OCR Text |
Show LT- - 7 r- .4r ip Ir ',OA., lir '", : , , - - '. - - e ., . 1 , , .. . :.,, s e Your Selling - . I S . . ,, ! 1 State And Local Obituaries Maki osissos is oposisetsd witissot Is bersseed families Ns topint setteetod tee this sissies either ipt DOOMS !time se mortuary soloposiost NANDI S. , thaw t- t i , -. t I e Ire , , - T;Oltly , . 6-- '1'4 ,; l 1. 0 - - 1.1 i , l kr I11i ;t I j. 'f: J;711's HER ' ' ' t' ..., . , ..,e 4 :,f 1 - 4 i lc! r , . , 5,,, ,,, -- ''' - Ie I J!, 1 Y I Tst , ,s. i ' 1 adadlit t ' , I - ; , Ciox i1 i r , ' A Milts Junes III 1 ' . Wart. or Los AnLong. wigs; tour dangtiters. Agnes lingrina Los Mrs. Angeles; Bulb tavesey. Nita latibiw Miss nog Lasers McLeod. all sl Salt Lake City and sus grarseeblkl. Funeral emote nib by liffiletbncrti later by sae Dees,' mco1u.47, urp1. th, DEALS OUR l A i . , ' 42 ,1' .,': I ''; 1, 1 t i 4. , : 4 ,,,,, VIII( if: - 'k t 1, ' willadel". J. :1 ' ? :! f., -- orating our room with gay bright t eetmeedr.. t 0; and Mrs. a ," sand wit arras Tn. tiara: BEAUTY CULTURE 111 t4 - i supervision the arts teacher of the higher the grades. we are decorating windows with conventional Christ; was tree designs and holly. We putting the larger Christ.' mai trees and decorations up fror the benefit of those inside. rt....." W. - 4411 Ilea of rare articles. ON to. Slam Y(wR PROTOG A PAI AT the 'Maas' 13 Jol la losble t ;t rt A MMii.. REYNOLDS GIFT SHOP &tir year meet difficult tiitt prelacies fres so tailtrodual solo& at Wt 'aast'Itaaall.eitlaanrrIt'4;. PE AAAAA ET WAVE EIFACTT cOrESEI EPECIAL POLK El ECKER STUDIO tam lai I.ut. WA& A 11111A11116 16 prara.01 Ivy 2713. Til centes lo044016 IOW 10 Iwo oft AI Z. 6041 ikto4 toe out Broadway. WAA 06160606, Henoger Business College atm. 1.1vs 111511nt CA00610A al hisao 41 006 6014 bob. ram ToCollies. Toz enaapantons Ice the BOSTON BULLS. real wne's. utak eauldron. BAILEY & SONS el 2 3nd South. Itaa. 342. Neyritoo and trleY,le, hho two, for safe, MPS South Ilth Earl. Sy. Sill. for H .airty tbe enierful onieriniantent This of be pew R. C. A. Radio. medal ell wonderful restos has tunes. twain. magic sm.. 'same Magic rove and ail ihs Went Ich, With each tures IS adio Yield R C. A.. Velar Kadin porekased Nettle Chromium. a beautiful Gift lamp trill tie gicen PRUE. con. senieht BOOM tam he arranged. EXQUISITE MINIATURE Gold toned In mat- $1 .50 Menet hams. STOKES NU-AR- ISO So. Ilion. T Was. MOO CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS Foe Doetos Imes and families Prolerosional demo. We Moo carry a ram. Mei lino nt TRI'SSES abdominal sommeliers and eletne siocirlism Lady si Medan' In EAST BROADWAY GIFT SUGGESTIONS The OS ill MINCE Roped Plate wirer 3.111 Watson tap artisad sod Weer Ail wade seeders alrie 'sate tuna SAO eel", Indent reekner cabinet with copper IS Ube auwIn, Ad steel truism S Physicians Supply Co. West Ind The Corona South Typewriter The most templet typewriter erre made and the dreareer value. The meet atletYME XMal f1 fs tor erery member et the tamlie. TYPEWRITE& Furniture Co. L. C. SMITS e CORONA INC Irma. 042 4O Wee' Sed Se. Ill PICTURE AND MIRROR Ilinal Trantse. Som. Wrong. traising. Auto Maw (Rosa fsa ovary purpose. ro Luis Glass Co. Sterling Was. 7.11. last Broa- d- ay CASA Weft lAwo bertis. beret cam aquoinitole. )archnteireo Ota0111, SININI and pott.t pima. VOGELERS n West rust Senn'. walteboo Eureka Vacuum Cleaner PortooS Gill tor her will brine bourn Issistisooss throusio the year -1- 1PI1cd as low as 1119111. G. C. 111 I. Wm. VIII or 271 It 3rd Gs. Was. VI AGUAILIUMS. bird cedes and sialida parrots. canaries sad toes bird& BAILEY CI SONS Was. 311. in 11. Ind Se. CRUSER 1111$ 42 Vi st 1 It?. 310 AWM. P. DELL Ards troubles earreete4 Dil. smell and iasung rebel. Carus ad without Wan of trews nails removed otter Settinell, 304 YOU Dais.. Was. Ella. water atm prima gems. Temple. tram Old. FURNITURE REPAMED mesa and SWIMS. Everything te Wee goads. led Meg and he. ITURNACE sealing. Cracked, broken Bro. pots made better tban new to two bra. a year Guarantee. BDALMB oar. Iowa. imitate ald Barber Weattm4 NJ. IMITia sm. canvas roods. 23a &tom at W. loa W ILLIAMS runosture Repay Co. tweak. BALLOONS NOVELTY GOODS 1114 $eal ing. sampling. upboisterise. 61136. SoutA. By. routtb aupolwo ti I NOVELTY Co. canuiral Imolai Immo I. cluireboo 2142 tio Mow SUPERIOR UPHOLSTERING CO. nos $13. work guar. See Jefferson ht. W. rta-m- . mow d a a. terms Ufa Band Insinunont &puking FURNACE CLEANING SEE 4.34rul. b. 1.4oectomes tot bond ma to meat repsnog. 34 bowl' Maus 84, gughhcgh R. BATTERIES repair year ,ar tor wallet dm. le rerhum rung. thoroughly GILLIAM& g Rs en..3311L HAT FACTORY A LET CS ALL kande bate suite drams aid pram& battery. lates-m- as service. tag. PreeW-LieS elPirt. Wilted SAUNA I7S Ie. servMeter raitair all steam State Street. flattery ice. wallies repairs. W goatee Co. 123 11, eta be. IV as. MIL HIDES AND FURS SERVICE WILLSON MOTOR IA E. Mk 60. ARVIN REATERR. WII,1EAETESMAN CO. et URA. Euro, Oast Hideo 432 So. 3rd WeoL WIL LARD Batten's and amortaki rePors. Mt 3386. BED BUG EXTERMINATION NATIONAL ROUSE CLEANING Specialized Service." LU laaMM twoOl Proallag work guar. rearm& WAR IIML Itionaatmewithout EXTERMINATION SISS per rm. Jetmeo. Waa. 3676-1- W. ant SLIMIGATISCR IRON woo work t- b. Hj. - BUSINESS 01818.4 we. EQUIPMENT VIIIED 8188- Ww88. 313 S. Wats. W. WM. L Desk,. EL DANCING j WANT PEPPERS gird Nuipasent. porch. Mau mimeo. and woe& Grazer Wm, Iron Works. MK SEE us stoves imanoss your isouse puts- - Susdrisouse Lumber di hiartuure CO. WORK-ORNAME?- ITAL BALLARV MATERIALS BUIL - HOUSE CLEANING del SCRAP AND -1: EMT 0711- It MATLIIALA Wm - MATTRESS REPAIRING liCii24.912 237 WORI JEWELRY, So. INTERISOIMN 801. duet sweater'. Ise Leta. banolkse., robes. Salt Lake Knitting Store 43 Dtsgarr MO and GTN MEMBERSHIProes tiPloo for hie time. A THAT KTEPS Os GIVING. CNA. Irs, angels So. RugsLinoleumDroperies tem Ile Darnel Om Consumers Fuel Cooperative SO. TEMPLE. Was. 34111 DALE ammo run SI 4b. Genuine Gras. Creak nun. run Ni AC twist ol stoner eik 11316. ALL SIZES GRASS CO. L. , MIELE D2 ctroth ,00:DA PINION 42,11 W 4a. WI. ... COAL CO. SallStartlen gu (X111 Phone soup& Imo price 334 W. PLLATING. covered tucking Tomlinson St. ;sum): Co .I Beet. iirack4s. Hoiserivs Eat shipped Etta, Wain, Intl, orb. 071. pes. R. R. $6141; oirr S12. system" tostaile.d. Modern "suipation ati stakes stokei -,- RUG and Savo PARKS-T- HE lilac CO. expert rug, carpel :nd MARTIN turmture cleaning. upholstered , .F"wa7 MA, so &moo "W. 11.."''' ny. 7776. SEWER CLEANING COAL CO Was WSJ CRERIL DECK F. lump. Stalk lump li Nora $1.21. 111. but. AVM Pea. DIA. saga. AIM 3 SEWERS cleaned electrically. We absolute. I la autunite, or nocharse. Sewer Sort. ton lois SA. K. C.o. By. 23114. NIXED coal, sot and lump. Ole a toot. 823.IW. Ail. aiock. $JSS. SHOE RF2JURING cLow,aau COLL CO., Y. Silt Beet Car. SHOES Repaired the "Built right boo Co. toot. Far. to. $4.4.1. store. 2$. Theg laat longer. rtaa shoo Repairin g aut. OAS; pea. 0.26; a sack wood Ins II. Pa. Main 30 Hest Pflug. Hata 114011. inn) aril order. Dee? HUNTINGTON COAL, CO.. office SIGN LETTERS Creek Pt cosi sprinkled wain nut. IA N" Im .'m' 1."11 1).1"""d- - W"- - 711"' !CHAS PETERSON. signs. Ratassi leiter. Im mod- - milk WOOLS or ineiti. Was. MARKEit COAL CO. !Must. guar. Was. 7161. Furnace lump. WO. Moe atm; 1108. ut 16.71. Pek. CIS. ea. STAMPS AND OLD COINS BAILEY I. lt Ticrrrs STOWS 6: SONS - Was. 1s1 South. Mac MX Tremonton Lions A A. ADarty Tonight MCrrat 4 MACHINE. I 40 SORAGE AND MOVING DANISH ORGANIZATIONThe is uss west by OssrisQ ixwees regular gospel meeting of the Dan-la- s van- - Bntnte'll servIne. Cara ill" D. S. Organization will be (s utras. held Thursday at 8 p.m. in the, auras:. six China Packers. Third Ward Chapel. 119, East Sev- - ley when prows:. Owt: sald r;perbesio7do ERMAN VAX rOlikriii t..V, enth South Street. Special musical by ' numbers have been arranged. All via." sis. TRAtarta AND Scandinavians are invited to at- - HADLEY STOIAGZ co. - Lend. 49 LAST WAS. 117$ WICIADWAT arippteal FAREWELL lame eely DANISH ORGANIZATIONMax Following Gm death her bitabaad. V of BAILEY C7 SONS Lineleen Denverkm ireettise Dimis a mity,, oefor:Lifts: ofoutWoo. rers. SPRINGVILLE' Dec. 15The aseharrallayraadtalirhi Christensen will be the main sneak. i Biala lts al elieMeale prime SU South Duty. ; ta Ind 40. Was. NI. I. Kolob Stake Relief Society Board Wisool awl the ' 1 of er at the the regular meeting Miruise esissted et Wu I. & M. Rug & Linoleum Co. monTRtoEnMCP1::".ion:lCi. & FURNACE REPAIRS under direction of President Ilan- ssa a HoLZPROOP of Due: ha.- Trhordites Danish L. D. S. Organization Thurs- - !STOVE ale AIL arm. rtwo. warts tor nah mpndenhaii. Monday gave a the retrentite of 1.tab. the Outwit rya. Senor mar.' at the t. or Third Ward Parsee, gel:minim work night day s.k," !annual Christmas party and Ladies es4. ss efamtsta riplohli.intwove.1371-4anfarewell party at the home of ',tt1rs.:"111 tbe Solt Lake Knitting Store Maaeah Francom will play a aml"t Did So- - $ta EalL Hi. 1337 .1 Il !Night tonight in the ward Banquet violin solo. Mendenhall for Mrs. Milton Rob-'re- proos101 at Iloilo..P""r. 'CALL Wester Foundry ter an kinds M et 43 Ile. Maas. Room. Ow; Wright, of Ogden will warn. 41'.1 and .1"s r."". ertson. who with her husband III RAYMOND JONES. serene. Mrs. DeMeretna 7 GRANT STAKEUnion meet-- ZattZr be the guest speaker. tm' VW" he, at the Allows (Auk Biles. IT MAKE REAL XMAS-1 A Our room. Fourth grade made leave late In January for flonolulu. tow and Prolesaional Waimea's klub and 3712in feature of the party ing of the Grant Stake Relief SoThe a I Lk Der ot white Christmas trees pasted on DECORATIONS linOtts alba? Orilintillt Ian. TAXI CAB SERVICE D. U. P. HOLI)$ musrnso 't will be a dance following the lunch. ciety will be held in the Miller ll her kinghood. hoir mother. black paper. It lookt very gay.! Dec. 17 ''f' GLADE'S eon and program to which the gen- ward chapel Thursday. -- -Riv ot atilt Lam Cdr. one ann. r. Kenn wAs. rt31 We have too big Christmas trees RIVERTON. Dee. 16.The at 2 p.m. eral public is invited. .1048 the Checker Cab. Merl asreles. boa. TREE DECORATIONS th. fmk",-.nt PE It IAL C OtX)LA TrIl - le.the windows. Everything looloi erton ramp. Daughters of Utah 1,e,,:leeto ""t .atalahlIdr" had 11'"'" Wel cobs. easeful &leers. IA.1' HolHOLLAND CHOIR SESt 111011111,1 Kb The lees a held at the NO s. MORI soda! Pirmeer irr"e"..f.e" Kans K....Aberot tensphentteme OW ealettured &allow log. See site sew 'PEILIKALZrir sot like a merry Christmaa..NANCY HONOREE, ON BIRTHDAY land Choir will give a concert of nonte of Mrs. Marinds Freman re- - Aft.: no, Itnedelph lardy. Greet Falk, au aaaalmaa tarot 11atal ageTYPEWRITERS GILBERT. Syr snip 116e. Ws Selmer. Ile Solt RIVERTON. Dee.1 16.John T. Christmu carols and a pageant Inlsaalki, 111;111a i eently. Guests were greeted totl',:" Ltl'al J77'4 Lar it lass tehr Aug- :of ELECTRIC CO. WOLTERS rates ll IratroariarrLita In Moon MENTZ& apectal the Fourteenth was honored at a party held Friday at p.m. Mrs, Freeman. who was dresse;I Mr. and , Mr$. Gavels Peddiened. Me atm salt Lava 1;11y. Wok ITO. Wadi Slate. at his home during the week us Ward Chapel. tinder the aponaor-- 1 repaired. tattOltal, TaPraitrillt c0. Funeral service end to enedgmed Pri. .1!..17111a sa a Paula and .a. flared old in I dress originallY worn bv her Industrial Hoop 31 cl Pie. wak add& a m. to 'lb' Deseret asertuary leb,"leet bele.' honor Of the aisty-nintatmlver- ship of the Holland L. D. S. or 'Henrietta MONTANA FIR 111,eut et Treed in the threeiten ot ?arrin .a1 Nethele"tYbtaIts atSart tvvan lad aaaaaa ad salmi al 11ad. Fives to Christmas trs. sary of his birthday. Guests In- ganization. On the same program-111Lena o. Ashton. of Use Iltebiend Pr. tb'e qlee,b, Dal hal hers Three Games tom Special guests were! Mrs. htish.,,4:1agtI LIAM 0610 stake. new aad rebuilt. norm MOS -so. State. Itp. VIC By. SM. cluded Mr. and Mrs. John H. Mrs. J. Wiley Setsions will read .si Facie detail mem be turned 14 years 1..da aaas rau at ma Tat,a,..ota,,,, 34 at sirs. Roe.,a Lovendatil. and le E. VI Po eta. Mountain &Bits Telephone, Utah Bina. svosta Pond' fatesiet. tetaneerew anti ag. Moon and family. Mr. and Mrs. the Bible story of Mary and Jos- Ronal'. Nelms, Mtnnit Hansen. The lesson uas Fin Stank" Utah: Iteraritin He ffeEtaitITEKIL belief aseenbee 'In Ow 101 a. ail asakes, old. rented EndY pr,, le tweetese. , 11,,,,A wilt bli Woolen Mills. and the "Old Men" IgiVpp Deo loft Namara Tartar and A. Leo Lloyd and daughter. and Mr. eph. The public la invited. Mrs. Mary Eghert and repaired. Lowest prima efil7 tonna. lebureb. Re was a member et lib, 111oeole Salim tbe (Lug cemetet7. !is and by were victorious in opening games, and Mrs. Floyd Sheppiek and SALT LAKE STAKE Hera Pelmet Seettnar7 end s ie. L., Soloon. irorteet. Weetfle TY1101mIl. Co. 33 West and --- ei ski arAke Ow await ararnerawata Dinteral rune, IV SON the mina midis se the local pubof the Industrial Baskethal League la. tan JOH I. Pl attilk11.1. SOCIETYUnion daughter. meeting of rival et Idra. Menem trout Lea Antrim, were served- tar JAM, litilAmand,1",..14 111111111LA. sus's,' . last night at the Deseret Gym. 1which refreshments leaannabat -- -.Salt Lake Stake Relief Society will Ell and rebuilt typtatritera. t Lloyd wee a. issol000r I. tne Kirkeyntall. by at timmismis, s,,b., NAMED MittnIONARIFS DallitIMS Axial. Woolen Mills defeated Western I. C mitk and Carona SAMMIE( plan. Wawa( DUNI ;, a tal 1,,,tat he held Fridav at 2 p.m. In the ,FAMILY VISITS COAST at totts pi...Priesthood Slid waa planising' IS , Waal Ind Sonia. Typronntera. lag. Dec. 'IL 29 'RIVERTON. States oel to Lionel Old tbe be I The IS. et "itl" Drunker. Grocery, t 1hP h:: ;11.en'bersoaa DPe. Seventeenth Ward ChapeL wan. 304 -M Weak Daeisaila RIVERTON. r and .11at'al L "'"s at 1..""., ta,1 ,..1 "; r"4,1211 Men swamped Victory Theater 70 Mrs. President of Illee..ebn6. deemed innaik wort. diet lett form Mvers was named E. Miller. and daughter, Mara 10 a "IBPWS eam.r- Sat fiat laell Itert WE rent. repent and aell all maks. type- he 1.4... De Wirier a lewd beaattal "Owe 'the West Jordan Stake as I. Mimion to .17 with F. Bailey leading the Lois. Alvin .da.,,,,t J. g. ',mot Woodstock Mem, Freed call obe at 1.04 Peal may Angeles. linerine Dawesloollrettere with 20 points. Tele- Calif.. left Friday forwill 217 Wan Bldg- - Was. 311t Purrivers are ids parents. Mr. and a tdr. I VIM XV. with Ralph Butterfield and late I Notice arentrm wee bent la where they "'al" LakeCityOm ""uartia ' Temple ilre. Plateld P. Gillespie. led Meth ?net Dee. spend the won from Salvation,- Army as Crane and district' presidents phone, 31 IOC 04 Itreet. TeeeK and a tondo. Illors'' UbtBRELLAS winter. Mr. )tliller is second courP III is Enrebs nweeteen tante eii 'Wore. $ias armee the following missionaries: Heber derviviag are twe IbberbmM Will be IS nib Dm Lake OM and selor to Lancelot Bills of the graprilmr.Raritimpsts. Itillanel SALT LAKE TEMPLE Iletreery. belt tbrace. . .... n IMPAIRED and Elucidate; Thagton. (.SPCA aloe came. Bare George Crump, Lake la cemetery. etir. Del at )iondi, Cannon erten Second Ward. Mal Umbrella Werke. MI 'Riverton First; Mahonri ButterMy limbo...tan When P. Golletplo a? 'v.'s's& yes sem is toeselPIre. The Salt take Temple will close aLAWmahatma. Tenant earrieaa will be bald Daturilar FOR DARTS Vast eeerteen will be eel pentbed itbe tat& Panetal emir- field. Riverton 31., Jseeel Dt. dem Ise Lindawies tire of be R. es, 13 nom in al, JosePh Second; Coach! on the evening of Dec. 23 for the i PLAT DEC. 23 "111 1111141"16 Leterelall. Be WM IrrWal Ig,t. am dee Cent bowl, Nate dirort. VACUIThillEPAMING A ate& 11.11107. ach! 1 6 -Merriman; LeRoy Bate- Christmas Holidays and Will reopen aflame teduoter ... . ..... arKits 1177.0.,Kort mar eon at the 11101KUSIT Priem Crump. "Gwen tines LI 'lir Utah 4...4 Glen Worthington's Davis High PAROWAN, Dee. 1 .:. ,.. man. Ernest Sheen West ferries& Jordan; le and detaribir the morning of Jan. 4. , prier MURICRA Parana Cleaner C. errata ermine .otatedSLient: ;ht.' t!atedt"Ica( lett. Will' against d :I bp art'Oneretta. Christmas," COD teal eitisette7 am South Cache. th and M. Christensen. Bingham and Ike N. Notiona, 44. &Ai Dpeagers aerial Irak be emasrlawed mama Entre S really Mies ralrz,Jeem be presented by the Seventh and EarOka roothbor ot lib. mine reatber it me ;14 to 25. here Tuesday ,afternoon., IL Ibt lb Plies Illy IlnarstaL No IL Kenny, Coppertield. beets Pew demo i7 I I 5. W. PM r IL A' m moo here IFIlliortil orao under of Nevem rook. No Eighth grades ha". OFFICERS CHANGED the score: y ;t7t.1 born there Noveumber -1- 1 ler. 1140. WILL SWAP LIONS MEET TONIGHT lion of Orrft011 Weight A Christmas'gt,iwid RmkPolail: I MAT DEC. 18 Davie four No is lbe me at Modrera and dans tar- 1 Gun,.,,,, 4 GUNNISON. Dec. W danohteto Kat &wine William . II ill the 1111.1.41 LOOS book wades, looms 40 st.. by meeting GARLAND. Dec. onison Korai,. No woo of EmDec. 18.Under sponsor nison Ward bgiven LEM. has School t, Sunday Nolo rows wateboo oid oo14, 47 Want wooed a...triumdat., ..4n. eita.toet.vit ory rewrap. kilovolt' rang oorrar ra grades. T he entertain 4 4 II Wayltottf ... 4 laborite black mad way killed 'wealth, Mt .of the Garland Lions Club Wedners, ship of the Leht Third Ward Gen- been reorganized. Milton Perkins &wood South :".."Lmgm.--','!' 4 gu. are. liallnos Repoli of I 1 I I Di,,,,, .... I I I I ments are scheduled for Dec.,23. i a aeries of three is the new devoted to lthor onate woo Itet.ka., orator &woo. erM be ealogkal Society. . E. C Warden W. ; I evening Woltootall day superintendent t' ', - rIpxytitrf I i I Ilutwoiro - 4.4 WINDOW SHirDErismi, i romp dim onaretromro Me wife.. ids. one-ac- t - Jaws Corm Walteodoll 44of Brigham. 11 WrOo.to 4 I 4 1 Ersoo.hr ; 4 IS el plays will be presented in Anderson and Elmo Sorenson are MEET THERSDAT The Lions erill sing Dntéelot sot14S allooklortem., mod Out Inntrarmor okildrang . Christmal Aodo.04.4-0rood000. 4 litthicytT. Mark the Amusement Halt. Dec. 18. at 8 his assistants with Jean Childs and re NDEILII onoloir &bodes. Lowest views. sal . Dec. IL The lead Alined. Pnatekv, Idled. Amara Christmas tarots. Corralled. isms .by 411 4 17 Borklf tree MI South wn& Woo WO& Alldrel. 11, Am000ll L. and ?Mat which a Christ- p.m. The plays. all directed by Mn. Lucile Modeen m secretary-treasure;7471;:sii ;;;;;;;I:: Dteghtero et th.!1 Lurro GILLSWITittlAneto. Ni. mother A INS L. II etwn Ono emerarara. Nichols followhig Fern Johnson. are: 'The Villain E. N. Morpn has been chosen When attached to a bath mom I 1 ;i1t..idleettCvne 4, Utah Pioneers. will meet Dec. 111 '1001U,r, Der it lelePeseittir Is Oho tetrawynor breakers mod mas program will be given under ant toember ree et Nereid ad Alma Pdeo .oliat 3 p.m.-aZ. the home 4 Mr s. onna:. Motto, N. Larson sod Morass N. ditvetion et Don Rush, including a Still Pursued Her." 'sit Happened as clerk of the Gunnison Ward. faucet be a flexible metal tube a ..."1""Ir - 1 Ammon st Plow; Itrtrat Mom MoOkeran, Ira 44 Mrs., Catherine ..r"111,11.e!fruerite Ballard. Mrs. Arthur Between Trolins." and "Gawky replacing E.' M. Jolley "eh o has new tooth brush sprays teeth with tilhom Noises. a towline mt. O. Christmas reading by dosoloo: 4 ' 311 Totais.:. .!" Twelve and Freckles." to Provo. Watkins. captain. will preside. fotaki. 22.1 1 n I IT water as they are being brushed. . We "kids look epilog XTedar am to!ult Pries Cooing Ilebosi; - moved Illebales. ,,IFfIling, And Music. . r f', , - CIVEN grit MORIZSY.-Love- abio , -- It I Richards &root. Was. 4513. Cs Ms Auto:mails State sors Insta Lod complorts. 6135. C;OLES ish-L- Mt YOrl PlitYrOGN A PM kT ECKER STUDIO 21 PAM Church Notices I JEWELER Snd So. . Cu. CAW Lutes) $441. love MA PEW issues el stamps now &satiable. nut 116.71 delivered. Hy. Kid.. Complete assortment ailment bootie tor HT. 3734. RYLAND COAL CO. 44 collectors. Deseret Sock Co.. Skov SIP; Luang,. 114 43; Dom. LIP:. Nil stamp East on South Temple Ws& fort. $6.13: Pea. OAS; Slack. 3 Toe Lou M. STEAMSHIP SACKS luottleng wood. It; twilling, gad 124 FORM AT ION, all lines. lours and Mt. Soil. Prompt del. Wm. 1194. cru ipso. American Express Co.. daW est GENUINE DEER CREEK COAL. SAL becond South. Was. Wed 41911-1, RONEAT COAL. TON. Hi. S IS 11014 !Wank Temple. AU Kinds et Pets and Pet Supplies. lib:silty:es:3p. CLEANING ,,, store, 143A. 11180P tot 1 ROOFING ASrmPlItsALTunwebirosTliatmlarobesertawset. to.7!.,,,z.1 bauloil &DUI) SSW F. rail., order. 341 RADIO SERVICE e 163e4msts.Lhioces. Lin Emit your b.'''. dar7 a'a lug" a d we" anal Banner Coal. W. 1708 Hot, Wean. Sala. out. i3 at V, Cool by cooalut to Cb.. 4tDblo ssoerywim Ail Free Kindling With Carbon buticook dressmakmc button botesc isemottekinIG casmE CAHOON 58'2 East 1st CANARY IIIIDS. intarenteed stogyre. illaoóst. Don. S. sod 111). C.S. Aequari illareees, Collar", Oettlizik. woo and other sotweimite sine. n for moo mad boys biribt'stoob rings So. Nein. Tee Porter-Wolto- AWNINGS rota o& ALL ELECTRIC CO. Se. Nam M 44, PUPPIS CO. ?Holm. W. 1411. A GIFT FOR THE FAMILY OS ilv. 'r ." Se tilt KETCHUM Christiansen ANS new MODERNIZE rout mattress with SCHOOL inner spring units. Phone Was. 3299. 2o. Main. duI bops. KEYS AND LOCI ImaL clams swot. Monday Ballroom My. nor& 29600did rouub. EON and Thuroday. I P 11. Bicycle repairiht. keys . locks, tuna, I 14 JOSEPH NE HALSETT lot Sescboro. as. 1006, deer chasm sale Ming, etc Chas NIS So. Main Woo WNW Fowler. Sale Lawn. 12 W. 2r1 11111. SERVICE DELIVERY SI SI Siost 'rook guile I to 8 Was aaall $1.111 Chlittremi uroobablo dream 11 all- 'EMIL Deltatry .... . $I OS iftrroacycuc Baby Buottnit PATENT ATTORNEYS laa. atagailahn. lire: anything, any tang, Lathe silk oho and gowns $I SS htte. lac. eight, limit. Vim. rnomAs a. THOMAS. U. S. Mos. Paoest Fion XMAS give lb Kr )0,-- money can attorsers 411 beamos Butit Mas. 7203. hujr. Distrnelswe See fly And Irtre hatred COAL AND WOOD P.1.61,0 Rrasonehle 144 E. fth !to PLEATING Doll Hospital King'sBroadway. tra III. WOOD. UTAH HIGH SCHOOL OF FL Lortairstem was wiire charsh I araugha nt her line swoon Gardens T. are her husband. 1. Do:".;...4 rraall and Via Mom, daughters. 7.Santa Is making preparations Miller: the Wr itish Ws a hroiher, Perm W. her Miller., she tersest me a P" and midnight tide. And an is ria1100. and paraala a grandmotber. Mrs. Charles worker etude on the Stliwit, ' the Douglas School getting ready W Knurlwe. a she and her tatall Xtlaaril WI& tela, will he randliefeW ta- at the fee-th- e Yule Holiday. Under the-swept' 11he',Milli Mantanal ani, WI marrw at Wellesley Willa. blue. are. St. reeide4 there tor IS of Miss Helen Wefts. 1 ' A CO. Mac OIL Boat Broadway 141 POE JIMA - a ao the daughter 17. was. at a COMPLETE Low:slats. of Craig. 10.-- 1,14 Of Ism CO. GIVE HER wiLa"."1111e111"tagotolra. Christmas colors. In each window e. mai Lydia Kaistoon Clayton there is a tree with Mars on it. It r...mm101er at Colonel and looks very pretty from the outside w. Clarinet at gait Lik to thoae who pass nur to with h.r ELLEN FRANCES PARMLEY. in ten pasest. 1 Wain sa4 r, 1"4"1"dr: 1.11 FOR HER Panwee and a. C. A. Radios. Prigidarre Refrigerators. Dozier Raab. sad Images. the total Reatrolas Illbd illabilm past years. Survirtng. hewn., ElliecWpil Paul Cbrh the fallowing silliness Iltra. bins are ' the WI. Dliret Cpteeterr Maggie Wood. Clifford. El Wm Parry Wall Maeda, night at her Wheeler, Owen Therms and lame In Bountiful. She111.was horn in Su, 'Ira". II tra. a away... 1. mos rig,. Wes, Way DOUGLAS SCHOOL Mb' brother. and ...tar, web, W. twiws, ter of Henry and Matilda Humes r2 .11.1 sri. SMrawe Thorn. Perry. vial, la aursitted she b husband Besides her PAGE. Editor Dottarmy water. Mrs. Mabel N. Parry. Bountiful. Mac Irma J. listing. lnattaas City: Mrs. JANET FEATHERSTONE.' Asat. Broadhead. Salt Lake City; Wra. iMelsin ' !!!"S 'tr..: Witham W, Ram GERALDINC t'll.AVTON WILLIES Christmas la such a happy time Ilre Frank mnrk natter, Miller, .of the Year. It is also a very busy Idra, teeridum Irlaytne and Wra. A A.j. Illownit jaAt fejt Lake City, died Monday fallowing We are making gifts for our a throe weeks tllaesis at kw haws Ito time. t.t.h fathers and mothers. WI are dee-- . hroallno. Mese. an,orditig to word 1 4 ,5 1 FRESHMAN Mt Is. II We. BOYLE FURNITURE tent POS4 CHAS. A. FOWLER ..... sad VALI'll. errs Mire op. Coaster brain, Kramer Rms. Persona waddle . mewl guards, and rubber paddler lAD wheel tnys trpairmil. a ROOM PEW BATH FIXTCRES. KITCHEN STEEL Sigill.TARINET. Ett4ILT IN IRONING letAIII).PI4ILT-111- 1 SHOE RACK. DOOR BELL CHIMES. STEEL MEDICINE CAMINETS. TI1.11 OR MATH A GARAGE YOR TOLL CAR. WEATHER STRIP CEMENT. SASH JD1040Ia LrmsEa, GLANS. PAINT. A LOAD OF bleat 1111:1?8.4.GCAILAIT".111ULDS"Ster 111EILVttl - Spirit Pervades Douglas t I . LIGHT CO. IDEAL GIFT WRIST WKICHES MALL 341 4,. t ", sal --- -- t1 I4 SARAH! Was. 1647 So. BICYCLES AND REPAIRS A Complete &eyrie tar only all and SVGA R HOUSE a In Mies M3rrtie Nebekers MOM stirlt itnRIBmalu.B. 1.1"F"""ral "rrrire"' we wrote letters to frnde in dil- - ri.Latortlawalre:.i gar:111111"Phe thaar711; rtattimic11. ": x.sahlt l! nisit rf;liwine 1.4.,,:iir: fereht groups of the room. The ari beeond North !tweet . were bead trona the in. An- Loa roun b Ward (line1 wodtwoday at room ht divided into three ttectionst Lake City Theodoe and JoiXera...14 with Mahon Los G. Roberto,. to charge. ' Leant, ardi... lot r sty. and Studying British possessions in !Renews'irtia speakers were Lindsay Porker. &shop PIIIIIIII00 and Howard Salisbory. rice, Australia and Asia. The teach- - stitts Weave. Lee Anetke!Andrew -we, MT.,' by A. G. Tbool er Mt the children- that receive 111:01111Re PARRY era end .h. ha C. Patrick: None wait formatted The Miters read them to the class. vera Funeral wrytope toy Mr". Eta jitiglies hy Mine Hannah Rowland. mug this B children enjoyed very mucts!parry III. ,,,t,. ,.i Bohr., way, fly whflei, inn my. am gg, m, Wows Woad dedicated the grave la lanitatiful. will he roodiwted tomorrow al ...aloe A. Merrick, Grade S. 12 3a 0 et. ,Itic ell., cemetery. te the Deseret mortuary. Mrs. Rail was tows sot. IS. IBMS sat East Seeenth South Street. tvy the L., at Perry. Utah. and has Saida her Butiiter. rector nt the A10711 X haw here the 70 he Christmas will lkin.1 , i aro th e widow. lbormdailfill'efsiDoLl.11. - ''' ...' ' ON st EXTINGUISHERS FIRE I taaes 4 STANLE Y Lire Pyrb-PytOPTICS INC., Sem. llosbarguit.' ris W. SAS Ss W. Toasts. P. O. lei. ISIS W. 3"1' Wm o Tempi& C scowa.... HS louti '84i t 4U4. FOOT SPECIALIST ik az. LQUATION 27 East Iama. 211 ; KING IRVINE CO. FOR MOTHER 111,11.DEMS so. W. Ease- IX OUR SEW HOME Walk Iher and Om MIL E. HID. O. WAS. raw RAND INSTRUMENTS Piano& Radios. Guitars. SIM Ukuitias SUM Rusk. Harmonicas. me YOUR OP IN GRANITE FURNITURE Sears-Roebuc- V ?tern et WS While blades. Munson $32.5. tre3ocipedes. all $lid tonne spoke medals. lig to OM Soo. 011: to $LIM non HIS. Pine oaten. liso our sow gloppy Inns wagon sod neaten. kinds nodeosotets kindligkis. leeks. tun. roller skates. Toys repaired and outdo Oka Pew. OPEN ZVENINGS. 1 ASSAYELS ASIA UVION TighT 1114110-- nechrie Sewing Machine. MOW 1111 g, ,, Guthrie Bicycle Co. New Leeward Refrigeraior 1121, MOIL 1161 New Isionard Refrigerator. American beauty Washer& only 1.11. Hundreds of name article. for tbs MOM L Let the eard read from Ember and the Children In MOTHER tat MACHINE - . NO SION NINO : 07: t Stooks. se it. S. tudy LAMM $2 H. sa L L S. ABOCOVP4 Lemma. 14 H. Round Oak Range. lateat designs. SPA,. sat nociefis with ail the latent features of any lug pore range vole NSW Genuine Poorer Vatmum Cieanek, 122 I '' --- Anne natal gderens. law noosing pron. A nand lshooS1 new at rroaz UTAH POWER r i THEM AT t - BICYCLES, $22,50 UP , ott (i:1 "'" i I ENGRAVING IINGSA SING CO. Nan. SOCZKIE DI at; Impart loans MILLS. get good So1ut4 St. We& IOWA. 0001 Om& Mac Mos. Dower. 46 buts W Iola ACCIDENT INSURANCE THE best sod test Ism PrODEI iPernesh RIDGES ENGRAVING- - Cassis' Tiseaset ASSOC,' MISKialli. Bearirt Rids Rss. wkuucks.., Lds. ail COISC1 biL, BWl. Was. 111416.- -:- GOOD . atltILDRE OT II .,., .,,.t are CEDAR CHEST I , DISPLAY 4344. l t A. the H 13ME ' '.1'''"--ths;!,be'AS- Priced as Low Os $3.45 us.--G- race ,l' ' AN APPROVED SETTER SIGHT LAMP IS AN IDEAL GIFT --- Set 1s1 one Mt, zio . I ABSTRACTER LJ lb, giti,ill r - ir 1,71 1187 rod; - Ey SAYS- -;' - M. APPLIANCE CO. CP East 4 ' dy 0A7:14, GLANCE diragek the columns. Mon you owl amp, it kall skim team Time Gift! t 1 1 .1, M. Gee, I 1"1S en. I Wird years Wt. Surviving art i:1 sing,--elle- ......, I 2 C trovv' tihtht ,........11'5. mr, her burden. her lama pusurp Irma stud makes her sewing Swum. pleasure haunt. The Wartime with goat W A rrrEN il r A RA owF.' grade class. When it is finished, WIDA Malt,tisOh STSVISMS It will be hung in the room.Jo' ,,,itt:c18,. Mr& Mitda Damson Stevens. is. wife et Anne Broyles, Grade 2. . Curial M. Stevens, home Cenyort. Med in lie eft win .1.am hi? ineehaelie la boopstal ttestenlitl ' The children in our room are-- go-- loca,..l 3,,... will bs ebernitted lenser.rDineteedey'a w. hone in Rao.,,k, D.q. Jog to have a Oar called, The,: OIL to Mr. and Mrs. Chns Barnette a ,aned ',Welles of unusual .ft., are thrre her parents.. Dishes.4 auDband teacher.leseuviss Our Little Blue chests ICU sad up. and Toll& flier children M MUM TIMINSCIII BABOON Alias Marie Anderton. calls on some ens. add oho Mine (okralisfellsenp and asstera.1 faliolring BINGHAM novena. CANTONMrs. et WI to 110 the Parts- - Thom wooiLaMar and Val Bareson, Salt Lake els., Mar H. DINWOODEY Redden 64, front Sanely. Flak. sod Mts. Vera Gorsb Med roat do"the best will he in the play anOos mrs. Gs Myna Citiornia. .in His Strarhars Mammal Tuesday Valle,. She la summed by ker husband. Lalette Vintner. some of the other children FURNITURE CO. elltirlo'r (bor. lik"k'n I". th. Webb., Grade 3. stoma J. ANDERSON MerINKM Lasolda mod Anderomt. WEST FIRST Sarni MePhee, 42.tione, Sandi,: Moo Leo Mother lirs Agnes J.0111. Idakire ill the Liberty School we are o of ponjarnin MePhgee. WI Eleventh and Thomaa Marriott. abort. , 10,..1 Rees yes. Armlet hoopttal t hree We bring cttt street. 4.,,, 11!subbing for Santa." Bingham Cant on Room 611PrO, if oohs. tie Wart, A Life Itenlar MePhee matt born May 1.. 1N4. in and Bella Pool:loon. Sagely. Utah. Natty things such as toys, food and L... Om. These Mrs. Awaken cioclothing. I. wtysirod by her httabandi things must. ..d SEARS of Thong FAMOUS KENMORE daughter nod IP H. and Anna Bokser Marnott, tram ndition.los ee moms Charles 11.. Srnert R. Ildibe nest, .and in iii. Imo ditillittPre. fandy. where she boa spent iter retire Kept, The toys that aro vgi ELECTRIC 1,00110 f. and lima Doloreo liefthee. all al hes. The Dreerst mortuary haa ilas body. mr, painted well send to the firemen.i Ssit 1,.k. ow. .nd ..k.n, ILBT11111110111 SEWING Jensen. N. glIALNIAS Loot ....The firemen repair the toys and's, wit', blittival,. Igre Ulu PAYSON. H. Powell, Lasso. N. chaknias Bend them to other poor children.issseies and Mrs. A. FROM $33.95 TO $105 ---11111101:1111 of John and Marta No, III montnnkl son died We certainly are grateful to the Chalons Me early thus no Mite k clod Co. tram hors Sets 3. 1934.1 ,of pneumonia. 1.ok of Manta for helping I.,,,,b argil... 4. ep,,,o,!Louth IStreet. I t4Oft V htm 00' a t 113 Boatreeptad brotherr rmr. Ilene .1rog, Grad. 6. Parham, IF SHE COULD CHOOSE and a main,. lifelt- add DM: heti at 'nal loot ;;,;;; at 30:15 o'etto-domomo.. of Flonfaenn. l'Ink. 11mot of !Armond Street. ft Would Do A South ilOMP, Beth Strong. our Irdnfat ooretree will be held Ilturmdat 611116"PEIthIAMENT WAVE et She In ter $1.ted tme woo at 3 P m. .. .1" 1ht RomAmin teaher, has chon childrn from litasomfdral thpeo. II, tol. to noit.nd .. n I will he in the Spaniel' Pork cernel BEAUTY the fifth end shah grades to form!. 0. of ut. .., )Ir.. jnk 41 D. won... SHOP QUISH tinder .. . ot she Loper, worth,tery. rer,iton gall tli.1.4 We have aireedy ;no '.me 1"to tir" C11. ary IRA 2 Viewing will he at the ho WAIL pew dub. Iieerned Wed.( i Me "r ""rrir. Imwriav rt on um; and eaushe atedir; Thursday Brier three Interesting songs.-"n"- 'IS weary lie bed weed and Wan Erwin"; tregglee. Popular roes& ,wrviole. Dick Robinson. Grade 5. "tore here. 'hook Net . Janoir , , maim t, i , 3 - where she resided. Simi Grimed aim et ti ri, thel daughter ISM a. eo - too I t 3 i wurrA , irsi , 6 - tor ; Pupils Photos Show Record 01 Attendance , ''',t i I --- , Wanda Palawr, Infant D. anti 1.wilo M. Palmer ..I South Jordan. Muriel will be in the South Jord an ceMm....ri. The dual thed yesterday morning at the' She was born MO 24'4 leanly borne. , In preparing a large poster On tegl. are her parent, two Dieters.' surrsteng which are pasted pictures of all the tete and Marne Painter. throe brothers.' children of room 4. our teacher. wk, bkon aqui V algo. p.imer. South ens Miss Donna Gerber, has made an iisrdra .bit eewl. irrrairip.arc'st jt:;rdra.r unusual roll call of the second rs Maitre Man WT. ot G , 11.t Or ,,, i.k, i' : ' , n,,,,, It do...-- N ..all IPV,;16411. on Those Ntifoot to Savo Dollars on Your Christ. Inas Shopping. . 4 A 11, . ;,,, -- Business A.B.G. Service Guide tfztNi w sAvt loop Your Ads It Ton III forthr 11,7 -- . . I r j ., as Your Buying Power. , U. R 6TMAS c9179ralnati t l 1 otincer-wasRobert 7i 1 , I, , - OF GrnAlb .0, pb i 11, - e ,. e GIMIlr IPTiViiVi sa. kb GiN as I -- 1 4- ,, wo..aer, have beerrYpracticing 'Christmas' es,,,,i1"1 :LIP, &Mate George lbe lawalli elm ' t: tit w. burtitolge ,' 4 ' ". . ' songs in their club. It is under' Wig It.' fi, i ri.".m.11 410 so le grated Pentode k. may Miss Alleman.! .,iiiia.. the supervision of aurorttz; mad . l , rein I I .0 4 : "II al the !Moretti It settlUtah i N 1 ,o Mary Sandbury reports: 1 11:71..(nu4 ,,, la Idea They 3. ti,,,, 7trztr:;,.rva?,A,77,47, all Carr. Aciaballs the! of the , school our ' In children II la It6 :' PM; wham ,,,, 'net a" THE IDEAL CHRISTMAS until SUndat w.f-.nature classes presented a play su.1 1.2lb ' Street. Yarned Cana l'hw ,: si is Dam Med al A NEW PORTABLE Now. L talk Taro pervieed by Miss Brown. The an-la the rhapol ' amp , ' moved te In Neadaway Chipman. alk. rm. 10 geom. I -,, 4,--there- - ge est Ram New.. i will be i.eo. aw,..t the play titled, "Animals in Gen- '7 TYPEWRITER tatPeeee. s. to ilw City so characlers were Ronald eral.' Comel remiss 10 Pail. ten. InSikla to maim thew Jensen. George Norton, Barbara, Salad II thou Jan. boar, your niacilino achollabse'w Ter many dawn wed taiga it balance dory 1471 iv anytiww Olson and Ray Warren. Betty, iloactisYb"nleatssta ollin6id they lived as Au .1 er,. abondtly paysnants. la. the "Howl mars semi et Nebelter gave a poem called. sod gsrbh t sad whoa the Wow eg Truett' i P"lertryottailek to Tell Wild Animals." Other char.; No intoreat and No Carrying Remotes. Kr. Ileum wee wilted bow husband sos 1,..",,.,.. Tee, mi. mums., eaters were Donna Hermanson.1 it,. came ta ,,,,, Charge waive Lake Vane,' Is 1114 ;yetwo, later reenter liet:k to Most Pearson. lone McKeen, Betty Pareguiteli to Undrwoad, Royal, Corona. Rousatore.wr itwe' ite those home. WINK in Tropp? oho wao martieltthatti. eglerearein.ar.in, migeost,r; beim Isenharns., Jean Bath. ing:son and Nolan leas, Vidh maw lumi SlUte. "le"' and &Ifni 'Docke, Don Schrenk. Elaine Stam.Hawis intetnees in Sogbarholooe on legli: th!ingsnalSeadwire carrying case. is until ILA that mammy ha. liar OS eat 'remit-ba'Leonard Higgens.,s,rviaa la seam shade. Billy Thomas. mural'11. age itaa Ile mea to $77.00 Janice Bell. Artlath Limb. Jesse t :wet 137.50 Argo, ia Char. h omit t be greeter hart Carter. Joyce Crawford and Calvin!os hut itle. Mr. liemeley had Outfitted toot taw to outgoes by Mee of bet eau So Wet us whom you mut aeo an maw... to Caftan& the hew laal ea WIWI Nina braes Athlone. et Lowell ,Robinson. sod tbe wooed tra LINK mous and el tom d you nab. chew. Mrs. Mollie Deem Wye.: tra C. ., Lorele Burt reports. In Mt Mt woo married le Kline bet h and M re. Amur Mtg, el p aaguitek I" are The fourth grades et 'Tropic. taking up, Reeerhett. who ohatt ta Ira. sha ..,.wia s.i.. Oyes trahts until I P. U. sad Funeral sorra, wow livid lodes ie the study of houses. They are et. Charlotte Testes. who be married days beteg Chrosseas. Later he wee emu- into "intik Mard &ohms ludohat cligetst ICU, la itiliet, ut of, how to the pod going ettidy wigwam wee ta charge- le. else died te Ma ,,,, Solt Lake Typewriter Company .. the Indiana are built, the way the!, J., 333 Somit ANNA GROM illeUrAMI dais Wasatch nil M. A, N Eskimos build igloo' and the agy:t.s. Angeles: tilreA. daughters, R. hurt. Belt Across trors. Postothce. and Jere, lake him. Anna Geed IlitriowA otli1171,1 tha widow et the huts of the many natives 31 tra"dttuldrea treat grand"'I Amnia Mot night dsed Naoad. el! et CS are willi.,'F' built; They the world Neel in'tiork all bet boom, 432 nue FOR MOTHER Ludy how modern houses are built WANDA 196...i. wee bore is Raiseeek. Mich.. JUNI rss.stra A DEACTIYUI. and the building materials used in SEW Kuril .hor iwid A Ira mid rams et' ergamo mil HOME SEWING MACHINE. A Girl building houses of today. ,, Is p.m to :South J.... Word ehaptet.rt 1 rhea lake City I:1 $ he will ALWAYS ENJOY. Isthmus, ( tr,'" ...., ' 4 6.19M ) .. . gamREDS 111 --- -- Ill 'wies t , iee, woo, Caroling I , , , , aub , 4 T'- - ''J'Atla's I III4e' ttak.Mari I. ellieb"....-pANGonrn, ':.,2 -' 02. the oldest pianos" to Nor held died at Nor bone nett Sandy ataitt. be i U Alr'4, woo a dousing, ot Nana and Nano Joyous 'Glee Tri 11Go . 1911 II Stanfill , Sonny wasborn la V ira Soak I toe Job htextrol, swill. Mired rites : J;0...d.s: in......r.T. 'Christmas nllataart I and 1 -'town ' , isatesta wino, I PARK died yetassalaY Emersiot al lite lama, t 1 :tr.' t4,Notatb meted Twenty-WeHIGHLAND-t 1302 r.wi SCHOOL 4 Soma late Meet mew l , , eosnotete4 were .. laata. tads,. --- ' Schultz Nadine reports: Ties services will r, omegas" le take the I le Denmark I Glee Club is going carol, ' i1 s' t- T Geogiri to held anaday al 1 i , '. ": 7 The When le years al .4Dm le tile guiseThey hinging at Christmas time. . 'Ce' i : r , , I , Junior Journalists : , ; . 1 r t , DECEMBER WEDNESDAY, , . . , ,ower as , ' . . u ,,,, :; - art -- ,, . ,- I Want A , . NEWS. SALT- - LAKE , .... I 1 - , , DESERET 111W. ' , . . , :. - . ,...,, :- . , . i,,., 4 . , t , . .. 1 .: 4 . . . : .1 .. . - , , - , , I i , , -- 't egi'"-i- IP zit ' ly Cha-!trov- g nii. "" Guar-pe- litan.x13711: 1 - 41 , - 1112.1. 'rs , 111 ,113111 II IP h In i &e after' - ..' till- - ---- 'f,',L Ik ,: - - - 411 16.--- "1. t: - 41 , , - !,1 tad, t"' 16.-- . I ' 111 -- easily-defeate- direr-111d- 1-. ', laThe ' le.---- . ',,Iteka-7-.- , ,-. answitat,70.am-ssesan- - i ,- -- !I 1 :. i', . 111111111140 r. '. - - . - Milling - ' - , . I - |