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Show A TT2 , Tm ITT) TKEMOXTOX CITY, UTAH, THURSDAY, f3u3iE Co. i41ARCH OF TIME in, a. tat. orr. . teJ KDITORS 0? visit SOIAL -- I week George VI jVALast Elizabeth became the first British monarchs to set foot World. The Majesties went on i,r farther west their 26-da- y rjjjan- trip, the more enthusiasm "y ran into,' until, at Ottawa, the ,wd . J f went crazy and somebody act-- .. gapped George on the back. At whose point the Royal visit to Canada was bring purpose into the arms of c'ose as possible mother country ,e its ef-- ; achieved have to said be ij cent. 100 per It a big, maroon, convertible sedan rtli the top down and the bulletin windows up, the King and Vi were whisked ofup the winding Tai to the old Quebec. Over city ; County Treasurer Owen L. Brough was recently congratulated by a member of the State Tax Commission for his outstanding accomplishment of 100 per cent redemption of real estate which had gone to the Auditor's Tax Deed this year for general taxes. At the time of the sale there was according to Mr. Brough only eleven parcels of property to offer out of a county with an asessed valuation of $34,000,000 for the year 1938. Last year there were 42 parcels going to deed. Half of them were redeemed immediately after the sale. After his experience in the county treasurer's office, Mr. Brough says that he is convinced that the time to take care of property going to auditor's tax deed is before it is gone. Junior Fat Stock Show Will Open June 5th JUNE 1, 1939 number In the peaceful hour of twilight (DCZZJrJxeC When I find myself alone, Dreaming of the happy moments That the fleeting years have shown, , i I so often am reminded .': ''. ' That ihe Vuscrt tVnnrc Vfa ovtera I' 'iJtiiL' 1400 of Box dtr county wheat hown intention to producers hav ; 1939 participate in agricultural adjustment a i.. listration program H. E. Larsen, chairman of the county AAA committee, reports. This represents 90 per cent of all farmers in the county. Farmers have only until June 1 to express intentions of participating in the 1939 program by making out either the "fan pi sheet" r the "ra ge on sheet." Complete participation in :e program will make it possible for farmer to earn payments according the following rates and rules: 1. A payment of 28 centa per bush el of normal yield of his wheat acre age allotment. The payment is divided into a conservation payment of 17 cents per bushel and a price adjustment payment of 11 cents. 2. Approximately $1.10 per acre on general crop allotment (including oats, rye, and barley) provided he plants within his wheat and general crop allotments. 3. Special payments for carrying out practices. 4. Special grants for carrying out range conservation practices. 5. Wheat loans as authorized by the rLlaw&nrM (i77 ! , mm our aear ones ana our inenas." Mia r '.-- j' j ; r' ? f' fit Twilight memories how often They bring wistfully to mind ; . ' 1 1 ? iuu Late; j itvo x g iviu uviutu How they fill my heart with gladness, ;j i An thev rarrv me awav To the scenes of youth and childhood ( And the joys of yesterday! ic Cares are very soon forgotten, t'. As my thoughts again recall Certain friends who, time has taught me.f Are the best friends, after all; rp I And, I'm sure, as true a pleasure t ;l , s f !l As a man will ever know Is the hour I give to dreaming In the twilight's peaceful glow. u- - ' m fv. hy,', 'in :;'. I -- - ' IffiM I 1 I .' '3 P tin rv cem-venti- on soil-buildi- - 4-- H ; Watkins Ice Cream Shirley Watland In Third Wins Entrant Enjoy Outinff At Performs Well Revue Lava Hot Springs Bathing Beauty In Piano Recital Gephart Employees wMch I ed 'JO Tre-monto- n, gold-plate- )f -- mander to Preside a- ft II II I Activities for the three day Annual commence will Stock show Fat Junior route Quebec's 140,000 inhabitants itched thinly but politely, regard-th- e at North Salt Lake June 5 when the I King curiously, but whisper- - checking stand begins its work and sizes each the committee up sifting of the Queen's chic. The Queen, u SLMMilMIKHIUI animal to see that it meets show reim has never ranked among Eur- quirements and that its owner has a pts ten best dressed women, had record of his project from the proper smarter. er looked ; jr. announces E. J. Maynard, manstart, seat-! In the Parliament Red Room, show. of the ager d in two thrones under a huge wood-s- i Entries for this 100 per cent junior Provincial heard crucifix, they event who expect to get a cut of the Premier Maurice Duplessis read a and awards purse, numissiincf yin both English $3100455prize and speech of welcome from 80 F. Fj ber boys girls ad French, since Canada is official clubs in five A. chapters and j bilingual under its constitution. states and they list for Western Newspaper L'r.:.i That afternoon Their Majesties show 455 baby beeves, 350 lambs, and r.t to the Plains of Abraham, there 255 hogs. By comparison these fig:ard 50,000 school children sing "0 ures mean that the 1939 show will Co. Canada" and "God Save the King" in have 35 per cent more participants Frtnch. That night there was a than the one last year and almost a speechless dinner at the Chateau, at 50 per cent increase in the number the King dwadled over snow-- i of stock exhibited. ard breasts on toast and trout, while Miss LaRae Christensen. of Rear The employees of Gephart Stores Every entrant must be on the Miss Watland. daughter of 'k Queen, who is apparently dieting, and officially accepted by the Co. met at Lava Hot Springs last River City, representing Zinck's Ser- Mr. andShirley grounds G. H. Watland of this Mrs. I ate almost nothing, fussed with her committee in charge, explains Man- Sunday for an outing. After a swim vice Station, was accorded first place in a piano recital was city, presented ioves until at dinner's end the King ager Maynard. The show will official- in the pools and some games about at the annual Bathing Revue held at Frederic Dixon. Professor by Monday the j way to bed. ly open at 9 a. m. June 7 when many forty persons, including employees the Crystal Springs Tuesday evening. It was held in the Crystal Ballroom j Next morning, bound for Montreal, of Utah's celebrities including Gover and their families, from four of the Miss Norma Facer, of Willard, en at the Hotel Ben Lomond in Ogden. i miles up the St. Lawrence Their nor Henry H. Blood, Mayor Wallace stores, located at Alton, Wyoming trant sponsored by the Strong Motor Miss Watland amazed her listeners Aif sties boarded the Royal train, a of Salt Take City and William Pet- Grace, Idaho, Malad, Idaho, and Company of Brig ham won second, with her excellent rendition of many Salver, blue and gold twelve-ca- r with Miss Jesse Cannon, of Tremon- difficult numbers. erson, director of the Extension Serenjoyed a picnic spread. streamliner with Royal bedrooms con-- I vice, will assemble in the arena at Too much sunshine and violent ex- ton, who represented the Watkins There was a large and enthusiastic .ected by a d sliding panel, the Union Stock yards and go thru ertion resulted in a large number of Ice Cream Company of this city, was crowd present at the recital. .eiephones, a lounge car, offices and the proper incantations. Immediately the picnicers nursing tender backs given third place. A number of local people attended oedrooms for the staff and party. At Cash awards of $25.00, $15.00 and the recital and were loud in their following the grand opening Professor and sore muscles for several days, but the populace wav- H. H. Smith of the Utah State Ag- all report having had a big time and $10,000 respectively were made. ?very whistle-sto- p praise for the excellent performance si The winners were chosen from a of this talented young frantically. ricultural college will start judging are looking forward to another such lady In a Montreal baseball field of 41 entrants. Three competent park 50,000 ho'gs, while Varh M. Shepard of the outing soon. fidren, mostly French Catholic, 900 south San Francisco Union stock judges made the selection. them a great Union Jack, yard3 will open the fat lamb ring at forming ' T. WoodMrs. ang while the King and Queen sat in 1:30 p. m. While the judging is gofita open Buick near home plate. Commence Man ing on scouts will select the best George VI was born on December ters and showmen. Final competition Lion Principal Albert Meldrum announ1895, but a special Canadian birth Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Woodward just for showmanship honors and special ces that the Tremonton school kincelebration was scheduled for awards will be held June 8 at 1:30 returned from an extensive tour of Don Meacham, of Tark Valley, had 20. In Ottawa's Parliament p. ra. car new a dergarten will commence Monday, the east after purchasing an exciting experience the other ev- June 5 at 9:30 a. m. All children who square, Canada staged for the first One of the feautres of the fina at Detroit. According to the Woodwhen attending a f iock of sheep will be six years of age on or before toe in its history , a Trooping of day will be the auction by Colonel W. wards they had a wonderful time vis- ening on the range at Fark Valley. He dis- October 31, 1939 are eligible to atCoColour to celebrate the King's H. Adams of Salt Lake City and of interest in Canada, points iting "birthday," a celebration conducted lonel Charles E. Adams of Los An- New York, Washington, D. C, Vir- covered a dead lamb and looked tend. around for the culprit. Just above his f ;ce the 17th There will be no charges for tuCentury in London by geles. According to Manager May- ginia, Tenessee, Texas, Arkansas, Ok- head on a a huge was of rocks 'if Guards craig ition, materials, instruction, etc. ParRegiments. nard indications are that the buying lahoma and New Mexico. and down on the levels ents must, however, provide translion mountain It was not to a visit fifth be satisfactory until the trip's At Tennessee they paid highly this year will were two cubs. He did not have his portation where necessary. Nona however, that Their Majesties to the exhibitors. Last year's auction Mrs. Woodward's sister and at New gun with him and retreated as the Smith will be the instructor. feason and got taken to Canada's heart, grossed $26,029. Other special Mexico they visited with their iion growled and snarled at him. In It will be necessary that parents when they did, it was to exper-c- e tures have been arranged by those daughter. They spent some time at secured come with their children the first day and went the to He camp on a show the World's Fair at New York and his rifle and came back, but could spirit they had not met charge including an arena to get them properly registered, and a hearty blend of U. S. June 27 by Harry S. Joseph of Salt were deeply impressed with the not find the lions. The next morning, attend to such other matters that are and a reassuring, yeoman Lake City; a dinner and night ball sights there. One of the outstanding he continued his search and sure to arise the first day. however, we of the in out their trip, was successful in King and Country that was game Wednesday; a banquet things that stood killing the huge lion Children attending kindergarten British. Thia meet-j- ? places was and two other yearlings. The mother night of June 9 and many sight seeing aside from the interesting a decided advantage during the have of the air. occured in Connaught Square at condition and the land general lion and her cubs that he had pre- first year at school over those who trips by inunveiling of the Canadian nation-'a- r In Manager Maynard's final to farms and rural homes throughout viously seen were not to be found. do not. Give your child the same opthe east. memorial. structions he "urges youngsters Those who saw the head of the lion portunity as your neighbor's child. At the of Andrew estate up' each In visiting the day right conclusion of the King's train their animals testified that it was surely a huge Bring him to kindergarten June 5, for jackson, they were awed at the , pch, the King and Queen stepped to show time. They can qualify The incident was reported to 9:30 a. m. Tremonton School. beast. rrom the finals only by making ty ar)fi variety of flowers and declared the Leader marquee into the opBishop Grover who Albert Meldrum, Principal. . ,irt,nctratinTi nf their ""a. The grouped World War vet-- an ouisianumg uiiU it one of the outstanding sights or saw the dead by lions. which their trip. kept their places stiffly for 1 ability in the regular classes in animals." anient, and then, ' their show l t:v They were happy to return home "We chanting they " the King!" surged toward the after a most enjoyable trip. Howell ;;;Jjal couple. To Be Guards moved to N. Pro-crrathe King waved them Life Home, iflv. A greying veteran The annual Firemen's ball, under grasped the To Be hand with his right, the l ?""FS the sponsorship at the local firemen, the n's with his at the left. Others slapped The P T A. election was held The Howell Holstein Sire associa- will be held Saturday niht to beaddition : King on the back, wrung the last week of school. Following are A program on home r.nd family In Gardens. Moonlight on a stockholders meeting Sun- tion held ri's free hand. a ef the social function "You don't need the officers elected for the coming life education will be broadcast organizaevening with all members ing 'm!11' t"proof day, June 3. at 10:15 a. m. over Wednesday ,asa hcre. Your Ma- tion they hope it will also be a fiVie in the but one present. Isrnel Faekrc ll, preswill The KDYL. program th(?y cried. "God bless you, success as the funds secured nancial Mrs N. Earl Marble, president; was in ident of the a.s:;riation, among friends." A blind vet- - Mrs. Don Teckenpaugh. 1st vice pres- form of a discussion conducted, by to purchase a respirator, be used will vice pres- Olive Hale, coordinator for home and charge and Darley J. Allen, of the which be needed any time to save ViWho last looked on the world ident- Albert Meldrum, 2nd may assistFarm Administration, lif". I r,flmy Ridge, a war nurse, a moth-(- ; ident and Mrs. Ervin Stohl. secretary family education life in Box Elder ed withSecurity the discussion. two sons killed in action, a and treasurer. County. In the accident the other evening six months Brogress during the ..cal Participants will he Stanley Anat Ivocan, Frank Alix, Ed Frorik and group ral,ied around The been in exisS and derson, Tremonton; Margaret Ruth that the association has Queen met them all, cm- Thomas, loc al firemen, rendc Lynn for the was noted and Manning, Garland; Joyce Adney, tence, were discussed. policies hi rviee by render ing first valuabl.' "T them all, obviously loved it. Corir.ne; and Scott Chriftenson, of future Toronto Monday noon, Their Ma- which all goes to to the aid victims, fine All present exhibited a very City. ore taking their Brigham niet the show that boys nly Canadians who attitude tow? id the sire association to ail departis and '; P'Thnps more applied schedule learning themjob than famoug The folowing and the cooperative movement in ments of their job. Dionnc Quintuplets. What band members: Oil in general. thir community h'tory will enjoy longer Band A- -8 p. m Thursday night .,'P'(, r'thor cIisode of this trip. at the high whool. .V.hrRy Tre Girls of Allen Rov Dafne. Oliva Di- The M Men arid Band B- -l P- m.. Thur-- 1 ly, to officials of the Noi th- tlic Firbt and Second Wards are in''nd wiff and seven of the According school. eipht monton r Hi. C Ft. em Oil Company, from f.00 to 1,000 vited to the home of Mr. and Mrs. K. the Quintuplet f were Bind C S:30 a. m., Fikiay, ),.. Sunday to H. Fri lal Jr. Tuesday evening. Speml,, tin: people will be present Lieut rnnrt Gnvrr- - II. S. Conjoint Mutual of the two of the new cial guests at th'ir home are Jean the witness r christening m ."50 Thursday, r'"',n a. the Parliament Buil t... 4 n o wards will be held Sunday evcommence- and fiv wore Dorothy Macmillan, of Perth, ening at 8 p. rn. The speaker of the white or-- , home of Mrs. I'almer (just Saxtcttes). oil well and the official puffy, ,e Tre- ment of operations. Australia, cjuit froths and poke bon-- n Band E- -8 a. m., Thursday, evening will be Keith Wahlqui.st and This event was announced for Satdrummers). Pa(:h W(,re her favorite flow-i- ? monton school house the music will be furnished by Miss .y"1 Tre urday two weeks ago, but It was un."r hair' Already astounded by p. m., Thurs liy, Vlollns-2- :30 Watland, accomplished pianist. Elwood Mrs. Mr. and Shirey Christensen,, avoidable delayed. All is in readiness i:.i0il.a,CC 0f lh,'ir first traln triP and monton school house. was arranged by the The dinner were of program corj Hawaii, Honolulu, Is event the and public inter, for the r'-;lr01Igh Toronto in a carriage, of the First Ward M. I. A. r, Mrs. Mr. Come on you boys and girls and of home presidency the at gueests our dially invited to attend the at fiteed be present ia invited. music, The public royalty calmly enough. csted in K. It Fridal, Friday evening. our band. Tarn to Tajf Three) clasps and support . Date Set For Saturday, June 3rd; Dist. Com- The American Legion district will be held in Logan Saturday, June 3, it has been announce! by Commander A, M. Turner of Pe)st No. 7 which will be host. Daltoa M. Reid. district commander will preside. The convention will open with a public meeting at the Logan Armory at 2:30 p. m. According to Ace Cal.ler, general chairman, the following program will be given under the direction of the program committee of which Jack Christensen is chairman, Mrs. Ella Bateson. Mrs. Gladys Blair, Harold Carter and Norman Salisbury. Logan senior band under the direction of A. T. Henson will play two selections, advancement of colors, allegiance to the flag, and national anthem to be played by the band. Prayer will be by John Christensen, chaplain; 30 seconds of silence in memory of the departed comrades. AAA. will be sounded by Don BateTaps No compliance checks will be made son and Jack Christensen Jr. There on farms for which the "farm will be a welcome address by Mayor sheet" or the range A. G. Lundstrom. sheet" are not A response will be given by Comcompleted by June 1. All farmers in- mander Parley Llnford, commander terning to participate should see their of the Garland Post No. 43; also dislocal AAA committeeman immediat trict auxilliary president, Mrs. Vicely. tor Bott of Brigham City; solo, "God Bless America," by Mrs. Harold Carter; address, Otto Weisley. department commander and Mrs. Grace Jones, department auxilliary president; solo, Ray Trotman; reading Rowena Fife; Colors will be rerequcst-for-particip- 1 thirty-eigh- t COUNTY FARMERS LEGION WILL TO PAR TCIPATE HOLD DISTRICT INAA PROGRAM enorfeS JwiligKt Redemption of Auditor's Tax Deeds - '"me New ' TIM Treasurer Makes 100 cueen ' f - w'v T Kindergarten Class to June 5th H. Mr., Kills ward Enjoy Trip East Park Valley Huge Mountain by-Mis- tired. A business meeting will follow Immediately for both the legion and legion auxilliary. Arrangements for the business session for the legion is under the direction of Comrade E. II. Elliot. In the evening there will be a strictly informal banquet and danco at the Hotel Eccles under the supervision eif the entertainment committee with Mrs. L. E. Nelson, chairman, Mrs. L. E. Pack, Bill Humphreys and C. G. Curtis. N. D. Salisbury will be toastmaster. The ticket committee is composed of Cyril Clark, chairman, Mrs. Gladys Smith, Frank Linholm and II. G. Hughes. The committee urges all legion members and partners and auxilliary members and partners to avail themselves of a very unusual banquet and dance. 1L I). e ra-'- be-j-- i; hail-fel-;:r- man-to-m- P an well-ke- pt ip in-b- ut Earl Marble Is Mrs. Elected PTA President Family m Broadcast t11 Annual rircrnens uun Holstein Held Saturday Association Holds Stockholders Meeting 2 Tremonton Band Schedule Outlined r-- 0 T.'s HERE AND THERE IIITOMIIKEK'S PARADISE There appeared in this paper last a letter written to Dear Jailer, complimenting him on the fine accommodations at the city jail and was In ear ly days signed, Hitch-hike- r we hear of tramps leaving signs on. fence posts that others of their kind might be guided to a good meal, etc. If Tremonton is well supplied with s wanting a night's lodging in the city jail the reason will be obweek ... hitch-hiker- vious. THE GREAT LOVER Gently he pushed her quivering shouldi-rback ugainst the chair. She raised beseeching eyes in which faint hope and fear were struggling. From her parted lips, the breath came in f.hoit, wrenching gasps. Reassuringly, he smiled at he r . . . Bzzzzz, went the dentist's drill. TIIOl'GIITS I OR SERIOUS MOMENTS A slender acquaintance with the world must convince e very man, that actions, not words, are the true criterion of the attachment of friends; and that the most liberal professions of good will are very far from being the surest marks cf it. George Washington. " to Start Operations Sunday Northern "'--th- T- Gli-nne- - Keith WalfiuisttoSpeal At Conjoint Program r - n-- xt Tre-mont- l- -' (Jt J '18 MAVI'.E Maybe the reason girls no longer marry men to reform them i.s because the men are nut the only ones who need reforming now. FIREMAN SAVE MY CHILD Let's change the adage right now to, "Citixens, Save the Firemen." . , . Next Saturday niht the firemen are sponsoring their second annual Firemen's Ball, the proceeds of which will go for the purchase of a respirator. What ceuld be more worthwhile than such a project . . . LETS ALL GO! |