Show r K I IJ b- b bc r. r c slats Paints s Oe Paints aunts e 1 i i- i i M l- l 1 Y t J t c. c I Paints in small canso cans for little Itle odd painting jobs here and there about the house hous We have a full line of paints interior finishes brushes et etc A little t touch uch of paint here and there before and after house cleaning is accomplished l' l with little jule Ia labor or and nd cx expense ens And when it comes to the bigger job of painting your house ba barn n etc we re want Yant you to let us quote you prices prices before you buy uy S I Duchesne Duches e Lumber o Were We're Not Hot ot Satisfied Unless You Are V 0 2 f r E JJ i Tra g-Tra l l. l I 5 F.- F. U H w r NO i r S Sw I t a tJi Tr r I fi T U R r E W WI 1 I Household 1 i Bedsteads M Mattresses Springs Sanitary Couches ches Dining g T Tables bles 1 Cupboards Linoleum Chairs Picture t re and O Cedar O-Cedar Cedar Mop Outfits Outfit r- r l W A I r H i Ir r- r Stock I owned formerly by by byThe The Duchesne uc esne Outfitting Comp Company ny Y will be disposed of at the same location i 4 1 Leave orders for any article not in st stock WilD WiB get S it to you by fast freight T Boyl f C Ogden f Fi Fred d Watrous L-Watrous L. L Watrous Local Representative u TEAMS WANTED 1 f. f tie We want a number of or freight I ms S to tb haul freight from Price Co to If you want freight call C. C W. W M. M Co Roosevelt and an an order P P. P D D. D Q Q o o- Seed Oats Oat for Sale Salo 1 i h e tons of choice seed oats Dats for e. e Jos Jozsa Talmage Talmage- May 5 i ill 0 ll 1 BEE nEE KEEPERS KEEPER'S S 'S SUPPLIES e e are now a able le to give you the thet I t price fo for hi high grade h e Bee Keep Keep- f 1 sUPplIes local freight or In ca calo car carare r lo We Weare 11 are making up a car an and d j ou U will 11 let us ha have e your order orde r t wo can alive you money M M. M Co Roosevelt o 0 o I. I NOTICE TO CREDITORS i J state j of at Hannah F. F Reither deed de ed ed d' d editors Creditors will pres present nt claims wit with h chers to the undersigned at Du flu ne e Duchesne County Utah o oa on all n I rr r a a I or before the day of July A A. A D. D 1917 EDV EDWARD ARD MACKIE HACKIE Ad Administrator of at the Estate of Hannah F. F Reither Deceased Date of first publication March 17 11 1917 a 0 Dissolution of Partners Partnership ip Notice is hereby given that the partnership partnership partnership part part- heretofore existing between G. G G H. H Grimshaw and Wilford W. W Wil Vil Wilson son on doing business under the firm name and i style of the Duchesne Milt Mild is and has been for a p period of six months dissolved by mutual consent The said G. G H. H Grimshaw is to collect all bills due and owing said partnership and to pay all an accounts due and owing by said partnership Date at Duchesne Utah March 24 21 21 1917 Wilford Wilson I WESTERN IRRIGATION IRRIGATION IRRIGATION TION CO There are upon the following fol rol- lowing described stock stack on account o of f assessments levied on the 3rd day o of or i r February 1917 the several amou amounts set opposite the names of the r respective res es share holders a as to follows Haws j No No Cert Shares Amt A m mt t. t Thomas Brandon 60 50 11 7 76 F F. W. W Bench 51 61 11 20 2052 52 Chris Chris Anderson 96 20 2 40 James Fisher 94 94 20 Z 40 O Edward Moffitt 44 44 7 12 1284 84 P. P O. O Madsen 62 11 20 2006 06 W. W W W. McConkie McConkle 95 20 14 1440 40 Andrew 68 5 6 10 1020 20 And nd In accordance with the 1 law a w and ani an order order of ot the board of at dir tors tOIS made on 3rd day of at ry 1917 as many shares of each par parcel eel of or such stock as may b be necessary sary will be sol sold l' l lat at the office of ot secretary ry on the tle day of at April 1917 at the hour of at 2 p p. p m. m to pay delinquent oat assessments thereon together w with th the cost of at advertising and expenses ses of at of sale solo R. R W. W RUST Secretary Boneta Utah H Hw w m JIN 11 THE DISTRICT COURT PROBATE PRO PRO- BATE DIVISION DI IN AND FOR DUCHESNE COUNTY STATE O OF Our t- t UTAH In the matter matter of the estate of James E. E Van Deceased Notice The petition of or Philip Van praying for Cor the issuance to himself of letters of ot administration in the estate ot of James E. E Van deceased has been set for on Monday fourth day of at May A. A D D. D 1917 at 10 o'clock A AT A. Alt lt M. M at the County Court House In ill the Court Room of said Co Court rt In Duchesne Duchesne Duchesne Du Du- chesne County Utah Witness the clerk of said court with the seal thereof affixed this 25 d day y of or May A. A D. D 1917 F. F M. M SHELTON Clerk Pope and Pope Attorney for tor Petitioner DELL DELINQUENT NOTICE Farnsworth orth Canal danal and n l Res Reservoir Company location and principal place f f. J business Duchesne Duchesne county State of Utah NOTICE There are d delinquent upon th the following following following fol fol- lowing described stock on account of f assessment No 19 levied on April I 1917 the sev several ral amounts se set set t a t the names of the respective e shareholders as follows Cert No Amt Ami No Shares Du Due Allred d Li Lillian Uan 29 29 3 1 4 21 7 Allred J John hn L. L 47 65 60 0 k tl k 65 Allen llen n Ernest 37 5 r 77 Dunce Bunco 1 J J. J J. J D D. 40 1783 3 1 S 6 8 Cle Clement ent O. O F. F 1575 5 Day T. T C. C 1158 8 Fullmer r Frank 14 10 0 1 Fullmer F F. F C. C 1208 8 10 Housekeeper keeper D. D F. F 1062 2 Hadden Ed 38 13 1348 48 g 75 Hansen Paul aul 23 3 Jozsa Cyprian 2055 5 Jolley Joley F. F M. M 1776 6 Jensen Jense Joseph 20 21 5 5 18 Jesson 50 4 Jozsa Rudolph 2315 5 63 Larsen H. H S. S 18 8 Larsen Roy Roy 87 5 50 Larsen J J. J D. D Est 1447 Hans 2083 3 Mecham B. B B. B 2025 5 5 2025 2026 5 Mecham L L. L A. A 53 5 51 5 50 Maxwell R R. R W. W 28 Maxwell R R. R W. W 25 38 3 15 IS Moffit Edgar 25 5 12 6 J. J 1860 0 Moffitt Vall Wallace ace 33 3 on J. J Miles J. J H H. H 1500 O Miles J J. J H. H Miles J. J H. H 57 50 McIntire J J. J B. B 25 12 12 6 Oliver Paul 2350 87 Olsen Alf AU 1660 0 Olsen Alf AU Olsen H. H B. B 71 35 5 Olsen Ed 2525 12 7 Pace H H. A A. A Pace H. H A A. A 1875 1876 Pace L L. H. H H 1200 lesa less 1 17 17 Pace L L. H. H 1875 Robb Wm Vm 1315 1316 l less s 53 63 Ross J. J I. I Stevenson J. J D. D 70 1000 Saunders Saunders-D. C. C C. C Thayn Alma i x 2000 add add- Thompson J J. J O. O 5 Thompson J. J O. O 2975 1608 credit 1750 Taylor Heber lOOi V. V L L. 2542 2642 i 50 21 2175 75 II e Wilkins Oscar 2050 Wilkins Albert less 18 Larson Larsen Archie Thompson J. J E E. E 50 And in accordance with law and an order of ot the board of directors made on the day of April A A. A D. D I 1917 so many shares of each parcel of such stock will be sold at the office of oi- fice lice of the company Mountain Home Duchesne County Utah tah on the I day of May at o'clock p p. p m. m of off said day to pay delinquent assess assessment ment meat thereon together with coat cost of advertising and expense of at sale GEORGE E E. E LINDSAY Secretary Mo Mountain Mountain Home Duchesne county county- Utah J to h C PROGRAM OF EX EXAMINATIONS FOR COUNTY CERTIFICATES May 25 and 26 and August 16 and 17 19 1917 7 at Duchesne school house I R READING RADING ADING AND STUDY COURSE First Day Salt Lake Survey 9 A. A M. M Western Birds 1030 A. A A M M. M Health Work in the schools Insect friends and foe 3 P. P M M. Second Day Local Plant Life Lite 9 A. A M M. M Geography 1030 1080 A. A A M. M GENERAL EXAMINATION I. First Day of Education 9 A A. A M. M Teaching common branches 1030 Psychology P. P M. M Hygiene 3 P. P M. M M Second Day English 9 A A. M. M Arithmetic 1030 A A. M. M Geography or U. U S. S History Drawing or Nature Study 3 P. P M. M M Teachers now Holding certificate are to take the examination in the Reading and Study course unless they are meeting meeting meet meet- ing the requirements by study dence-study or in summer school The general examination is only for teachers teachers teach teach- ers who have completed a year of college college col col- lege work but have not had teaching experience as well wen as for those from other ther states Respectfully J. J A. A WASHBURN RN Cou County ty Superintendent 0 IN THE FOURTH DISTRICT DISTRICT COURT COURT OF THE STATE OF UTAH INAND IN INAND AND FOR WASATCH COUNTY COUNT In the matter of the estates and guardianship of Delbert T T. T Coleman and May oleman Coleman Minors Notice of Sale of Real Estate Under authority of Notice of Sale granted by t the e above named court sitting in and int-and and for Wasatch County State of Utah dated March 1917 I will sell at private sale the following described real estate estate estate- Belon Belonging ng to Delbert T T. Coleman Coleman- Situated in Duchesne County State of Utah Utah Utah- All of Section 35 except the Northeast Northeast North North- e east ast quarter of the Southeast quarter 2 South Range 9 West Uinta Special Meridian Belonging to May Coleman the following following following fol fol- lowing lowing- Situated in Wasatch County State of Utah- Utah The North one half lt of Section lh 28 Township 21 2 Z South Range Rang 9 West Uinta Special l Meridian Meridian The sale sali w will lI be made on or after r May 2 ih bids will be received ed at atthe h. h office office e. e of Chase Hatch Room 3 Bank Ban Bl I cl Heber Heler Utah Terms o of f sale per per cent cent at the time of o othe f the acc acceptance of the bid and tho the balante balance balance bal bal- ance ante upon confirmation of the sale b bye by bythe y the e coy court t. t WM Wis COLEMAN Guardian of the Estate of Delbert T T. Coleman Tand and May Coleman Minors o o 0 NOTICE TO ALL CATHOLICS Rev Father of Fruita Colo I will say Mass in Duchesne May 30 1917 0 o 0 MEN JIEN V WANTED ANTED 20 single hands wanted at once by uy the Farnsworth Canal and R Reservoir Reservoir Res Res- company to tg work on their res res- res- res e Wages to Apply Apply Ap Ap- Aply Ap- Ap p ply ly to company at office at Mountain 1 Home GEORGE G. G LINDSAY Secy o o 0 If you need anything in the cow link line see aee me Registered Shorthorn and an Hereford bulls Wm Craver Graver Mch l 10 0 0 Lots for Sale ale If you are looking for a bargain in iii two lots in the s south th part of town se see see me I have two choice ones for sale Ernest t u Cash for second grade w wheat eat A. A W. W Clemons demons Duchesne Utah I r IT 1 t EDWARD A MACK M MACKIE E ED e I D Duchesne chesne County Abstractor United States Commissioner S 1 Land Office Business Duchesne Utah c c CHARLES DeMOISY Law at Law at-Law w Vernal Utah L. L LA A. A A HOLLENBECK HOLLENBECH Law Attorney-at-Law Duche Duchesne ne Utah ERNEST H. H BURGESS Attorney and Law Counselor Roosevelt lt Utah 1 CHAS J. J Attorney at P. P 0 O. Box 43 Heber Utah r ALBERT BJORNSON M. M I. I D. D Physician and Surgeon Office in Hollenbeck Building Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children a Specialty j DUCHESNE UTAH Wm H Fitzwater NOTARY PUBLIC AND CONVEYANCER Blanks of Every Description P. P O. O BUILDING o UTAH LICENSED EMBALMER UNDERTAKER C. C P. P Dauwalder Myton Utah John T. T Pope M. M B B B. Pope ATTORNEYS AT LAW Duchesne Utah RAY E. E DILLMAN DILLMAN Attorney and Counselor at L Law w. w Roosevelt Utah Utah J. J W. W P PADGET t Physician and Surgeon rg Duchesne Utah Utah DR j E. E ZIMMERMAN Dentin Dent ft Du Duchesne Utah f i 1 S A. A N. N ALT CO Abstracts of Title The only complete set of Abstract t Records in Duchesne County t Duchesne Utah TI Ii n P r- r 4 1 j Pt r r vt j n fl n n v r r v r r r r r v r r r r r v r. r J Blacksmithing tJ All AU work guaranteed First Class R George Robbins i i v rJ l I. I i I a. a 1 Successor to Jos R. R Lewis v J Ift t I j 1 I l I Y v Bring your Cow Hides es and and- Sheep A Pets Pelts H All Where you you will get high prices and spot cash for all aU these go goods bf Cl I I. I 1 Ernest Duchesne Utah JJ J t T r rf no 10 Successor to o J. J B. B Drew 1 J 1 J 1 J r Uintah Railway rn 4 1 PROMPT AND CAREFUL th wd or of L LI I 1 FREIGHT AND PASSENGER SERVICE rIO TO ro j tU ti- ti ct m 4 CB BETWEEN EN t 10 1 nl r a CI Mack Colorado and Vernal Utah Duchesne Utah and Res Reservation Points Points' r w n. n r I M T Connecting with the Denver Rio Grande R. R R. R at Mack Colorado q 1 in f f Route all shipments via the Uintah R y Company r 1 I l t 2 q rd j Merchant Mereha d desiring to hay have their thir ir freight hauled b by pr private at hould uld 6 t billed to Watson Watton Utah and thy they will be upon arrival at a t that OuR point pOin We W e will be glad to handle shipment In thus way M. M W. W COOLEY General Manager MACK COLO |