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Show TOE BULLETIN HOUSEHOLD 0 531 QUESTIONS Fun or the Whole amily BIG TOP 3Wr WAS READING THE TtLCGRAM FROM HAL TVOMP50N , TOM DAY. MlS JW HOUR MAN ENTERED THE STATE ROOM j&fc - unun. ernes a BVEBSTWiNa'S r s O.K. ' s, LALA, VOU t LIFE IT FROM PLHV THREE ME.tV3SS.YOU CAN SHOVJS HERE TOOK NAVtJ ACMievE I AyjmON OP V WANT VOU TO CHRISTEN A AND VOU, VINCENT. HAVC M AS 7 bcen indubitably 0m. PROPeSfiOg PRAGMATICAL A COOPERATIVE . IhM.IUATS MUttCE?! Tf MV EARS i V6 Ml J k I 1 1 THEY'RE CIRCUS CRAZY EVEN ARRANGED TOR PLEWy OP HVCTRA STRAW .' mt' mvjiK' i r- a NT HAlToJ &kl (&T'rMOM HAVE 1 . wafaeoKa an - a. wm ZZgMs ,?Z2gZSSa I HOPE THAT MEANS To S2lSL t When cleaning celery use a vegetable brush. It gets into the' grooves and cleans the celery better than it can be cleaned otherwise. Use Dry Holder. Never use a damp or wet cloth or holder in removing a hot dish from the oven or stove. A dry one prevents the heat from penetrating and scorching the fingers. - ukbaqumnA ' LAUNCHING BATTLESHIP . Hot vinegar Cleaning Mica. will remove stains from mica windows on stoves. d furniture Wash with a chamois skin that has been rinsed frequently in warm water. Doing so will remove the dirt film. Then rub the furniture thoroughly with a soft cloth saturated in furniture polish. Afterwards wipe the furniture dry with a clean soft cloth.' dully-waxe- C BL JUST ill vfrtltl xSV Tp'P Electric light bulbs should be dusted frequently and washed every five or six weeks. Wash with lukewarm water and a few drops j Do not of household ammonia. use soap and do not let water come up above the glass of the globe. The volume of light will-bincreased if the bulbs are kept S'MATTER POP ( TAPE1 V Wa To A Fellah Kinda Likes To Be Certain MAK Tail, - iLL ( ) . Cooking Fork Sausage. Pork sausage requires slow cooking. If much fat collects, drain it off to prevent greasiness. Pierce link sausage several times with a fork to prevent them from bursting while cooking. To form a brown, crusty covering on sausage sprinkle them with flour Just before they are cooked. By RUBE GOLDBERG tMANKsN prop- - I I UJ TH L1 tus town is a natural - coy. - IV& --Vincent Is Launched by Mistake LALA PALOOZA COUNTEftS TAKE I'VE ARJ?AH(JED Virm THE MAhOR TO PLAy HOST TO 50 KIDS fROM THE LOCAL ORPHAN ACyiUM ! SAV. TWtV HAVE M'T HAP A i CIRCUS HERE W 3 EARS AND .THE TOWN IS ABSOLUTE LV SHOVI HON&Ryj '3 THe6vWOPSIS"fORTHE PA w hclpcd &OSS.U0URB GOm&TD HAVE SOME WW IN EARNSBORO Marshmallows. roll marshmallows in coconut, shake them one by one in a bag of shredded coconut. By ED WHEELAN TP5BS HERE Coconut "SB 7 r By "T CJ fPi SLSL VXlMT ) clean. QUICKC fgSSf 'Jw A KLAIjin ( a M. PAYNE e 1 Isssisd FestMSSi . COUNTRY NEWSPAPERS should be borne in mind that the " TT news f- maintenance of the country papers is a matter of' vital importance , to the entire country. It is the moat typically American institution that yet remains. Nowhere is the American type of government and the individualistic form of society being more ably defended." V. & RepratMatiw John W. Guiynne. . Bfl MESCAL IKE b,s.lhuntley IV aybe Pa's Start rBdUate-WM- Smlis. I U KxX Relief At Last ForYour Cough Creomulslon relieves promptly lb$fc POP jjS: f All or None By J. MILLAR WATT be- cause It goes right to the seat of the trouble to loosen germ laden phlegm. Increase secretion and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender. Inflamed bronchial mucous membranes. no miner now many medicines you UTB tried, tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulaum with the nnaemsnaing mat you are to like the way It quickly allays the cough or you are to hare your xnoner baS. CREOMULSION for Coughs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis A Gentleman ' Somebody has said that a king may make a nobleman, but he cannot make a gentleman. Edmund Burke. FEEL GOOD UM Nora la otIm of Dm to StagtfM Bowels d If yoa thlak kathn act alik, jiut try tk Bkid. tluanuali Veadabii tM swfwiifiliii Idkf fraa ' n. - aick hmlThw. bilioui vdfa. "r-'l- n facUag wham Man hud with a Without Risk Man . .k U mat delighted. j S2ESS tha boa to at, Wt wiA That's fair. Jric. Ot NK. Tahteti tain Bill WNU W 10-- 40 Food's Influence 1 THE WORLD AT ITS WORST By CLUYAS WILLIAMS After a good dinner one can forgive anybody, even one's own relations. Wilde. LAID OFF Cheerful News Billy's first year In school was still new enough to be exciting and his mother was surprised one day to see him home in the middle of the morning. "Why Billy, what's the matter?" "Too hot." laid Billy laconically. "Yes, it is hot." she agreed. "I suppose you must go back tomor- row?" "Naw," said Billy. Today! CCu. fin..'. jmalarkr ZISO TtMPEBATUKES AJZE flZEWCT&D FOLLOWED FALL W HEAVy" OP SNOW NINP wT M NOBTHWOr "We are laid These phytlciapj, toe, anprore enry word of advertising you read, the objective of vhwh is only to recommend fim'l Pill a twl diutatie treatment for diHardrr of the kidney function and for relief at the pam and wtrry it eaases. V? wtn w,r of how the v rnaova waste that cannot stayconstantly in the Mood wrtheat injury to health, there would be briber deniajidinf of why the whole body suffers when kidney lag. and diuretic medication would be more oftea employed. Burning, scanty or toe frequent arina-tio- n sometimes wars ef disturbed function. Yob snsy suffer naceingkidney backache, persistent headache, attacks of getting np nishts, awelling, pufn- tJa ecl weak, nervous, alln.md!r played eat Use Pitt. It is better to on a medirine that has won world-wid- rely acclaim than on aomething leas fiverably known. Ask your neighbor! " iL0 HO RELIEF SIGHT IN STYLES AEE IKW US KlsfTAT THE LOCAL STOCES fin'i Old Stuff "Don't you remember me from last scanon?" "I don't care for any 'left overs' from last season stuff." 1 Or THt Hairbreadth Escape VbUR MCfER5 AP?CKfN(E Af CKO OT fHF 61TiEt REM1MT5 VOO Of DIKE C0ri5IQDEiCCs IP SHE CPtftHVb VOU WlfHOU-- f VOUR HAf CM. ASD VbU PI5C0MER iHftf SAID HAf, WHICH HAS BttW USED FOR CARWlXS WAfCR IN MAKIK6 A SLIDE. HAS TTR02EN SOLID tnanr yean of wacM-Wide tuc, rarely matt t be accreted as erideaca lot msifctary ate. I And faTarabU aublia ' opinion supports that of the able parsiciau ho teat Uw vahtt el Jj Doan's tinder exacting PVHfcH off until Monday." Lady Mr. Murphy, I understand you used to be a sailor. You must have had many hairbreadth escapes. What was the most serious? Murphy Yes'm. I come close to bein' drownded once. I went to sleep in the bathtub and forgot to turn off the water. .(.. fif ACCOMPANIED f e |