Show DOINGS IN BILLS introduced AND ACTED UPON BY THE LAW MAKERS AT THE STATE CAPITOL IN TITE THE SENATE D mils I 1 ila in introduced reduced t S 4 H B 18 robinson nobl neon of 0 free kindergarten by school districts on petition S H 13 10 19 I iowla severe penalties for manufacture of intoxicating liquors which becomes it a felony 4 n B 21 callister Amen amending cling state prohibition law to enable cities to pass ordinances possession of 0 liquor aa H misdemeanor and permitting intro 1 of the lie record for conviction in such cases to stand in trials on an charges char Koa of being persistent offen offenders derm y S it 11 22 callister Cal llster Bm empowering powering el clelea ties to ta prohibit possession manufactures or aale a a of int intoxicating xi eating liquors 8 U 13 23 candland al bonding act co covering v rang the sale bale of the plute irrigation I 1 I 1 0 n project so as to permit moro more liberal terms to the settlers 8 13 24 1 jenson clarl clarifying tying the law biti with regard d to termination of life estate S 13 25 jenson relating to service and sett I 1 e ilent of bills of exceptions when appeal la Is taken before the bill of exceptions Is settled S 11 26 jonson janson ring a copy of all orders the time for preparation service and settlements of bills or of except exceptions lons to be included in the j judgment roll filed on appeal cases S 13 2 27 7 A westphal V tin g tho the sale aale of ot poultry or tabbits rabbits ciui that aro ain not or ciui ain drawn and requiring the carcasses carcass es to be tugged with tile tho late dato of 0 slaughter 9 13 29 winder appropriating to bo be used in reimbursing owners for the slaughter of 0 cattle mund tj bo be tubercular 9 J 11 3 winder rejecting ting tile the child labor amendment to tho the federal constitution 8 13 30 jenson service ot of summons in on a bv publication 8 13 31 jenson beriso motions lotions to dismiss i lor for want of 0 cause causa ot action 8 13 32 re pet tors rs public pub ho utilities operating era ting over highways or streets must obtain franchise front from local before certificate of conven lence and necessity of I 1 tile the public utilities commission of oc utah shall ahall be effective fec tive 8 S 13 33 jenson authorizing tile tha ro governor vernor to appoint the directorate ot of the lie state historical society S B D 34 3 jenson It release elease of mortgages hold by foreign estates action on bills S 13 2 20 0 funk pool halls referred to on judiciary S 13 21 call ister amonda ng prohibition law judiciary S n B 22 candland sale of 0 plute project agriculture S B 24 jenson TormIna termination tion of life estates judiciary S B 25 jonson jenson bills of exceptions judiciary S 13 26 20 jonson jenson judgment rons rolis judiciary S B D 27 westphal salo sale ot of poultry public health rind lind labor S 13 28 winder deficit in tuberculosis fund appropriations ions and claims S B D 29 winder appropriation tor for tuberculosis tuberculosis fund appropriation appropriate lo 10 S 11 7 callister Cal llster land board favorable report ot of judiciary committee S 13 11 candland vor forwarding warding checks favor favorable ablo report of banking co committee minItte e S B 13 8 candland assessment 0 ol 01 banks favorable report ot of banking committee S 11 12 candland promissory notes favorable report of banking committee IT 11 C M 1 hunt grazing crazing feets beera favorable report of committee on agriculture S B 16 15 lewis trustees of school lor for the deaf passed second re reading byes ayes 18 naya flays none absent 2 IT II C M 1 I 3 sharp presidential electors state and municipal apai affairs attal rs it 11 C 11 al M 4 whit whittaker talc a r invest investigating igata ng potash deposits agriculture 11 II D 3 petty incorporation tico apo ra tion of 0 towns towi san state t and municipal at affairs fairs S B 33 jenson state historical society referred to committee on education 11 II C M 2 stark intermediate freight rates Up reported ported favorably and passed under tinder s suspension lon of rule ayes 19 absent 1 8 B D 14 lewis drunken drivers rep reported 0 arted favorably with amendments II if C DI 31 3 sh sharp ar p P residential presidential electors reported favorably 11 II 13 3 petty incorporation of towns reported favorably S 13 34 jenson As above referred to committee on judiciary I 1 11 f C M 1 hunt grazing fees passed second reading ayes 18 absent 2 S it B 11 21 candland forward forwarding in g of checks to p bank passed ayes 19 absent 1 IN TUB TIM HOUSE bills introduced IT 13 11 mccarty an act relating to intoxicating liquors and the power ot at officers to make search and seizure referred to committee on judiciary IT II B 12 N J T alansen IIan senAn an act providing for the zoning of cities and towns referred to on c corporations po rations 11 II 13 13 mrs graham an act creating a state board of welfare referred to committee on education 11 II B D 14 goggan an act relating to the prohibiting of the manufacture anil and use or of intoxicating liquors making t the he att attorney 0 aney genera general I 1 the directing manager ot of the state prohibition bureau referred to committee on oil revenue and taxation 11 II 13 15 an act relating to a commissioner of water resources and the appropriation adjudication and administration of water rights referred to committee on oil irrigation 11 II 13 14 1 A W clansen an net act rolat ing to county insurance comp companies antem referred a f erred to to committee on real es as tate fata and In insurance urance it II B V 20 an act relating to salaries of county officers referred rou to committee on corpora tlona 11 13 21 airs dunyon amend amendment men t to the laws providing tor for a minimum wage scale tor for female te nale referred to the committee on labor 11 II 13 22 J it gardner l repealing the act creating the position of state bacteriologist and pathologist refer red to committee on university and agricultural hell ri college 11 II 13 23 Hick II ickman ninn amending law pertaining perta to the certification of public chool teachers Refe refereed ried to committee on edu education cution 11 13 24 welsh an act providing for foi county budgets referred to coir on revenue and taxation resolutions introduced IT II C M 3 stitt sharp rp zing congress to repeal that part of the law which provides for tho the attendance in washington and payment toa to a messenger to the electoral college IT 11 C M 4 whittaker memorialize Mem orializ ing congress to make inako for the lit investigation vest of deposit 11 II C M 6 whittaker asking the tha united states house of representatives to pas pass the act relating to purchase of ounces of amor amer lean acan produced silver at 1 per ou ounce nce 11 II C M ai 7 whittaker asking con g kicsa rea 8 to a except x c e pt utah from tho the P proal alons of its proposed potash leasing act ACC |