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Show Page Twelve THE SPRINGVILLE (UTAH) HERALD December 211 ; ; I THISk& HOLIDAY! 1 BOYER BEAUTY STUDIO "Where the Magic of Beauty Is Yours" MARY BOYER DIANE MERCER Beauticians Phone HU j CLfRISTNIAS JOY" SMART'S FEED AND HARDWARE 340 South Main If'mey KHRISTMAa DAY - NIGHT LAUNDRY CENTER CHRISTMAS JOY TO ONE AND 72 North Main ALL BROOKSIDE CONOCO 4th South 4th East SMITH'S TV fasiTOelllsftl!E k o o b e o g o ec? lilllifftt3Trik EBB KBEE EES' El BP PHILLIPS GARAGE 96 North Main ...A LITTLE WISH WITH A LOT OF HEART ... TO YOU AND YOURS! Springville Meat and Cold Storage 268 South First West "The House That Service , Built" 737 East 4th South HUnter TO ALL OUR LOYAL CUSTOMERS MAPLE SERVICE Needlecraft Ncwsc by Nany Saxter Have you ever run across old prints in book stores or in art maybe that show winter skating parties? There they are whirling around the snow-frame- d rink, balancing muffs and pantaloons, all kinds of woolen protec-tion. Yet bundled-u- p as they are, they look incredibly graceful. And brisk as the very strokes of their skates. But that's Currier & Ives, or somebody else from those far-awa- y days, you decide and that kind of atmosphere just isn't around anymore. r ' " ' 7 ' I BUT THAT'S NOT plllllllllllfilillll ' REALLY THE CASE! : For here's "that kimi" " V' v atmosphere updated, ""V : J ! true; and topped by a " CSi pretty 1961 face but it's S ?f ' that kind of atmosphere, W Just e same For it's a ; 2 , thick, crocheted muffler : . "4fft with perky tassel ends . . . and the matching hat $Sf ' (Pal't stove-pip- e, part Rus- - fC ' s'an Cossack) is as pert imw I m now as 3 counterpart Jjp It i was in 1861. It's crocheted gf' $ 9k n comDinations of Peri- - Y f4 V - winkle, White and Scarlet i t 1 II bright winter colors that E I 1 a can't help both flattering I I the wearer ... and catch- - I $ f I ing the eye of even the casual observer . . . the perfect Winter gift. And part of what makes it perfect is that you can make it yourself, in the favorite colors of the one who's Koing to get it. ADDITIONAL BENEFIT IS that the instruction leaflet also includes another pattern: a three-in-on- e scarf that's both collar, hood, and muffler. You'll enjoy cxocheting both patterns. Just send your stamped, and ed envelope .along with a- - request for PC-106- 6. And start working now avoid that Christmas rush! 4 Cnil I J I v g 'p'f' 1936 1961 Bought Maytag Bought new part You can see that the last 25 years thing we can to build them so have been kind to Mrs. Roy Neely they will. l11l1llt1IWtlttttlllllllJIIHitlllflllltt1lll1t(llillllfllllllMIHIMIIIllMIIIIHtlEUIlllllitlMIJIIIIUIMIItIIIIJ1lllllllllJlllllJltlinjtlllftIIIIJlllll Glenn Tipton ( 1 says' ; - K 1961 Year-En- d ( I , 1 v I Clearance r II I Sale! 1 Jl I 1959 FORD Galaxie Black Tudor with , I R., H., Fordomatic, Clean $ 595 1959 FORD Fairlane fordor, R..H., Ford- - f ' omatic, tu-to- ne paint $I395 S 1958 FORD 6 cyl. fordor, overdrive, radio, heater $ 995 I960 VOLKSWAGEN $1395 1 1957 VOLKSWAGEN $ 895 1 I 1954 MERCURY cpe., hard top, radio, ! heater, Mercomatic $ 395 1 1951 CHEV. tudor, radio, heater $ 1 75 I 1953 FORD V8 tudor $ 95 I 1955 CHEV. Belair hard top, radio, heat-- I er, Powergfide $ 695 1 1955 CHEV. Belair fordor, radio, heater, I Powerglide $ 595 f I 1955 BUICK hardtop cpe., R. H and I Dynaflow $ 495 1953 CHEV. Belair sedan, R.H., Powerglide $ 295 1954 PONTIAC sedan, R.H., Clean $ 95 I 1950 PLYMOUTH convert, cpe $95,001 CHUCK PETERSON MOTORS 4th South and University Avenue Provo, Utah 5TmniiniitiiMiimiiiiminmi!imiiiiMinminimmimimiiiMMiiiiiiiiiiiniiiniiiMi!HM TO OUR MANY FRIENDS . . . A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS! MINER'S AUTO X 480 South Main oi iNewnan, Georgia, as kind to her as her remarkable Maytag. Many long years from now para , (if needed) will be available for Over the years, she s developed your new Maytag Automatic wiin a real affection for it. And no all these features: Automatic wonder. She bought this Maytag Bleach Dispenser ends bleaching as a bride and the very first time mistakes Lint-Filte- r Agitator it needed repairs was long after ends lint problems, Automatic she had become a grandmother. Water Level Control saves money, Nor was her Maytag coddled. Safety Lid stopsm"? "For six years, three families used when opened, and a it besides ourselves," wrote Mrs. Steel Cabinet protects ogam Neely. rust! . y a ?l She concluded her complimen-- r-- tary letter to "Mr. Maytag" by . "1 noting that "in this day and age , it was nice to be able to get a new i part for a machine that old." (In ' our reply, we couldn't resist tell- - ing Mrs. Neely that the new part is actually better than the old. ) I I Two things only, remain to be ""' said: No, we don't expect every Maytag we build to last as long lUB AYTAO as Mrs. Neely s. Yes, we do every- - the dependable automatic FOR TODAY'S BEST BUY SEE Vernon Cook or Ted Smith at UTAH SERVICE. IHC HUnter ry Sale starts Dec. 26, 1961. Big Savings in all departments! Friel's, Inc. ; j i :,: V I , ; - . ' t s 'in;;. !('!: " ;::;::' Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Gore who will celebrate their 55th wedding- anniversary Saturday, pose with their five generations, the young-est of whom is little Ty Anderson. The baby's mother, Mrs. Michelle Anderson, Salt Lake City, is standing left; her mother, Mrs. Virginia Florence, center and her mother, Mrs. Myrtice Pace of Orem, right. Springville couple notes 55 years of marriage with five generations Mrs. Ethelle Anderson of Roy; Arthur Gore of Provo and James D. Gore of Honolulu, Hawaii. They also have 27 grandchildren; 28 great grand-children and one great great marriage was solomnized in grandchild. the Salt Lake Temple shortly after they arrived in this state. Active in church and com-munity work especially dur-ing their earlier life, Mr. Gore has been in business during most of his residence in Springville and presently oper-ates a grocery store. Their sons and daughters are: Mrs. Myrtice Pace of Orem; Mrs. Pearl Smith, Mrs. Maurine Lowery and Mrs. Evelyn Swartz of Springville; Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Gore, 76 West 2nd South, can boast five generations as they ob-serve their 55th wedding ad-versary Saturday, December 23. No special .celebration is planned other than a quite family dinner and show. Both Mr. and Mrs. Gore are natives of Georgia. He was born in Dawson, June 6 1887 and Mrs. Gore, formerly Fran-ces Adrian James was born July 4, 1888, near Cordele. They were married at Cordele and lived in the vicinity until 1923, when they moved to Utah. They were in Provo for about three months before moving to Springville. Their home was always open to LDS missionaries in Geor-gia where both became con-verts to the LDS church. Their The Yule Goat ; Sweden's Santa Children of Sweden get their gifts at Christmas time from the Yulbock or Yule goat, who is supposed to throw their gifts to them through their front doors. The gifts are always wrap- - ped in plain paper and bear bright red wax seals with a humorous verse attached to it. In the Latin-America- n coun- - tries, many of the Spanish cus-toms of English and German origin. In Indias areas, however, Christmas has blended with more primitive customs. In Germany, St. Nicholas, or Nikouans brings candies and nuts to the children on Decem-ber 6th, while toys and more personal gifts are distributed to the kiddies on Christmas Eve by the Kristkindl. In England, children hang their stockings in front of the fireplace on Christmas Eve for Father Christmas to fill, and enjoy almost all of the same joyous customs that the young fry in the United States do. Since the Christmas holiday is one that is a reverent ob-servance of a Child's birth, then the joy and happiness of children around the world at Christmastime is the most fit- - ting tribute to Him. Ted and Marjorie Davis and four children returned to their home in Idaho Falls, Ida., Sun-day, after visiting four days of the past week with their parents and other relatives and friends. |