Show FRIENDLY TOWNS small cities and towns that do not have a welcome sign on on every main road leading into the alace aro regarded as slow and out of 0 date and ais aa a rule tho the signs emphasize friendliness regardless of tho the community has it once upon a time it is related thero there was it a man inan who believed in in signs and taking tho the one ano at the I 1 edge of oc a strange town literally lie he drove in and prepared to be real friendly lie he sat on the curt curb for ha an hour and not one person even looked friendly much less asked hira him any questions about what luck he was having smon among g strangers J this ghisla Is amil a mistake stake co common ninion to us all we boast of our friendliness and advertise t tho ho tact fact to tho the world but wt we never exercise our shaking bhakhi arni arm on strangers and never neve dl scorn M mode ourselves in order to give them pleasant remembrances ot of Pan gultch the touring tig season la iq at at hand thousands of 0 motorists arb going to be passing through some or of them will stop hermit thoy they get the right kind of a reception more of them will be our gur guests it we show I 1 ourselves hospitable it we aro are go tg to I 1 be friendly 61 e adly lets loosen up and act human when 4 4 4 A a stranger comes within it wo anro going to treat strangers alko they were poisonous lets tear down tho t signs and bose 1 11 I ill tho camp callip welcome signs are the th 0 most ox po things it a town can call havo have if the welcome Is not there when thol tho I 1 stranger arrives |