Show Z ewt EASTERN dispatches MORNING REPORT ILLINOIS branim ran IM ad lee ice to lo jeneral elnory jet ill new jadv orlena it red it 41 in me biller all r m health lintin lrea chicago Chic aeo C G the alio journals Jour nala WIt eitington ington special says as 03 the result of the cabaret cou coo eul sul tation esterday in ref to affairs in Loula iwo the president LM ban advised Ocea crad emory emery U S forces at ac new cw or two that the warmoth kih latura cannot lo 10 interfered wh for peaceably asa embling today to t day so BO long As 3 WAY they do not dot with wath the existing government butu thild mott ing id a io lauon of m of ho ua U tf court any order of tile the court the ibo cuiling mot ling miami lo bo 10 OD on forcial forced mand if 11 n b bt unit united stated broo tho ito CAL calf 17 tl a is beeter as tie ho fear feared that r p proclamation tit a a te fo bidding the am M dembling lem et bling of the W warmoth I 1 wale would lead t to a riot not irs that merrick Is the r ono of he cradit moldier committee in favor of open a alio llio he legal objection urged agamet against open is that parties lo be yond the jurisdiction of ilia Conil congress ress may bo be and would hava no rod roo a benator beadth is 11 such as to 0 o cause the greatest itara idars of his bw fricza ds and had to ro from public life is 13 re girded u ait absolute Seri onit or of ilc be tole tele graph CIn chicago Chio ago cago G theria lias has been no DO file communication beti keem ibis city fadd sri 17 t ew 11 lork ork yesterday morning lila wim in tho the battet place being prostrated by a elect storm tito folloni tig advice mi from NOW lork dated verv cro received hero here via ilits b burg 01 3 mornine tho kle kolegraph graph diroa in ia this thid city were trailed by a black today to day oltre lan bu becu no communication lut or went to bight kirbt ud suit communication mth washington hod has only 11 ll from to from this takara by the credit Mo bIller the political outlook A rise postal I 1 t I 1 t g r a 8 Nr to hinc 0 ll 11 CO and li ho lt 1 1 I te fb artio 0 ala nal 11 iq altair chicago G washington lao lain alo announcement that to bunow several bionto will bo be Ciff trod ua in tho the house ord ordering or dirin tring the bo commission or of tho the or com commil tto to sit bit mith ith ojan doors bill lina a already prepared to j ibn ibis the general among eacle as aj bavo arrild aith ul aecus to bo that tile resolution will 1 I lo im 10 without tito only to bo be M bother an a matter of courtesy the matter should not bolong to the ilo conflicting thu gation the ways waya arad mi ann liao to rl port favorably alio lie bill to io relieve U U 8 Trula from ilia paymous of amounts loft jett by the government the ali li tn in lu lis the nico itic luding those of seth bebb johnson aud and which wre dis CON I 1 rc d moro than llan a year ago tho of ilia postal tile tele yali bill 1111 are arc pr prepared for a on or vait ilat lor for the of tho the bes aea shin ion IDI but those coi anul lawt agree among as af to jurt exactly what demauro they want mint alio llio bill las has portents among those who the are ro opposed tv to ilia white alio ti to up portra ot of ilia forrace mae asuro are dt not to iod 0 r any which wall antagonize bui th A fr hlll humbert of loth both X press arc a aa pinion opinion ill that at no bill dillof of any kind if ill Is c ill searld ilia chance of a ri usaKO A 0 afi ae to tto lo 10 i calion of changas lie in tho it stall ull cont continues to to bo a subject of touch much alib ru majan it is supposed that on the part of tho the president nu no alces have thus far teen leon taken JQ in regard to tho the for iho coming tile GD oral cral and the ilo no convention or ir in late occurred looking locking to ludo judge tito to 1 Q KU 1 to favor ator tho the retention of that las hiu in rotation to beart lary yil to lo indicate the bell I 1 thit lie ho is 10 to on tie J hi of or tt div laal time 1 lio irtis than ilont and tilt ill the of the cabi 13 c rc act lierd uj to la be in tto the continuance ot of 1 I hilins in lii lu not lilily indica kd indication indi cAlion of it bilu edff un my A chamaro cli atigo is id mado in ia the antiro lie E ABC t ou on lite march or a day or two it Is in pretty done i lor for it alio A a next four 3 fw carp report that y las laa in ia burred tho cju dimple muro or of tho the Is ro rc 11 lv c otylior or leoro me of ilia As sampler imply culous alo only reported as aar ais ajl that thai of tho ilia of of the iho 11 linabury In ABury jt it la is ed As that I 1 ila to it alo sea I 1 to from load wit will uius thus abak tho the treasury 1 alio llio lalicin la libin t lao airet tod tile lary of abalo lo 10 anparo ly an ad exec in t bithal bold ani lataka irom ratio occupy n under butlo authority ut 10 on ibo sul niu jet act t of the island khaira in an now of roceail theme it ibaan vias that all ajl the facts con abduli bu be kummu kiku liku ato by 64 fallows lails eone s united ata to dowd tj a bring it lio lit king ag to ban lie iio baying a it ceiro to travel through thu this country slid kua thence go ej to coropo I 1 cropo for that of LL 16 health about uio lite the acl irineu at thu klog died this hairsi been the bo laminated aror ibo naj as to loud a act 1 l to t ilia ihu liland lu in ndJi tion to lo ODO ainaly there to tile ibo lights of in cuti camma of and to attar should late lao no un doe under the now government bLuth ld tailed on dorcly for thu tic or lis health Lea tili thu weather here borolo is climar and cold four of bf snow fell on saturday night and nd yea lit day to 0 o retire Rl rc kc ile in 1 table to lo sleep alei ta tho a evening journals Journ alB ofte arc ill a says mys that sumner has sent adt ft a noto note to lu lim col lo leago megam fl winou allou asking lim to Annon nn nonnce if a 1 volo 0 A was laun in 0 o ilia senate that lio lao sumner RuiD ncr w would e uld be unable to bo be in his ha am cat fw fr some omo ti almo me that in for four weeks except tinder the a inabit all ut CO of if orm injections n t M morphine 0 rp iu A a 31 1 glicr r ner aa I 1 a amyr to an 1 1 of ilont on IW pit pir Kni eat attha hio loiou I 1 iata ch on night tito thornia comments aro re not camp coroch I 1 mn montary tAry LOUISIANA SLiNA I 1 I 1 ass all admire Ad lr from ratio gess Xer fernery nery now orleans C G papers this morning cou con taice taia tho the following oi darres I 1 11 fellow of now orleans itt laly lying on tho the patriotism you have exhibited I 1 conjure you to bo be animated this dat ant with and dignity bo una fand calai M U OCA bio to witness ilia inauguration of the iho only birno and legal lo lc Isla turo of year boar state it is ii your right and D I 1 uty loly thus to lendi noral sup to bor GoT cruor let it no riotous or delay demon strati onit weaken tho the produced by your unanimity lo caloiA abo of graat political excitement and and ao an tit nt tempted overthrow coir of your by an or gal lid conspiracy show to tile people of tua luo of a dignity of bearing which nanch is 11 worthy northy of you yon a and rid ilia great CHUB caon in which you are ro y for tho the of your liberties and conati tiati onal do D not aler alarmed mod allori citizens t alio government of tho the united states will not chei cucit I 1 its amat to put down and peaceful of people but nui protect thern against violent a IT its from my any quart quarter cr lot it never be said that any ny act ot of on in your I part art was ilia ali inmar of publio arc I 1 rc follow a gutof ot ow be li firm urnia 1 but calm calin and sat signed it jom Y tito city lie ii quiet title morning an and a fears of a conflict fire arc subsiding wary very little lii Is doing somo some persons art are already am a cd about tho the city aall tod lafayette square the ilio thero will un doubt edly be bal birre thai morning a bizallion ba bi tallion of luan a a cavalry aljo bar racks to their temporary at tho ilia cor mt met of magazino street tito cause ry adiv a is onty caba mcm lor bors of 0 tho the arouse aro are it in under tinder 6 tod they will not mot at ilia aill bull lie here acion tho banow badnow from to A largo 0 B S bag 1139 hu hae last at boon displayed from froal tho the of the ludd half on camp street direct on in dicia dictating ting that tho the consort tile Legisla legislature turo will mutt meet thare the crom crowd d aro are rapidly am a Pem hembling bling on lost side ilo of T he Is TO lc L g L J r lra ilot aca ea te ally tro are closed cabac et loolu k dcarl 6 r X 1 not it lady to bo be seen oak oa the ilio great thorough fare yearly all the bu anem men of tile city ascom to bo be moro more or lead in the lafayette moo tuii oil oil the Tro tabled l ante xen now orleans Orl can jtb 10 p an the anno announce unc a mont LAS just junt becia ba made at tho the fusion aad il mid apparently by authority anthonty ant bonty that gen almory lass lia received ived instructive instruct ine from train it vash son legion that tile tho t troops 8 bell only bal aired to tho the and that auy any body of cat cittO Tr no what they may lavo havo tho the right to rot for any not t unlawful tod and that if any attempt purr abound be armad bo mado to such auch thy they shall bo be protected rrt td when t this 1119 was waa an bounced hotbo to abo crowd assembled lathe ia tbt bt charles hotel rotunda simultaneously ejaculated 44 chow the bas hoiE I 1 gone ono lack back on hla his fric friends nils washington the property 0 o time KM item anc T linor to clicc on annau a mx veltia alicc received here from now or icons are ro ti the affect that many leading cr holders and merchants litro hairs property calle upon gellogg and urged him by tile r confidence in ilia ability and dip position to jr re hero here uio the financial condition of Loui ulana blanie tin and d tender it m aid and in that direction an compoi complied ed of is being formed for tit alio pit 8 0 I 1 01 I 1 ikird t a now city consolidation on loin and 1 bich if will place the city ot of new orleans on a auh basis at once NEW YORK marine intelligence C G arrived steamship nevada tho bilk nc vida vada from liverpool arrived yesterday yra and ami capor I 1 9 21 latitude lati todo long lone 21 a 13 fell in with ilia lirk bark express from quebec fur london la in a stoking coli condition dation took off tile the captain Ctr taia ind and crow crew said and sida bibb n aly them to the bi bai ja from battles for Fail mouth ilia thoang brig I 1 bachl coney from surinam reports that hit the loo lark black globo of boston went chere horo about bit bir lot lat at the alio mouth of the abo bars marle a and cal Cap lonmo bitners mid lod bould uld LO iw fold d for or ilo of all concerned A I 1 arrived from lavera la verp conla Birgin amo alao ho hu has been extradited to bremen oca a charge of araug gling stoke sentenced to lo 1 lit jiang I 1 clr tb smeary alli stokes wm waa in the be court of anil nl minar thi morning to tre lawne ln Cou labb mado an add resta in to still to t tho lite ball of exception to the jurgot ruling ruling i inch lio to ollar tho WM alion babad ho bad to un son lance ot of aloah hougil mot bo be pawa stokes stoics gahl that met ilia upon which lio bials u convicted and per r jurd audgo boardman ardman Xo then zed a r feel ice WF address in v chich inch lo 10 alluded to lila iho prison cr ira it youth suit lad octal and od son on atoka to loa L lisagor liau gei on friday tho the asui of lit february next lite time that lint could b legally allowed t bian i stokes wore in last lait they lira surprised at the I 1 he to verdict cah kaii 1 d oil reas their I 1 of ing lit at 00 0 0 for a tay stay of preem TIngs aud arid nai ul if poe ablo to auk another trial I 1 it wine that regard th ill r ard public clamor alio 01 clu aji barll responsible for the iho aid arsa verdict buoy hay goold have alt aried tho trul tru I 1 of tho the jos 0 as this time bill for hi of tho ond hia tito tit non nuil and it HH Ys yesterday morning inor mug shortly after 10 a roan rin alumna biggan iko bai hichi soon coon turned to jett elect and add till fill cvar lecamp az 91 11 1 A it iricks no ko such ciuch a haa bas I 1 bacu 1 t r creed tn in years beaure trees treca I 1 in n lee and on co van came almost in aal throughout th a dy sy tho the lovo looked eil about half past ono tile tho maul r wells outside the iho city broko top as 18 the iho too ico brovan on the warts brolio ihen down tho I 1 malicia U V iyih aitro cro destroyed bout t abe e ity city wit luid and falling lie in the iho pad oil on tho tito bolo vidolia of now lork ork battino isolated to so tit far as con a chouan ni calion u ith tho ilia o woth th tho wo WU U T TOo co tempo facil itice at strocy city dispatches sicre tro taken by tito cota company pany dij did ltd eta beet to acree the pucho and press but tile elements were too pun erful tle tho rare firo department aavo avo orders for bills for bran i similar to new lork iho 1 I he falling area in manny put a stop to the ibo arx cui care on iho a Imms haDam vitro tho dainto abono to pr opry must annat base iscra large Thou fiti torm horm cl carel off during ilia night and nj tod id daiy diy it Is inot cit and tho the company as flit t rc relie rarig ilo thol br ruLin olcie MISSOURI fee 1 taril 1 ac ant le rael st louis G the winch pro pre fillol our ir a largo of alu atalo and kau imn louii as oil I 1 baid batur saturday day wu wat the hem ilot known u for over tit on ly years banow froni one oua to too ina fo fitt tt apua oil a havel loicl all 11 IL central and missouri and in ili sumo places it hu has drafted labur all the trains aro are at I 1 a cd many hour aad lomo of itai narem aro haal fut fast la in the ilo adril tie OHIO A tun 11 aint 13 if lire 6 0 the town of Carli hio ey on ilia Wary and tul lAx flaxington Ington railroad lail roud aoa A as nearly ly Jut pJ by tiro fire on saturday BAt night iii glit tito tarts broke out butia eta bluck jo LU F 1 M A co a alev dr goods suite ar A a grocery john X vil I 1 JAM shop I 1 lomas chacks tt shiki store and nj the bo to 1 I scocia anil and storo store of diann aurthor turl bordona dona tile ho atit four buildings aa and wet entire ly consumed the flat avie then caught ill alio 0 f 11 II ill snit un on tile oll paIto aito oldo ijo of if ilia it live liro oiher build stores mand ilia AD luu i lit at siwu on 00 1 n hills willa JJ 14 very little latar adviotis from carlisle Cul iHlo NY ky put the ls loss by jiro at or FOREIGN dispatches dispatched ENG ENGLAND LAND fill of napoleon london C G WM moro more CIA ti saturday night tham ct at any lino since inco iba be or of era tr atoo tion bill lir lit cip roast thi ILA amadwe kittil 4 wit A arol bibly undergo it ft alion |