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Show 4 Thursday, November 11956 THE 7 in oll R RH.(HAp; made the Mrs. Lucille G. firsr observation (light over a foresfFire forth Correspondent, Carter, Phone END S NEPHI 19l9PIONEEft ARNOLD Page' Nino News About FORESTRY "U.S.A. GENERAL NEPHI, UTAH TIMES-NEW- 181-- NJ WINTER BATTERY FAILURES Dinner guests Saturday of Mr. Mrs. Harold Jackson were U.I Forest Service. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Bruno, Perry Bruno, Mrs. Paul Bailey, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Cloward, Mrs. Albert Cloard, all of MorTHOUSANDS OF ACRES f TIMBER K oni, Scott H. Bruno, who has just m WERE SAVED THROUGH USE OF AIRCRAFT. been released from the Navy, and Mr. and Mrs. Leland Ostler of PLANES AND SMOKE JUMPERS GET TO FIRES Nephi. FAST. EVERY MINUTE COUNTS. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Fairchild and son Kent of Provo were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Foote. Mrs. William Bailey was in Ephraim Saturday where she attended the funeral of a cousin, Y F. Rodney Christensen. ven ore Officers of the Nephi Second Ward Relief Society cordially invite each member of the ward to join them in an hour of worship, onet Htetttods and to learn of the Relief Society activities and work at 5 p. m. on a7t'pmeif0v Sunday, November 4, at the ward K V chapel. rV throuyhrtfeanck Mr. and Mrs. Tom Davis re turned last week from a honeymoon trip to Northern California. B CAREFUL tVW FIBS IN TUeT WOODS AND fOAFSTS They visited with friends and rel atives in the San Francisco area. Mr. Davis leaves November 8 for Labrador where he will be stationed for the coming year. Week end guests of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Bent R. Bryan are Mr. and Mrs. Max Hawkins spent Mrs. Foster Gardner were their happy with the news that their Thursday and Friday in Salt Lake son in law and daughter, Mr. and son SP3 Bruce K. Bryan, who suf- City visiting with friends. Mrs. Keo Sorenson and daughter fered a leg fracture some months Christ! of Orem. Dr. R. A BingR. Mrs. Mrs. Joseph Garrett, ham and Harvol Guttenfeder of ago, in Germany, has been trans- P. Garrett Corrine, Torrence, ferred to the United States for Ms. J. W. and daughter California were guests Mrs. Earl last week at Ockey and the Gardner home. hospitalization and is now at the Shaw were in over Lake Salt City DenFitzsimons Army Hospital at Mrs. end. While week there the Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Scott rever, Colorado. Gene Mikkelson (Marion Garrett) turned home Saturday after an enentertained at a surprise birthday joyable trip to San Francisco and party in honor of Miss Corrine Los Angeles. Enroute home they Garrett. Among the 12 guests visited at Parowan with two siswere several former Nephi young ters of Mr. Scott: Mrs. Elizabeth ladies. Lyman and Mrs. Hattie Holyoak. Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Heineche Guests during the- - past week and family are moving from Ne and over the week end of Mr. phi this week to make their home and Mrs. Clark Morgan were Mr. in Holladay. and Mrs. Paul Francom and son Steven of Salt Lake City, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. John C. Hall vis Mrs. Floyd Schramm of Payson, ited last week in Payson with Dr. Kichara Morgan and Jim 'Trow and Mrs. Thomas Hall and fambridge, students of the U S A C at ily, and in Provo with Mr. and Logan. Mrs. Claude O. Wilkey and child ren. The following were eruests of Mr and Mrs. Fred Wetherell over Mrs. Wanda Burridge returned week end: Mr. and Mrs. W. to her home Saturday after visit- the J. Mrs. Paul Downs and ing the past two weeks with her twoThornley, sons. and children in Salt Lake City and Mrs. LizzieRobert and Vance, Hansen, all of Tooele. Enjoying a pleasant afternoon and dinner Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Greenhalgh were Mr. and Mrs.ePterHeeUs and daughter June, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Godon Heelis and family, Phil J. Bradley and children of Santaquin, and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Greenhalgh and daughter Becky. Louise Hall of Salt Lake City was a week end guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Perry C Hall. and With A SHUR-STAR- CO-O- P T Si f I Ifs great fun for groups Jfc4" going to the big games, conventions, outings Eyrybody has a better time. going together in a pri vate, modern coach, a skilled driver who takes you where with you want to go, when you want to go at very low cost I T1 NEPHI CAFE 72 No. Main GREYHOUND CHARTER SERVICE . -- III "fr Nephi Local and Social News Items lofe or Forward Look! BUILD UTAH'S FUTURE fAe For 109 years, since the pioneers first settled in Utah, a fabulous treasure house of Utah resources has lain dormant . . . Men knew they were there, but lacked essential tools for their development. been a feeder state, During that time, sending its raw materials to other states for processing . . . Sending its young people to other states to find suitable jobs and careers. Utah-h- as Since 1 920, more than 1 00,000 Utah young people, our most precious resource, have left the state for outside jobs. NOW there i ' quality-guarantee- d, shur-starti- 4 Remember DRIVING NEEDS JOHN M. BROUGH COMPANY VOTE FOR UTAH'S FUTURE! Paid Political Advertisement by Juab County Clyde For Governor committee NEPHI, LA UTAH AND YOU'LL VOTE FOR REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES! GUARANTEED watch and Nephi Jewelry. repairing .... E. RULON W. CECIL BROUGH TATE k--s For SENATOR goes anywhere Republican Candidate tor Commissioner Term (J ar to represent Juab and Tooele Counties good taste goes the VOTE REPUBLICAN ... For ALL Your Winter per selling a nationally advertised ( In this hour of destiny, Utah has a man of destiny, whose lifelong career has trained him especially for this vital job . . . GEORGE D. CLYDE has the training, the know-hoand the plan to build the future of which Utah us have always dreamed. Governor of Utah EXCHANGE line of household and farm products. Small truck or car necessNo other capital needed. ary. Write 4900 Colorado Blvd., Denver, Colorado. ... com ng ARE YOU INTERESTED in a business ofmtr your. own where you i rn 10 ,r rs can earn nour is an opportunity to build a different A Utah of opporUtah than we have ever known tunity. With the power and water from the Colorado River Storage Project, we can develop our own resources, build our industries . . . create new jobs and opportunities to give our young people a bright future here at home. Elect GEORGE D. Only Get the battery that's ready to go when YOU are, rero-col- d winter mornings. You can end Merit "70" winter battery failures with a CO-O- P Why pay the high cost of towing charges for "dead" cars when only $7.95 exchange buys you a dependable battery. Don't chance battery failures this winter. YouCO-O-can't afford them. P Merit "70". You CAN afford A Merit "70" battery will fit most popular makes of automobiles. even on - t L Quality sMsssWM of agressive action with a wide in' business, government and civic affairs. Formerly Mayor of Tooele, he has also built a successful personal business through hard work and good business judgment. Alert to the possibilities of our state and county, and what can be done to improve our economic and related situations. He won't disappoint you! Let TATE be YOUR MAN! Mr. Tate is a man ce World War CD II with seas service. Veteran over Past Commander, American Legion post; Twice Elected Nephi City Councilman; Active leader in church and civic affairs. Trained by experience to deal wisely with the problems confronting a County Commissioner; Pledged to serve economically, impartially, and enthusiastically. 7 f STRATOLINCR j - t s "' S t . 1 by STETSON DWAIN R. COMMISSIONER BRACKEN Travel round the world or simply cross the street . . . go where you will, you go in style and comfort in the Stetson Stratoliner, one of today's most popular styles. A snap brim, lightweight fur felt that stands up and stands out always. Let us show U to you today. 10 THE TOGGERY Republican for CLAUDE R. r Candidate I LOMAX REPRESENTATIVE to the Legislature. A young, forward looking man who will rep- '. k QUALIFIED ' Graduate of U. S. A. C; il-.- mm Educator and Farmer; man; Active in Church affairs. J ' .' " . EXPERIENCED resent ALL the people ili m ' in our county- He has had the experience to qualify himself for such a .trust: Veteran of World War II; Returned Missionary; m ';' Sports- A Community, Civic and Church Leader. His organization ability recognized in his selection as National Jamboree officer of Utah Parks Council of Boy Scouts. Favorable known throughout Central and Southern Utah; Conscientious in his decisions; thoughtful in his dealings- - ONE GOOD TERM DESERVES ANOTHER Paid Political Advertisement by the Juab County Republican Committee |