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Show I California State Federation of Laboi: I Endorse limit Stamp Campaign B Ilnkoisflold, Calif., Oct. 23. Tho HH California Stale Fodoiatlon ot La-, H foor nt It Twentieth annual convou- H tlon lioro uuaulmmously adopted ich- H olutlona endorsing tho govcrnmont'H H - JUia Thrift Campaign, mcmornllzlng H tho government to coutlnuo and ex- H tend tho War Savings and Thrift 1 . Htnmp Institution as n pounanent H policy holpful In safeguarding tho 1 earnings of the tolling masses of tho country, The rusolutton cndois- H Jng tho govornmont's thrift policy" B was Introduced by Daniel C. Murphy H of San Francisco, president of tho H i tSatu Fodoiatlon of Labor. H Tho resolution tecommondod tho H appointment of a Thrift Agout In H- every alllllated local union In tho H sluto mid advised each union to sup-H sup-H i ply such agont with a revolving fund H 'Biilllclont to enable him to cany on H hand nn adequate supply of Thrift H -und War Savings Stamps, War Suv- B Ingo Certificates and Tteasury Snv- H Ings Certificate Tho resolution In H follows: H "Whereas tho war no happily end- B tul has 'requited our people to (level- H op thrift and saving which to some H degrco has stimulated fiecdom of H action and Independence on tho pait H of wngo cornets; and H "Whereas, It Is essential to stim- B ulato thrift and saving In time of peace ns In time of war; and Hh "Whereas tho limuguiatlon of tho HH national system of War Savings and H Thrift Stamps has affoidod to many H 'of small earnings a safo, sound and guarantccdmothod of government In-.vestment In-.vestment of their haid earned savings; sav-ings; and "WhereaB, tho Amoilcan Federation Federa-tion of Labor In coventlon at Atlantic Atlan-tic City heartily endorsed tho government's gov-ernment's 11119 Thrift campaign; therefoic, bo It "Resolved that this convention do npptove of tho continuation and ox-tension ox-tension of 'the Wnr Savings and Thrift Stamps Institution or the substitution sub-stitution of a National Savings Institution Insti-tution or tho substitution of a National Na-tional Savings Institution akin In character and mothod, .which shall prove helpful to safeguard tho earn-iuga earn-iuga of the tolling masses ot our country; and bo it further "Ucsolved that this convention do .recommend to each alllllated local union un-ion that It appoint a thrift agent, to I cooperate with the govoinment In tho snlo or Thrift and Wnr Savlugs I Stamps, War Savings Certificates and , Treasury Savings Cortlflatos and that such agent be provided with nn adequate ade-quate revolving fund to enable him to 'cniry'on hand for tho convenience of purchasers n sulllclcnt supply ot such securities of the United States government." gov-ernment." President Murphy snld: "I feel that tho continuation ot tho teach Ing and practlco or thrift by tho government gov-ernment Is of vital Importanco to tho wngo camera of tho nation. At! this tlmo particularly It Is Important that ovory wngo earner help to bring exorbitant ex-orbitant prices to a normal level by saving evety cent bo can, thus cutting down the domnud for luxuries and permitting tho use of the capital saved sav-ed for the production ot necessities." It Is tho opinion or those who lmvo tho Interests or labor nt heart and who have given sorloiiB thought to tho problems or labor now con-fiontlng con-fiontlng tho country that the gicnt-est gicnt-est economic weapon that tho Individual Indi-vidual membors of organlied labor have Is n nest egg Invested In such securities as Thrift and War Savings Stamps, Wnr Savings Certificates and Treasury Savings Certificates. |