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Show BEAR RIVER VALUCT " " " "" '" 1 M A URINE COOK, Local Correspondent H-- 2 Miss Shirley Watland was present- on May Cornwall was honored s. Phone recital by her Tu sday evening at a birthday party ed in her first concert her home. teacher, Frederic Dixon, in the Crysgir.ii by her family at Lotal Bali Room of the Hotel Ben mond Monday evening. Following was Mrs. Roscoe Heppler and daughter, her her program: Beethoven's "Sonata," NXi, and Mrs. Don Sheffield and enroute three movements- -. "Improvisation," tt?r left Sunday morning Chami-nadwill take route by MacDowell; "Autumn," by Rachto California. Their G Minor," by "Prelude ... fhronrh Southern Utah, Boulder and Chopin's compositions mwn, Los Angeles and San Francis-- 1 maninoff, -"Etude G Flat," c They plan to return in ten aaya. Waltz C Minor," "Etude C Minor"' and "Ballade A e; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tonk3 and vis foiily, of Morgan, were Saturday of Mr3. Effie Giles. home at the ittrj Ifits Giles accompanied them to MoTuesrtal where she remained untilweek at the day. May Tonks spent th Giles home. Flat." Bouquets were presented at the close of the recital in appreciaUshers tion of her interpretation. Winz-lewere Ruby Landvatter, Helen Merrill, Janice Lower, Dorothy Odette Scowcroft and Helen Brown, the latteT three of Ogdcn. r, Miss Nell Wright, of Salt Lake, of supervisor of religious education Methodist of the mission Utah the vacaChurch, is conducting a daily at weeks two School for Bible tion Church. Methodist the fir. and Mrs. Orson Iverson and Vn. Joe Iverson attended a party in Mark Weaver, of Idaho Falls, visit birthday h.mor of the ed Monday with his sister, Mrs. Fawn of Mrs. Iverson's aunt, Mrs. Mary Munk of Montpelier, Idaho. They par- Quinney. ty vii given by Mrs. Munk'a brother, Members of the Epworth League, I. O. Hansen, at his home in Para- - under the direction of their leaders, Lloyd Smith and Norma Crozier, entertained at a picnic in Logan were rtonna Jones, of Ogden, is spending Canyon, Tuesday. Sixteen members Wk summer vacation with her members were present. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Brown, Those who attended the piano re!orothy Lucas was a week end cital of Shirley Watland in Ogden on at the home of Mrs. Cleo Monday evening are: Mrs. E. H. of Rigby, Idaho. White, Mrs. Fred C. Gephart, Mr, and Mrs. S, B. Watland, Mrs. Faun QuinMra. Alice Osmond and Mr. and Mrs. Jay Rhead, Mrs. W. W. Mm. Horton Miller and daughter, Lee ney, and Bonnie, Miss Mary Whitney, Ann, were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Reginald Goff, Mrs. Eli Burns, v and Mra. A. L. Cook. Winzeler, Bertha Landvatter, Shirley Beck, Norma Crozier, George O. Nye, Mr, and Mrs. George Quinney were Cleo Nye, Afton Hales and Lois and .Memorial day visitors of Mrs. Qui- Maurine Cook. nsy's mother, Mrs. Adelaide Weaver, it Bennington, Idaho. They also Mr. and Mrs. Dan Briggs and in Montpelier and Logan. y daughter Yvonne, are on a left of tour California. Monday They Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Harris and and plan to visit their son, 'Uiighter, Ruby, were Memorial day evening Los Angeles, and attend the Lewis in w,tif ,rs in Morgan and Kaysville. Exposition in San Francisco. The Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts Mr. and Mrs, Francis Norr and their innoculations Wednesday family were Memorial day visitors in for spotted fever. Logan at the home of T. S. Adams. 3ev. and Mr3. Reginald Goff at-- t A welcome home program was givjMied the Annual Conference of the en Lawrence Whitney Sunday evenin last Athodist Church Ely, Nevada Vk. Mrs. J. W. Jenkins, the dele- ing at the Third Ward hall in Brig-haCity. Lawrence was called to gate from the local church, and Miss New Zealand mission from the the from Corinne, Adney, delegate Jtyce accompanied them. Also Mrs. Harry Third Ward. Ku.it, of Garland. Mr. and Mrs. Deloras Harri3 returned Monday evening from their honeymoon trip in Southern Utah. money Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Parker, of were weekend guests at the hwe of Mrs. Parker's father, N. R. Pvfeirson, Foc-atrtl- eighty-secon- o, d grand-pHi-ont- s, vls-itiv- l. ten-da- m real estate farms or homes JAMES BROUGII AGENCY FIRE AND AUTOMOBILE The Boy Scout troup of the Church held their meeting in INSURANCE UTAH Canyon, Tuesday. FOR CAlfJirJG Utah Strawberries Now At Their Peak We will have a good supply on hand every day. Buy now w hile at their best. CHRISTENSEN PRODUCE FRUIT STAND a uality Material r " in 1921, when the star of AOou uuer in Europe firmament of future headlines, newspapermen Austrian at the roufing voice and Chaplincsque moustache But Karl H Hitler pbjwtf refuse! He was able to perceive that beneath certain mysuc the man, insignificancef there was something about for destiny. quality, that marked him Karl von wiegand, JJean oi Amer- g tIjen he ta(j become a tele e1 jean Foreigm Correspondents, is the graph operator; but hn big Cosmopolite of the month In the was journalism. He spent aJl hi April Cosmopolitan. His biographer, spare time studying luster?, biogtie Frazier Hunt, himself a raphy and international newspaperman, calls von devoted special attention to tU rise Wiegand the unofficial American of Germany in the ninetetr.'Ji cenAmbassador of Good Will to tin tury, sensing that before kvg that people of almost every country on nation and England would c.P'h for rowearth. supremacy of the world. Anu him out would keep he vowed, Wievon e ing, For twenty-fivyears the clash occurred. In gand has been acting in this capac- of it when he justified his ?ret while short ity, as well as a maker of history faith in himself. The head of a ne s and a recorder of its stirring events. vn His start in life was humble; no sil- agency came to California; is told see to went him, mouth in his Wiegand ver spoon was placed was instwar listener astonished at birth. Born into obscurity on an the Iowa farm, he packed up at the age able in Europe, and ask?d for in German?. as correspondent home. from job ran and of twelve away his reasoning But he was soon found, brought The brilliance of He the job. back and put to work again. In less proved irresistible. He got moved fast This was his start. than a year he was off once mora, name determined to find his way in life In an incredibly short time the a was Weifrand von Karl of farmhouse. It a of ties the far from was not until he was seventeen that the width and breadth of Europe his parents heard he was still alive. and America. BACK bouse-pamt- funnv-lookin- g Every Purpose In planning your new home or in making your old home new, alwavs remember . . . FARMERS' CASH UNION ... for the highest quality materials for every purpose, at lowest current prices . . . CONSULT US FIRST! &!t-rt- . 1 HAYING TOOLS RJ11' 4-- X These Off the activities of club i out the county the comg!e!":! Norr of Deweyville, retin ' of the association, was geSV man of the meeting. During the sessions which u 10:00 a. m.. and lasted ' l cussions along the lines were carried on by county nWse ': lil J i Calhster and Miss Smith- l u demonstrations by Mrs p Club supervisor; judginjJ tional contests by Mrs Lund; scrapbooks by m Huggins;. and recordkeeping W. War-nick- RareaUon Grand Dies At life. Grandville Snow, 56, died at lr She is survived by the following home Leo Calvin Mrs. Thursday, June 1, at 1 a tf ,and children, Joseph, Lott, all of Thatcher and 14 grand- He was born in St. George, uu March 11, 1883, a son of Materia' children. Services will be held Saturday at Cornelia Lytle Snow, and a gran 1 p. m. at the Thatcher Ward Chapel of the late Apostle Erastus Snow , He moved from St. Geoige i under the direction of Bishop T. E. Fielding July, 1904 and has lived lr son a Adams, since. He married Ethel Mantlo in i ' s in-la- w. Logan Temple, December 12, He is survived by his wife CARD OF THANKS 1908 andttr-childr- en. Mrs. Lewis Cash J. Snow, of Burley, express my heart- and Idaho, ana fc-- Cia. hereby felt thanks and appreciation to the Snow, of Fielding, and threebrothf WARNING! also the following many friends who stood by and of- and Ada S. Schmutz sisters: fered to assist in bearing the cross A warning to all boys carrying Faucett and Kan f Geneive Hale, at my recent trial and "crucifixion." St. of and who take delight and satSnow, George; Bert and S's Histury often repeats itself. Just of and Elliott Snow isfaction in breaking window glass. California, ley, laugh boys, the Bible says, "So they J During the past week there has hanged Haman on the gallows that Nevada. services will be held Subeen thirty glasses broken out of the he Funeral had prepared for Mordecai." m. in the Turkey Dressing plant and there is CAM SMITH nday at 2:30 p. ; Le ' air-rifl- es FiekL-War-d and Mrs. Max Laub were Memorial quietly engaged two persons who live day visitors in Tremonton. very near the turkey plant and these persons are going to turn to us the Mrs. Margaret Pack left Saturday names of those who entertain them morning for Salt Lake to visit with selves around the grounds. her sister, Mrs. Vincent Shephard. UTAH POULTRY PRODUCERS Tuesday she was a visitor in Coalville. By Reed Giles, Mgr. Don't Let Poor Equipment Hinder Your Work . . . You Can Obtain All Tools Needed, at Our Store ... . BINDING TWINE - HARDWARE AND CHINA WARE II UillUil "VOUfl GOOD WILL CUE BEST ASSET ALFALFA Aircraft Corporation. Lyle and Mr. Marshall in engineering department and Art in inspection department. SEED All Kinds of Seed Mr. and Mrs. Hyrum Schuman who were married recently in Germany, completed the ceremony with a temple marriage in the Salt Lake temple 10c. - CLOVER AND LAWN They returned to California Tuesday. Mra. Larene Scott was hostess to Mrs. Ricy Anderson is visiting two the L. L. Bridge club at her home weeks at the home of her parents, Dr. M. Mrs. J. Schaffer won and Mrs. Thursday J. Fred Potter of Sandy. Grayco tie racks, high prize and Mrs. Mattie Stone, low Refreshments were served following Bridge. Grain STOHL ELEVATOR Phone 41 Cliffs Clothiery CO. - Tremonton, m Ethel Dockstader, of Rupert, Idaho, has been a guest this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Laub. She and Mrs. Laub are spending the week in Ogden. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Woodward entertained the following guests at their home this week: Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Iverson of Wendell, Idaho, and Mr! and Mrs. James O. Anderson of AT OUR FOUNTAIN ifESiM Mrs. Robert Holt, of Salt Lake, has been a guest at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Felix Zesiger. IlfAAn. SOT To J? THE MTTN'TOX, UTAH MOLLE SHAVING CREAM "SNOW WHITE 50 and the pnwnpn , - niw. Tuesday NELSON EDDY VIRGINIA BRUCE "LET FREEDOM RING" 13 "Hinds" HONEY - ALMOND CREAM 39c niOBAK BLADES 6$ Package of 1 , LIFEBUOY SOAP a Bars . ...W SPECIAL Forhan's with gum massagcr 75c value PLUS GOOD SHORTS 9$ REVELATION TOOTH 23c K LOTION 32 TOOTH PASTE SEVEN DWARFS' Sunday Monday S"M?raATi 91v FoV?iAL 50c size Friday and Saturday - PKACW--i 25c White Ace Shoe Cleaner OrpheumTheatre - t- were led by Mrs, Ellen Taiur Mrs. Eliza Petersen Nelson, wife Mrs. Nelda Whitney. Profesl , of the late Nels C. Nelson, died at Esplin of. the U. S .A. c her home Wednesday, May 31, at 6 oral help and instructions. " p. m. following a year's illness. A luncheon was served 'at The deceased was born May 17, all present and in the afte, Bm 1872, at Denmark. She came to Utah partmental sessions were held Tint when she was ten years of age. She three leaders were in attendarce'ir was married to Mr. Nelson October participated in the activities 11, 1892. They lived at Brigham City were directed by Mrs. Nettie until 1909 when they moved to their Lund, County Home Demonstrate huspresent location. She and her agent, and Charles W. Warnid j band were among the pioneers of this sistant county agent. valley, having devoted their lives to farming and have done much in the ville Snow, 56 upbuilding of the community. They were faithful members of the L. D. Fielding Horn. S. Church and were active all their I wish to Rhea Heppler attended the banquet ' J old-bir- Mr. and Mrs. Lamoine Cowley left Sunday for Richfield to visit with Mrs. Cowley's family. Mr. Cowley returned Tuesday. Mrs. Cowley and chij dren remained to attend the wedding of her brother, Ervin Ogden. ' Thatcher Woman Dies Following Year's Illness Twinkle Wins In Fourth Pigeon Race Idaho. Instruction along "i ,. club work and orWrl club leaders of business atassociation., the Arm, Jr Leaders' , t pubBear River Hitrh Vv s53" day, May 24. Thomas A. Summers monton was elected VZ v Nelda Whitney of GarX ident; Miss Loretta ton, secretary; and Mis, p , Trp of Bear River City, Box Elder County 4-- H J. Kinsey entertained her Bridge club Thursday evening at the Crystal Springs to a chicken dinner. Twelve were present. Mrs. Ruth "Twinkle" a Blue Bar pigeon owned Rose won high prize and Mrs. Ken cut. and flown by Dr. G. M. Evans, won Smith, d race 1st place in the fourth At the commencement exercises at of the Tremonton Racing Pigeon club, St. Marys of the Wasatch in Salt Sunday, which was from Milford, Lake Wednesday evening, Elaine Gep Utah, a distance of 232.66 miles, air hart was graduated with honors. The line. The average speed, yards per twelve graduates wore cream white minute, follows: "Twinkle," owned by Dr. Evans, gowns and caps and carried red roses. The program was presented by 1059.18; second, "Red Rust," owned the students. Elaine played a piano by Vern Watkins, 158.18; Third, solo. The baccalaureate sermon was "Gob," owned by Phil Pack, 1050.04; given by Bishop Duane C. Hunt who and fourth, "On Time," owned by afterwards presented the diplomas. Frank Alix, 1042.50. Next Sunday's race will be from Mr. and Mrs. Mike Giles were Caliente, Nevada, a distance of 308.57 miles airline. To date the birds have guests at Mantua Tuesday. been averaging between 40 and 50 Mr. and Mrs. Alma Theurer, Mr. miles per hour and to the loft which and Mrs. Don Peckenpaugh and Mr. has the best average speed for each and Mrs. J. H. Fronk were visitors series of races will be awarded a Tuesday and Wednesday in Mackey,! silver loving cup. Mrs. Richard : S er world-famo- for. COAL-GLAS- James LeRoy Couch. 3. prominent Garland farmer, died at" his home ailWednesday, May 31, of a heart to came the valley ment. Mr. Couch in 1316, settling first in Beaver Dam, later moving to Garland where he has since resided. The deceased was born July 30, 1870 at Dexter, Texas, the son of John R. and Martha E. Johnson Couch. He was a member of the L. D. S. Church. He is survived by hiis wife, Barbara Annie Stafford Couch, and the following children: John L., of Logan; Mrs. Axel Hassel, Mrs. Chris P. Jensen, Mrs. Walter Sudsbury, of Deweyville; George W., Joseph R. and Raymond J. of Garland and 19 grandchildren. Funeral services will be held Saturday at 2 o'clock at the Garland Ward Chapel, under the direction of Bishop Arthur Welling. Interment will be in the Deweyville cemetery, Shaw and Iverson funeral directors. of Dental Assistants given Friday a $5.00 reward for anyone Chapel under the direction turning by the Ogden organization to honor the names of the individuals who have Bishop Leo Earl. Lyle Bjorn, Art Johansen and a those of Salt Lake. done this distructive job. These thirty windows which were broken will take friend, Paul R. Marshall, of Glendale, Mrs. Israel Hunsaker visited Mon 10c. Cliffs Clothier Was a of Lake Gleue Salt at least $15.00 to replace and we do California, spent the weekend and Grayco tie racks, Henry day and Tuesday with her sister, Mrs. William Jensen of Rock Springs, guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. not intend to keep replacing these decoration day with Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Bjorn and Mr. and Mrs. Olof J. glasses for such kind of entertainWyoming, at the home of her son, George Schuman Tuesday. Johansen families and friends. They ment. So we William Jensen Jr., who is attending would like to warn the unnrung - uouing - uiowu Mr. and Mrs. Rex Laub and Mr. boys and the parents that we have are all employed by the Lockheed the U. S. A. C. to loan TREMONTON, James L. Couch Dies BoxEMerCoUn,, At Home Wednesday aubL3aders5.;! fr Von Wiegand Spotted Hitler As A Man of Destiny Local and Social Items C0-a-- " " i ' .. ' 1939 TMZSteTJW& I TM I v 2 bars Hinds Facial OAF all for -- ST. REGIS POCKET WATCH Guarantppf! TOASTER - 2 Slice Electric Ljsterine Brushless Shaving Cream - 2 for Wednesday and Thursday "PACIFIC LINER" "SWING SISTER SWING" J. & J. BABY TALC l')C Sac - Full Pound .... 19 " 9Q0 M OQr JK ' 7C) t UH . . PA BLUM - PRE- - 43a ALKA-SELTZE- 49' Larce R - o |