Show CITY NEWS I 1 bonci mr A L IT aum aume is ill tho the special correspondent of the and daly an lMH dd ana receipt forth for the artime any attentions padd to mr adams during lib bite trip will 10 appreciated by tho the tribune printing A raLUs rabih hini hinc co feed T rEa teals manager lot from gilmert Gilm crl stage lc ic tween hwn phelan and october bar L ol of bullion so no 2233 M A of taa will be ba given for its tt at wells well F argoe co t m office in lake city I 1 A BALL A ball came off lul at might bight at tho the bait lilo like HOMO kini dl as might be expected vias naj ft a brilliant jef fair tim THIS friends rit nili ol of mr and mra mr iu doubtless read the notice in another calcium and lie bo pleased to leua that mother and son BOD aro are dolse doing well A ot cis TEE c we un dentandt that tt at tho the request rc luet of 0 many friends DrU organ E sit can of to deliver IL a emro course of too laren on at t the lorti liila on wednesday evenings evening the first of the th series commences on wednesday a nut 1 I t when tho the subject of tho ilia 1 vi ill all tie bo handled hind lod wo learn that tho the doctor will an sar any questions from the audience anili eDCO at lite celoso of him hii lecture the publio publia is invited 9 TuC Alc last lail night the theater wu was crowded from boor to ceiling ci aing to lo wit nesto the of tho ilia drama entitled I 1 or dot at house von or Ili foo mr johnny allen mine mim alice air risom mil and tho the unions little use mc butt gust lining jaing alio killing colci we hd had not alio of witnessing tho the whole aholo of tho the performance but bat and ing from tho ilia repeated applAn aad CD corea corca the iho play is ia a huge success mr alien is corta certainly a fine cue actor and unlike many othera who attempt the german charac tor ter ho he mafit dra tho the english stirman brogan mm mass sustained the part 0 of f loglio creditably ir HAnoyAn OpE an eney tumor of the lanil land having for ovar forty aorl years yeara arri well mr lars lan A ge 11 between fifty mil sixty years of a so a roti I 1 filing with mr acter olan on the ward binch ho be hu daiil upon Us ui to bay 1117 that dr higgins divit davis on saturday cut AWAY from lim him an ca tumor weighing about seven ounces it grew im almin marar brandy aal ivring to the lal att tho occupied two minutes mi Dates atud without hoat he application of clio reform bolor na 7 C carmon safer MA inthe in tho cam oron case le stated by bj th tho 0 erport from the probate court vi herein it wu TU said that the major waa flnoy foghis for his complicity there with irith did tny any trul trial of that nature take place there tho the t 50 ia fine nu imposed on him by the jury in tho the probate aprobato court coort for and battery on cn alio of mrs mra autv TUII tho ilia proprietor of tho the colorado Col llonas likich mr carman leased from rom her at ilia tuno time tho the assault and battery wu won to ha committed wo we always f fuel ia a in correcting fany mitale in may a Y occur but wo wore a bot at responsible for tho ilia report alluded to ale M it wu was i a communicated ono but in ia justice eutico to tho the injured party wo we think it at none the leu our jaty duty to mike malto the correction corre clion hox hov U J E jonia jones the is at Litra inte tho the follis there wo chia the following fou irion from tho ilia independent ot of dec 11 tho stattira lyceum bureau las laa pim paid a fine compliment to lactation oily city in reading to it one of tho the beel upon its if excellent listii list latch tho the rev E if U clapin of of now york call login and fotij ore en of national repute tito uon hall C V E 1 jonca is not only a pro propound prom lound nl thinker and aad accola p ed orator but lit 14 a gentleman of 0 infinite I 1 a 1 humor flous throughout lite Allsto terio at lilio k the inear me ripple of a mountain brook milk ills au d lc dc 0 ta h heild b id w with 1 t b i n firm rm liand land fr from 0 m t lo 10 c or a die X k C CM on to tto tho closing word lost the subject object WM was pill p 1 1 4 and CUn Sla 1 ibi ilas n lio thiro n illi 1 A ilia ical clat lite alio lecture blight lo be tie dry as 08 tho the subject wore toro happily dim dig of nace doto wasla ira in his t powers of mimicry misail ery place mr ir james aide by ado a with that tatt great temperance lecturer jolo john B 1 lough I 1 toa stow tho luthera Scull ieru became avith enow via litter letter part ade clist last week on a 1 lot ot of abit thud chui CA cily ily with alth tho allow plow to clett clear tho the truck priday might bight was 8 terribly coll cold but the mm men labored int inc casaul ly although nearly couii and again out oat the abs mooting alty bip to alto mil samoa ithon alion in an I 1 occurred two attached was vu driven against a rock and aud boil through some como yot yet n ad liale the cagan ca coulat 1 damping the ilo ittel betout tir ilij off to the amow with tomo some four loEn blen mccon in the top ot of him tito concussion concu salon also sharp to a uia the extent client sal we ve are rc informed of beung i rib nl willi WiLlIt tho hatice cicca p tho cogill ovidea tano DO other basuil ties occurred tho trick track lt now levy clear or if tho of ILA neck limit between md and tho birdt two sall sab lotha ot of alo 10 lo now noir acar tia a weck of prayer was UK first by uio the ad alliance an of chretian tian mm men corn coal posed from loading leading it throughout ilia christian world and designed deafened especially to lo strengthen the bonds of thy by md union between these bodies wo un sant dirt nj that services mil mail bo be held each cluing flits mock in ilo Moth methodist odist church lue here load laj that tile bombers of the diffident ral gijiu ot of tho the city aro are peeled to la participate the following is in ft a condall con darl lui list of the recommended ly by tho Ul lanct kanj ay iy y 1 A 5 sermons Bab baljeet jeet 1 ud t m 1 1 z am u rity and universal exa extension tension of the C aa rw uz a Alo alonzy olay janovy 6 Groate grateful ful C it f providential and spiritual blessings to our a adien famil liel and churches tuesday tucy january 7 craycr for christian CL rullan churches odd and alica ministers weilor january 8 sprayer fur for and educational thursday Thurn Thur day dilay january 9 for to nations inkman pence md and amicable amicably amic ablo adjustment of oc arid january lu craycr for niL mau aInd allied in stun flous of Ludi noss ind and atia nd for the port pori ly 1 of the ali press mm saturday january 11 Par peytr tayer lr irr ill all agan cie caw of c cliritie T 12 ti ermone lit alth tiriolo ilia blury article md and anita tito will tit at bovain iton and nd C lobe lItE taLt Acl dal li is clec tile I 1 to id tilt nil Ful maillo olf oi A socimo of musical friends took place ila lit t tit chool rooms lut 0 in order to lo talethe talio abo initiatory steps for alio llio of a irous icil for salt lolio latin city cily tiia thu gather lug was ITI not 64 LL iorga lr 63 probably on account of forty I cro present and great tati acet lit lucaa still kuil harmony were eted tf by allogio al ull who lolio the botma of ti tito silt salt lal lake cly choral chant society So 1 citty was via upon and til all v vilu tle the iho of vitro to become active mew here 3 alio llio ha ful lowInA omette vote ly by ballot for abe it anning enmin oil lu balm Pesi 1 dout bit ing vice orton prett jun jan S acro cro tary bry iliva ihm mt ml J T cuttin tint nr mrs sini mrs hamilton and uj mr J T lynch A committee coni lUig or of mir Ilay doll nl alii mcuri alex rogers lichen IW D W 0 aca and uil tilley A tw by the tl president to lo drift draft dyland still rag ula valid fur us ibo or of met lucitt end uj to report on dix next licit monday evening nl at lik patt annl fiction fill p in iut in SL to which time arid add plim placa the tb adjo 1114 bewly au our ou most trant it cia for its ill find and nil wo we ciopa holia that 1100 lit li to la tal may lc be placed lica li ct it it abo elior r disposal TACT conr old east cut iron to the be silt like lain iron rot foundry ivary near ncr tho the depot ana dil get tto on cub lios unc unx A dispatch r retired by walker bros announces that lt this roa boidi the I 1 lo 10 I 1 0 tho mine mido are ro ISO BO wibb li snow that a track could coald not lo be broken either by it hone boreo or by men liters on foot wo we presume 10 lo ilia blo clado will mil not mot lut long 1 As ODD lol out oat for the man with the rame such ian ono ODO will ivill ope open n about the middle mii lillo of tile pr out mt month la in ment gildor graves grocery store in block cold lunches lacic bc englich mj and other files ale I 1 1111 III to 14 the order ot of the iho clay lit at hn his 0 AT A ST Ll tho iron front of mr lr henna tionne liu has ln lem at a stand bt iol toll still for over i a track on account of a in tile of ilia columns of tho the upper story it is ii a pity that ill am a dolly delay of this kind should bavo taken place as during this mild weather tho the front co could 11 id have boon completed As it IC is it Is doubtful whether uio the completion of lio ilia building will not hive have to IK be postponed until 5 pring as doubtless the cold weather and nd dental to than lu won ecmon of the iho 3 cir car will prevent at I 1 I 1 S 4 08 III afternoon wo we noticed two police officers moving fitt fast along tho street lich to all indicated bua incao after a few bank more in aide we ono one of their hands handal drop suddenly and with almot almost too much earnestness for a memo friendly wale on ilia of a gent pr PA ding MAling tho the nearly op poe it a eurof our of too fico the situation was at once enado plain and nd on inquiry ioU iry wag lung enado wo we learned the ho baiao of the 10 lo man to libow bo be ranch attention WM was paid w WM as charles eon men Idels it wil trill be len rc it ali tt lomo time tinco since slot shot and killed i a man at Spring Tilio ho wall vu examined by a 0 committing ma ginto thare md end released on tho the ground of tho the shooting hooting living having been dono done in alf jio since kuco then tho the grand jury of utah conaty has baa found an indictment dicini ent against liim tin for murder lemon lis hid arrest roi by letter frob aur our esteemed agent at morgan city mr S francis Ir ancia we learn that eliat tuoro iro cotten of ci 8 mau 1111 pox fit that place ono ODO child twelve mo old id has daw from the ibo disoline dis cline abo aro under careful treatment all 11 pub lie ijo meetings inoc tinge schools etc are suspended md lod though list lift a 0 no DO regular build mg ui an attendant is stinted appointed for me sick ick md lud precaution e a ut n fi aro adopted 4 1 to proven prevent t cog legion wo 0 chopo 0 to liar lear soon that morgan is all tl right aftin I ogden junction duncho n 1 |