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Show PL drove News s MInk Is'nld Anderson and Miss Mildred I 'diniill o'f Ma;na were weekend guests of Mrs. Jewel ('oli-bley ('oli-bley and Miss Uul.li Ilooley. A lmppy group of youngster;) enjoyed en-joyed a parly Wednesday evening at the home of Murk lladmall. (lames and relresliinenls were en-Joyed en-Joyed by Misses IVarl Heck, Ulier-line Ulier-line Clark. Mary I'atilson. TVI.I.y Jo I'a";e. Jimmy liichanls, Douglas Doug-las it"-k. Mark 1 :uli mi 1 1 , ( iordon Adams. Uiiymim Adams and Kenneth Ken-neth li.iehins. At G e'colek Snulriiny afternoon, the Old Polks of Lindon word and guests were entertained with a sumptuous dinner at their assembly room at the school house, where covers were laid for more than sixty. six-ty. ' C. J. Cobbley was master of ceremonies and following djtnner conducted the very spicy program. Humorous Incidents were told by Mrs. Dalhier R. Walker; readings by Miss Carol Harris; music, including inclu-ding vocal duets by Mrs. Elberta Walker and Mrs. Clara Edwards and a number of vocal solos by Harry Lawton. Benediction was pronounced by Lawrence Walker. All in all it was voted a fine party par-ty and the committee is to be highly commended. A number of the 'farmers of the community are taking advantage of a class in repairing farm machinery which is sponsored by the agriculture agricul-ture department of the Pleasant Grove High School. C. A. Fugal is instructor of the class which is being held in his blacksmith shop on Wednesday and Saturday evenings. even-ings. The first class was held on February 21. Recondition and repair of cultivators, culti-vators, plows, harrows, mowers and similar rouipment will make up the class work. Except for necessary parts or materials, there will be no cost to class members. The expense is met thru funds provided by the 'federal government under its war training program in agriculture. There is an opportunity for a few more to take advantage of this class and any one interested should contact either C. A. Fugal or Jean-A. Jean-A. Fugal to arrange for entering the class. |