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Show m. C;'iiu.sTjA.:;i-..v AMI; FAMILY PI Us.SKNT PHOriRAM tm thiuD WARD The M. S. Christiansen 'family presented the following well arranged arran-ged porgram in the Third ward Sacrament meeting Sunday evening, even-ing, with Mrs. Chistlanson in charge. Mrs. Louise C. Neilson, organist or-ganist and Miss Carol Christiansen I chorister. Invocation wa.s offered by George Neilson; patriotic reading, Miss Carol Christiansen; vocal trio "My Testimony" Mrs. Louise C. Neilson, Mrs. Mary C. Varney, and Miss Carol Christiansen, accompanied by MLss Barbara Mullins. Speaker was M. S. Christiansen who talked on My Testimony. The closing number was a quartet quar-tet including Mr. and Mrs. Christiansen Christ-iansen Mrs. Vamry and Miss Christiansen Christ-iansen accompanied by Mrs. Neilson Neil-son who sang "Let The Lower Lights Be Burning." Benediction was pronounced by Lyman Neilson. |