Show tt 1 manicas there appears to he be it a that the price of of sowing sewing machines machine will be tho tha patent for the wheeler wilson sewing machine will trill shortly expire during the last bession of congress there wera several efforts maj in do to havo have it extended and the application ia for extension on is ii still before the senate 91 11 ea alte committee Commit teo on patents with lit t alo lo 10 prospect of its ita b acine elf reported this winter in rao caro the a application pil for an extension bo be defeated it is thought the price ma machines cines will be brought ericc own to 10 20 or 25 in the testimony filed before the committee given by skilled machinists machini sL t it is stated that ti 1 1 the lac average avarico av crico coat of manufacturing sewing w edg machines machine is 7 to 12 chis patent is owned by what il ii known as the sewing machine combination but tho application for of the patent IS is 10 in the name of A B wilson many blany of the smaller machine oppose the extension thero there are before the committee petitions signed by over twenty thousand persons many of whop whom have h from ono one to twenty machines in in operation in manufacturing establishment anding that the iho extension be re rc fried the old companies have hato made millions upon millions upon their pat cats and it is ii now time that their monopolies melo lo no should bo be done awa away with and nd the ho public belle fitted by throwing tho the busi oca of liking and telling selling open to competition the question teems 1 hardly to admit of argument san francisco call |