Show a MS 1 41 SABBATH A ty I 1 NJ jj G S ideals m ereso ly expressed his feell feelings gk and his confidence in the work I 1 of god a testimony ot t the tho e troth inith of fot which he had received S since veld heafy headd lw and a h hai hal lot rat years sance ce to tg lost gost his ills labors in ln wo the es esteana terna sta W in trying trim to preach the gospel nd and b ap 1 ills desire to cling to t and 0 gel g u elder stephen alley kiley referred to illi his Y england eng land which he had star started tedon on in ln 0 O t 1 poverty of or the saints in that land anil an k earnest desire delire to enal eral emigrate grate and pointed tedo nl feis thi 0 expectancy raised in lil the minds otman orman y iff lff from their friends in this country uno write perhaps only onoe once making which they never fulfill he ire urged thelm the tho importance or of the young aua ana and nud particularly the E elders eiders lder ider studying the principles of truth elder john L dolten had beel vable vabie tl 1 l a a mission milston about three years ana and addah a hm tos h teil tell lle ile lie alluded and endorsed the ahe rem remarks arks arus r liley alley on the me necessity of study studs on the the tho young ato ito E elder eider ider lder john johh nider alder ex hed ted hl elin 4 it coining to he lie had bean abst allt t three years and a half in the fhe yn I 1 bosq M ain aln lie ire had hati striven to do doall ali ail all ii i power citrin detring that and N V AA elder orn botn the y ders tiers who wilo hav hal ejust j list returned per the their to exert their hufi influence fluence Ih ie far aw I 1 wa with th faed fawd and young oun brethren i 1 I 1 hele heie e fi pointed put clearly pie pic he altur authority tty to 0 o ae R I 1 in sever I 1 U c t gae pup J jha produced by ahe he principles or truth bil vil oa ulbe bibe who apply thenia the tile coltras contraste contrasted cont be tw ceh the bole Voie lop lopie rop le bt ale sti sil aie pie are aro th bose hose 9 e who x leceia rec lec ce eha livo the ibe i rt rape 4 pe b saints ei erida ezidA to ait nit men ly may mav ay I 1 lom ca to A dap of f 1 I 1 qt dossul does joes apt extend ip their evil aati actions 0 qs VT aar oar of he world has grown ngo nao go widespread wide api epi spread A efforts of men without the he authority of leaden leaven elf erf arajo ate are roy poy quess ress to successfully combat against tit lit itne ithe he po polie e 0 of fl the many essing which the gospel brings to those w 11 abs ey lf pres D H wells referred 10 to the fda idea arv irl ailigh some of the saints saint eole bome to okli plage thipa asas as they have picture pictured cf jihei the in their minds not as they have ilive habibi had chein picked by the elders eiders this Is tile the only zia zio abu bil bli the earth and if we would have it more perfect than it is we must mast live to make maue it so lar lie lle r reasoned IT on the authority of god and the aa by which mankind can enjoy the thel rig kig kights rights gats and blessings of citizenship in the kingdom of god ap and nna d s showed shoved ii awe d the tiie principle on thousands ha have r e h been e en r redeemed ed emed from poverty in otherl other and aad and placed h here bere ere in to secure an and enjoy a fl comp competence 11 enee 11 wednesday night kai fai the list of the engagement 0 of f mr phelps wilb who rui efi the characters of grana GranZ grandfather ather crepin the tha cobbler in a very felicitous mardner mariner we have this gentleman durin during lis ils brief engagement here circumstances preventing vur pur ur theatrical reporter from attending most of but ho he has made himself quite popular during ills lils ii short sojourn in thi ats a professional whilo while he has been quiet uh au transi veana and gentlemanly in lis ils private Is an actor of long experience and naris he Is versatile and clever correct appreciation of his professional duties and a better allder understanding standing of conceiving land lana aha and embodying the toe characters s he bt many PY who have heir their praise sounded loudly and often the round of characters played adby edwy scy mr avrin aurin to the six night she here were well c calculated versatility and aud d the successful manner in ili which they were wera rendered proves his capability he ile vas mas easery arery well sustained ln both pieces an wean wednesday ul night by mesag a x miss adams little delile deific the favorite cami tami others I 1 i at the fall ot ol the curtain bbb lik was wat wa called tor lor and ard d appearing in response bade fa farewell reVell and tendered his ills thanks for kindnesses in ina a rew jew appropriate sentences juh the g started fur for deliver denver oh on thursday rf there thero was a very crow crowded del dej house on ilsoo jbv evening of saturday last and a good nature natured audience who were disposed to jib red seemingly were so the irwins erwins made their furst first api nance nanee after a lengthened absence were a cordially tec received elved the uhe forthe euing evening ey were gist grist to the mill XIII and andy blake Blak eboth bolli highl elgh cheerful and sparkling v As a consequence there ther ewas was yas humor stage stags anil wail good the auditorium tho the irwim of course sustained the principal parts in woth bath pieces and played jil n their well weli known liht leht and easy bayle exciting the visibilities of the tre audience wonderfully boti pieces were r well weil ell eil cast and tho eho he characters finely sustained ned neo ope we doe thle ihle struck us forcibly during the evening 1 the tiie great stride which the regular member bf the company have made towards profi proficiency elency cleAcy since mr and mrs urs irwin played lere here winter of 63 61 6 tais thi was more apparent in bringing by side with those yeli yeii yell known artists artiste they tiley performed the tiie pau pai is ignec juned to them in a mann manner r that fully sus taHil the reputation they have made the theatre will be open on wednesday friday and saturday of the present week weeks forthe for the special accommodation of our friends who walh be in irom the tho country towards the ilie close clop cllia cilia IT the following telegrams t I 1 young rave been bega received 1 i south sou son pass 1 ia 1 alpass acra today nil all well loss LOGS of st stock 0 C nl nine e aizo lizo jiz dig 0 ad m IL D iia IlA zanT J ahro three crossing Crossl nes 27 lamp camp camp seven e miles lle lie ile 9 abobo mollere hero heno tonight lo 10 lowry lowny W ry ama WWW tp tr bridge today re A W AE E riler HINKLEY Hz ier ley xEr JT r 1 shree three shree three closings cion Clon ings lugs s zo lure hure here last n l ht stock doin doln doing tolerably A sandy G SO 0 passed here noon all ali wel vel viell 1 I 1 camp here tonight to night nii nil right A GREAT TRAVELER we had a call on thursday from aromo 0 F schaeffer who hasit has at 30 years of gge traveled III la every continent on the globe visited many countries and has in ills pocket book among autographs of many distinguished personages specimens nineteen different langu languages ages agos written in the respective countries where they aro arc spoken lio iio Is not omy only a great traveler but has hus dorie done nearly ali all his traveling on foot starting when hen a boy of I 1 it I 1 and and mending umbrellas tasby by the way as ho he wall wan through europe then iw lie traveled through asia then to africa and finally to this continent llo ito 1 now on ills lils way to from whence ho he besl designs ns proceeding r t taa astra lla ila china japan ac kc already ho has traveled tra veleA hiir over miles he Is of very short stat stature i about four feet six sit inches hlib deformed ormed in con sequence bran oran of an accident in early carlyll life fe is aAa nna ti nativo native tivO of hesse cassel la in germany with a paie pale ale aie weakly loOK about bout him that Is kearly scarly indicative 0 theve thele the courage durage and powers of endurance which ho ii 6 has displayed he ile la Is StOPP stopping 1111 4 at tt jhb eagle the tho present where a little pecuniary idd ida fro from in those disposed drapos ca togiva to give lf woUld we 1 opi nebo received by librn umbrellas not being plenty in ahli country amr uli ull linis libis his having never been very high pone forr ArnsOn DB tuesday evening eVen lug ath Jos joseph epli epil 1 torlif on of adani adam and jennet aged Y years died of a and ana d evatt was hurled burled tient ext day faday evening annie anul daug daba daughter of bishop john jolin shani sharli and ills lilt wife wlee aunie annie G biumi also aiso died froni from the disease I 1 hopu hode this adon pass as avray lt have ho already alre aire uly bhelt heel terribly severe in ai jb families jailor do T ti traill alu aln of immigrants arrived on tuesday 2 dinst ln stin in good condition thay hadt hatt a nine fine trip across the tha pins plains so arh ollada re reports and made in adery verv very gat ti me habin g lerl lerr tho the onfre july there were 6 deaths tn in the company during the jour lle lie aeh y artice e fast last one of whom died tho the night before ulio iho city and was wag interred after alter the arrival of the company Y e saw buop mn lluy ter ten hla counsel and many th Intent seeking after the tio w Wf elfare of i tue the new newcomers comers and anil ministering cialli elu wants nid irra very bev ner hours the most blost ilaa had haa fonna found places in to reside shepherd to the compary com cour alfis furnishes us with the following list of aged ij died july 2 klosner aged 2 25 dl died ed jilly etli crib klosner aged 25 28 died auz atiz aug 16 grace jacow jacob tc aged ed 4 42 y elfed died aug ang uhl elizabeth ellzabeth oliver I 1 aged agea if ical teti bilyj lambourn aa infant I 1 oledaus oie Ole led dAug dauz ars aus mth Eliza elizabeth bow boo oliver oliven aged 13 died f johre Joli if adams agad bcd 1 sep 1 batt as buried burled arree arrer ol 01 e amir artian ill fil the he city there was wak one birth on the nip trip rip across ier ter oss tile tiie plains A TK 41 essers cla cia son soni haa hail had a 1311 train of over 10 do 10 0 wagons wag ons arrive op on Td tuesday 1 I 1 ris laef its freighted with general mer mci chan chau diser diset to 0 increase their already al ren rem dy extensive exten lve an den deu d eu assorted stock this tills train brings m most ost ofee of for the present season thal that havo hwu not nat arrived up ili till liow now and comes very i opportunely as they will no doubt be anat anxious ous i to have hav their large stock of goods in a condition for lor examination by ther numerous erous patrons durin during conference times tuey they are aab t thriving business wh r i ll il 11 vaci WATCH ajo vye ye have learn learned ed from tiie thie ho 16 01 lable labie sources ajo of quite a number blumber anth in the peddling interest moving laig around aman among them the settlements andela ana and playing the game of saru swindle dle die to by PurpOse wherever opportunity offers Is chis the case in ln parts south valley san Sau reto peto county conkity having n heavy from this tills city wah a bar of goods tuey they ravel through ment rn el t q and ana do klo their best to rou cje hae people of their grain by the most molt bare faced lying in seek beek ing t to trade one ono of or them lately kiely ina in a sani rani te settlement a pound of burnt sugar for a 1611 bushel shil shit of oats oath and anti was trying industriously to circulate with the ald aid of others that feta at was was bringing only ac per bushel in inthis thil city we dehope fabre fibre our friends will watch these dreis dreu ednd and place no 40 reliance whatever in any thing they may say do your trading with firms of reputation and if isyou you keep watch dogs dos to show their teeth at all site slie buch such fc camps do donot not let yourselves be ae swindled ed of yer your liard ilard toiled for grain do we call the attention of last lait seasons immigrants Bisho bishops pg presiding elders and nil oil interested to the tho card of elder elde thomas taylor published in the present number itis it Is but just that thattie the means expended for the benefit benent of af those wase who ree rec received cirkl cirki his help helm should be bere berc re 1 u n d da H TRAINS gor GOT I lacap scap IV Thompson s train of at 1 wagons and abbat abbat passengers irot got into the tho citron eltron city eity on satu saturday aday they had made excellent time by b tile tho war way dayall considered si there was a it rapid disappearance of tilo the passengers shortly after the frain fran arrived their friendy friends rrt ends looking lookin them tip and taking them j home bome the follo W in are tit the name nam of otho othoe t hohe hose 0 who died dim belonging to this tifis com pany annes aunes ff hodgson enfant july A holt irol t from manchester england E aged 7 july 23 2 9 3 richard tarlok from liverpool england aged 1 4 years and 0 months july 30 david airmet from greenock scotland landage ageda july 1 I liti lod iod son infant ali all aug 1 dantel dintel arkwright taylor ln in fant all ali aug 1 william williamg WIlia IV illiams mg from st bride south wales aged 6 V aug auz 7 elizabeth boneham from coventry I england aged 7 aug 1 13 sarah sarab holt rolt from mane Manc liester ilester england aged 43 48 sep 19 samuel crane fron oron En england england eland giand 4 years and 6 months old sep sen 21 samuel smith from essex esses england aged 71 sep sop 1 0 cleven eleven deaths in nil all fehere wole wore three births during the trip captain peter seb Neb ekers train of 62 wagons and aud nearly passengers got goi got in on on saturday afternoon about 5 they madette made the trip in 53 days day s god tod lost only two head ot of cattle the passengers by li this train were lle lae nearly al III vii vil scan can cap afi aji clail rii ril e s train 11 afifi af 9 f 63 3 wagon ia ibon on and aud 11 per rei over id 10 passengers got in on londay morning they had a very ver 5 pleasant trip sine nine of the passengers died athe bye the wayS bc follo following iring are tho the names nimes r of the deceased kjersten lar q 31 ased aged 10 aue air 10 ren genss Ten gus pus sS sr jehsen jebsen hayg g g I 1 15 1 jacob h geda acda 1 aug ku 20 0 affair k ej r j JT if J I 1 I 1 Us teat I 1 lir tir ht se P 4 ragna bagna 04 auvia im aged ag A capili cp lit ili henry criddle criddie aged 52 sep 20 1 9 dohn john j col coi U fi aged ased q i 1 pat sep 21 nort nork it abill ali li O we wo accepted an with ale pleasure lapre a fedda few da s ao ago from hon uon joseph A young to accompany him hin to his ills steam saw mill u up p corti iby ily brcek kanyon tilo tho till tripp though a bricf brief one ong vias was filled pleasant peasant feelings ant aut aub au ic Ie recalled called blaus blans happy memories the boft going up thalean 1 yon yop s superb the mountain ides sties a ata tao road winds niong along covered cohered gitil till brusi that in tile tho touch i the rainbows apes in lovell lii and colors the ru rugged peaks rising above with s scattered around round impart nl art heird beird weird wildness to j dierce ne the beurn view lew Is oven ovea Q en u glimpses oatlie laue lake peep out between the openings in the ud a as its Us mouth vi ift gained a gorg eouts colts s tan panorama pano Tau oral oual rama iama a ile lle lies spread out in inke lake mountain and alley valley j ti the ie jatter iatter latter dotted with herds 0 P tock stock and clump of trees steaks r C ep j il fc I 1 lie whole iv holo I 1 tous towN was fas j lwe tho lio lie noad toad tue tup ot of industry In dusti 1 1 0 er the tile last qu ater ofa mile in particular has been made recel recent recert Atly at a co cost st or of over oer 1 an a 11 hh tery heay heavy labor largo large rocks oi granite and ane ani 0 hard hart to be ba blasted and ilie tho the shattered |