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Show Sunday Serious in Congess. Theatrical. The Ogden Dramatic weeks they adCorrespondence. themselves as was Company revelacquitted and entered the into journed Briguam City, Feb. 20, on Saturday ries and dissipation far away from the expected with great credit Editor Ooden Junction: in the successors. The Senate was engaged in its deliberations all yesterday, notwih-standin- g the regard and veneration in which the Sabbath day is held by " the American people. Undoubtedly some criticisms will be passed upon hc course of the Senate in deviating from established usages, by devoting Fot The fairies was perfect and every character was well rendered. Many expressions of admiration were given at the excellence of the performance. AVe hope to be aVle to announce that this talented troupe will give another performance, and that the people of Ogden will tender them a tribute well earned and wor- night. scenes of their usefulness. We, however, echo tlie wish that they may return to their homes and give the country some relief from the platitudes which fill volumes that are of no interest to the public, and from the scandals that have cast an indelg a day that is usually accepted as ible stigma upon the fair name of the consecrated to rest and religious people they have pretended to serve. worship. This is not an exceptional incident in our parliamentary history, but its may give rise to Forgeries on English Xoles. sonic very important considerations. The report the notes that It is generally regarded that Sunday of the Bank of Enjrland have is a legal holiday, and that business suc- with counterfeited . . ibeen . transacted on that day is illegal and cess, and put into circulation is i:ull. and void. Throughout the difstartling, to those who arc familiar ferent States and in the Territories a with the workings of that colossal inr.otc executed or an account incurred stitution. We infer from our disconsidered is not valid, 01 Sunday, patches that the magnitude of the tnd as iu defiance of the spirit based forgeries is incalculable as yet, if any upon a Christian civilization. judgment can be based upon the conA just discrimination must be made sylph-dauce- be-in- in the laws that relate to the observance of Sunday as a legal holiday. There is no difference made in days recording to our national code When the American Couetitutiou was fram- ed, a strenuous and persistent effort was made to insert as a preamble the recognition of a Deity, but it was thwarted on the ground that the embodiment of such a clause in the Fcd-ncompact would conflict with an- al other that proclaimed the right of TliV in urn IIOIEK two Drama. Home-mad- e A ifl "117110 WANTS A evening after bed time, who alwir.S!" while a brisk thawing, wind was blowing House, Et..,-- Stove iWU-U ml'LV"11 a house of three room?, built of adobie, hps. very Man, Woman or Cliilii ,.i. w health by jjuikJ Imng, Hhonhl buy one of and situated in the southeastern part of the town, was partially demolished, of the roof fell with the back CELEBRATED room of the building, the rest of the roof and the walls of the two front rooms are left in a very unsettled Btate, thy cf appreciation. new play, On Monday IMcl-Koep- r , two-thir- The and may give way any moment. house had just been sold to Mr. A. The by Mr. Gerhard Jenson. former had just moved in with his faini- ly, and the family of the latter still lived there, who aU. in connection with a man from Huntsville, were resting under the roof when the accident occurred, all came through a window in double quick time, not waiting to dress. No one was hurt, but ?ome wire considerably scared. The adobie walls of the house, owing to a defective foundation, had sunk and become disconnected with the roof, rendering the house an easy prey A. C. to even a moderate wind. . THE law-- VXvttJ Gor-genso- u, vk i n 7-- : writcn by E. L. Sloan, Esq., of the Salt Lake Jlrrald, is to be produced at the Salt Lake Theatre some time during the and present week. Its title is Steam," exhibiting the contrast between the old style of travelling and the new, ' Ait Ml :vsco WW and introducing scenes which will be fa miliar to many residents of Utah. It also j ; Mi a of novelties startling presents many and sensational character, after the style Apdeess or Church Emigration of Boucicault's best efforts. Mr. Sloan is Agent; Mr. William C. Staines, Box ASK YOUR TINKER FOR THEM T. 0., New York City. not a novice in theatrical literature, and 3957. If ho don not haT an iwortmeut, send yom we have no doubt, judging by his well- known abilities, that the new play will The Isabella, of Spain, Excelsior Manufacturing Co., be a grand success at home and abroad. met her husband for the first tin;c in 6,2 'nJ f'u MAIX STREETseveral years at the late funeral of! 3Io. Instructor. The Juvenile Imtruetor the Duke de San Ricardo, in Paris, "R T0 and his which showed him little baby for March 1st is an exceedingly interestJ.M.ALLEN k CO., TAYLOR A CUTf.KIt. utitu! was bom. It is evident that Z10V8 zc M. j'. StrMt c. u nASSFT:f recently ing number, and is finely illustrated. distance. love annihilates hakkison, t suaukky s kutatk, The publisher announces that half-yea-r ly subscriptions can only he received at i,aHO City, Utah. Sleeping cars are to be run between aw the beginning or the first of second half Loudon aud Liverpool. of the volume. Yearly subscriptions will be received at auy time, $2 per annum. Every family should have it. sternation alleged to exist in commercial and financial circles. Xo institution in the world has adopted greater safeguards or taken more u vigilant precautions against the of its notes than the Bank of The intelligence that England. wily rogues have palmed upon the world spurious duplicates of this gigantic corporation will be received with dismay, as it is a medium of circulation throughout the world. j ex-Que- - St. LOUIJ j j imi-tatio- j :- - j kalt 11 ! 2. civil and religious liberty. Therefore Gran ft Second Term. he attempt to engraft a provision that wa9 inconsistent with the. spirit President U. S. Grant will be incf the Constitution, failed. The augurated at noon, .as the munciation of Jefferson that Chief Magistrate of the Union. His the in Constitution present term expires at word religion would give birth to ideas foreign to and his power will bo continued for a the dissemination of republican prin- new term. The most imposing deni ciples, was potent in excluding the oustration ever made in this couutry, tuactment of laws to suppress the will be witnessed on this occasion right of free and untrammeled liberty When Grant takes the solemn oath of conscience. ol office for the second time as the Sunday is not known or admitted ruler of our destinies; let his heart to be a day known in our political be animated by a more magnanimous catechism apart from other days. All and generous feeling than has actu laws made to prohibit the violation ated his expiring administration. of its sanctity as a legal holiday are statutory or municipal. Hence the Congress in flic Agonj or Senate was not deterred by conscIe:ith. ientious scruples to interrupt its reguAlthough it is strongly indicated lar proceedings by a' punctilious that an extra session of Congress will to the day which is dedicated be called, we have received no posiId worship among the steeples and at tive information as to the determinathe altars which are devoted to the tion of the President to issue a procRuhr of the Universe. lamation convening the newly elected The constitutionality of the laws body. Up to this hour it is merely passed or discussed on Sunday, was stated that the members of the next f rst established and maintained durCongress are assembling in great ing the acrimonious agitation of the numbers in anticipation of the Prcsi Kansas-Nebrask- a bill in 1854. For dent's convoking the next House. several days and nights the two The Capitol is crowded to excess. houses of Congress rcmainod in conBoth branches are in session, and stant session, inclnding that day reSenators and Keprcscntatives arc served for holy duties. A question urgiug the passage of measures that arose regarding the legality of the arc under consideration. It is not session, and the validity of the laws probable that tho Utah act will be passed on thd Sabbath day. As an taken up in time to insure its pas illustration of arguments adduced, the averment was made that the sage. House.of Lords and Commons were MONDAY. 3. assemble on not permitted to Sunday. Cavght IIim. The officers who went Justice Chief now Chase, in Senator, pursuit jf Lee, the perpetrator of the responded that the laws of Great abominable outrage on a lady at the de.Britain were influenced by the union pot, particulars of which appeared in cf Church and State; that the estab- our issue of Saturday last, eucceeded in lished Church of England had a capturing te culprit at Toana. Justice Middleton went to Salt Lake yesterday powerful voice in the affairs of the to obtain a requisition from the GovernKingdom, and the precedent could or to enable the officers to bring their not be accepted as conforming with prisoner from Nevada to Utah. Mr. the customs end habits of this na- Middleton was expected back before this but has no doubt been detained by the tion. At this stage of the proceedings obstructions on the Utah Central It. II. of Congress the country is not disExponent. The Mvmant Exponent posed to cavil about technicalities That they have been extremely assid- for March 1st, is at band, brimfull of matter interesting to the ladies of Utah. uous during the last few days is unEv r; lady ia Utah should take the deniable. , Their delay and procrasPrice only $2 per annum. tination may necessitate un extra Publishers Woman's Exponent, Duttfion, much to the dolight of their Salt Lake City. mid-nigh- t, Ex-fone- Ad-dre- , 1873. es Travel. The Central Tacific train was about five hours late this morning. We have not ascertained the cause of its detention. Yesterday morning it arrived in time without a through passenger. The C. P., however, is not kept back by any obstacle which the elements place in the way of its progress. Last night the Union Pacific came in without fail, and went off this morning at the usual hour. The heavy snows on the route are no impediment. d The Utah Central is on the Sand Kidge, and at this hour has not made its appearance. The heavy winds of yesterday caused the snow to drift, to such an extent, that it was im possible to overcome the obstruction. enow-houn- Fall. on their Some school-boy- s school this to way morning tied an oyster can to the caudal extremities of a puppy, which darted down the street, aud came in contact with a sl:igh. The horses became frightened, A two-hors- e andstarted evidently determined upon to the corner of Coming revenge. Fourth and Young, the sleigh was upset, however, w thout inflicting any damage upon its occupants. oft Gu Z HHK GROCERIES, HARDWARE & CROCKERY; TOOLS, IMPLEMENTS & STOVES; DRY GOODS,' STAPLE and FANCY NOTIONS, CARPETS. Olli CLOTHS, UPHOLSTERY CiiOODS, CXOTHIXtt, HATS, ROOTS and SHOES; Wall Paper, Bordering, Decorations; Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines; WIXES, LIQUORS, ALE and PORTER; Singers' Sewing Machines, in Variety; Bespoke Boot and Shoe Dcpnrtncitt: Leather, Findings, Beltings, &c; PRODUCE, 'GRAIX, BUTTER, EGS, Ac; SCI1LTTLE8 MACHINERY IN ALL ITS WAfiOXS, BOB BRANCHES, &C, SLEDS; &C. Washington News. We are without our usual late afternoon dispatches. This is to be regretted; at this time the TO most profouud iutercst is felt in the important subjects, that are of deep moment to the people of Utah. Our readers Will find the Largest Assortment of Merchandise in the several Departments of Z. C. M. I., as above, that can be seen in the West, and all at fair prices. will, however, be compensated by a perusal of our telegraphic columns, which si 3m H. B. CLAWSON, Superintendent. are worthy of groat attention. Wholesale Purchasers and Visitors SALT LAKE CIT" -- Tows Items. Yesterday was the coldest day experienced in this city during the winter. is more pleasant, but still the weather is biting. Some fast gentlemen are making the resound with the noise of streets which proceeds from revelry, To-da- y to-d-ay over-indulgen- Several dances and parties are in contemplation. Among the many spoken is St. Patrick's aniversary, which will be celebrated with unusual pomp, and for the first time la this Territory. The President is urging the passage of the Utah bill. A little iutercst on his part to secure the expulsion of dishonest Senators and Congressmen would be better appreciated by the country. It is certainly as desirable to get rid of thieves in ollice os it is to get l id of polygamy. Evanttvn Aye. II E N E TV HOUSE G. F.CULIEE & CO., T or GROESBECK-- BLOCK, SECOND SOUTH STREET, SALT LAKE CITY, SPECIAIiTY 03P CHINA and JAPAN TEAS T&JT5L?E1 j9l OF THE VERY CHOICEST QUALITIES, Imported Direct. THE LARCEST ASSORTMENT OF WIHBOW .GLASS IN THE TERRITORY; Blue, Yellow, Purple Jones thinks that his kitchen Stained Gius, Green, IUh Orange. clockliiust keep ''the time that tries 00 men's souls." He never knows vheu Orders from the Country prorup tly filled, ml Class Cat to ny S dinner is going to be ready.' ' Shape, without etra hurge. eV5-lj- ami na r |