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Show FRIDAY, MARCH The SUGAR IIOtSE BULLETW 1, 1940 APEX ELECTRIC COMPANY Electrical Hy. 17S8 SPECIAL ALUMINUM SET 50c Down and 50c a Week. iilff! PARK YOUR SPRING CLEANINC FROBLEMfl ItfcKE ! ! ! We ran ta!e care of them with dispatch. . THE PAINT POT East 21st South Hyland 8739 "We Hake the World Brighter' 1074 t " vwAfjmnnw SUGAR HOUSE JEWELRY H - WATCHES SILVERWARE and GIFTS for All Occasion on Easy Credit Terms DIAMONDS 2120 SOUTH 11th EAST For Commercial Printing, Programs, Folders, Posters, Tickets CALL HYLAND 364 The Bulletin hoThI 1119 East 21st South We Make ORNAMENTAL IRON PORCH RAILING Granite Welding! & Wire Works 2021 South 11th East Hyland 458 CUT FLOWERS Funeral Designs Corsages KING'S Forget Me -- Not FLORAL -- . "Flowers That Satisfy" 2157 Highland Drive Hyland 8199 F. W. KIEPE THE TAILOR M SUITS 3IADE TO ORDER and REMODELED Ladies and Gentlemen fr CLEANING 1030 . PRESSING East 21st South Utah Umbrella Works 135 East 1st South UMBRELLAS Repaired and Covered Canes Crutches Wasatch 69C1-- W BUY ONLY GOOD COAL CALL HYLAND 2520 "LOBB'S on the AR JOB-SUG- HOUSE COAL CO. 2191 Highland UNIVERSITY MJTES Continued from page 1 Drive With Early American Uncle Sam's reWASHINGTON. cent presentation of a bronze plaque to the authorities of St Eustatius isle, in the West Indies, added a postscript to an early chapter of United States history. The gift was in commemoration of the first forof United eign acknowledgment States sovereignty made to a nation- al vessel. "In 1776, when the guns of St Eustatius roared a salute to a Baltimore brig o war (thereby recognizing the Western hemisphere's first republic), this island was one of the West Indies' richest spots," says the National Geographic society. "As a free port It was known as the 'Golden Rock,' where ships of many nations came to trade, and to take on water and food supplies. "About 200 miles east of Puerto Rico, St Eustatius, with only seven square miles of area, was a garden whose fertile fields produced sugar cane, coffee, tobacco, indigo, cotton, and cassava, a starch-yieldin- g plant "Hundreds of ships, old records say, sometimes lay at anchor out side the harbor at Orange Town, In the streets cf the town rough chests of tea and bales of cotton were used by merchants as tem porary desks, while a chorus of bids and counter bids rose in half a dozen tongues. "During the first period of the American Revolution, St. Eustatius carried on an active trade with the struggling colonies, serving as a depot for military and other sup plies from the Netherlands to be used in the conflict Suffers Fatal Blow. "Within five years of the island's gesture of recognition toward the new American government however, St Eustatius suffered a fatal blow from the British, then at war In 1781, a with the Netherlands. British commander seized the port Selling off the property of the islanders, the conquerors reaped a financial harvest estimated at from fifteen to twenty millions of dollars. "At Orange Town, today, only the ruins of its many warehouses remain as a reminder of St Eustatius' former prosperity. The Island's population now is less than 1,500. Yams and cotton are its chief exports today." Grandmother, 70, Takes Music Course in College Mrs. Orinda E. and a grandmother, is going to college now. Retired as assistant postmaster here because of age requirements of the postal service, Mrs. Peoples is resuming her study of music at Ohio university here. In her younger days Mrs. Peoples was regarded as a capable pianist To improve her playing, she plans to attend regular class studies in the course. Prior to beginning her postal duties in 1910, Mrs. Peoples had the distinction of being the first woman bank employee in the city. She has two daughters, both of whom are married. ATHENS, OHIO. Peoples, 70 Building Strike Records Of 99 Years Ago Found them, and have accordingly or ganized a system of coaching this veal's freshman girls who are having trouble with school work. Any girl who wishes to pull up her grades may apply to the office of the dean of wom en, where she will ifnd registered members of the honorary soror ity and the subjects in which they are particularly qualified to coach. The amount of tutoring each will receives will depend upon the individual girl's requirements. It is MADAME hoped that this type of student will cooperation further acedemic interest and help girls who have gotten off to a bad start in college regain their intellectual stride. Peerless Laundry St Eustatius Isle Linked Wirinp E. 21st So. 1079 First to Greet U. S. as Nation Endurance: Frank Oliver, Reuters correspondent in New York for a brief visit after several years in the Far East told of a conflict with Japanese military authorities at Peiping because he published a story about a Jap sentry slapping the wife of the governor. The Japs demanded a retraction but insisting that the story was true. Oliver stood pat The day after the military inquiry, 40 Jap buglers appeared in the vicinity of his residence. One Jap bugler is terrible, he said, so it is easy to imagine what 40 of them could do. It was hard to take but he just sat back and let them bugle. They kept it up for three days. Then the newspaper man was again summoned before the generals. They informed him that the story having been found true, they were ready to apologize. And with that bugle practice ended abruptly. Gotham Gadabout: Dinah Shore in a Radio City durg store singing the alma mater song of Vanderbilt U with two former classmates , . . Benay Vcnuta at a Broadway milk bar drinking a chocolste mix . . . Crowds during the luncheon hour stopping to watch pirouetting figures at the Rockefeller Center ice rink . . . Bea Wain, halless. in a CBS lounge, signing up members for her campaign a . . . Johnny Green, observing vagrant picking up a butt, offering him a cigarette and being refused with the comment. "It ain't my brand" . . . Shopkeepers idly staring from windows and wondering when the public will recover from the holidays. Going Up: James Stewart, of the movies, was the 4,000,000th visitor at the Empire State building tower recently. Stewart who received the motion picture critics' award for the best performance given by a male screen star during 1939 for his work in "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington," was accompanied by Miss Olive Cawley, of New York. Being connected with pictures, Stewart naturally had a picture postcard made of himself and his companion. Incidentally since the tower was opened on May 31, 1931, it has had visitors from every country in the world. Despite the war, they are still coming. During a recent week, representatives of 35 counties, other than our own, were registered. New Tork: Dick Todd, youthful singer from Montreal: "New York is a funny town. While they were tearing down the Sixth avenue elevated they were tearing up Sixth avenue to build a subway" . . . Milt Herth, organist from Kenosha, Wis.: "New Yorkers risk injury to duck into a section of a rapidly moving revolving door, saving, at the most, two seconds. Then they waste hours watching a building being constructed or two taxicab drivers engaged in an argument" . . . Kay Kyser, orchestra leader from Rocky Mount N. C: "A New Yorker will religiously remove his hat in a hotel elevator. But he will remain seated in the subway or a bus while an aged woman, loaded down with bundles, totters precariously in front of him." FOR PARENTS AND TEACHERS "Today's Children Tomorrow's Adults,' a series of radio broad casts sponsored by the Utah Con gress of Parents and Teachers and the University of Utah Ex tension Division, is under way with a large number of inter- maimtain liateners-in- , according to applications msde to the Extension Division for supplementary material to be used in the rtudv of problemi stated and dramatired on the weeklv broad-r"rtRadio study stouds ani clubs have been organized In manv parts nf the atate. and are of individual composed erorpK rePTvnslhle for the of children, and interested in education for familv Hvin?. Three broadcasts of the series of eieht have already been presented each consisting; of a dramatization of an actual situ ation in an vervday familv, fol lowed bv a talk by Winifred Hazen. State Coordinator in Parent Education, State Department of Public Instruction. The remain- programs will be entitled: March 16, "Mrs. Strong is Troubled over Mary's Ideas;" March 23. "Jack is Forbidden to Mention the March 30, "Mother and Subject;" Dad are People, Too." Broadcasts may be heard Saturday afternoon from 2:45 to 3:00 over Station KSL, and individuals may register for the course free of charge by applying to the University Extension Division. Materials will be forwarded immediate ly for home study. campaign. By public meetings and lectures, by committees, by every means possible, householders are being urged to make use of their gardens and to increase their work on allotments. At present it is estimated that there are roughly 3.500,000 private gardens in England and Wales, in addition to some 1,500.000 allotments which will be under cultivation in the spring, and the campaign is still forging ahead. Can Opener Technique Developed by the Finns HELS1NGFORS. The Finns have developed a new "can opener" attack on Russian tanks. Two Finns armed with crowbars lay in wait for a tank in the woods. They lumped out as it passed, climbed aboard and started to pry open the turret top. The tank crew, unable to fire on the Finns, tried to dislodge them by careening the tank over obstacles. The Finns managed to stay on, it was said, and succeeding in prying open the top. dropped in a hand grenade which killed the tank crew. End FIrct: Encountering a friend ONE QUESTION Jeff: Has my suiter a boy friend is steady now? I do not see her with a steady boy friend now. In fact, I think marriage ig farthest from her thoughts. who John will my sister ever re ceive a divorce? I would rather go into that more privately if you will end me five questions per instructions at the heading of this column. Irene: Does my boy friend have another girl? Yes, but mar- rage at the present time Is very far from his mind. 2042 South 11th East Planets Prove Year of Flood in Days of NoaH ROME. The scientific confirmation that the deluge actually occurred in the days of Noah and that the mythical island of Atlantis, existed 10,000 years B. C, is declared to have been reached by the famed Italian scientist and astronomer, Prof. Raffaele Bendandi. In an exclusive interview by telephone from his home town of Faen-t- a, Professor Bendandi said that his recent discovery of four planets beyond Neptune gave him the first indication on which he has been work-bi- g ever since. The youthful professor declared: "Owing to my recent discovery I have been able to ascertain that these celestial bodies regulate our entire solar system. It is their huge power of attraction on the world axis which causes all geological movements and earthquakes. "By means of careful research work on the movements of these planets I have now reached the conclusion, supported by scientific proof, that the Universal Deluge ac tually occurred in the year 2687 B C, as stated in the Bible. Contin uing my research I also have obtained scientific proof that the mythical island Atlantis actually existed west of the Pillars of Hercules and was submerged beneath the Atlantic ocean by an earthquake in the autumn of the year 10,608 B. C" Worried: Will I pass my Brain Found to Prefer grade in school this year? Yes, Temperature if you will study real hard and CLEVELAND, OHIO. The most comfortable temperature for human apply yourself. beings is 72 degrees, but the best for mental activity is 68, believes Worried Mother: Will X have Dr. W. A. Sommerfield, Cleveland a visit from my son this summer? physician. "The four major weather factors Yes, it looks as though your significant in health are temperature, son will pay you quite an extendhumidity, motion of the air and air ed visit thia summer. In fact, he pressure," Dr. Sommerfield said. is already saving money for the "Cold, moist air is 'chilling to the bone,' as one says, and gives the trip. This is impression of penetration. good weather for catching Mrs. C. D. Will I ver have any children? Yes, X see you NOTICE OF SALE. having three children. Mr. Fred Simon, 210 N. 23 Street, New York City, N. Y. D. L. Why doesn't my hus- We will sell your Chevrolet Coupe, band stay nights? He just likes Automobile, Engine No. 970981 to get out with the boys and play Serial No. 2AB11761, for storage, cards. taxes, sale cost, advertising; and ether accounts. March 12, 1910. at 10: a, m. R. M. When will I marry? UTAH UMBRELLA WORKS, Early in the erring o? 1911. 136 East 1st South. Salt Lake City, Utah. First Publication, March 1, 1940 68-Degr- 00 obtaine- s d,, as one of the sequences the death struggle between por-trav- ee NEWS SUMMARY OtV (Continued from page 1) Thursday, February Public Health on Broadway, Frank cas MINN. Peail: Will my oldest broth 'er buy a farm? No he has just rented the one he is on. The studio, it seems, had to halt production of the movie, Tears B. C" until scientl-tifi- c . 220. R21 Does the girl I like care for me? Yes, she cares for you, and I would advise you to propose to her. She would make a very good wife. tree. pr.-.baie- II. Slink BUNNEAPOLIS, s, A total of 592 caes of com' munlcable disease, was reported going so well with him. to the Utah State Board of "How's business?" he inquired. "Business is a little weak," was Health for the week ending Febthe reply, '"out net from lack of ruary 23, 1940. This' is an Increase rest." of 95 cases ever the previous week but approximately 100 fearr;:u Ka a runr LEBANON. OHIO Mrs. Lmiclla er ctses than weie reported for left lh corresponding week in 1939. Paugh's will, filed f r Mrs Helen her dauhter-in-la'V- . Mes'lrs, influenza end whoopPaugh, a roiling pin and a pctato ing rough showed quite a marked masher. increase last week. cases of pneumonTwenty-on- e ia were reported for the week as Sunday School Record cmpared with 16 for the previous week. Perfect for 33 Years CONN.-MEthel irs 5HELTOM. risesei showing a decrease G. Smith has attended Sunday were chickenpox, German measl-e- i school every week for 39 years ii rd ecarlet fever. without missing a session. Fleht cases of tentlc sore The International Cross and throat was reported; 6 of them Crown society, organized in 1332, from Wayne County and 2 from h:id honored her each year since Salt Lake City. that date by awarding her a gold link. Five new of tuberculoSeveral times, she said, she sis were reported. arose from a sick bed to attend No caws of diptheria, infantile school so ns not to spoil her perpnralyslj, smallpox nor typhoiJ fect attendance record. fever were reported, cn n555Mtt9 far SL00 xUdg. Stattea THEY ALL WONDER The Hal Roach movie studios applied to Dr. Hyrum Schneider, head of the University of Utah Geology Department this week to find out whether the tyrannos-urauking of all prehistoric beasts "yipped, yowled, or yodel- ed," and Dr. Schneider had to admit that they had him up a Luther recalled that he hadn't seen him in some time and had heard things weren't SUGAR HOUSE SHOE REPAIRING DeLOBE 630 Andras ce Headquarters for EXPERT WORKMANSHIP Finest Materials Honest Prices Ms Stabs MADAME and information could be FREE MsMsaisaminMi SfM. mm S tan am awn 5 s. smid-un- ADVISES DeLORE with-stude- nt ur LONDON. The ministry of agriculture, backed by various societies, is planning a big food production Hyland 2182 1184 East 21st So. ST. LOUIS. Records of a strike called 89 years ago by construction a tyrannosaurus and a dimetro- workers on St. Louis' old courthouse don. It looks now as if the poor have been found at the city hall Lesson:, Abe Lyman recently saw "annimuP will The workers were represented by in a Broadway movie house a film reconstructed the Journeymen Mechanics' societies of the Dempsey-Wiilar- d fight in 1919 have to be mute unless an apwhich obtained a day for its when Dcmpscy tore the giant Will-ar- d propriate grunt can be devised. members. They had been working to ribbons. "He babied Willard But anyway, no matter what the 12 and 14 hours a day prior to the compared wi'.h what he did to me Reach studio makes "Ty" say, strike. one night." Lyman commented on there won't be more than a coup The records were referred to the his way out. "I confided to Jack my national park service, which has secret ambiticn to become a prize le of peoole in the world who can write letters of protest if they asked for all available historical infighter. He took me to his private formation concerning buildings gym and said, 'Abe, this is going to get it wrong, and of course thev which are to be preserved in the hurt me more than it will you but vill. And what we always say is, Jefferson Riverfront memorial I've got to knock that notion out of Who cares anyway? your bean.' Then he let me have it." P. S. Lyman and Dsmpsey are Britain Pushes Drive pais. For Private Gardens SNOW WHITE CLOTHES ) 20, 1910 conld h ,!rt in anewr New Finnish withdrawals in the Viipuri rejre'.on were admitted in the high command's official report tonight as three more red army divisions, or nearly 60,000 fresh soviet troops, were thrown into Russia's struggle to 'cross the ice of Viipuri bay and capture the ruins of Finland's second city. Alone in a strange land, Dr. David labb found himself unworthy of the bust placed in him. A skilled surgeon, his one vice almost proved ais undoing. How could ho prove Former President Hoover today said that "the whole of Europe will be a starvation spot" after the war 13 over. himself worthy of love : The Sacramento river, swollen by flood waters, buist through levers in several places on a 12 mile stretch and surrounded three tewns in the Sacramento valley today. and confi- dence? You'll know when you read THE I By RUPERT HUGHES SITSCKICE NOW Call Hyland 361 THE SUGAR HOUSE BULLETIN Tati"i $1.50 per Year 1119 East 21st South Author of "Within These Walla" and 'YJup of Fury." Here's a story every reader will enjoy. It has action, romenca and excitement. If s the itory of a strong man's successful fight against destructive inner forces. Follow vary chapter in these columns. I |