Show MYSTERIES acl itina are stubborn alic ism arc aj great a I 1 he atif tha mormon people 3 u the in its to an outsider alij alie or the former is about ki biffi cult as tho latter for a long period of lime Br ighani young im been in trual ajr the church taj disbursing enormous bums of in any visa best waited hi owa purposes luring which ioie he hia roii derad an account of but for yeara he people who hive bal the temerity ta ask ithie wa with alic tithing banila collected for church purposes hare been taught by aba cadem that it vis nono of and to jay tharo a thit in their maass than the of a misappropriation of church fadda we draw attention to tha mattar at aliis glinc fr tha kcf oa that actor tic act of dext month the limitation may preclude the possibility ot calling mr young by legal groces pro ces byc detailed statement of receipts and kipen ditursi us trusted jn trust nd to ao coa nt for hia tast amount of property to have been paid for knitli church fund which may bo mentioned the theater costing about the social hall aal i aioo farm south of tho city probably worth who knows anything abbat the ownership of the telegraph line for which ake trustee paid out the money during IMS in 00 and in making nearly ia ill yet alo the of the line now or docs anyone know of a owning stock in that enterprise again how many of the worked OB tha biah central railroad for tithing and to pay old emigration debts but does the church or B Y own the stock or A paper mill near tho city costing of dollars people s money u go mixed up walli B Y and trusted in trust that nobody knows which ia benefited by he proceeds when waa started into operation the church by its trusted in anist invested but the aco plo do not know today to day bat investment inT estment n a benefit to the church or to mr young some acara ago it ii said bat when several leading men grew alarmingly largo on the books he called them together and proposed to all co fauaro up to a certain date and that thereafter they must shift for themselves and not draw on the tithing department it is further faid that prior to this time the theater aad other we have darned were charged up to mr account requiting rea IQ credits being placed for ferricks ferric cs rendered to the trustees account of a million bullara du llara which oy for 20 acara would bo a year ta amount hardly in with the no par boor scrip doctrine aicher 0 Kii ulal who had been a work cr hail with while it is said daniel II 11 walli went oo 00 a listion to europa with an account of about balanced by libon in the vineyard of tho Tw clyo have had built out of church fund for instance go Q cannon and snow for the litter of choin was dis burand lurlah the beirs ind 1870 ahila oa tho house at black expended durins the years becs and 1870 these ire facts tho people are not acquainted with for years past there haa been tan under cur reab of iA fiction shout these Ca ancial aad bucu it is that over hundred thousand people in girloni parti of the world hive which hijii baui young has controlled for filc pait pa it it 11 to sup poso lucy want a thorough ci babil aej anil if bla have liten worth i pr tiO OJO per doum or a less they at lent is houll baic a voice in cay ing so disposition of properly mr anny ia lia will or much ho may to abo church acy the Mo bo kiy bo assure J thit gotling abort or a full and complete at an early date will fully alo or the and lingi and by hii licin and executor ia futura fu turi the comments of 41 cr on jurgo ic mining ani hii of thi loci aut he n blits if a a tnt wll li rc ail wilh bioc in luhcs lr alia tarrio WE di fcc attention of our acid era to an extract from the alta california gives an exhibit if the precious produced west of alio missouri river curing the year 1872 from which it will bo teen utah is credited with 09 which is over half a million more thin colorado nud oscr million more than idaho but near a million Nev lt sti iid at the licud of the hiir leading by nearly seven ind a half millions of dullar glicr pro daul n amoust it will uis m years of development to reach 1 we have acca a letter from audgo to a in ahia city datcu washington die in which hd states that he bad not vet been ludt grant but expected to do eo jao ad therefore abo extract iron the washington correspondence of the kaw vork in the kew lift evening ij without founds lion in fact but the truth or 1 clity t an item u of little import anco 0 o the news provided it lenat for an attack on the federal judiciary of territory the comments of tho news in chii instance n ead proof of ho power of fan it fulcd a journal nt fyr goi decency |