Show this thi years immigration A AND ND TRAINS elder seth M biair who came passenger wit with lithe tha iha last eastern mail maii and has arrived from a very successful und and ind laborious mission to texas furn furnishes isi i es us the following to information formation I 1 the company elder eider kinley kaptain left til ill the tho frontier e about the ath of ju june lie tie with 55 or 56 1 I wagons returning missionaries in ili this tills company bishop benjamin brown elder 1 W coward and others the 2nd and com rom company pany elder eider jacob F captain with about 50 wagons left on the irth of june returning missionaries the captain and eiders elders N X T guyman charles smith 0 A M dewell eric M hogan hog nog in and P 0 hanson the 3rd ard or texan company L elder lder ider seth M blair Cap captai taig tais with pith 43 or 44 wagons wagons and carri carrl carrules car ruges left ad on jath returning missionaries tiia tho Cupta Captai lii iii ii aud and ud elders J RI at barlow G C riser S S H cirl eirl JM ayer 0 tyler and IV trost the ath and the tha P E fund companies elder richard hard ballantyne Billant captain with probably about abbit wagons teft left on the tire of july re tilo tile captain aad eilers IV pitt IV V diver glover I 1 aire alred alre W pace race and T jeremy jeremay the thi ath company elder carn cam brother of daniel cam captain with about 34 wagons left on the an the tho rest of the immigration would aart start a about or luly july and it was thought that all the through P E fund saints would come komo on thrasea ign but in lit so doing they will llave have to LQ be rather closely rationed and will w ill lii depend upon hovi kovi provisions being sent out to meet aam the tho health of the immigration ration is not so good hereto heretofore tare and an epidemic epidemic swept orf off about one moue fourth of tiie tire lexau company owing to ill health and by prest snows snowa coti counsel usei usel caplain captain blair elair sent back on the road for eider elder EJ caward lv ard teven sou returning from a mission to gibraltar to come up and take tako charge of his company compan july lith Br blair biair took look a beatin the tha maii mali mail tall mail coach leaving the tha iteman and aud the first companies at plum creek 40 miles this side of kearney MY july ath 2nd and company was 20 miles beyond kearney and travelling tra traveil velling illg lii lid in ord order e r that the at h and the I 1 ftp P E fund companies might overtake them a as s on the fth the two last companies were only 30 miles this side of the missouri i iver liver this concentration had two objects one to bring the 4 first and P E F companies more di directly 1 under the supervision of aident elder R ballantyne and the other to be more formidable to hostile indians as some of I 1 them appear quite unfriendly williams cos gos first train of goods was at plum creek luly july 11 gilberts ivas ii near ar laramie larmie july 20 0 and livingston livinston kinkead coys gos first train was at the abe ath crossing of sweetwater july 28 all getting along well and no sickness sickles s it is expected that diat prest snow will bring the list af the names cf those CrOSSi crossl crossing Dg tile the plains this season |