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Show Thursday, November 1, 1956 THE Sacrament meeting attendance in the wards of Juab Stake for last Sunday, October 28 was as Wfrd Mona Nephi Nephi Nephi Mona THE COUNTY AGENT'S Percentage Ward Ward ..... First Ward Second Ward Fourth Ward Wartl 33 30 30 27 26 .7. ....... By G. RAY lg Value of Fall Plowing To Conserve Moisture, Improved Crop Discussed Gain Records Show Values of Various Grasses Farmers in this county who have entered the soil bank program or who intend to plant grasses for livestock grazing will be interested in the following figures obtained from Wayne Cook, research professor in the school of Forestry, Range and Wildlife Management at the Utah State Agricultural college. The figures are the results obtained of sheep and cattle grazing on the spring pasture of the various wheat grasses in Tintic valley south of Eureka and at . . LET'S ELECT CARLYLE F. GRONNING Democratic Candidate for Congress, First District He worked as a Ben-mor- Gains for both lambs and ewes an average gain or loss per day from the period of May 15 to June 15, as follows, and are only for the 1956 season in Tin-ti- c valley. The lambs gan on crested wheat grass was .49 lb, tall wheat grass .53 lb., and intermediate wheat-gras- s .69 lb, whereas the ewes lost .18 lb on crested wheat, .08 lb on tall wheat grass but gained throughout the season on inter mediate wheatgrass an average of Senate. a RAILROAD MAN Chief Yard Clerk for Union Pacific at Milford; member of the Brotherhood of Railway Clerks since 1937. He has served as MAYOR As Mayor of Milford City for two d experyears, has had ience in city administration. JID. ' COUNTY COMMISSIONER Served six years as County Commissioner of Beaver County; four years as chairman of that Board. He now represents you as STATE SENATOR Now serving as State Senator from the Eighth Senatorial DisBeaver and Millard trict Counties. MONA Mr. James also could be seeded earlier next An early planting in spring. March at 30-6- 0 lbs per acre will give results in yields equal uo May plantings at the rate of 120 lbs per acre. The past summer has been very dry and there has been insufficient water for plant needs. Usually winter moisture, either from rain or sno..w, is counted on to replenish the soil reservoir But with the soils alsupply. ready dry it is unlikely that the root zone of deep rooted plants like alfalfa will receive enough moisture this winter to fill this reservoir. Fall and winter irrig ation can be used to fill this soil reservoir is land is not frozen, and water is available. Use of Dairy Products Increasing iod. Except for cheese, the mountain of government surpluses is gone. The per capita consumption of dairy products has increased from 682 pounds in 1953 which was an all time low, to an estimated .712 pounds this year, and, best of all, the American public has become milk conscious. Production of milk per cow has increased from 4600 lbs in 1904 to over 6000 lbs this year. During this same period, dairy cattle numbers have decreased from 24 million head to 22- million. to June 29. From the above figures it appears that where the intermidate wheatgrass can be grown, it is the best for gains and likewise ..,11. i. for CONGRESS! 1&aAs , . v. ! Cornotion Company phoro You can make fudge, America's i.. rite candy, that's failure proof and smooth in just five minutes with this simple recipe. In this Chocolate Mint Fudge it's the evaporated milk that gives the creamy smoothness which in fudge required long, vigorous beating. You'll get perfect results every time without using a canJy thermometer or soft ball tests. Cold weather is traditionally the season for making candy at home. W ith this quick recipe you'll want to make Chocolate Mint Fudge often for family oibblers, for visitors and for holiday gifts. Remember, the most appreciated gift is often the one you make yourself. always creamy CHOCOLATE MINT FUDGE t (MAKES 2 POUNDS) IV, cupi (about 161 diced monhmallowl I1, cups (lVi package) chocolate chips i teaspoon peppermint extract Vi cup chopped nuts ABOUT tabUipoont bolter 23 vp (small can) undiluted vaporaled milk cups sugar Vt teaspoon salt Combine butter, evaporated milk, sugar and salt in 2'2 quart heavy saucepan over medium heat. Bring to a boil. Cook 4 to 5 minutes, stirring constantly (Start timing when mixture starts to bubble" around edges of pan.) Remove from heat. Stir in marshmallows, chocolate chips, peppermint extract and nuts. Stir vigorously for 1 minute or until marshmallows are completely melted and blended. Pour into square butter pan and allow to cool. Cut into squares. Top each square with a colored mint wafer if you want to make the fudge extr. OINTMENT festive. WANTED Votes for Dwain You will save time and money Bracken Republican candidate fro State Representative from if you will support your loca Pd. political adv. merchants. Juab County IT PAYS TO SHOP by candadidate. AND SAVE IN NEPHI! Have a gift problem? Let us help solve it Nephi Jewelry. WANTED Votes for Dwain Bracken. candidate Republican for State Representative (Pd political adv. by candidate) ONE TUBE OF TARGOT MASTITIS with each five you purchase Special supply is limited bo come in today. Here's your chance to beat mastitis and save money at the same time. P. 8. The worst season for mastitis is here right now! WHY WATT? Fill your bin contoday Lump, nut, slack tact Elden Johnson at 52 South 1st West, Nephi or phone 313 for ton or truck loads. ""X ?t! f - rTNI J f 1 Vf 1? fXh H il II id, ff IIH SI Ml t tin', ...MaiHAaaB ESSl m T B 8 ON AGRICULTURE: tax exemption for Romney wants to see: motor fueltruck and rail rates use; lowest possible on shipment of food and raw fibers; a promotional program for premium quality produce; reduction of the inequitable tax load on real property. ay state-encourag- ed ON HIGHWAYS: highImprove Utah's secondary highways; put federal now grow-..- .. way funds to work; reduce traffic fatalities ing at such an alarming rate, ON INDUSTRIAL GROWTH: indusRomney will work to bring the benefits of new better to in the provide state, to try every community sources. jobs for our citizens, and to create new tax ON EDUCATION: education Romney will cooperate with the boards of and the legislature to provide the type of school the people of Utah want and vocational training to prepare our people for better jobs m our growing industry. pro-era- m PAINTER MOTOR COMPANY rM-- mmm 9i4 tan J W-- t 140 SOUTH by Meber w " haw mmf. fabulous new brings you the TWmouth leaps S fuU yar8 . momw flaming one In Total Contact Brakes handling ... new super-saf- e ride . . . exciting sports-ca- r Fury "301" V-- 8 . . . revolutionary new Torsion-Air- e dramatic Flight-Swee- p Styling. The car you might have expected in I960 is at your Plymouth dealer' snow! See it! Drive it ! Own a positive program for a better Utah! .r T fT r . with " n.inTiiti'TTn-- Dwane Tidwell, Nephi. coal m M , mm WE DO A BLACK BUSINESS but we treat you WHITE Call 578W for prompt delivery of best Paid Political Advertlxment by STATE DEMOCRATIC COMMITTEE I Stanley GET READY FOR THE COLD WEATHER ahead by seeing the Spark Oil heaters and having one installed now Chapman Furniture Co., phone 300. GRONNING I 1 v...w.. It is only recomproduction. mended, however, on lands receiving 12 inches of rainfall or above. If the rainfall is below this figure, then crested wheatgrass Is the recommended variety to be seed ed. Vote for I ?!1?Ti , Vigorous Experienced in Government I Ttf JV 28 Young I En-rou- te R. y. FIVE-MINU- Official government figures show that while milk production increased 6.5 billion pounds from 1953 to 1956, estimatedes this year's consumption increased 12.2 billion pounds over the same per- Clark of Coalville acMiss companied them. Janice Lynn has recently returned from the New Zealand mission. home she visited many foreign countries. She related many of her experinces at Sacrament meeting Sunday evening. Gusts of Calvin Neilsen for the deer hunt were his brother in law Murray Mathis of Price; and his brother, James Neilsen of Dug-wa- Correspondent, Phone 0485-- J 1 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Neivber-i- y and children Robert and Sandra returned home Friday after a week's visit in Santa Monica, California where they were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Madison. Mr. and Mrs. Osborne who have been visiting in Young California Miss Sarah Kay of Salt Lake returned with them. City spent the week end visiting Week end eruests of iviv a wun ner Mr. and Mrs. Irs' -FnLignI?were h's mother, Ernest Kay! . Nation-wid- e Miss Sonya The average daily gain for the cows and calf test was from May CHURCHMAN & SCOUTER Has served as missionary, bishop, and on the stake high council; is District Commissioner of Beaver District, Boy Scouts of America. il Ab, Mrs. Alice Lynn, his brother and sister in law, Mr. and Mrs. Belden Lynn and their two daughters, Janice and Diana, all of Echo. lb. He is an active I - On the wheatgrass pastures at Don Christiansen FOR SALE Benmore, calves gained on crested wheatgrass 1.6 lbs, tall wheat grass home at 257 East 1st North i.a I'Ds., intermediate wheatgrass Call Frank Parkin at 184W 2.3 lb, and stiffhair wheat grass 1.8 lbs. Cows on the same pasture gained for crested wheat-gras- s, .8 lbs, tall wheat grass .6 lb, intermediate wheat grass 1.6 lb and stiff hair wheatgrass, 1.0 first-han- He was for six years e. is FARMER Worked early life as a farmer; member Committee on Agriculture and Irrigation, Utah State He Is ' Juab County Agricultural Agent pre-arati- . if BURTENSHAW With the storm of the past week, farmers should now find sufficient moisture on crop land that they could now plow in for spring planting, and save moisture which would be lost from spring plowing. Crops . About CREAMY FAILURE PROOF FUDGE Folks in ' ' Page Three CORNER Meet the man who will better represent you in in Congress . . . L NEPHI. UTAH IN 5 MINUTES YOU CAN MAKE fjfcf follows: TIMES-NEW- NEPHI MAIN STREET ... it! I |