Show the storm and freshets fresh ets in western penns pennsylvania from the pittsburg rosta post poat iune june alme 18 on saturday night last list this city and country adjoining djoi ning as visited by one et 01 the most destructive rain storms which has occurred here for many years the n windows of heaven heavens seemed to be opened 0 jo o their thein widest idest extent extant alq and for about three hours bowa the pater yater came down ina lna in a tegu regu regular larN niagara lagara torr torrent eitt kitt quite a number of accidents and incidents Inc ments occurred A bould bousd on pennsylvania avenue near the tunnell tunnel was wag v swept away and completely destroyed by the water tha the inhabitants barely escaping with their lives the paper apper mal MAI of mr james on the same avenue was wag overflowed by bv the torrents thich which cime came down lim eimm kirn street lii ald ail abarge a large quantity of paper caper paper destroyed other houses were also invaded by the water and durni furni ture and property de detroyer troyed iha the ang Aft herly rose suddenly several feet feit and started started adria abou about two vio hundred rafts which were ere morly wrecked 0 A the piers of the d dim if ferent rent nent bridges fears are also entertained th alpeat damage has ben been done to the crops as an the raili rard appel appears irs to have bave been as heavy all over the country I 1 from the pittsburg post junee junel 19 15 the storm of rain which cam down p so vigorously on saturday night seems to have spread over a greater surface and caused wore destruction of property than was at aidt aid t supposed it seems to have coig come from froia the northwest w t and that portion of the country situated north and anil wt wi west st of the allegheny mer river suffered mone more mare than any other part pirt the ra n was not accompanied ay ly muc much hf wind and the damage is consequently abt to so great as 4 it otherwise would have bave been buty buts but an as it it isy the alss loss from bieh high water Is y senous ser to be felt along the ohio and pennsylvania Kall road the tte rain iala 0 ared down doin in imse anse torren torrents rf the c creer rs ac were unable lo 10 carry away the lm immense rense tense body of water thiis thas precipitated into them and they thes ali all overflowed theba larik running ruining into the fields houses ac tha thi large larye tone tune bridge across the big lv about miles firm fira one of the post on the rad wa was washed away while the bri bridge ige at coia raa rua was partially destroyed les ies troed the track in many places between this aud rochester was covered with wih dirt washed down from the hill bill beveral several f feet tet deep aba aoa caused a of travel yesterday but I 1 tb the energy or of the officers it was cleared off enough to law alow the talus trains to nin run as usual in the af afternoon ter noon 1 1 1 up the allegheny the storm also appears to have been teen pt iless liebs s evert every little rill and rivulet was converted almost frist instantly antly into a foaming torrent toi tol rent and poured down the bills with resistless force farms barms on utti lill sides tides and in valleys i were deluged the fences tenets swept almay away and evy thing moveably moveable moye moTe able abie out doors started off coffta in the f fre freshet shet thet rine creek ro higher than it had iad evel ever be beeba i knob know n before and I 1 thread over ait alt thi the adjacent wt cot country four row coat railroad b ri tesy belon ging slug ia items spang co go crossing this were torn irda thir places place together with a large portion of the abroad tz tea teo two tra bridges of the allegheny an 1 4 butler plank roady road on the tte tie same came creek were ft ere likewise washed wa hed bed down The tbt water nater also rushed into the coal pits 0 f spang co sl situated three miles up 1 the it run ran ana and great emit trouble troubie will be experienced in cle clearing aritia them tm ont g so that work can be rosta rusta ned again g essny aa MY of the he market gardens at tse the moth orbe oc the creek when we I 1 visited them veltia veltra a eltia ettia still partial partially y under water I 1 and those from which the water had been drained were covered with brol en fence brushwood umber ac we ive understand under tand land that the cosof los ios of spank soana CoA iii ili be 2000 or dot dok 3 Qt and we f tel tei fei certain that ane e tl tines aes nes thau that t amount will hardly cover the dam damaine ige dlane done to others ceu cru ten acres of wheat wat to squire shiw shaw four biles miles up the creek were so prostrated ay thi rain th that a I 1 no tio hore hope cit niu diu U i jbf boy wiil will amount to nyhart the bp township ridge bridge across deer creek was swept away the lite bridge across squaw run the same tarn so that travel along that way was entirely stopped yesterday A bridge e belonging to the allegheny valley railroad at plum creek opposite was debar destroyed oyed kyed is was bras a also aiso iso the township bridge I 1 in ra birmingham the coal slack from the front ot ok beez keez keeland land co elo a coal pit poured down the railway and tied rifled ti up the street at the bottom several feet in ville title teegarden the garden and yard of yr mr frank layda lada were covered with the same kind of 01 stuff and several days yoli will be 1 required to remove it the storm expended its force before reaching to t the it e east and south bouth of the vity gity and the only damage we hear bear I 1 ot oi in that direction Is s to the crops which are ara said sald to have su summered suffered considerably we ite also hear that in th the ee extreme northern part pao ot 0 the county the rain wast wasi preceded rec ed ly x tremendous hall storm i i |