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Show m:urasua. The Nebraska horse has it too. Coulumbus beets weigh twelve pounds. An English lord is hunting near North l'lattc. Burt county ha held its n'rt-t fair and feels, better. Beatrice has i ,0'X) people and a . dramatic club. Linroln has Ib'J cases fur Irihl at its present term. Mr. Funck has taken tho stump on marriage at Falls City. Kearney J unction, two mouths old, had k " ' Tunes' birn uuto it, Charles Uailhuri:, treasurer of Hall coumy, has oloped with $10,000. Three marriages in ouo day in Stanton Stan-ton county. Sure figo of cold weather. wea-ther. Tho Nehiaska city bridge will be commenced at once, and cost $.v00,-000 $.v00,-000 The Uoioo Pacific is building stockyards stock-yards aud an engine-house at Columbia. Colum-bia. Extensive winter ranges for cattle on the Medicine liver have been destroyed by fires. Lincoln ha6 a mother with seven childreo, all under nine, ood the do meftjc outlook is still bright. Many cattle and horses tethered on tho prairie, in Buffalo county, were cooked nod eaten by the lato fires. The mJiohI lands of Nebraska cm-hracf cm-hracf on'' oiheenth part of the entire domain. So let tho children cotuc, A m:in and his team wcro nearly consumed by attempting to run thmuh a pmirio tire in Nuckolls county. Kearney junction wan born early in Sepumbcr laM, and lias hidoo grown at tho rate ol one building, per day. On the 30th instaDt Cuss county will vnte on tho issuance of $3u,uoo in bonds for the St. Louis and Nebraska trunk road. |