can the more effectively deliver the message of their Church if they know what other Churches claim. Having this thought in mind the D D. 8. Missionary commute. who had seen the manuscript of the l took. requested and recommended that U be published The book la a comprehensive yet brief xtudy of the doctrines, hitor and government of the leading Christian religions and is m presented that the subject is inviting a well as informative. The book begins with the reproduction of tho three earliest and creeds most important formal upon which nearly all Christian denominations have been built or from which they have taken their basis of religion The three are the Apostles Creed, the Nicene Creed and the Athanasian ( reed s brnC explanation of the reformation Mr. Howells give com pt chensive study of the history, doctrine and government of ten major denominations in the following order. Adventist. Baptist. Church of Jesus Christ of Mormon latter-daSaints or Kastern Orthodog, Episcopalian Puttier. in. Methodist lre.sto tertan, Kom.in Catholic and Pnjtarinn bis book the author Throughout some Interesting and enpronts lightening statistical data that is of value to the reader whether he be activity engaged in religious leaching or not. To further supplement the work. Mr Howells has painstakingly compiled a chart, showing the beliefs of these ten denominations on score of varied doctrinal and temporal points To back up the brief statements made In the chart, the author lias secured statements from leading theologians and authorities among each denomination represented on the y chart The hook has Just been released wlihtn t ho D9t week or ten days and promises to be of Inestimable value and inleret to tho i i o' h huidi w h re w li I a tTmlr the direction of the Aar.'nir Priesthood committee of the Pioneer stake high council gn outing something new in the line of pncftt teacher and deacon activities wilt bo staged ftaturday. June 18 st 4 p.m. at Jordan park Ninth South Kighth West and streets Tb outing will stugid In ( MKI SMIlVHd An interesting and Iti'tiui lu program was rendered bv the Junior H miimrjr in the Stuke Tabernacle, Vidnerrln May 5 The ninth grade giuduitex numbered llO this yea? The wot k h m gorie forward with much enthusiasm on the part of both leathers ant students Boatd in cm bur and parents 4 generally are greallv corona; by this splendid fchow tng The total enrollment hss been 37 99 for the ear which i of the eligible pupils in pc' he slake In point of numbers N bo ikc ranks third in the Church os shown hv the il rrpoit of Match 16 Thcra re 600 pipits of Junior fcbmlnary grade In the Nebo stake to receive weekday religious training during th' yen r 193233 School official h.ive hern veiv cordial in their co operation wub t to releasing pupis etc 1 ( I ntati-dir.- I Aaronic Priesthood To Celebrate at Jordan Park June 18 e 9.140 lj l( n Itmpe dog hiwong ont't and lastly an t ontest Th net and Rr'cl'on of the outing bv thetcachers will be staged Their activities will include a kiie flying contest and inMruincntil must hi groups or singly Thfeature of section three by tho pneM.s will he a canoe lilting Three conieHt in the Jordan river men will enter from each ward t a to foot tilting poles willi Uht onl n w ill be followed by an Thi Indim smoke gnl hy the priest A pirhhnlt tournament for all progroups w.M end the sport will he followed hv Th gram ami of refre. hment the ij ik i o Awird for program o o id and t'urd place wtn firstimpl tiera in the events will te given the tampfire prograiu, during win h will f attire in a1dres by a member of the s tke presidency ftp i r al hop er to goodness" cauii.r re sorv for the conclusion. i I Norway Conference Held Hulk. nunc and the name Is wrong for Instance ,f don'1 as (amp and it should It lie Kemp could that inmt e chnnzcd Or does the work have to n e over or due4 it nvri.f am be dn n( Answer Tho work thou d rot be don. o'er Plate the name u h tvs John Camp on a bipt sm sheet with the same idcntlfjing formation os when first sent in ink Then draw a line In red and Camp throughit Intheredname ink write the name above Write in rod Ink at the Kemp Cur top f the temple sheet for temand acrid tha to the rectum where the ord. nance in quespi tion was performed Qmtion. Where adults .!u up the Hook of Ilemembrnnoe would It not le alright to substitute endowment wurk Instead of me loO bait Pirn required In that wo. 7 Answer. The ruling has been In force for some time that an adult for may earn the award given baptisms by performing ten dor fur a rcgniei.d was ge 1- he-oa- . llli, pa-P- t tor-da- Although the privations, the vicissitudes. and the unrelenting toil enforced by the state of mortal eg Istencc are part of our heritage from Adam, we are really enriched therebj- for In Just such condition do we find opportunity to fk'velop the powers of soul that shall enable us to overcome evil, to choose the good, and to win salvation And exAltAlion In the mansions of our Father James K. Taimage of the Found! of The Twelve An you unable to realise that baptism la essential to salvation9 1erhapH the cause lies la the fact that ou have never developed the essential condition of faith in the Ford Jesus Christ; or. perchance, ou hae never repented of your Kallh and repentance ore sins. prerequisites to effective baptism; and it ia on unreasonable to expect a faithless unrepentant sinner to ot the essentiality comprehend baptism ns to expect on untrained in the rudiments of artthmetio to understand algebra. James I). Tul mare of ihe Council of the Twelve W ho of ua hMM not folt at times the spontaneous yearning and aspirations Incident to ur deep in born conviction of life beyond death? We may weaken these emotions by persistently ignoring them, we may effectively stifle them by rude force: we mav render them dormant by the poisonous anodyne of false philosophy and tho boastful prido of mans miscalled wUdom. but kill them we can not for thev were divinely and are deathless implanted James K Tnlmnge of the Connell of the Twelve -- I I SWEK8UE HAROLD KX. 6wenskek Haroldta," wag weekly newspapers published in ths intersst of the Cburoh In Balk Lake City, Utah, la ths Swedish language. The first number, dated June consisted of a four-pa1116, sheet, with seven column of rend log matter on each page measure Inchon, hut tho tng 16 by 21 sise of the paper, both ns regard else and number of pages were changed from time te time, and towards the lost It consisted of an eight-pag- e sheet, each page c seta in ing seven columns. The lost number of 8weneke Herotden was dated Oct. 26, 1862. was first Swcnske Harolden published hy the Swedish Publish Ing Company at the head of which In the beginning, stood tho follow John C. Sandberg, Ing officers: president; Rrio F. Branting. vice Charles V, Anderson president; secretary, and Carl A. CarlquWt, treasurer. The subsorlption price was 22 Ot per annum. In I22t, Krtc F. Branting succeeded John C. Sandberg as president. In July, 1888. Frants F. Fernetroa and Carl V. Anderson became the owner of the plant, after which Cart V. Anderson acted as editor and F, 8. Fernstrom as business manager. In 1890 the between Anderson and partnership Fernstrom woe dissolved, and F, S. Fernstrom the sole owner of the The Swenske Hanolden's paper. first office was at 108 west South Temple street, in John C. Sandberg's furniture store. In the office was movedAugust, to 118 east (rat 8outh street, where It remained until F. g. Fernstrom became sols owner of the which he then moved to hispleat, private residence in North Salt Daks, from which place ths paper was published until Ooteber, 1891, when the printing office was completely destroyed by fire, thud ending the publication of the r. it appears that Peter O. Thomesen did most of the editor-U- l work for "Swenake Harolden from the beginning; he was sue-r- rl v- - Andersen la 1888. who in 1896 was succeeded J H. Bjodahl, who continued ee editor until the printing plant wee dcstnoved by fire as stated, In the latter pirt of 892. Hwmnke Harolden" during Its nttr cxtfenre advocated the lauso of the I Haints tho Sw.vJioh language and was ina r. iruLir nrwxpuper which cir- culat-- d in tho Hooky Mountain country, as well as in Sweden and other parts of the world. It published. besides the news of the day. sermons by the leaders of the thurch. news from the foreign missions of th Church end much choice reading selected from other puMtoatkn . I' IN'. V U ' By Andrmto Jmnton Many phases pf (, hurcli doctrine, temporal activities and acomplish-ment- s of tho Church are contained In the volume of radio addresses recently published by the Deseret Hook company of Salt Hake. This book, in an attractive binding. contains the radio addresses given each Sunday evening by the Church over the period from January 1931 to March 27. 1932. by three speakers. The speakers who gave those series of talks were Dr Joseph F. Merrill, a member of tho Council of The Twelve, and Church commissioner of education; President Bryant 8. Hlneklev, of tho Liberty stake And President Franklin 8 Harris of the Brigham Toung university. A separate has been suMert treated on each 8unday night of that period, these separate topics forming the chapters of the book. President Hinckley first speaker of the group, spoke under the and Mormontsm general title. Following this Klder Daily Life Merrill spent gig months discussing and temporal various doctrinal features of the Church President his adHarris, who concluded dresses last March spoke gencrallv or accomplishment under fruit of Mormonlsm. and The book is well printed will mike a valuable addition to the library of any Church memIn the ber or person irtere.Mcd doctrines of the Church Stake Arranges Outing For Youths 9 Church Periodicals Radio Talks Published . O. ' r K Book Compares Religions grilr Mutual ' f f THE DESERET NEWS. SATURDAY, JUNE 11. 1932 Church Department lUe ? w The Norway pring confcrrms of Ue Trond-iM-i- n dbtrkl. Norwegian mkskm, was ImII on April 2. 2 and 44li, with a S4cfwlid altfndaiMy at all wriwimu Tlie srfompsnflsf pic TROXIMIKIM, tures back row left to right: Jo seph Alton Gunderson; Marring 91. Ikoson, district president. row left to right: Mission President irymm I). Jensen ami Meo. Margaret A. Jensen. Obedience la the test of allegiance, and he whom we eby, the leader we elect te follow, te the master who directs ear destiny, whether In the liberty of righteousness or the serfdom of rim. James B. Talmage ef the Onwncil of the Twelve. , |