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Show FOREIGN BRIEFS. London silver quotation 55 9-lGd. Breadstuff were firm in Liverpool on Tuesday. Suleiman Pasha has taken command com-mand of the army of the Lorn. Specie in German Imporial bank has decreased 9,500,000 marks. Tbe fortresses of the Franco Italian frontier are being hurriedly pu', in a state ol defence. Achmpt Eyoub Pasha will take command o( the Turkish forces on the Servian frontier. Hie French government is detain ' ing all English aud Belgian news papers on the frontier. An tiflUhquake shock at Geneva Monday moruiug cracked some buildings build-ings but inflicted slight damage. Frost and storms have rendered the Sistova and Nikopol. s bridges impracticable imprac-ticable for vehicles (or the last two days. Tbe German ambassador to the porle has been instructed to declare the Turkish blockade of tbe Black Bea insufficient and void. In the negotiations pending Servia requires a guarantee of Russia for her independence and an extension of territory in the direction of Bosnia. The first locomotive, platform cars ani rolling stock of Canadian Pacific railroad baa reached Winnepeg, Brit ish possessions, and was received with great rejoicing by the people. Gambetia is prosecuted for placarding placard-ing his manifeio to the electors on the atreels, not for its publication. The printer ol the niauiftsto has been summoned before the correctional tribunal. Tho ministerial papers claim that of the 363 republican seats in the French chamber of deputies the government gov-ernment will win 117, with chances for forty more, making a government majority of at least twenty. Sir Stafiord Northcote in a late speech, referring to the prospects of peace, Baid: Both Bides havedisplayed such gallantry that if an opportunity dor settlement Bbould arrive they might accept it without any loss of prestige. A German official paper Bays that the negotiations pending between Germany Ger-many and Italy, are only to secure cooperation between the two countries coun-tries Bbould they find themselves, after the French elections, confronted by clerical and therefore aggressive France. |