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Show I f Vr - UllV 3rTLVIl tfwaa 7. ''"sff ' " " PUBLISHED WEDXESDA ( : SBMI-WEY and SA TUHDA Y.) Mpiqra B:EC:L,ir' OGIEX, UTAH, WEDXESttAY, tfe 5, 1873. BY TELEGRAPH. DIRECTORY. 'J Z Patterson be, and he is hereby, expelled from his seat as a member of the Senand ate." The report is unanimous. Virginia, Nev., 26. Yesterday Mrs. McKay, wife of the engineer of the Gould & Curry hoisting works, while on a visit to her husband at the works, had her dress caught in the machinery and was bruised and torn almost to pieces. From the right hip to the knee the flesh was entirely stripped to the bone; her right shoulder was badly shattered; she died almost instantly. She was only fifteen years old and had been married onlj a few months. f $1.00 lKlt,K. 4 I II VOI. IV. Qo-dei- i Action of the Senate Credit Mobilier Satch-katch-- a The Spanish Republic asks Recognition! V . Indian Fighting in Arizona! " p.m-3.0- 0 I -- suo-ceedi- ng fi.m-t- o 0i-- hot-be- n Trains to-da- Hunting Adventure. - 1 duck-shootin- C g leather-legging- 0?len Library wood-pigeon- Pigeon-shootin- s, g WHITEHEAD, STREET, oudex, I.t DEALER hotel-stoo- e, and CASHPAID for HIDES. 1 shot-gun- s. JN0.V.FARWELL&CO., GOODS 61-- 1 DRUG STORE. 0RSV.S3Y, JR. su-amu- r i st)4-u- u vice-preside- PUrJlPS! POiViPS! I. KFOIl pine-kno- h3-- tf J. .tli LEWIS, ri-l- 11-l- e y REPROVED. MURPHY, SITE gl-3- m - - ,"''"'yjn8el. - I JOB PRINTING - 'raCTIOX OFFICE . if. ndian name of wnnna, of the bears in such close proximity our appetites being sharp set for the completely unsettled my nerves, so that races of fijSh which Francois had caught, I scarcely knew what I was doing. To Special to the Oodes Jcxction by the Atlautic Post OJIicc: Pacific Telegraph Company. uile Antoine and Jerome, the other the horror of my more experienced comOF MAIL8. AKKIVAL AND CLOSING guides, were pitching the tent and pre panions, I suddenly paused in my head4.30 p.m. 7 a.m. paring ine large tire 60 necessary in long flight, and emptied both of my bar.."o a.m. rels right into the lace of a huge brute hunting expeditions. w"t,Thr.nph Vail daily 5.30 n.m. As the shades of night darkened in that had evidently selected my unluckiy we could hear the cries of the self as its prize. Of courso the hail of us. C a.m. 4.00 p.m. upon Tke Citr, Jole lHy wood-fo4.00 p.m. nnd the pleasant gabble of the small shot only added to her rage, fcr it N.11I; daily uU Thwuf I. M.iil i.00 a.m. flu.ll wild duck as they noisily fed among the was themother of the family, though she ' "isU AND MAILS. the reeds of the swamp near sounds was in no way disabled; bo there I was CLOSINti. which gave us abundant promise of sport face to face to the anima', with an empty ami Tliurndays fmnitr. Tuesday, 4.00 p.m. o.....i..,Vin.iilv t LfiirnHl the next day. A couple of pipes and gun in my hand end utterly helpless, 4.00 p.m. - and 'i Rich 'Cui.ty, T.!Hbysome startling stories of Indian jungle- - for my companions could render me n 2.U0 p.m. umlUiurmlayn Monday 20. SaturParis, aud hunting from the Major prepared us for immediate aid, having their hands full HuiUue, Wednesday 7.30 a.m. Yesterday the report of the cemmiltee bed, and we slept drenmlessly in front of iu looking after the other bears. LvmtriaiB City ati.l Slatersville, of thirty on the Regency, embodying the the fire until sunrise. Francois Francois opened the battle by firing at 3.30 proved l,i,l.iv and Thursday Constitutional project was submitted by himself a true guide, for he roused us the father of the group, and succeeded an'! p.m. .Saturdays H'verdale VVdnelys AMERICAN. the committee. Dufauer announced that as the sun rose, and soon had us out en in Il,K.K'rvillo and Vlma, Wednesdays rolling bun over, lie had previously New York, 2G. 11.30 a.m. " tui'iirdav the Government unreservedly accepted the lake in a handed of bark the two officers some ot his round canoes couple HOUKS. kept OFFICK At the National Convention yesterday, the committee's recommendations. Mar hung up to trees. We made considerable bullets, and they loaded rapidly, ry, from 8 tu. to 6.38 p.m. General amendment in to of a fiivor the religious Sundav, 5 p.m. t ti.:il p.m. quisde Casteller urged the Assembly to havoc among the ducks by the time the between them in killing one of Constitution, the report of the Executive proclain constitutional UlvfilsiU V DKI'AitTM KM before morning mists had disappeared, for the the cubs, leaving his monarchy 3 9 companion to be p.m. Committee was read, recommending an it was too Ojwii from late, that France would be- birds were deliciously innocent of dan- attended to by Francois while they ran OFFICK DEPARTMENT. MONK in to such behalf of Congress application d come a of demagogism. Jeans, ger, so we gave front 9 a.m. t 3 p.m. up the work in sheer to my assistance, which 1 needed sorely. an amendment to the Constitution as will 1 0ntfi,le Dour open frii o a.m. to 8 .m. the bill, and de- pity. The afternoon was occupied in 1 had, Bonapartiat, oppose unfortunately, run too far from JUSEl'II HALL, lWinaster. recognize God Alniiguty as the source of manded that the nation should be con- fishing, and at Francois to receive my quota of bullets, we decided to go supper A all authority in civil government. sulted as to its choice for a Republic, further on to the northward in even if I had them, it is doubtful if of and hopes resolution was adopted, calling upon the Monarchy or The debate is to arger game. I could have made (hem available. Lenvc Osrilen Daily until further notice, for Salt Empire. women of the United States to aid the be continued 8 a.m. anil ;.3l p.m. and City 'at 5 a.m. and A twenty-mil- e tramp, for it was use- - When I so recklessly scattered my pigeoS a.m. For the West, work of the convention. $.;,i ..in." Fur the Latent ess in the face of the she bear, I to take the carts along, n-shot attempting An action has been brought in the Sued us to another lake known as Osh-a- and ArHvHimn Salt Lake City, 7 a.m. and 10.45. a. turned ran for the nearest tree. It 'rom tll(! KiUst 815 . preme Court to obtain a decision as to A m.a:id ii-- ' wa headto we be where established a mere sapling compared our hala, proved (i.0; a.m. oil) I'.m. From the West, whether certain real estate, owned by with sent so I at once started fuv the and Antoine Jerome tsi.lt Lake City Time. others, being quarters, 1 the late l'aran Stevens, including the A iew years loitered through the hot another back and more At for of stouter the end stem, hoping to guiu supplies. Fifth Avenue Hotel in this city, the Cin- summer months iu the province of Ou two .Services we found ourselves very com- it in time to avoid my pursuer. Religion days 11 a.m., and cinnati Hotel, Philadelphia, and the tario, Canada. I had speut several days Every .Sunday, in tlieTaliernarlo, at Alas! my foot caught in a projecting nnd enjoyed fishing and in tin. Sii uiid Wand Farley's School Trcmout and Revere Houses, Boston, fishing for pickerel among the Thousand fortably fixed, and down 1 wont on all tours, hi our to the hearts' at d root, content, p.m. ing and Third should be sold, or the hotels carried on Islands, on the river St. Lawrence, with a.m. mid 7 p.m. a moment I felt the bear seize me in a a to fat Kii"):il Church at 11 Major being lucky enough bug under direction of the executors. The tolerable success, thanks to the expori buck while he MMlmdint Chinch at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. was sauntering among the terrific hug, her hind feet tearing away .iritiuli't Lecture (Child's llallat ld.SO a.m., court directed a referee to ascertain the ence of my Kingston boatman-- . But the in an awful manner at my stout 7 and 2 p.m. (Lyceum), p.m. value of the property, reserving its de- weather became too hot, even in this openings. It was a terrible moment, fur we could hear the monot Every night cision upon questions of law. latitude, for such sport, and the fish re- onous coo of the and as death seemed imminent, while the reCity Los Angeles, 20. fused to bite, so I was fain to wander At G. W. Turner's. Oiwu every day, Sundays to be a diversion, it was ports of my companions guns rang in my KCflitfd. The following from the seat of war in about the sleepy little city of Kingston, they promised decided that a day should be de ears with singular distinctness. The pain finally Arizona, is from a correspondent in the or walC'i the soldiers at their afternoon voted to them. in the of the bear's hug was a suffocating one, fields. The operations ot troops from drill, on the slopes of the fort, their red woods is hunter and I ceuld feel 'her huge claws the a for peculiar tport, Camp Verde and Fort Whipple, include coats strongly contrasting with the greeu has to trust G. to the and car. tugging at my legs until it seemed as if eye entirely a ficlit by Lieut. Michler, at Tonto sward of the parade-grounIt was the the flesh was being torn away in masses and Moving slowly silently through Creek, January 22, in which he killed 17 was always a source of wonder to me dense forest, the mournful pigeon's cry I had lost my gun when I fell, and was and captured 32. In the attack one sol- how the people managed to enjoy life in FOURTH ou at and is l heard, stop listen, without knife or other weapon a lesson length dier was killed. Capt. Price, of the 5th 83 dull a place, for there was no bustle, and when note in woodcraft I have never forgotten so his the bird utters again Cavalry was killed by fire warriors, near no commercial signs scarcely ever risi- - you carefully trace him to Ins tree, it was impossible to tight the brute, exFour Doors from Z. C. M. the east fork of Verde, on the Nth of blo. usually finding him sitting on a bare cept to wildly pound at her eyes with p Ono evening I sat on the GENERAL January, 1st Sergt. Day being in combranch near the top. wholly unconscious my fists as she endeavored to bite me mand of a detachmeut on a side scout at quietly smoking a cijrar, when two of ef IS danger. The woods resound with the a feat she unsuccessfully attempted two the time. Lieut. Woodsor's command my garrison friends, Major Pomfret and ROOTS fc SHOES, and or three times. of your fowling-piecwas fired into on the right, killing one Captain Hardinze. came up from their discharge Just then the Captain and tho Major down tumbles the game. LEATHER horse. Capt. McGregor's command, quarters and invited me to join them in ran up, but fouud themselves unable to in A is order that then rest necessary, SHOE FIXDIXCS, Capt. Carr, Lieut, ltice, and Indian a hunting tramp to the great 1 ine Belt, use their guns for fear of hurting me, so At the Lowest Prices. 1'roduce scouts, encountered heavy snows in the as the lumber district is termed. Both the pigeons may recover from their mo they did the next best thing, and began when olf the party start Taken. mountains, and returned to Whipple ou of the gentlemen had only been in Cana- mentary fright, the pounding snarling brute on her makes This pigeonproceeding da a few months, having come with their again. the loth. They killed two Indians. in hopes of inducing her to haunches, and such rather in exciting, Washington, 27. regiment straight from India. They were shooting front, as they afterward teruud In the Senate, Morrill, of Maine, sub- ci.tlnifciiistic sportsmen, and talked incei- - woods as I have described a full bag is change it. These efforts failed, however, to mitted the report of the Senate Credit Hanth' of stalking blue bulls and ante generally the result. the desired cirect, the hear produco We started after pigeons the next day Mobilier committee, with a resolution lopes, or shooting tigers and chciahs. wisely considering a man in hand worth REP AIRS NEATLY EXECUTED. The re- while their rooms down at the barracks directly after breakfast, of course armed two Patterson. of the for expulsion in the bush, so she continued to hu;; v Francois, however, me and port presents the fact9 ascertained touch- were full of rare skins and other 1trophies only with growl, her hind claws scratching of the Indian jungles, so that really insisted on taking his rifle, and he put my limbs until the blood ran. ing each Senator in the case. vilon, the committee nnd, made an fell in with their latest hunting pro in his pocket a handful of Brown Bess WHOLESALE NOTIONS. But Antoine, brave follow that he wa?, bullets, a proceeding that proved quite investment in good faith, on the recom- gramme We were to go by steamer up the buy provident al before the day was over. proved himself fully equal to the emermendation of Ames for the benefit and for he joined issue in the battlo And Woolens. in behalf of his wife; and after finding ofQuiute to Belleville, a bustling little The birds were plentiful, and our bags gency, Largest Stock West of New York. with his 6harphuntingknifc and madesud noon ; on and afterward push by wagon became inconveniently heavy by that there was some trouble connected town, Monroe audFrauklin CHICAGO havoc with the she bears interior. This Sts., with the matter, he returned the stock for Madoc, a village then becoming fa- so a halt was called lor lunch, prearato- - treatment y to much for her, soshj proved and all the profits except the ten per mous for some gold mines that had just ry to our returu to camp. Our rendez hiud feet until I on rose her suddenly of the base of of a best was The that at vous huge pile part cent, guaranteed by Ames, and that his been discovered. LOGAN off lifted arid then the was connection with the stock was entirely night was occupied in packing up, so rocks that cropped out of the grouud in abandoued me for theground, brave voyageur. cast ofl weird confusion, being doubtless an up DR. thut when the leiiuviile innocent. seemed for Anioine the enprepared uu we formation that heaval of the granite to Harlan, the committee her moorings, the following morning In LOCATED IN LOGAN, CACHE CO., regard and as the bear HAViX(J counter, charged upon were on board, aud baae good ly t derlies the whole region. to attend to the practice of Medi- - find that he, while Sccretsry of the Inhim he dextrously buried his knife iu ul" aery ami unstetrits. of od we the in were heart and her old from very received Though $10,000 in Kingston 1855, sleepy terior, Martello towers. Tae trip the woods, the trees in the vicinity were body, when both rolled over together iu of the U. P. Durant, then was a pleasant one, t le tcene stunted, showing that the soil was shal a death grapple. By this time Francos the b'iy K. It., and while the committee strongly up hud killed the second t ub, aud alter resurprise, low. Still it was a beautiful spot for our reprehend tho use of money for the pur- ry being charming aud a perfect afternoon we arrived at purpos, ana rrancois soon nau a nre loading his rifle elicited our admiration 31. STUART poses this was evidently given for, to aid aud late in the SALE THE liEST AND running up and deftly putting a bulan election; and while they reflect upon the queer little Belleville wharf, as it blazing, Antoine meanwhile cleaning a by let force and Lilt Pumps for through the head of the she bear us it etood among a colony of steam sawmills pigeons for the spit. Our appetites were or Kliaiiuw wells. Points for the motives ot Durant. they say that 'q Pateut Also, she lay struggling with his comrade. Inve Well I, .i.i.. IIUU ..; was influ- huge piles of lumber, and acres of rough naturally sharp eef, and the meal proved ".i..-- , ...i.i. c.lliL.l'JIU ,nu ..!:.. rifling. does not appear that Harlan ended otr bear fight. That fixii'1 "I'd litted The t one. at a famous booms nwouable terms, upon crackling enced in his action, as a Senator, by the log huddled together by endus 1 am not ashamed to confess that I "orksliop, Tithing: OAicc, Osdt'ii. transaction; and while the receipt and A good nights rest nt tne notel re fire glowed in a crevice of the rocks, and I was sorely for of fainted we the full were the roast next then, at and in freshed the just us, enjoyment to daylight is censure, use of the money open . it i out of breath. and we a were in wuen an a Madoc for wounded, siurtieu Dy actually light nigeon. adduced failed to prove that morning we started ' S. carthe of ll.uk But at a our our rear. witn hunt hoarse in Cognae, pull another growl following Harlan was influenced improperly by wagon, WATCHMAKER and revived soon ourres.' the ried bears! The of bears!" "Dcs me, Antoine, AND JEWELER, a by After nearly rough ing gear. the gift. as wo all leaped in- we examined my hurts. The bear had shouted ;,ler n, WatrJie., ciockn. Jewelry, Silver mid ourselves we found Francois, committee three the cnienug days of the case In Patterson, ited i.,lre) MAIN gxilliET. (KJL'EN. torn my leggings and trousers into shred, of the confines of the Pine Belt. Nothiug stinctively to our feet. iwpainug neatly duue auU all work warranted. says the evidence leaves lit tie doubt and for was sure vast these forests Bears it than my legs were deeply scored by her coming more enough, is impressive of Credit his purchase of thirty shares the formidable claws. No bones wero broof four us were uncouth hundred miles one down Over trees. have of upon must he and pine that Mobilier stock, eviand the blsod was soon in rocks over the from British and however, ken, brutes, scrambling extending been cogn't int either at the time, or not in width, was some mood. fire our It an the belt of to the stopped by Columbia rough bandages, so I angry dently the of Fundy, bay long subsequently, of the nature mischief. iu was able by sundown to take the trail a the Built done had inexliaueUble TFY0U WANT A TH0MS0NIAN DOCTOR an that affords timber of sup it between relations OH corporation, and the A it had .been, some of the for camp, where we arrived by midnight. Thouisoiiion Medicine, and the Union Pacific. The committee ply tjf that lumber known all the world crevice, as have been driv n by an air Two days were occupied by our guides is dense So smoke must the Canada as CALL OM DR. over pine. say the evidence ithovs that Patterson some sort of subterranean in securing the skins aud fat, while we into scarce current that immensetrees these of rrowth of POST OFFICE, MAIN ST, was familiar with the operations is met with, while cavern, which formed the den of the enjoyed bear steak to our hearts content. Ames, and he had frequent dealing with W miv undergrowth Coxscw Tiojf with decay bears. They had, no doubt, beeu smoked I kept house in camp for near y a week, is Fek, $ljoo. carpeted softly bim in Mocks and bonds of the Union the ground seldom pene out by our fire, ani were consequently the guides proving excellent nurses.' In sun The needles. in Patfind pine that Pacifie road. They also in their blind rage. It was decid- due time we returned to civilization, us S.1 tn vOnpcr,,y- Aeenu wanted! All terson, when examined before the com- t rut cm these forest solitudes, and the fierce sum an in and cl!t,sea ff working cool unpleasant predicament, four the Canadiau woodmen term the settleofeitiL are woods edly pleasant very mittees of both branches"of Congress, to five men. one of thein ments, and on reaching Kingston the came we across bears there opposed and Here bemer. of the actions ' ,.,'.e"- "l",re ,'LU". "K'nifiits, or nil the gave a false account with abounded which wholly unarmed, for Antoine had carried officers kept me a close prisoner until Partioulars free, Ad- - tween himself and Ames, suppressed mf a... n ml onening. C' CU the regimental surgeon finally proour small of game. provender. material facts, which must have been all sorts nounced my convalescence, when I parta tree!" trees! behind the Pines the "To reached the we get before Long known to him. The committee have ALL KINDS OF ed from my kind friends, perhaps fortwo the the and we cried were guides, nimbly setting reached a conclusion, after most atten- road had become indistinct, our and The as to ever, Even now I sometimes dream of Freuch Major spoko. they example trust to entirely tive consideration and anxious delibera- compelled I startfollowed while the bear fight, and am only too thankful we had the whom suit, Captain engaged Canadiau guides, EXECUTED WITH ACCURACY tions, which they would fain wish were to wuke and find myself safe in bed,, that a the off to ed AND or left, Aiaaoc proceeding DISPATCH AT THE otherwise, but which duty compels them with tneir pack thataogs ni at the s me eost life. mddenntf The through I stilt carry the marks- of- tW my nearly evening to declare : They submit the following Camp was pitched and the unexpected tight bear's claws alarm the the f lake little beautiful bearing a of side W. refslutiont "KesoWttd, that James OCDEN V - s. i i |