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Show ,, :r.- ..,,..,,,i,,,,. , - ..- ",- , , - - . 4, .,, Er ;,, , . . . . ir ., ;.,, .e,,-- ; - ,. Ar 4, sO, wo - , o , 0 . , ,H:.:07..111,:t....:01.,.,.nT,;.,,....., ' 4 . lor'4,47177.". 7:17-7-7- lit i . it.e,---,4111- Smith Paces . - WS DESMET-NE- 3,-- ! LAKE 4SALIT-.- . ISchmeling G::',filt.-40.- 7: Look OutBelow!HereComesThe oleShebangt iFarniers 4.1" 4 .. I' ' 17 .:' Or '1 '. .0:,' .. . - j ' ; ' , .. . ',". ''', a i ,i ' ;;;''.- .';,:.1. 1,:: 1.... j ,. ' :;:t',.. .,..,,, i , -- ::..' ,' ,,,......f.00'...:...: , , a" 1- .'..,!,;e1. ,, , ' 1" 1 -- ' 1 .',0' ' I ' ""r 1 Z. f',, ' ,,,,;-- , '. ,.. ., ,,,,,. '. ,,: : :. . , ,' ,, ,' 'I ,...,.!.i '...': 4 , ';',1;:' i ,;;', '' ' , ':',;. ., , c?,, , .. .; '....; i... ' ' , ;,.-- .. ''' , ...- -- ' ''' , ,1- '; ,...,- t ,:i : , t i ,, i ,i i . Kap-Intif- n : ' ''' ' '''''''..- eoun-,sio- : '''''" ..I ' any l are Everett Marshall the Steele, referee, Ernie Maddock. The score, Marshall 0, Steele 0, and1 the referee waif knocked out.. 0 Both wrestlers and the referee left the ring In one fell swoop during a boisterous burping bout in Cleveland. The grapplers .w. I ,ud .1 :t I ,.. . ,f - - t. - - am, ,.. .: .. 4,1, ,,,;,,,,,; .; q,. . '' - - : ,...): ......,, .4 , ' - ' self-hyp- .,..'. a 1, "' - , .0, ...- - ,il-:- , ,, I ,:.: ',', ), 1 , ',..., , -I -- -- ; 1,,i,i ''I :t ...,-.- , : ,, : j'.7,., .' t . - ....,7 1 - , , .. ' .. , :!..t.......,. . i ;,, ) r , ''''. - -- ' .:. , .' .,......t.- ,....,,.... 0 pen Begin. s '" .. I '''''''''I 3,ti, ' ,-,:- ...., - ' .. , , ...'' ,1; .",.., i.- I ','; ., I 4 ......m,3,, ;.: ',..' , .. ' Giondale s' ' .: tril,:..1 ,4 :,,.. !;3,'. ' d 1 ? '' , 4. ,., wresti-rworl- ., ''''''.:::---1'.-.-::- . .... 2-- 41i, , ..,." ',. ':'',';',;,..'e....: ' 1 ;.:::...';':::;,!.. 11-1- 'N, i '' '14 : , A, Max Would Forfeits OM Rathe r Than Return Super-Confide- nt : 1:i'-'--' ,, 1 -- 'LOGAN, Dec. $25 1 fore SOD enthusiastic students, the .,. f the an-championship matches-o.. By DAMON RUNYON nual Utah State intramural wrest14 fistic workl as real monarchs, tak--... ing were displayed in the Smartl ' .aot. rm.. ling advantage of all the rights and Dec. 16.1- - ' ....privileges of rulers. and they gymnasium Tuebday attitude toward Max Schmeling's The crowning of the new cainpusr itiidn't go around with their hats' wrestling champs completed the'our heavyweight champion of them n their hands taking orders. Thee the tteY the heavyweight most successful intra-muris somewhat astonishing. It ing tournamenta in years. according! is obvious tint Schling thinks champion should be. to Coach Joseph R. Jensen. intral Last la U. S. James J. Brad- -mural and physical education di-ss., dock a mace! It isn't important. But if Max rector. This assumption was base& for Schmeling wins the title from 'N pushover on bath the number of comestantlf him. N Braddock next June, we do not . in e m and spectators attendance. Sch "s.,.. ling'F think the German- will ever return of frame to Draw Is Thriller I country to defend it. bwev miti ' ' I The most exciting match of the !. wi. 111 In fact. If we had a Lloyd's in .. what ..,,,e,,,,, al tournament came in the 135 pound I I the United States making book on confidence. '" the proposition. we would like to ' !class when Dave Green wrestled I t f bet on our opinion. !Don Hall. Idaho. A. A. U. champion, : '',4044.9, sheer to a draw in an extra period thril-- ! nouns. It is lit--1 True, Schmeling has made prom,' les. I tie short of in. ises, but he has made promises in ' Coach George Nelson sounded Brad. to the suiting past that he didn't keep, notafor varsity tryout. to ' first call dock.Schmeling,bly his promise to give Sharkey a .be held on January S. Some prom-- i Ils' Jealously guardo return match at once when the :; 4.ising new talent scat uncovered In', York recognized o vv n this meet and Coach Nelson is fair--I ,it penional:schmeling as champion in 1930. Ger The his prey. ,ly optimistic regarding varsity; True. too, Schmeling is supposed lateens) Braddock man feels that to put up a surety of 925,000 cash isquad. Is champion. lacking e b bim"11 The new State Intramural defend the title here if he beats the formality of giving ssraoi'Braddock. ' But in the first champs and results of the final only a little shoving around when, Schrneling is pretty sure toplace, ;dock round follows : get the gets him in the ring. The Results some promoter to put up the mon And by iihrill appeals to "Ameri So him. for he risks eY 11 4 Beta can sportsmanship." nothing the Germaii 'Kanpa, decisioned Wheeler, Weber has succeeded in having Rraddrwk 's there and in the second place. if Club. i itnft title deciarm maanaaac.by any amazing chance Schmeling puts up the money bimselt. we 125 lbs.Gerald Palmer. Barbs. until such tame as Schmeling Cdill think he would forfeit the tt of e. business to the Snow. Harris shoving. Sorenson, !get t pinned ad r t h at an American ma k. rather than return. ' 1 Green Beta The way the New York Commisand Don Had. Foreann. drew,,ing the same appeals under the In Sclimelings can insure it being Schmel (extra period). 'trl nista" sportsmanship ing's dough that goes up. is to ex-145 ihsLouis Roberts Sigma wouldto proliablv be ;chased rtgnt act from him an order on the pro- Chi. pinned Douglas Perkin. s. Ali of the i ,. V k. ;of- ;t. German Not Likely To. Defend Crown In America Find New Mat Talent , 4 ., ''''''' . ws -- P7 A CORAL GABLES, Fla Dec. III tt, lus tenth Professional start (APPLanky Horton Smith topped ntnee he Wnn I "den "yen Goldlosey money winners of 1936. tournament here, the pile driving With total winnings at rzsmil 'Young westerner sank PePe Del Rio Records of the P. G. A disclosed of Mexico eltY, laSt night. ' la Stroud Resod today Smith! The end came after 50 seconds edged c't'd Ralv": of the second round when Del Rio. Guidahl of in, was caught flush on Louis try 220234. the chin by a paralyzing. right cross. On y He was out several minutes. 14 Gu A mild first round, in which Del 1 separated the dab' and 1. Rio bobbed and ducked out of clan- ,., lir cow T t h i r d biggest gcr. decided him to slug it out with collector. the Los Angeles youth the other rash 44r Henry Picard of nine stanzas. H e r they. PI. .its Weighs 192 Pounds ., whose winningsi In Nesteirs own corner, Del Rio totaled 17.6S1..,,,' suddenly caught him with a right Playing In that sagged his knees. but when fz,. . tournament--- s the Mexican attempted to follow aF Smith won two up. Neste!l connected the with The Augusta knotkout blow. an. Nestell. 192. had a 6 Nati(441 pound ,,,,,, other at e t advantage. He has averaged 'aria. 13. C.and 3 gnrounds in disposing of his last finished seventh He won a six- r better in 15 nine opponents. nori ne Saad i decision in his first proles-Mediroimd competitiOniL siona i start. Included in the blond. Was 0 of winnings Chicagoan's the special 21.000 team prize offer- ed bv Col Henry L. Doherty for the three P. G., A. members from any one distrtet who harl the lowest azzregate srore for the recent !Otani Biltsnore and Nassua opens. Winnitu( with Smith were Ilarryl W ho collected $200, and Ky, CLENDALE, Calif., Dec. It Laffoon, 6100. (APiFirst round play Of the SI.- After the top threeSmith. .300 Southern California Open Golf Culdahl and Picardthe money ,Tournament was slated to start to-of 936 were! rain s oaked course Man- - day over the Ilarry Cooper, 67,441; Rav the Oakmont Country Club. Ad- m. Jimmy T hom son. ,of ditional first round will be played 15,927; Jimmy Hines, 61,79970; Gene Sarazen, 1.5.4k0 Oncluding $1,son Thursday. Meet officials. following yesterwon in foreign tommamentso; ron Nelson. 65.42-97- . Johnny Revolt's,. day's postponement of an amateur664.317; pro prologue, declared the tourna1.735: Densmore Shute. Tony Manero, 63,929.22, and Ky Laf- - ment proper would go ahead ram or shine. tom. 63.592. Olin Dutra of Los Angeles. Willie Only Manero. Shute and Sarazen r. Santa Montea, FAdie Loos. PartletPated in legs than 14 merits. and Hines and Guldahl in of Omago and Other pros headed 20. MacDonald Smith. the entry tit of male stars. while fewer than , playing in nine. won 63.171 Wil-- Mildred Babe Didrikson, entered in lie MacFarlane, winner this week her first major mens tournament of the Nassau alshamasi open- - fv1- -' since she turned pro. hoped to lected 62.1r13 in eleven times Out finish mewhtire in the money." In 'W. Lawson. Jr.. won 61.75-1nine tournaments sim-- he turned, NO WONDER TRIANR PASS professional at Augusta last April.! One reason the Southwest ConWalter Hagen played in in, won 61.292. and Sam Parks. Jr.. 193-- ' ference turn out so many good National open Champion. competed passers is that the boys down there ithrow basket almost from birth. In four to draw $266. Coo. - - :rlYtöiiie A i1;i411.0i$ Himself .,firciddöck's IS - Tige,-$03-eirlit-ii.y.ii.ir- contender today. seight 1 ii' 15 -- 1936' 1 Has-:'-:Ali.7644y.:1c00.cle- Picard Ninth KaY Guldahl, LOS ANGFIPS, Caw.. pee. It Second, Third AP)Nine knockouts, all in a my,. built It year's prize amateur, In Prizes ;BIS Rob INestelt. into a heavy- - ' DECEMBER- :. Joplin Ghost Cops Neste"' Two Jousts !Registers r ,... 'art- - WEDNESDAY ', 1 1 - , Jim Braddock. champion Grant Harris. Beta Kappa. ,tlatie ,ned the world. must be somewhat 165 ths Fred Kohler. Barbs. deIf he of exaction that vou may be sure would raise a bleat from the Ger- gives the matter a man that would be heard as far cisioned Dean Hobson. Forestors. isildereti. erv slight con- assay- as Berlin. By the 'thought. h 175 Bunker. Phi Kspistsitteration given his pugilistic pros..., Lasts Drawing Card B. C A. Heston. Elbert decisioned by everybody concerned. You "Itammersclo g".ess Gus Heavy think Braddock won his Every move and every utternace Dal foie in I game of casino. not !Gold. Enrestors. decisioned by of the Germans tends to strengthen our belief that we are guessing 'White. Sigma Chi. 'ludic supenonty in the ring. him correctly. He is a great hand Oen -- playing both ends egairuit the agreed; The newspil Tier-7;that if he fought Joe Louis a no middle. as the rival Newif York pro- decision bout in Atlantic City. (moters would find out they ever By The Associated Press) knockd ouL compare notes. NEW YORKCharley Gomer, Bradd(ek would BY HUGH S. FULLERTON JR. Braddock has never been fichmeling sive he only wants to 1321,4. Baltimore. outpointed John lYet the bantamweights to the NEW YORK. Dec. NEW YORK, Dec. Pena. 130. Puerto Rico (10). i knocked out In a tong career in make money, imd that be beheves Matthews.1 Tili.intew Y SEATTLE.Allen Voting began today to select the heavyweights, the fight business is showing signiTof new life. nek Roans Commis- - thliAddobigck7 the Idlemhiandrifirg bellthetinbigg of 1936 who will receivel156. St. Louis, outpointed John The heavies have been holding the headlines for the last athlete end of the gate when he defends the James E, Sulhvan Memorial!ny Sikes, ISM. Bismarck. N. D.:aion and atthethe boxthg promoters !shudder thotight of Jim:his titlementioning. as a slight Louis few weeks, with the talk of a Jimmy Braddock-JoAward. previously on by Bobby (10). more then !indication of his anything the sum LOS ANGELES.Bob Nestell. !engagi ng inexhibitions. bout at Atlantic City; the hullabaloo over the final Jones. Lawson Little. Barney Ber as if an 21:of 1600.000. And thought. that would be linger. Glenn Cunningham and Los Angeles, knocked out Pepe doorknob that climbs in the Max crown his defend to Braddock Schmeling, seme as ring Jost the against Bonthron. declining to re-signing of Del Rio. 1A514. Mexico City tZy. 'with the might Mitt elt; turn to defend the tile. because Louis' quick knockout of Eddie Shims. However, champions The list of ten finalists; selected BISMARCK. N. D.Dick De-- him and Jerseyman take all the problem out hundred thousand days balloting. together :moray, 141. Bismarck. kmxed out 0, a2 most problematical gate with the six with and contenders are keeping things moving in four other divisions. by preliminary the six hundred passed a summary of their qualifica Buddy McCrea. 142. Omaha tAl. ,Nehmehojr, The middleweights are next on lions went out yesterday from the, l'iINONA. Minn.Joe Goeders. ikonaires of Madison Square Garts What Braddock. isn't answay? (he program with Harry Balsamo,' Amateur Athletic Union to the ti00 166. Albert Lea. Minn.. outpointed hp champion of the stole Isn't the "Belting Brakeman" m ho st as I gi We think both Schmeling and members of the Sulbvan trittunAl.!Bert Paxton. 171. Detroit tai. the gr pc,ed to Carroll..-1-ou-t"enconsidered a great title prospect ..a.s.a.saaaw.esa aALJ and of-- ! Braddock missed the train. it they NEW eaPerts YORKEddie aPotta of NI2112 Det112.221 1,122121ET . ,firigsetach Risk beaten DEWin' DWI S DOWLING OCI1002. Babe was name will he and Tedby three luntil want money, when they passed Up over 17,5 pounds? Or Is he 145. Ottawa, Ont.. outpointed 1... W. p1. Tom Ikasmilage meeting Brooklyn's Solly Krieger Ithe trophy will be awarded to the dy Loder, 145. New York (So. a fellow who is holding jun: the Louis. Schmeling could have had a a i, ssel Ilinwact nedisolo the at numtier the PALM lathlete Fla. greatest of $300.000 tO n'teat Jo e polling WEST BEACH, wm, tonight ,sa Hippodrome -title ;It i for Krnmehrig, 'guarantee 1y A2d..3. r...i 11 I :oil 116.,11114101111 ,,, votes on a basis. W Gm last September. and Braddock could la, Krieger: i fair boxer 7and a5 pretty gin.etthe la Carr, 177. Meriden. Conn..: Can !Steve 3 .331 I I .333 13urt4act., !T favor-loslobouno hitter. is rated a to Carl Knowles. 175. mimion7. or the contender Telling have had the same amount to fight The List (AP) s 3 ANS good sEArrLE, Dec. 16. .Ist 1 fiord- Pommes, ... 13 I Omorkotano Govan Rhodes. Jack Dempsey or Gene Tunney Louis a sae ite. but Balsam(' still has his punch. Eight northwest amateur ion bout in Febru- .. a Ala is is .. ..... boxinli The finalists are: Johnny Fisch.: Rome, Ga. Ing 114.441103,11,013,rwm 13 it to 131 . crash determined Nata Sperm is and 14214. Augusta. Ga.. defeated John. what they could, or couldn't do, ary in Atlantic !. 13 national golf thampion:-ThomaCity. They will champions. including six Eniver-,erSri 313 he Tsses Off1011, W 'mewl' inn. Then C. N. AN 143. W e not. Dean. WP think t remember. wind up taking plenty less than of Idaho boys. were hound for:Hitchcock. polo star; Helen Jacob,s.' nY Kanapolis, against Grieger's jaw. 610 104rolunolII I Laare I IS .r4 wants siy Toms sesst Risko to Fri-14411.131elogot s and bestrode ; Vn to when ass 110). the that Wimbleden Lieut. tackle tennis San 1)empaey et,...nem is ... Francisco today ,i...,,. again... Tunny they fight next June. fight champion. .. VS 0011444 Iligit 1114.sree Current plans. hos ever. call for day. in the Pacific Coast Golden Charles F. Leonard, Olympic mod- -.---bio,ssusi angle. 1114,13 5540411404 ..,... m 313 .".". 'roams ern pentathlon runner-up- : the winner tonight to face fred Gloves tournament. Jack 441411. .... 231 il.als smile. 11Ndisnds iiisiciAoss Imitvadn al for,e4. swim- orh43 so Apostoli. th e highly regarded San The Idaho fighters left Seattle'Medica. Olympic MAI 47401 11""ndual is due who M c'rbe" 3 13I "n1.. Ar Francisco middleweight 3:a 3 last night. accompanied by Louis' Ming chdaecmaptihoino:n Glenn sris. 0103 04 13, (WII 1 1 'In New York shortly after the holt- - Agusut. IS 101 13,,hoss IN champion; Idaho boxing coach. They Olympic 5 2 .43 SS 0. of that wens. of Soma MI 4 122 1314443 survivor winner four the Pat-'121 with 115 131 Olympic 143 days. In F,43.41und IN w.,,, Ralph Miller. flyweight; 112 1st w.,ssisso 111 Its 131 l!tt" ald,- -, tit I N 235 IN Delimits 3241 III 131 ; Helen Stephens. wom- medals 343 INS,11 encounter 131 gold to Champion' B IN match ud Paul 14 ,sv IN Ill Dans .. Fitzgerald. featherweight: iwsssessP1 In 17s "1 zSteele. also due to head ,Benott. lightweight; Roily gl,,,en's Olympic 100 meter champion; :7 miln Toisis alk), Totals 242 201 214 Freddie Towns. Olvmpic hurdler, 193 7 in 1013 east (41411) early . middleweight; Jimmy Clahhy, .Forrest lway III Total& 1 (III) 43 rt. Tetats an d Herman I F. Whiton. I Heavlea More le yachtsman Jackie and a416 'light heavyweight; loon 6:eitt.twv 131 111 tog' lobPrilmnattan its tire silt .The heavyweights 1110Ve Into the,Donne, ggnnee TToobbee inz) 3 1 I 1 3 bantamweight when as S.'S. In I ot big al tocturt again Friday Idaho heavy r3 . ro Larimi Ran Bill Boyd. tr. aummariring Owens' qualifies-(ma- . It osier 01 14 Ile iere of Col.,1 Spring. le IS tthe Sullivan memorial cons. and Billy Barrett, Seattle ti weight, Totals 274 IN 2411 Tonle 272 242 311 impellit 1.13 71 14 ea- los"- O;,..00a;;;;;;""'uom ittees Bob Pastor In a bout billed In, Otte noted that "his difficulties OS 1M CPU) welterweight, left Mondav night Looks 3 I 1 All will arrive in the Bay City in connection with I 2 2 for the New York state title. There's! IS at latt Park P."' ----2" In In tun III In HI 'a possibilitv the winner will be tomorrow. !competitions might he charged up 121 CM nit MI IM Melo. 123 11 In III Ile Cars et41 113 Totals sas vat ?ewe 1111P4 up with Joe Louis. 'to confidence and there. misplaced Walks these Dia 118,18stemss . ftsAls fore Guarentei, In ban 2611 the of A lot re iss Totals osellEmEn MI 211 rs, ths intere.t oast Vored." lower 4x10 test. Sefore you I (1311 I I I comes I 3 ents' I I tams anti featherweights inisitiess losses to move out 14 UM 111 of 1 3 ss tw.rwrrn pr4ce4 Therm visit your Velum volue of the from Six, 1ST Champions 131 21 t,NN 0118 III liftit 1311 288êtstotem IN IN IN tigmlimme slay price, The stemeodoes miens shit 111481182 la t81 183 Withmoo 11 123 1St to Esrobar and In Ambers In nottsoy cor r.etwwas tit III In81818888 1..21 SI -buy prices. Dealerwhere sales Ls, aik 1 ford Th :: title bouts. Escobar has been beaten 01".4 0 le ere able ?mail" XII ttle MC Totals 1937 F eta IN U7 US Salt Lake City (By The Associated Press) bout by the ford Deelers vetoes 10 coolideocel itwtro In Tmo. , at 03 Totigs 364 $111 with City Like EW Cole. HAVEN, i ConnAbe Salt Italtimorp battier: Harry :lg. sway buy missal' or ceillimies young enceptieeel you 31111N Mac nitantill end to: roe .fra move and the next Nmalcknt poem Ca21)5m.poireda,Anfledies:Badlettirmeaotedre. I ' te Wes Itceeditioosi Itsediseisi Toone w. Teem Teem atessetteg atendloo W. L. Pet we. 1,,,,,t P- be for a title Reran between thp two.t. Used Cars. fully doo .114 vnot. 14 I am 1Camputreds defaulted becaupe of for' a 2 on That mar bp a different a frerat 'rhea's(' story. parte .141 cremes ee 3,4 I s injury after each mirli 1 I I71 ' the Puerto Rican claims to be come- one fall.) ',compel, ?teem 41 3 11 31 10 1 3 mg. .111 w ol k mete Mem t ,.. PROVIDENCE. R. I. Steve .117 elle,le 3 Ale m 13 111116E00..'' 001111.1111111.1111111.1.1m me what better when he s fighting at- - t:ptcm ... 4 4 Co. M ut West Dot ITSAATY1 .0111 3 .611 or... Mithato ?wet 32 M 215. Ireland. de 1 7 (Crusher) Casey. In Bantam tmundage. Pt artag ternee CA1:- NCALINDU 0 .1171 .17:mat 4 MtIrate 1 2 .1211 ..... )331 St or.w. feated Dirk 215. heeeres Itre & aim Stahl, Also Losea Ambers Germany, .136 e.,4 S .444 21 .midsak . fr.,ond .... ..AS 1 A 1 a welter A A. A. Tote SIINILARSTLAUkCSSITYCONTODIRIDIONDEATILASFIBICAEVEYOTHU two Draw? Pint I 37$ two straight falls. a e Alyitterie alma bax drooped mg 4 113 P.!Pnall rhall1111,1 .., . 2122 31m .313 4th. PITTYII" took.iiMOTOTm..R LINCOLN, reset. LA from NekJohn nonAttle fight.' 'ince he took the :4,714 tOil tomprousio 123 1,) 20 limo .321!rppia ib. series, 2.,, 200 defeated Dirk illarbeese rail Lever. 11;;4;nd Cirmatneri 1.w1 no $ An'ssiedy finish, from crown Tony I 3A Mt FRIO 14 i Mom ototte. rapt : ....... ..... .,.... 143 (awa (3wlaks Labe Orr COMPANY Amerman Sehtir1 t I Ill '230Na5hville, TINIZI, iwo straight Pcolot Crool.'DmPor 14 43 111 AL iterWite. to .. Eddie 1"4".4ael Pirelli One waft 11446 . September. maw mean Schedule Ir Wrda'a4a-rawewbag II; SAKIR MOTOR VS toolb Isidlyaatset sonska,, putt fall'. a" the Wei 11; other to Jimmy MeLarnin. whn IMPANw AT PANDT IMP Greve Stew Ow. 30 WOO, I omit Sod Toot Rahn. 'Poen a. Rom Cr.ome pt I p ea. WOGS DA WO to MiniAll I ye. Barney( mini Wentl eir UN Labs Cli WS ID& fight he Unit (1413) 'gays Dol. and tiER41 Oa Mt tios) noon elatlit, 2ulber 2."'alad 1,42 i Drag'''. "1 DM. Kin1 al Abe 3 3 trunk, t fInarroWeel 2 I Turkey. pinned Kathey. tti:ut ................ the welterweight chgmplonshini sor po, J ElinOr ... ..,..... .TireL vs. rnima al I p is a KV 1,1k Immo ..,; ITT130 1311',... ,.. ,,,....,....., Me Whir nearkliill, 45 minutes- z is.." t..,..,... ...,..k . Draw eights unAWN labs City -- - , beets! Setteduls tor Tlion.lw. 'Derewber II: put G.we Ineermitio horr,,,., i whom, 9t let al Urns, , 133 1112 VI ' ".',.." howse.SIEDMI. iatortitt anylVi ble. trans AT ASIDVALI A. A. A T. 1411 ISO IAA 1311 Groulend 641 141 n for t ILI mixerable Puonerist life MOS tne, (13014 big tin2L. IVIS TOAD tiridrato itovind ink Utile, at I (3391) II AS 363 Nauruan., 136 ........... . Lmis.r , uo I Lou next I coulee q Herkimer berggin OnS mew I ,,Iprx. vs. Sant t 1;4 151111000 MIthitko Semmi as Notw Int 1M so loml Ina. 1ST US 11,A, Jackson. $P WI IPA; Tobias.. Don't .. Ill Pink .. Bean ..... ... smi ol,sgainat Enrico Ventu ri. one of thelvaTs.. 12213 tWil OWSOW ........ 4, I ,...... 19., . ,.., taws oligniutehhabat, ItS3 IPLIMOUTE winhoaiil000kov ............... .111:0....:0111:1., Dm, . woos awe-- WAN .. Ton Aryarcuwe i ErnliteCeletlt The 1St teir ,,.. (By The Associated Press) cce 4 i If Venturi, citaeet.rt i-- i' Tim. .. la iio i'll. affair. lig i If overweight' -13mot.. Nsw ---- - .4 a 2 3 I Mazurskit I 4 1 1 TITS ItTleacts Misaourf Valley 30, University Of 2 ! I 140 ............ TOWN ,doegret get anywhere. Aldo Spoldi Jvcwwww,if 1 3 2 4 Weedb..44.4 2 4 S I elflike N.b.kar. hi to illins,i, .. lao lel Ts.' W1m.114(4014711 7"..a.esle own .......... ... Missouri 35. TOAD MOM 'A' 2 3 I 4 a 117 1 44 leit learni4... 112 130 134 1hr cm hand. lenklit.Pli ,- 2 104414.g NM !Meeker" scamilos. 011142t 5 31 Denver 24. CIS ! a 3 I 11,s,,a.,c1hung-iwwilid 124 1441 174 Peet.? I la 1I4 Simpson 174 hoo Immo I 1 SEDANA COM Rook rneanwIllo, mitt "g"1"1 in , 5 NA I I 1 L Rn61"1 . .......... 110 IN I 1 I South Dakota University 37. l'"1"1.rf MA TOM ........ Lawmen, 100 110 120 1,410 213 V .m. who telltme Garcia: . neon Celerine Ivith 10 123 1 4 1 I 117 1 43, 11211.... 3:1 110 1011 I Yoh, e 0000- 0- 1 0 Ess t oo, t weet . 10 n .0 a moos Univeraity 34. 231sa...r .. 150 MS VOID Malin . misoed out on tme chance for the PeckTenfrm..1121 : : 0 0 Canaincti : : 0 0:Creighton !Wo w in in 177 71a is, i Oklahoma Coy Umversity 43, -COUTOYou. nitenen ial ti4Komoroor 444 101) Tolals 74 411 Ill crmyn when he was intured in his INUCT Ill tot4ls, 252 144i Lamm, to comma 144 7 4W4 o 41110o4mov. sa il 144 crissmosa Ads Mt 4444444 tt n1 vet.te . 2 it to Southern Methodist Crt, rammosowniowlomob f4444444, 114i 4 85 MI ONETINNIT "elimination" draw swith Tzav Jan- - Smog I 441 lit 144 Grows) . lin let COUIPIV INT Clean S11411 by Dermas. tottnetbons. (21611 1.13444er I --ilinvasj Loyola 44, Kansas State 32. tom .................. 14 IS 21 21 I I .1 I ll p Inn& Roes had to pmmiae Garcia.dvato r..t . IMO MO 1314 sls Bethel 20, IPS To Tawas Duoil MOS-I Bethany iti I Ream lab M IlliTostraos. 344 III III a crack within 60 TOID atale ill IV illl 6".4 CAM god am S41 13 days after whip- - lildvlo Third TWO a liS , thopot Mankato Teachers 23, McCalester TM TOO lost Slidysts IA Oafs Geed ILa.. .. 141 In 111 Ilaliberyt. 340 301 144 ........ aalegni 1111110 Two& 110113 111111aZie ........ CAwse .P.1 . T. 114 T. to G. G. '124 112 141 7. 11414.... in in 41. pine algal I g g Ilsomple 3 II 4 C.Gesat.rt. I 4 3. S 3 14. iln!pailiMr... Ise 143 144 a lull in Slather- - Youncru There TrTOW C365 111 143 143 VVfo... 140 St. Olaf 40, River Falls Teachers 1;1 1;1 1107 42444mm 340 144 11410 ... 11311 TOO DIS TOW 114 144 Jo NC Wilms. 114 144 ra, Gdns.... atel fikm-,1activities ilince Petev Sar-- ,17"1"1".": I : I : : :154. dams weight ................. 141 20 111 Asmenow TUDOR 1S1 WS 113, 2 a a I . of "i .. I a.ra.r. most soay mo. clontartil VW 113 1114elmr. ri stas. widelyvow. recognized I I I I Mk Nebraska 27. Dana SWAN I o - . Getr140-ITmates efka TODIDIO 113 2 3 I I '33iumatatt.it I AuxIllayiklaSICDMilGoodi throe title claimanta.went to Timms TOWD Concordia 17, Moorhead (Minn.) til !I ........... recontb- (RAC 4111 14 ISO loodt . 4 144414 llowaramonsmoloom" and trail& hwtt.hraa; 1111 light The, flyweight .t.Teachers 24. ;a choica. TWA& end Mow ,1144144kor tad .. s I I I 1e Paul 27. Hemline . 'W40011. laeo narks Mesta' I heavyweight dialdons are virtual-434441 -- -- 4tclaper. Chem-- ' I WO 1 because the latter 32. Louisville "dead"; 35. Centre ly I 'rotate. a 14 Totals... I II S II ANTI CIIARANTal) MI By The Associated Press TERMS! John Hanry Lewis can't find sew. si lamas: rdolossconalatETWOLWT.... ... Central (Mich.) State Teachers RECONDITIONED 144219... 144 an TODAY A YEAR AGOJoe Louis pion - 144 114 131 II IS SO h 39. Alma 23.1 DO 1411 Wurbt Rest NWT .4 to 141 A fight. 1311 EU inycme P,rry... 141 spasm). LawNo. I athlete of 103Zc . Al 0 11 nI. voted Mud ris vet 141 114,41444 lead, CARSRIGGER lb Hawaiian 35, New Mexiso ns 2u Din tot To- wBiTTEK Artates. nancei. . 44411s 111 second; Jesse Owens co School Of Mines 41. CAR TOD 71 thsontrtLittle arsoos 10 In no. ADDIES ON STRIKE TeachI 1 Durant 20, (Okla.) Drury Frank THRrE TEARS AGO Tessin re 222, 2,22; Tolholo . MI TM Nill 11., 11,,,, STOCKTON. Calif, Doc. 16. ers ZS, . Motor pres A.,40.4 ' tratuou,a of shields . isdoomor ineme I Irlikol000 66'1106AL LEAttre $2141114 wage increases have Wartburg 23. Cylvr lows 40. IMMO 116Noto6 . 2 I I tennis 4aeed ten for a1933. I; New York Amtrimos I (rim, been agreed 000m some 50 C. L. A, 45, University of - 1 1 $ of 133 $43 DT 22041r.. So in 1st A AG0, Connat tows,trell Stockton Golf and dies the ...... me, i'n SI iegik.o....., u4 IS I NI Leollitiosi newswis1: Swami kW Ile tar Dwrio,... sio ye LIP I oeetof vonelnittec unn Columt 'la lie:Psi:4 21. S. Ambrose 37. ire Club remained On mrike Way. Dwyer, I football players were paid tbew II t; S. awl. Chadrtin (Neb.)- Teachers 41L rooroo, 22a in 133 homes. !ok demanding the right to operate a AntOrIATIOn AlintrAll Mrt All Mai &mkt &Iliadic' 1.11 Virt.tar:t branded a Win Us ' PaDkk bison 25. hfrin., hall. key issue in tba story gieleagssin l games Cina I. . . . , . - cum:Amen maritime lawmp. a Itad1tii2,-Tuk- s on MA t, , Guiding I, Totals. - Taub. - S u lh van I i i Award Starts ri eti1 1-- ilr Yr, e four-roun- d Bid-192- . , Scores mil-wit- h hn,InQ I .....tc-hin"i llect In . 1 Last Ni ght's gt e 1Bow1inli be- - lbs.--Bo- V oe Oil Middleweights Next On Prize Ring Docket tourna--Honte- - '''''''''''' II - ii 13 . s -- 3. 43111.N4-1.ftwa- s . . . ch.1141.ia 1,asi - Ilw"" ... 1111141.4 , 4 r 1 . 1 . 114 1,41-1- 3 A- - . - - so . 21111 t ' IW!(UO PEOPLE Chit PRICES, -- tottv.-egten- 111 e 1.10:1E . ROM USED 1 - 11.,06 I."' ri Mutual I 3 . Basketball over-weig- --- t It Wrestling Results V-1- s -t. OD -- ',r.j. . . 4-- 4 : t - . 111 311 I r I i Vila-W- ., - ; - -. , P. 11 1111' --;rne le6044gt1,1111111. 1.0.,10476117.kitHt'ramolwtr---:1",--7104,414t...-- , S32u . 1 111 i 11133: . .... leilgpt.1Wrosneetkeild11.11 1 . ... ! - . . v , i f " 0- , v. - - sigs Spoils Afirror 13111 41 111 2T ri -In Hockey Results rivE-TEAT- rl . , 4, r ... , .r.., ugh . RI nt rs u. tionIzEly tutu) ad I ' 1111 ottor. - 311141116011 Ann FRS - 4 a - (. - , .r, ts cy 5255 t (AP)--Tho- 11141.1111- i :: IPILIODe-Vo- el S449 S195 a a 1 "e 1285 A-- r hat-bei- - -- n .1235 I 3 al s315 41.9f6ppt39 1424 7111,.r.u,"1111 ti 65 cage Results I I 1:1011110 .a , , . , .... . , - at - , , , 7 |